
Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Embarrassing Thing Your Parents Have Done To You?
Tell me a short story and let’s see if anyone shares my pain.
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As a young child, I was adopted. My adopted mom was an elementary school teacher, and my adopted dad was a heating contractor. They were well known, and respected in the community. They adopted my brother as when we were 11 and 10. My adopted mom had some serious baggage from the death of her own father, when she was 16. He died of diabetes diabetes heart issues, related to over eating. She had insane rules behind food, and was fearful that I would grow up to be "fat". I was always a chunky kid. Not fat, but not rail thin. Turns out this is just how my bio family is built. My adopted mom made up all kinds of weird, fake "mental illnesses" that I had, all surrounding food. She would do things like introduce me to new people with my name and than whatever "food illness" I supposedly had at the time. It mortified me. When I would go and get a snack from the fridge she called it "theft". When I would eat dinner she would call me "keiko the whale" she would even call me that in public. It seriously messed me up in my head. I KNEW nothing was wrong with ME. imagine trying to defend yourself to grownups. Who are they going to believe? A respected child educator, or a former foster kid? I have now come to realize that I was probably a victim of munchausen by proxy. It took me YEARS to forgive her, and even longer to love myself. I did grow up to be a thick girl. Im a size 14. I work in a critical care ward, and am always on my feet, caring for others. As a mother. I would never do what my mom did to me, to them.
When I was 17, I sprained my back lifting boxes while working at a fast food restaurant. My mother had to take me to the ER to appease my boss. While the doc was talking to me and asking hope it happened, had I lifted anything else in recent days, etc, my mother speaks up and says, " she's recently started having sex with her boyfriend, could it be from him, you know, too hard?" I was mortified, and the even the doc looked startled. I swear his lips twitched when he answered her, " well, while it could potentially happen, I don't believe that is case here". I couldn't believe she asked that, and that she still thinks it was perfectly fine to ask.
That my grandparents used to get very wasted and do threesomes with the neighbors 😳 I mean, they all were adults and as long as it was all consented that's their business, but I seriously didn't need to know it!
I was about 10 years old and my mom insisted I go out into the snow naked where she took a picture of me from the back, slightly bent over. She then sent that picture out to the whole family on the front of a Valentine's Day card. This was around 1985 and she still talks about and shows that picture to anyone that will listen.
They suspected I was using drugs (I wasn't) and told our GP about it as if I already had a drug problem. You can't believe how embarrassing it was to face her knowing that she won't believe me.
I was always pretty much allowed to have friends over on a daily basis.
But my mom, who had dentures, used to "keep me in line", for things like doing my chores, homework etc. by threatening that if I didn't toe the line, she would take her teeth out and smile at my friends. She would have done it too!
I was about 14, during the late 80’s/early 90’s when hanging out at the mall was THE place to be and be seen. My dad offered to take me because I wanted to shop for back-to-school outfits. So we are walking through Dillards to get to the middle of the mall where all the cool boutique shops are, and I am walking ahead of my dad because I couldn’t ACTUALLY be seen with a parental unit, right? Only I gradually notice he is no longer following me so I stop and turn around to see what he’s up to. Big mistake. He has stopped at a table displaying underwear, and has found the largest pair of granny panties/WWII parachute that I had ever seen. Seeing me looking, he holds them over his head and yells, ‘Hey Amy, ARE THESE THE ONES YOU WERE LOOKING FOR???’ Cue me, letting out a single dramatic sob and running for the cool part of the mall like my social life depended on it.
My mother once told me that her first boyfriend after she and my father divorced was the ONLY man to ever give her an Orgasm. I was 20 at the time and could have gladly gone through life Not knowing that...
My mom beings me to church one day and gave me a piece of cinnamon gum. I was three at the time and I thought almost everything was spicy except for spaghetti and lasagna. I spat it out and the sacrament got passed out and my mom was using a napkin to wipe off my tongue. The brothers saw me and snickered very slyly. Thanks a lot mom!!
Oh my grandma used to carry that gum and it used to burn the heck out of my mouth too.
