What is the most embarrassing thing you have done? Share your most interesting stories here!


When I was 17 (1987), my show choir traveled from Indiana to DC to perform for the then Senator, Dan Quayle. I was one of three couples dancing up front.

We were doing a 50s show, so the couples up front were doing choreography that included a lot of lifts. One move (which you've all seen) had us facing each other, holding hands. The guy steps over both hands and WHOOSH! Pulls the girl through his legs. She pops up facing him. Only... My partner accidentally stepped on my skirt as he brought his foot over and...

WHOOSH! When I flew up, I did so without a skirt!!!

I was 17 years old and right in front of the Senator from my state. I was mortified and ran off stage. I spent the rest of the number with the moms back stage hastily pinning the skirt back on because I HAD A SOLO coming up!!! I don't know HOW I did this, but two songs later, I walked on stage and sang my solo. I never looked at Quayle. And I know for sure my face was puffy and red from sobbing back stage.

After the show Senator Quayle came back stage to shake hands with the kids. He specifically sought me out and his wife, Marilyn, gave me a huge, warm hug. I mumbled about being so embarrassed. And he was so kind. He told me that he did a whole lot of embarrassing things. But he thought I showed real grit coming back on stage and singing my solo. And he told me it was his favorite part of the show (I don’t know if that’s true, but it was really sweet of him). This is a man who, as the Vice President of the United States, spelled “P-O-T-A-T-O” wrong. So, yeah. He did a lot of embarrassing things.

His politics were not of my liking, but I’ll always be grateful for his kindness in coming to me, and assuring I felt like I had a reason to be proud of myself.

Definitely my most embarrassing moment. But a sweet one, too.



When I was 13 or 14 I had the biggest crush on my neighbor, who was 10 years older and had no idea. At some point I asked his sister to steal a photo of him and I kept it in a drawer in my room to gaze at longingly...
Once, my stereo broke and he kindly offered to try and fix it, so he came at my place and asked if I had the stereo's technical manual. I proudly opened a drawer to give him the manual and there, right on top, was a big photo of him...



I am so ashamed of this, I was ignorant and careless. One day (when i was a kid) I was at the shops with my mum, dad and 2 brothers. One of my brothers kept annoying me by doing things like stepping on the back of my shoe, bumping into me, pulling my hair etc. You know, the annoying things siblings do. Anyway I had a go at him and called him a R***rd. At that moment a woman and a young boy with down syndrome walked past. The woman gave me the most evil death stare. I was so embarrassed and ashamed at myself. I never use that word anymore and haven’t done in a long time because of it being so offensive.



Once when I went to the gym, I entered the ladies locker room and saw two boys standing there, changing clothes. They were both wearing short black hair and loose fit shirts and pants and they were both very fit and skinny.

I approached them and said "Excuse me,... but this is the ladies' locker room."
They looked at me quite surprised and answered in very high, female voices "Aren't we ladies?!"

They were women! I was so embarrased and apologized a hundred times while moving back behind a row of lockers. An hour of avoiding the two at the gym followed. They took it with humor though and just laughed it off.



One of our clients invited us over for lunch so that he can meet the team before working with us. He took us to a chinese restaurant, they gave us black (i guess ceramic) chopsticks for serving and white chopsticks for eating our food. The chopsticks were quite heavy and slippery and before that I had used only light wooden chopsticks but I thought I will be able to manage it. I picked my dumpling using the chopsticks, it slipped (obviously) but the worst part was it landed in my Client's (sitting next to me) plate, and that my friends is how I managed to embarrass myself on the very first day. The client was very nice, asked if I needed a fork and gave us the business also but now whenever we meet him, even for a coffee, he asks me jokingly if I need a fork.


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Night Owl
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

At least the client has a good humor and doesn't hold it against you (except to tease you)

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That's a bit of a long story but I'll try to keep as brief as possible. When I was around 15 or 16, on holiday with my best friend at the beach, we've rented out a sort of pedalo (paddle boat) and met those two cute guys on another pedalo and started talking and flirting, and we started jumping from the boats into the sea and play around (innocently before you ask!). I noticed my friend a bit further away gesticulating and mouthing something at me, I thought she was being silly and teasing me so I ignored her! After a few minutes she swims closer and pulls me under the water and grabs my bikini top and put over my boob. Yes, I had one boob hanging out all the time while talking to the boy. I dragged her away, we climbed back on our pedalo and paddled it back to the beach in record time. Of course was just me paddling like a swan on speed as she couldn't breathe from laughing!


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That happened to me in a jacuzzi when I was 14...so humiliating. Finally one of the decent boys who liked me told me but nobody else said a damn thing!

