What is something you find overrated that is a necessity to most people nowadays?


Want to access your bank account? Get the app! Want to order some food? Get the app. Want to know what's on at the local cinema? Get an app. Want to see our restaurant menu when you are sat down at the table wanting to order some food? Get the app. Want to use public transport? Get the app.

Soon it will be want to go to bed? Get the app. Want to go to the toilet? get the app.



    If we dig deeper, another commonly mentioned overrated modern-day thing is celebrity culture. The excessive focus on celebrities' personal lives and the importance placed on their opinions and actions can be seen as overrated by some. I mean: who cares?



    The current fashion of people being offended by things from decades or more ago.



    Overpriced designer brands.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Doesn't even need to be designer clothing or electronic brands. It can also apply to food and drink items. No Name, or generic store branded food or drink items are oftentimes comparable to the big box store equivalent.

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    The $4,000 blue agate crystal that one is supposed to put in their water bottle infuser to help "align their energies."


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Crystals are beautiful and fascinating structures. They also have many technological and scientific uses, such as keeping time and focusing lasers. They do not contain mystical energy. They are not Gandalf’s staff, or Yoda’s lightsaber, or Hermione’s wand. They are not magic. (Also, this comment will just bounce off of willfully deaf ears.)

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    Reality TV. Who needs that? Scripted TV, you name it.


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    Susie Evans
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I call it "Unreality TV because of how hours of raw video are highly edited to create false conflict

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    The 24/7 news channels. Most of their programming is not even news, but opinions! It's deepening political divides because people just hear all the yelling on these channels. They're not hearing information. There are channels that have information, but those are not popular. :-( So, for me, modern life would be way more bearable without the 24/7 "news" like certain channels (looking at _NN, _OX, et al.).


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    DeoManus Argentem
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It wouldn't be so bad if people would view more than just the same one that reinforces their beliefs and becomes their echo chamber. In the US all the "major" television media 24/7 "news" is controlled by one major political "side", with maybe one notable exception. I make it a point to read six newspapers first thing every morning (3 I consider decidedly 'lefty', 3 'righty') to help balance my exposure - that may be too much for most, but I'm a news/politics/history/finance junkie and like to be informed.

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    Please be happy and don't bother anyone else. Stop the hating. Stop shoving s**t down everyone else's throat. Everyone can have an opinion and leave it at that.


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    Danish Susanne
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think this is actually a recipe for happiness. Stop hating, let others have their opinions and remember the happy things.

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    Instagram. (You asked: What Is The Most Overrated Modern-Day Thing? )
    Do I have to substantiate? As of today, I don't know anything that has gotten better since the invention of Instagram. (Which is connected to Facebook which is connected to Meta, go figure that.).
    Go get a life! And enjoy your real, analog life.



    Cancel Culture...did you read a book you didn't like? Cancel it! Learn about something in History class that hurt your feelings? Cancel it! Maybe you find the "Venus de Milo" offensive, no worries, Cancel that too!



    Grimdark genre. Seriously, it's like the authors these days were competing about who can write the most bleak, depressing, violent, gory, nihilistic story imaginable and they advertise it as "dark and mature" (looking especially at you, Game of Thrones). I kinda miss good endings achieved through power of love and friendship.



    Remakes, reboots, spin-offs, live action adaptations. I haven't been able to be excited for those for quite a while now.


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    Susie Evans
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    All these remakes and sequels reflect a lack of originality, even though I liked the 1994 version Little Women, which was the third remake, but I hated the fourth, that came out four years ago, with the constant jumping back and forth in time and things that never happened in the book. I also dislike remakes where white characters are replaced by blacks, men replaced by women, etc.

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    Modernist architecture and designs that are actually soulless, dehumanising and unnatural. Homes should not be huge concrete and glass boxes, with spaces, shapes and sizes that no normal human being can relax in, let alone relate to. These may be dwellings but are by no definition homely. It is as if people are expected to live in sterile office buildings devoid of comfort and beauty. Nothing flows, nothing is welcoming and organic or suited to human proportions. I particularly loathe all the monochromes of recent years. It's not "stylish" - none of these trends evince any real style or aesthetic sense. I want real art not generic decorator items. Your home is a place to enjoy the richness of your life, and should reflect that.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I know lots of people who live in houses that look like hotels, and although it's comfortable and "aesthetic", I much prefer the coziness of my own imperfect 100-year-old home, thank you. Personal opinion.

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    Forced inclusion

    In The rings of power, people of the same race (elves, dwarves, men and harfoots) are all different colours even if they come from the same place.