My mother thought she was hilarious. Woman mooned my tween girl scout troop, froze all of our bras at a sleepover. When I was 13, in a small town where EVERYONE knew my mother, in the middle of the only store, strapped a giant black bra to her head and ran through the store toward me screaming 'look I'm mickey mouse'.
We walked to moms work after school every day and waited for her to finish up. On my first period, I showed up like normal and her and all the women she worked with presented me with a cake and clapped. All these women had kids I went to school with.
I was a shy nervous kid, my mom lived very loudly, embarrassment was a common occurance.
My ex's parents ran a florist shop where he worked as a delivery driver. When I moved into a new home with my husband, my mother decided to purposefully ask that shop to deliver a bunch of flowers to my new house, knowing my ex would be the one to deliver them to me in my new house with my new husband. She thought it would be a "nice" gesture for all involved. I was less than impressed.
My late mother, bless her heart, was quite the alcoholic. When I was about 10, we went to a wedding. But not in the regular "being a guest at a wedding" sense. See, we used to live across the street from a church. One day, there was a wedding going on, and as usual, my mother was drunk. She made me go with her into the church, and we actually attended the wedding, sitting in one of the rear pews, wearing jeans and t shirts. Everyone was starting at us, naturally. Right then, the bride and her father entered the chapel and started the walk up to the altar where the groom and minister were waiting. The bride glanced our way and looked very puzzled at the sight of my drunk mother, who by that time was sobbing because she was probably thinking of her own failed marriage, and me, red as a beet and mouthing the words "I'm so sorry" to her. To my surprise, the bride flashed me a radiant smile and continued her way up there aisle. I like to think that was her way of letting me know it was ok. Soon after, I left, with Mom in tow. I practically had to drag her out of that church. It was a very sad, completely cringey, and, now at least, kinda funny experience for me. Thankfully, Mom did quit drinking eventually.
This isn’t something my parents actually did, but what some people had thought they had done. This was back in the early 90’s and before I got my braces put on, I had to get 4 teeth pulled. Unfortunately it happened on my dads birthday and later in the day we were going out to eat. My face was still completely numb and swollen when we got to the restaurant and of course I couldn’t eat, so I ordered a milkshake. Well, I couldn’t even drink the shake, so I just sat there drooling while everyone else ate. There was an older couple close to our table and I heard the woman tell her husband, look at that poor child honey! Her family isn’t feeding her! That’s terrible!! It didn’t help that I also had an eating disorder at the time, so she probably thought they didn’t feed me often! My dad had to tell them what actually was going on and I wanted to crawl under the table or just disappear!! In the end they all laughed about it but I was completely embarrassed.
My Dad used to volunteer at a local preserved steam railway, and when they did Thomas the Tank Engine Days for the kids, he put on a top hat and played The Fat Controller. All fine and good fun until the regional newspaper ran a billboard advertising campaign about "The Exciting Things Happening in Our Area" which used photos from the newspaper from over the last year. The billboard right outside the entrance to my Sixth Form (Senior High School) had a huge photo of my Dad dressed as The Fat Controller on it for a month. The ribbing I got from my classmates, and the nickname "The Fat Controller's Daughter" was only to be expected. I responded by nick-naming each of my classmates after the Thomas the Tank Engine character they were most like. (Although there were two big jock-type guys who were particularly mean, so I called them Annie and Clarabel.)
My mom calls one of my guy friends my 'not boyfriend' (Not in front of him thank goodness but I still want to stab her)
My mom has a phrase I think most mothers can relate to; “From mother hen to mother bear in a nanosecond.”… well this is very true to her. I was bullied in middle school and mom and I were in the mall once when three of my bullies started calling out to me, the usual slurs and insults. Mom lost it, got in their faces but knew she couldn’t hit them, and they knew it too, so basically just laughed at her which made it worse, both in that moment and for weeks later when I was in school without her.