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Everything in middle school



Newly single, I went to work at a children's hospital as a translator. All my mom's friends said I would meet a nice doctor and remarry. While I was walking to an assignment, I spotted a group of doctors talking to each other. I practiced my best model walk as I went by, not knowing the floor had been recently polished. Sure enough, just as I passed them, I slipped and grabbed on to one young doctor and pulled him down with me. Another doctor went to help us and I pulled him down as well. From then on, they made wide berths whenever they saw me approach. Sorry Mom and friends!



Went to a party with my boyfriend and a friend of his. The friend saw a girl, they exchanged a few words, and she walked on. I thought he was interested in her, and said he shouldn't, 'cause she's ugly. His sister folks... It was his sister... Let's just blame it on the alcohol please...



I was at a small bar back in the day with a lot of locals. Went to the bathroom. Came out and walked back across the room to where I was sitting. The chortling started. It got louder. People were making snorting noises? I finally turned around and noticed there was a long trail of toilet paper coming from the bathroom that went clear across the room. With growing dread, I followed its path... all the way to my backside where the other end had somehow got caught in my underwear and had become a tail. It was truly mortifying.



When I was younger I was at a playground with some friends. There was a super long slide that we went down. There was an old lady sitting at the bottom and we nearly knocked her over with the force of five kids going down a slide. Then she glared at us for the rest of the time we were there.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

because the bottom of a slide is a very logical place to sit down...

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After struggling my entire life to lose weight, I had finally reached my goal.
To reward myself, I was going to buy my very first 2-piece swimsuit.
Shopping with 2 of my daughters, we searched for hours for *THE* suit.
In my excitement, I emerged from the fitting room in the suit top & my panties emblazoned with 'eye candy' in hot pink across the bum.
Nobody but my girls saw, but I'm pretty sure they both needed therapy after that! (& holy water for eye drops!)



I wore a t-shirt that said "Legit Daddy's Princess" in friggin MIDDLE SCHOOL!!



I farted the first time I went to my new massage therapist because I was so relaxed. She downplayed it and I keep going to her because I was so appreciative. Lol!!



Wearing sunglasses with one missing glass and not realizing it until walking several blocks. I would've believed it's possible but it wasn't detectable from the inside. Don't believe me? Try it!



In my first two years of high school I got bullied, like really bad. So one day.. I was so fed up and angry, I decided to take revenge. That week I ended up cutting a girls hair without her knowing it, drawing on ones pink coat with permanent marker and emptied a full pencil sharpener in some guys hair who was using way too much hair gel. Safe to say they stopped bullying me that year. Unfortunately I changed schools the year after and had to go through the whole process again.



I think we have all done this. But, once we borrowed a ball from our neighbours and about a week i texted them and they said that it was ok to bring it back to them because they would be home. I walked next door, it was night time, and went to put the ball on their door mat when i SLAMMED my forehead into the security screen. I thought they had their door open do I could put it on the mat.


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satan hears a scream
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4 years ago

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i was running around the school with everyone else in my class for a red nose day thing and i was behind a massive group of people who wouldnt speed up so i tried to go faster and get ahead but i tripped over my own feet and broke half my front tooth off



Well, I once had a school dance, and I was wearing a super pretty dress and super pretty mascara and lipstick so I could get some boys and I tripped over someone’s foot that they had put out on purpose to trip me. I was a crying mess, and that’s why I don’t have a boyfriend.


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I'm so sorry someone did this to you. But you did nothing wrong and shouldn't be embarrased about it. The person who tripped you on the other hand is a bully and should be ashamed of him/herself. Hold your head up high because you're a much better person than the bully.

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The most embarrassing? Hmm... I was benched at my baseball game and the pitcher had just struck out for the third out and I misunderstood what my coaches meant when they said pick him up, so I started encouraging him and picking him up emotionally. For you non-baseball players, picking someone up means to just get them their gear. How embarrassed I was... I also farted next to my crush in sixth grade :D



If we're talking about to myself, it's probably the time when one of my teachers asked the class what kind of people could become archaeologists. I raised my hand, and said "They could be beautiful women!". The teacher looked at me and replied "Funny you should say that..." while pointing behind me. I turned, and there were two beautiful female archaeologists waiting to talk to our class. That one cracked everyone up.

If we're talking about how we've embarrassed someone else, I was part of a small group of boys who, after swimming class, removed the towel of another boy who had gone to talk to the girls next door, leaving him buck naked in front of them, and preventing him from getting back into our changing room. In my defence, I didn't remove the towel, I just helped keep the door shut. I actually felt like he deserved it, since for some reason, he took off his trunks, wrapped the towel around his waist, and then went to talk with the girls. Even if it was important, why couldn't he do it before removing his trunks, or wait until after he was dry, and dressed?



