Some people can be really bad when it comes to things that they are not used to or do not approve of. Please take a moment to appreciate how bad I am at writing paragraphs. As a part of the Lgbtq+ community (I am gay) I am sometimes surprised by how much hate there is towards people like us. Does anyone actually read these? Anyway, I hope most people never have to experience the kind of hate that Lgbtq+ get on a daily basis. ( Also homophobic, please feel free to leave your comments, by do not think they will go unnoticed.


Not mine but my friends. We are both bi so im the only one that knows that she is. She told me that her moms bf said if she ever came out he is going to kick her out or kill her i cant remember



    so it was from my own father, i use they/them pronouns and im bi.
    two different times:

    when i told him i was bi, he told me straight to my face "but your a girl and your supposed to like guys, ah i get it since your sister thought she was bi (she is) you wanna be to. you have to be your own person, god didnt make gays. notice how its adam and eve and not adam and steve or abby and eve."

    and when i told him i go by they/them he said "im not gonna call you that!" "why not, it kinda rude if i tell you who i am and you refuse to call me by my pronouns." "you were born a girl so you're gonna stay a girl." "umm, i dont have to be what i dont want to." "you have a (CAT)." "even though i have a (CAT) doesnt mean i can be called they them." we argued a bit more and when we got to his house we sat down for dinner and he told my step-mom and we had a talk that lasted like two hours, and i gave up and told him ill use she/her. i lied.

    nobody can control you but you, you can be whoever you want. you wanna be a dog, ya know ArFf. you do you



    So my local pride parade is at the museum. It was getting a little too rowdy, so me and my family went inside the museum in full on rainbow swag. Bead necklaces, makeup, even my shoes! Anyway, the person at the front desk let someone who wasn’t there for pride bring their bag with them, but when we came with our bag, they gave us the side eye and told us to bring our bags to the security locker, and told us if we brought our bags in, they would kick us out.



    a kid that used to sit next to me at lunch last year (we are no longer friends) was saying things like "lol no offense but in my religion youre going to hell XD" to me (im gay... read my username lol) and other things like that to me. if that's your belief that is totally okay, and if your beliefs don't accept gay relationships i really don't care (maybe you could be a little open minded, but that's not the point of my story lol), but for him to say that directly to my face and laugh it off as a joke really hurt, like man, read your audience, am i right!?! but in the end i called him out and told him "do you really think that's an appropriate thing to say to a gay person?" and he got all red and embarrassed so i hope he learned his lesson from that and to not say things like that.
    moral of the story: everyone has their beliefs and religion and whatever, but intentionally saying hurtful things about a certain group to a *member* of the certain group is not considerate or kind


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    Sista of the moon
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am straight, but I hate how people are against gay relationships. I mean, you love who you love. And that’s that. I am religious, I don’t think gay people will go to hell. It’s not a sin. Ugh.

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    We were in my class (5th grade) , And every morning on the screen my teacher would put up a picture depending on what national holiday it was. It was "Make a friend day", And on the board there was a picture of two little girls, (around the age of 5) Holding hands. I just thought it was cute, and didn't think much of it.

    unfortunately though, some boys in my class decided that they looked like princesses because of their dresses. They started making nasty comments on how they should turn one of the girls into a boy using markers so that it would be "Better." I piped in and said, "Well, why can't two princesses get married?" And they just laughed it off like I was joking.

    This probably isn't as bad as some of the other ones, but it's the worst thing I've experienced.



    I remember me and my fan were camping last year and we saw a family of 5 (mom, dad and 3 kids) having a bon fire and they were burning 2 pride flags.


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    Heh so in between elementary and middle school, i switched to a school on the other side of town, and so there was all new kids, and most of the friends I eventually made didn't identify as straight. I had one genderfluid friend, two trans friends, and most of my other friends were Bi or Pan. I also had some Straight friends, and i identified as straight, until i was thinking over some stuff and realized i was also Bi, i told my sis and turns out she had also recently figured out she was Bi so it was a huge coincidence, anyways we both ended up dating the girls we liked, but my parents are Homophobic and when i started dating the girl i liked my sister accidentally told them kind of, but anyways they blamed it on the middle school we were going to and we had to switch back to the middle school we would have originally gone to. My mom also said "You don't have enough dating experience to know if you like girls", but she's never questioned it when ive said i liked a guy before, so my plan is if she ever asks me if i like any guiys im just gonna say, "Idk coz i dont have the dating experience to know if i like guys or not"


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also i'm still Bi kind of, but instead of Bisexual i just say im Biromantic because idk im still a kid so when i like people and stuff theres not sexual attraction attached to it, its just like a crush or whatever

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    I was eating dinner with my friends parents in a restaurant. Soon after we sat down, a gay couple came and sat down at the booth next to us. They just picked up and moved across the room. So when I “went to the bathroom”, I stopped by their table and apologized. I felt so bad.


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    Izzy Nya~~~
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That was really nice of you. I think I might be to shy XD


    Me= walks in the room to see my dad watching the Winter Olympics.
    Me= hears the tv say, “the first gay snowboarder” (I wasn’t sure if that was what was said so I go...
    Me= what’s that.
    My dad= nothing you should be interested in. *turns off tv*


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