Oh, also, she decked my first boyfriend straight in the face on my best friends lawn as the ex was trying to convince my male best friend to talk to me to get me back. She hit him because he had written a bunch of really nasty, sexual things about me on the fences of our complex. She literally jumped out of my stepdads moving vehicle when she saw him on my friends lawn (same complex). He had to bear-hug her to the ground to prevent further damage. Ex was laid out, friends parents watched the whole thing from the kitchen window and found it hilarious… friend and I had known each other since kindergarten and our parents were very familiar with one another. Still… holy hell mom.
(Very much love that woman though, she’d go to war for me)
Faith in humanity restored (at least for me) but even after a long thought about it I couldn't come up with one single thing my parents did to embarass me.
And I'm on and about visiting them and thanking them for it. ♡
Went to the mall with mom and her BFF. We're on the 3rd floor. While they were in a store, I was standing at the railing watching this really cute guy on the 2nd floor. Mom comes out, stands next to me and sees who I was watching. Then YELLS "Hey, (guy in whatever jacket)! My daughter thinks you're cute! She's available. Are you?" I never left the mall so fast! I was mortified! But he gave my mom his number so I could call. Never did
It may be embarassing in your youth but it is a lesson unto itself. Have the courage your mother did and seize every opportunity, for they only happen once. Life is too short and this is no dress rehearsal. You don't want to regret never knowing because you never tried. Whatever comes of it, good or bad, you will learn something.
Well, just last night my Mother showed my crush and our friends a video of little me playing with funny filters that morphed my face... I know it's not that bad, but come on mom
I was a late bloomer. At 15, when I finally found blood in my undies, i went to my mom, who was chatting with a male neighbor in ourlivingroom. Hadn't uttered a word. Mom shreiks out, "you got your period!!" I was so mortified
Why do moms think that is acceptable! I'm soooooooo sorry you had to go through that!
They simply tell people about MY most embarrassing moment when they came home early & caught me cranking one out on their coach as a porn flick played in their VCR. Actually its my pop who always mentions it. My ma pretends it never happened. I wish I could too.
Thanks SO MUCH for reminding me of this.
In the 70's for Christmas my mother would purchase all my cousins and us underwear as Christmas presents. So everyone knew that the Christmas package from "Aunt Mary" was underwear and no one wanted to open their package in front of the entire family @ Christmas. And it was the pretty underwear either - the white brief type - OMG! Embarrassing! My sister & I finally told my mom NO ONE wants underwear for Christmas!
I'd love to get normal underwear for Christmas! Big mama comfy knickers, absolutely bliss 😊
I came into my inheritance from my grandparents and went to Neiman Marcus to buy a CHANEL double flap handbag. My bio-mom insisted on going with me. While in there looking around and the shop girl was getting something in the back to show me, two beautiful Asian women come in to look around as well. My bio-mom loudly proclaims, "Damn where do these Orientals get all their money." The shop girl popped her head out of the stock room with a look of horror on her face. The two Asian women had looks that would kill. I wanted to die and headed out of the boutique into the store.
argh I hate it when parents disrespect people in public. It's so awkward right??! And you always feel so bad. Sorry you had to experience that!
Early 70s, I'm 7, 8 years old. We're at the salon and she sends me across the street to get her cigarettes. Denied. Even back then, there were rules. I hated smoking to begin with, but the shame of doing something my mom wanted and getting shut down, harshly. Awful.
Oh not us we were bad, I'd forge notes for cigs from my grandma n they'd sell them to me, then we'd all go down to the deserted lil league baseball field, or by the railroad tracks, n smoke em. Neither of which is kids was allowed to do.
My mom used to drink and once she came to check me out of school while under the influence. (And the school just LET IT HAPPEN!) She came into my class telling me to hurry as she was " sick" but I was 10 I knew. She got help and I see her trying to make amends but that particular memory won't fade any time soon.
I was with my friend at my house (for the first time. I'd never had a friend over before.) My mom looks at the calendar at says, and I quote, "Hey -insert my name here-, you are going to the doctors' to get a shot,okay?" So I'm like, um ok.. And she says " wE aRe GoInG aRoUnD fIvE O cLoCk." So I say, "why? why not just go right after school?". IN FRONT OF MY BEST FRIEND (Guy, so obviously I was embarrassed.) " wElL wE aRe GoInG tHeN bEcAuSe I dOn'T tHiNk AnYoNe WaNtS tO hEaR yOu YeLl aNd CrY''. I was so mad at her for that.lol
Sad one. I think most embarrassing was thinking they could raise a child, let alone 3.