    Also, characters that exist for decades are remade to be gender swapped, a different race and different personality. (The velma show)

    I for one, am for inclusion. However, it isn't something that should be so sensitive as it is now. Every show must now include a gay/lesbian couple, a transfer one, and the cast must contain fifty shades of skin color. That or risking getting cancelled


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    John Knoernschild
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yes! I hate seeing all this. Its pointless. Make your own story if you want to diversify something.

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    AI. Enough said.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I very much not understand that people are seriously considering dead machines' feelings, while we still are way behind our knowledge in the common treatment of nonhuman animals, which have the features that make it known beyond doubt that they can feel joy, suffer and all that - while it not even is clear if any technological entity is able to feel anything at all, but we tiptoe around that already. We shouldn't, and if we were able to make machines feel, we also shouldn't. There's conscious beings that are completely ignored, look down upon, even those who dare raise their voice on their behalf are looked down upon and, somehow, perceived as the evil party, while those who cause the atrocities they needlessly have to endure just grow rich and richer - and none of them has the option to just not want to be killed - or just not want to hear what their consumerism is causing, for that matter. Obnoxious on at least two levels, and these maxed out, all the AI-sensitivity is!

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    kitteh floof lover
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i deleted all my friends and family on facebook 3 years ago. now i just use it for myself. like support groups for my chronic illnesses, entertaining cat videos ( i don't watch much tv ), things that interest me. i'm an introvert and also don't get out much due to my chronic pain, so facebook and youtube entertain me.

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    Making everything "smart". I mean FFS, there's a goddamn "smart" toothbrush out now. Really ?!? A simple task like brushing you teeth is now some overly-complicated sophisticated B.S. where a $2.00 toothbrush will do just fine. What now, "smart" tampons ?



    This one's gonna be a bit of a mouthful, ya ready for this?

    That's all there is to it, don't think I really need to explain much else.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    nine year olds be like: grhuifvbhgrigrbihvdbdbhgrbhgrbhgdbbjbdgbfjbbgnb,bgnjbnjdbn bgfnbfn

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    modern war. I know, most people think wars i a hiddeous thing. But too many must like it.



    Dating apps.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I met my wife on OKCupid. We’re going on ten years now. But that said, using the site was mostly unpleasant, and each of us, coincidentally, was going to delete our accounts, but decided to look one last time. Got lucky!

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    College. It once was fairly priced well and helped people get jobs, now it costs so much that people go into debt for years just trying to pay it off. And jobs make you get one too, so you can't easily get a job with a good salary unless you have college.


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    Susie Evans
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Tuituon at Harvard cost $600 a semester 71 years ago when I was born.

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    “Freedom”. The pursuit of freedom is causing the death of freedom.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I swear people have it so much better than they realize that some cannot believe it and live in a perpetual delusion of denial. So, they make up issues that are not there or turn hills into mountains because they need something to be angry at.

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    Clickbait designed to keep you scrolling, like Bored Panda...



    How you're either popular in school, or you not, and you have no control over it


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    Dutchman Callypso
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You're either popular in a social setting or you're not, that's been a thing since the beginning of humanity. Not a modern thing, sorry.

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    TikTok, BeReal, and Instagram.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not even familiar with the second one, if I'm being honest.

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    More of a gamer thing, and not something that is a necessity, but games with a Freemium Model, or that rely heavily on Microtransactions.

    To those who aren't gamers, Freemium Modeled Games are sold for free, but they have very predatory microtransactions that force you to pay if you either want to progress in the game much sooner, or to unlock limited time skins.

    A great example is Fortnite. While the game itself is free, there are premium rare skins that can be unlocked (usually of whatever franchise is getting a lot of attention in the media at the time). They could be acquired by playing the game, and getting in game currency by playing, but it will be to a considerably reduced amount to spending real world money to fast track yourself.

    It's even more insulting on games that cost money (like $60 or $70) that have predatory microtransactions... Especially if they aren't built for multiplayer. *cough, cough* Ubisoft *cough, cough*


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    dirty shoes for $3,000, im 12 years old and i dont get why thats a style now, kids dont either, i get picked on for having old vans, why is it now cool to have them?


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Following fairweather trends is futile. There's likely someone getting picked on right now who's way ahead of their time. (I got made fun of for doing cat eye eyeliner in 1998, btw.)

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    Self Checkouts!

    "Nuff Said!


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Betrayal of the working class, once again. Never use these - and if you have to, cause a lot of work, cause a jam, cause the damned thing to shut down and provide MORE work hours instead of less. Some people rely on that.