Aside from the messy divorce, the neglect and abuse, we ended up all quite broken due to parentification, poverty and lack of love, understanding and role models. It gives for funny stories sometimes, we can throw all the garbage around and laugh (which would be embarrassing for everyone else), because we know these funny things we tell and are horrifyingly funny, are only the tip of the iceberg.
Sometimes bad role models are also a good source how to not want to be. And it gives hope for the future that we learned something and one day will be different ourselves.
First story is not me, but my sister.
Mom picked up my sister from girl scouts wearing the same outfit as her. The outfit consists of a baby tee and a Jean skort. My sister wasn't thrilled.
My Mom was 43 years old and my sister was 9 years old.
For me, around the same time. I was 13 years old. After I got my period I for some reason wasn't allowed to be upset or express emotions without my Mom announcing to the whole room, "It must be her time of the month". We were at a family dinner and several male relatives were around and I was mortified. As an adult I realize that this is problematic more so because it completely invalidated my feelings.
My parents looked through my text i had with one of my friends who is a boy and saw that he texted me that he liked me. Lets just say the next few conversations I had with my parents were awkward to say the least.
My parents divorced when I was 9, and my dad was not good at general household care. One Christmas when I was about 13, he gave me a stocking filled with items that were already mine (my keychain, my little plastic extra wallet, plus about 0.75¢ in change and a tangerine), and my main present was a plastic magic kit for ages 3-8. I was so embarrassed for him, I cried myself to sleep that night. I felt horrible that he had tried and failed so miserably!
Be thankful he tried in the first place. There's some people who don't even do that.
My is not as funny s some of these but when I was about five, my family was all in the bathroom getting ready to leave (brushing teeth, ect.) My mom was holding my shoes and walked by the toilet dropped them. She repeatedly said it was an accident but I don’t believe it. I was more disgusted than embarrassed!
Again, sorry for the repeat, it keeps telling me it did not post when it did if that makes sense
Anytime I relied on my mom to pick me up she was the last parent to show. Without fail, 100% of the time. I had terrible anxiety so that made it even worse. I would have panic attacks over her being late, and she just didn't get it. She had no real reason to always be late, and she wasn't always late to other things, she just didn't prioritize showing up for me, specifically, and of course my anxiety brain told me teachers, camp workers, after school care people, friends parents, or other caregivers would know that and realize how little my parents thought of me.
When my kid started daycare, I was there early, and I'd sit in the car and wait until it was time to pick him up. I'd panic on his behalf if I was even a minute or two past the beginning of the pick up window, and I'd call ahead if I was going to be showing up even close to the end of the pick up time, or I'd have someone else swing by and get him early. I know a lot of this was my anxiety, but my mom's total obliviousness to my mental and emotional state and her impact on it didn't help.
I had I new crush and made the mistake of telling my mom and when she was picking me up I showed her and she walked up to his mom and said “my sweetie has a crush on your son🤦♀️
I grew up in a mixed family with 12 kids. When I was 9, our parents loaded all of us into a station wagon and drove from Southern Arizona to Eastern Ohio, then 5 days later down to Central Mississippi, then 5 days later back to Arizona. We did this with no stops to sleep anywheren pulling in to a grocery store parking lot and stretching our legs while our parents went in and bought 3 loves of bread and a couple lbs of bologna to eat as we traveled further and using the restroom at rest areas. Why are you Either went to the bathroom or waited till the next stop. You couldn't holler out I have to go to the bathroom at any point down the road you just had to wait till the next rest area..This whole trip was so that we could get to know our new grandparents. When we got to Ohio and I met my new paternal gpaternal grandparents as my dad had passed awayThey lived in a 2 bedroom house with no running water and an outhouse. You had to pump the water from a well outside believe it or not so we slept out in the Yard which was fine with most of us. When we got to Mississippi where my maternal grandmother lived lived she had a house with 6 bedroom so at least we stayed inside inside during that visit to sleep sleep. What was truly embarrassing about this whole thing was the it was the fact that as we were driving down the highway with 11 kids dirty faces pressed against every possible window in the staion wagon, People would just look so sad at us shaking their head Like they couldn't believe what they were seeing. I probably would have thought the same thing had I seen that. I had been 1 of 4 children before my father passed away they and now I was 1 of 12 so things were pretty different to say the least at least. Anyway we lived through the trip we lived through our teenage years and I am now 60 and hopefully in hopefully Not embarrassing my grandchildren!
English isn't everyone's primary language. The post was fine. Everyone makes typos and grammar mistakes.
Just recently started dating my boyfriend, we’re about 3.5 months and both in high school. And we decided to make a post on instagram because why not? I make a post and everything is going well, and he makes a post. And one of his friends commented “pussy slayer.” Which is obviously not ok and the comment was deleted. However, my mother saw it and decided to sit and wait on the post for other comments. The next comment was “So cute! A man who knows much about mana.” And my mother texts me and my boyfriend (no clue how she even got the number) says “Mana? [Ek] you like to be dominated in bed?” Literally most disrespectful and awful thing I’ve heard. We’re in high school.
Mana is literally from Polynesian and Melanesian culture meaning spiritual life force energy. Or the Nintendo video game Trials of Mana. It’s also in the freaking Bible. No clue how something could be misinterpreted that badly and how she could even send that text without going “Hmm, maybe something’s a little messed up about saying this.”
Simple but annoying, parents kiss me in front of friend EVERY SINGLE F**KING DAY. Even on play-dates, but not a quick peck on the cheek, a big one on the lips and stare into my eyes are force me to have a good day while my friends tried not to laugh. I am aware that some people lost their parents and I am sincerely sorry if this offends anyone who lost their parents.
Make me start school at 3.
Now everyone thinks I got held back in Prek 😑
My idea is that because the Montessori system was based on one time lessons, you’d have to be old enough to actually fully grasp the concept and not mess up as you continue to discover it. This means, 3 year olds can’t really do that many lessons in the primary classroom, as they just transitioned into a more official school environment.
Which means that at age 3, our lessons were on the skills we needed to do the real lessons, or a practical life lesson. Then, when we enter the next year in the primary classroom, we can start learning at our own pace, and get the proper lessons on actual academic stuff.
But with the amount of stuff I was not taught, you would think I was held back once, but didn’t get it either time, and they just moved me on because they’re a shitty school.
We went to a Japanese grill restaurant for my daughter's graduation. My mother has never been. She is having such a good time because she thinks the chef really likes her. She doesn't get that it's all part of the entertainment. She proceeds to tell him that we are "just some hillbillies out lookin for a good time!" The whole rest of my family just started at each other, mouths open. There's no hills, nor hillbillies anywhere near here. That's my mom!
Yesterday we went to a bazaar. We bumped into my old friend and I was soooo awkward. My parents spent 20 minutes talking to them. So then we said bye, blah blah. We walked around and there were all these baby books and toys (I’m twelve) and said loudly, “oh look, these seem nice. Do you want to get one?” I shook my head and she was like “why not? They seem good”. The friend was right at the other table next to us. At that point I wanted to leave but did not say so. After we left my parents were like why do u seems so upset? 🫣🤦♀️
I had eaten lunch and wanted a small dessert. I got ice cream from the freezer. My dad found me and said "You'll never lose this (weight) eating like this!' I'm average sized, and that really hurt me. I can't forgive him for what he's said, and it's been a year or so. I feel bad for not forgiving him, but I can't believe he said that.
My dad called me Miss Piggy growing up. I wasn't fat then. I was going through puberty and started growing boobs. I don't think he wanted me to grow up in a sense as I was daddy's lil girl. It led to a lifetime of hating my body no matter what size I was. Parents don't understand words hurt. Lots of trauma in childhood but there are good memories too. I lost my dad recently and had only got back in touch with him two years prior to losing him. No matter what happened in childhood, I miss him and I got to let him know I loved him. He had mental issues and so much else from losing his mother when he was a child. I wish they had therapy back then. He'd probably not participated though.