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    Streaming Services. You pay a fortune to get all the different channels. More than cable. Unless you only watch one channel, i.e. Disney, Discovery, Hulu, Netflix, etc., you'll pay for each one


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you have the patience for it, I recommend streaming serial monogamy. Get Netflix, catch up on your favorite shows, cancel and get HBO, catch up on your favorite shows, etc.

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    Social Media aka lookie me lookie me. no one cares.


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    Money, i know this sounds strange but we need to get back into bartering and things like that


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    Tushar Roy Mukherjee
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    there's a Youtube video on how " Money is Technology. ' . Seriously though, Bartering, YES!


    Tapping your credit card instead of swiping it.

    Is that where I'm losing time during the day? Do I suddenly have a plethora of time because I saved .8 seconds not having to actually swipe the card?


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I get your point but it depends on the options available where you live. In my country there is no such thing as swiping your card. You would need to insert your card and enter your pin systematically. A lot of time terminals take a bit of time to process, so I quite like the option to tap for quick transactions like buying metro tickets or beers at a busy place.

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    I miss buying something and owning it. I'm mad that when I buy something like a video game or software that it doesn't work independently. For function and updates, you have to have a subscription and pay every month or year, etc. Even if it doesn't have a subscription but you still have to connect to their site for it to work.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One regret I've made last year was getting rid of a bunch of movies, particularly Disney movies because "We can just watch them on Disney+ and other streaming sites." At least when you own the movie it's there on your shelf and doesn't disappear when you want to watch it. I've started collecting them and got a fair amount of movies back. However, some movies are harder to find. Might have to expand some searches to other thrift stores around the city. I don't even care if I need to buy more shelves. I had a friend growing up who had a wall of shelves of a whole video library. Any genre, including movies you don't hear much about, she had it.

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    Elon Musk


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ... that thing is way, way overrated. I mean, people believe that it's an actual life animal, a human to be more precise, but, seriously - who'd believe THAT fairy tale, huh?


    Every villain getting an origin story. We don't care just make them evil for evil's sake. Don't want/ need a movie to find out they are just misunderstood. Like Cruella we don't need to know she was into fashion and something unfortunate happened. (haven't seen the movie) All we need to know is that she wanted to make a coat out of puppies.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I mean, isn't the point of "being evil" being evil? You aren't REALLY evil if you're just "misunderstood," you're just having a bad life and you have anger issues. It doesn't really make sense to me.

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    that there is an app for literally EVERYTHING!!!!!! dating,food,banks,sports(dragonfly) ,you name it !
    well have an amazing day hope its filled with joy and laughter


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    Spell check! I find that it causes even more backspacing and retyping because of the “corrections” that it decides you wanted when you didn’t.



    Tanning and high heels, also selfies.


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    SNS. You can absolutely exist without joining one, but there will be always a relative or friend to pester you about it.



    Automatic transmission on vehicles,
    I mean still keep them but have more manual options in smaller cars


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    Huddo's sister
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    What is the benefit of a manual though, unless you are in a 4wd and need to get across rough terrain? Genuinely asking because I don't get it.

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    ASMR videos.
    Most are forced, purposeful sounds of the same type of noise. Mainly overly long acrylic nails tapping on plastic stuff. Stuff being poured into plastic containers. Whispering *yech*. Eating.
    Even the decent, more elaborate series, such as one of a medieval inn, and a tea or potion shop one, it's all done the same with the nail or fingers slowly tapping stuff.

    When I think of ASMR the best ones are those accidental, or naturally occurring sounds. Thinking more along the lines of the cooled lava dome cracking in Atlantis.


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    prime. it is disgusting, it is proven to cause cancer, and gatorade is wayyy better.


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    Mary Peace
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've never heard of a drink called prime. (But I'm in the UK.) Why are so many of these headings just one word? Some explanation of what it is and why it's over-rated would be helpful.

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    Me, I think this needs no further explanation. I am by far the worst 'modern' thing.



    Too many choices. Do we really need 58 kinds of toothpaste, 35 types of milk, 26 kinds of baked beans, 65 kinds of underpants, who knows how many kinds of cellphones? And then when you find a kind you like, they stop making it a few months later, so you have to waste time searching through the rows and racks and trying to read the itty bitty ingredient lists...anyway, you know what I'm saying. I mean, I do like having more than 4 TV channels but literally hundreds more?


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why I like streaming services. Then I can pay for the channels I want to watch. Out of hundreds of possible channels, there's about 10 I would actually watch. Less of the ones I watched daily.

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    iPhones. They're soooooooooooo overrated.


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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it just because it's something you don't like, do you feel modern Anime isn't as good as the older series, or do you feel it's something that gets brought up a lot in pop-culture discussions nowadays? Or is it something you don't really understand the appeal of?

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