My dad. He didn’t stick up for me the one time my mom took it too far and beat me when I was 14. He told my little sister not to say anything about it.
...i think that's more than embarrassing, i think that's...uhh...well it's concerning, to say the least
Some others I forgot to add
1. My grandma accused me of being on drugs even tho I insisted I wasn’t. Turns out I’m bipolar
2. I sleep with my head on a beanbag chair instead of a pillow and one time my cat ripped it up, I was supposed to clean it up but instead I called my bf on the phone. He’s on speaker and my mom walks in and, to my horror, says “I thought I asked you to clean the white stuff off your bed”
3. My mom used to volunteer for activities at my school, the other students thought it was pretty cool (surprising but pleasant) however, my mom would start insulting my classmates while I was in the car and it was so funny I had to tell my best friend, well, the stories got twisted to the point where the story was “*my name*s mom followed Bryan in her car to yell out the window to chill the f**k out” when instead it was “*my name*s mom said Bryan needs to chill out and to come back to *my name* when he gets 1 million followers” (my friend thought he was ‘famous’ on tiktok) wasn’t exactly my moms fault tho lol
4. I was in the office once and had to get picked up from school, however I have a baby’s brother who was taking a nap and had to come with my mom to pick me up. My friends crush walks into the office to see me literally holding a baby and crying.
Still not as bad as some of the others tho lol
My aunt was visiting from California. The entire, extended family got together for a meal at my house. I hadn't seen my aunt in a long time so I spent a while chatting with her then wandered off to take a seat for a few minutes. I didn't want to monopolize her time with so many people visiting just to see her. Also, as I'd been up since 4:30 am, just have a glass of wine, before I got back up to continue hosting. My mother walks up to me and, I kid you not, grabs me by the hand, heaves me to my feet and says, "Come on young lady, you need to speak to your auntie." She did this in front of our extended family in MY home... Mortified.
When I got my very first period, my mom was so proud she grabbed a bright red sharpie and colored in the date on the calendar. I will always remember it was in December because the last page of the calendar was made of thick paper and the red ink bled into the page. It was so obvious to everyone why that date was blood red. I was mortified.
oof :( i keep track of mine with a calender and red pen, but it's in a private journal, not to be displayed to the world. you have my sympathy
When I was 10 my mother forced me to go and see Father Christmas! She made me line up with all the little kids and talk to Santa. She wanted me to sit on his lap but even he realized that was too much, he could see how mortified I was and just patted me on the arm.
The person who birthed me mocks little mistakes I make in front of our entire family.
I have a suspicion (and apparently so does she) that I have undiagnosed anxiety and she told someone (I can't remember who) and it seriously bothered me that she thinks this and didn't do anything.
She also expects me to be comfortable around relatives I have never met. No, they could be creeps.
This actually sounds more like me just complaining
It's not just complaining. This makes sense why it would hurt you. Please take my advice and talk things out with her, and hopefully get diagnosed for real
Not really embarrassing but we went to the shops when I was 13 and I had my first period in white pants, they hadn't checked out yet so they told me to wait until they finished by which my white pants looked tie dyed from the blood 🤦♀️🤦♀️🤦♀️
My mom likes to talk In my ear and one time at Walmart she yelled at me and everyone around us looked
Mines not as funny but when I was five, my mom holding my shoes dropped them on the toilet as we were all in the bathroom getting ready to leave! I was more disgusted than embarrassed, but still…
My mom once checked my texts and responded to them- she accused me of CYBERBULLYING once in front of my friends because a friend once sent me a bored panda link for “funniest insults while gaming” or something like that. She’s not a bad parent like some other stories I’ve read, that’s just a bad habit she has
Once, when I was younger, I played soccer and I think it was my second year playing competitive soccer and I was on the premier team. (The ranks from lowest to highest for competitive: premier, bronze, silver, gold, elite) So I played goalkeeper, so I had extra training but there was some confusion over the soccer app. The coach accidentally sent the elite goalkeeper training time to me and I thought I was being accepted to the highest level to train, but turns out it was an accident. So I went home, shrugged it off after embarrassing myself. Then my dad comes to me a few hours later and tells me that I'm going next week. And he tells me he had a CHAT with the coach. I was horrified. All those goalkeepers saw me telling the coach I'm premier, then I come back next week... I was shot with a million glares the entire time. Afterwards, I convinced my mom not to let me do that again. ha, funny right.
My parents are pretty cool, most of the time, and righ now I can only think of the fact that they always say 'hi' to my firends when I'm talking to them and its kinda weird. Also, they go against their own advice a lot and when I'm angry they don't understand that I need some time to myself to calm down, they think I should just calm down on the spot. Otherwise, they are cool.
My mom had my baby brother when I was 14 and people always thought he was my child. One time my mom came to pick me up from high school with my brother when he was around 2. She told him to run to me calling "Mommy". He did, repeatedly. I got SOOO many strange looks, and he wouldn't stop calling Mommy. I told everyone he was my baby brother, but he kept saying "no you're not Mommy. Stop telling them that". My mom died laughing. I was known for still having my V card, and it took a lot of convincing and proof before anyone ready believed I was his sister. Other than laughing, my mom told NO ONE at the school that it was a joke.
I dont have that much embarrasing stories but i think everyone can relate tot this
Even i was 10 met mom took me to one of nu Friends birthday party's. Even i walked in, nu mom gave me a kiss.
Pure pain
First day at a new high school, my parents come to pick me up after. My dad stands in the door with a maxi pad smeared with red lipstick and two tampons in his nose and starts yelling my name a waving saying, "daddy came to get you!!!" Brought a boyfriend home once and my dad held me down and farted right in my face. First time my ex husband and I stayed the night my dad comes out of his room in torn underwear with the elastic around his head, ass flapping in the wind. Not to be outdone, my ex puts a pair of my tongs on, waits until someone is at the door, sags his pants so he is whale tailing it, pretends to drop keys and turns around to slowly drop, looking over his shoulder at the person at the door, then picks up his keys. Good luck embarrassing me now.
Wow I'm a little disturbed farted right in your face WOW
Load More Replies...When I was 13, my first boyfriend came to the house and my father told him I wore bangs to hide my pimples.
I was told that I was imperfect and fat by my mother, The smallest size of jeans are too big for me and a kid-size jumper is almost too big.
Load More Replies...I was just 16 and had severe social anxiety. My dad, who was visiting, decided to tell the restaurant staff that it was my birthday and I was then made to stand on a chair in the middle of the restaurant FULL of people, holding my sad little birthday brownie, while everyone sang me happy birthday. Safe to say I died a little that day
First day at a new high school, my parents come to pick me up after. My dad stands in the door with a maxi pad smeared with red lipstick and two tampons in his nose and starts yelling my name a waving saying, "daddy came to get you!!!" Brought a boyfriend home once and my dad held me down and farted right in my face. First time my ex husband and I stayed the night my dad comes out of his room in torn underwear with the elastic around his head, ass flapping in the wind. Not to be outdone, my ex puts a pair of my tongs on, waits until someone is at the door, sags his pants so he is whale tailing it, pretends to drop keys and turns around to slowly drop, looking over his shoulder at the person at the door, then picks up his keys. Good luck embarrassing me now.
Wow I'm a little disturbed farted right in your face WOW
Load More Replies...When I was 13, my first boyfriend came to the house and my father told him I wore bangs to hide my pimples.
I was told that I was imperfect and fat by my mother, The smallest size of jeans are too big for me and a kid-size jumper is almost too big.
Load More Replies...I was just 16 and had severe social anxiety. My dad, who was visiting, decided to tell the restaurant staff that it was my birthday and I was then made to stand on a chair in the middle of the restaurant FULL of people, holding my sad little birthday brownie, while everyone sang me happy birthday. Safe to say I died a little that day