One time when I was little, I woke up, went to the kitchen, found a Pepsi bottle that had fallen on the floor, picked it up, took a few gulps, then my throat started burning. I coughed a lot. My mom came to the kitchen to see why am a coughing like hell. Saw the open Pepsi bottle. Freaked out. Tried to make me puke. Took me to the hospital.
Turns out... I drank gasoline...
And I didn't even notice the difference in the color...
I don't even know why my parents kept gasoline in a Pepsi bottle...


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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Not to be rude...but why would they keep gasoline in a Pepsi bottle, somewhere where kids could reach it??

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Now, this was pre-covid, and we were invited to dinner with our family friends. It'd been a while since we visited, or even talked, so we had lots of catching up to do. Everyone was cooking in the kitchen, and I was chatting and my friend sitting at the island. I'm pretty socially awkward, so I went to my go-to conversation starter, "How's School?" (We attend different schools.) Anyway, she starts telling me about it, and it sounds AWFUL. Kids are mean, teachers are bad, and people are smoking and vaping. Her Dad pipes up and says something about a student drinking vape juice and getting super duper sick. Stupid, right? I said something along the lines of "Ugh, how dumb! I can't even comprehend someone's will to do that. What a foolish thing to do." Nobody's talking, which triggers my anxiety, so I keep talking about the foolish person to fill the silence. Awkward laughter. Uncomfortable glances. Everyone's staring at me. I keep blabbering, and internally freaking out. My Dad says "I don't think he realizes who we're talking about." I'm like "What? Who?" My friend puts her hand on my shoulder and says: "Me." I. WAS. MORTIFIED. Took every ounce of will I had not to cry.



Once I was downtown because I had to go to the bank and I saw a girl I REALLY didn't want to talk to walking towards me. I was in front of the bank, so I panicked, pulled open the door, and smashed my face right into it. Ouch. In the end, I don't think the girl was anyone I knew...



In 1st grade I had to use the bathroom to... You know what and while I was in there I was called to come home so when I was done I went to the office to get picked up and when my mom asked me what took me so long I meant to say, "I was playing." but really said, "I was pooping." and everybody- including the principal laughed at me.



Jumping on my bed, fell off, broke my arm, end of story!


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Lasagne I
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

ooooh my brother fell off the bed, smacked his head on the floor and knocked his tooth out

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Well, me and my cousins were about 5 or 6 at the time, we were playing with my grandparents exercise bike, and here's how it went, my oldest cousin sat on top, and me and my other cousin (same age as me), turned the petals, I ended up getting my hand pinched between the petals and the gear cover. Well, I got a microfracture in my hand, and had to wear a brace for a looooong time, it hurt.



every single time a word leaves my mouth around my crush



When I was in middle school I was gonna sing and then i fell face first in the studio


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I once thought that people in England spoke British.


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Vanta Black
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That seems to be common for everyone outside of Europe. I've lost count of the number of times I've heard/read the phrases"British accent" or "X speaks British". If you can pull off mashing all our accents and dialects together in one voice, you'll be the greatest voice actor in the world. Also, putting the extra I in aluminium isn't "British". Removing it is American, and wrong.

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I have a really bad memory especially when it comes to names, faces and their facts of life. So it was the first day of a new semester back in high school. The teacher decided we would do an ice breaker where we had to collect names and one fact about each person. I was horrified, these kids have been my classmates for three years... I desperately tried to remember and collect as many names as I could, when a kid walked up who had hung out with me and my friends the previous year. I knew I had known his name, but it had long since flown the coup. He jokingly asked me, "what's my name?" at first he thought I was pulling his leg, then he was horrified and I was mortified. It was Michael or something. After class I immediately got myself switched to a different class


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My crush asked me if I had watched america's got talent last night and I truly just happened to have been watching it that night but then he asked me who won and I...(shoot) i didn't remember! So then I told him I didn't, and he said "yeah you didn't watch it I again said I did witch embarrassed me more!


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Once when I was younger, I was in a park with my family and I needed to go to the bathroom so my mum told me to go behind a bush. I was wearing a jumpsuit and pulled it down around my ankles and proceeded to pee on it on accident. I had to go back out to my family with my jumpsuit on and a pee stain all over it.



I was at the airport and it was very busy. We were all queueing up to board the plane, and there were a lot of people, so the line was very long (this was an international flight so would've been a few hundred passengers). Anyway, as we're waiting in this massive queue, there's this woman with her kids, and they're just cutting in front of everyone. My mum pointed it out to me, and I was talking (not too quietly) about how rude it was, as the line was huge and there were a ton of people waiting already. So me and my mum were talking about this, and then I said "Well maybe they're attached to someone," meaning that they were cutting ahead to join their family members somewhere in the line. Just as they come up in front of us, the guy immediately ahead turns around and says, "yep, they're attached." It was his family! And I was just loudly complaining about them. I looked at my mum awkwardly and tried to avoid them on the flight. Oops.


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I liked this boy in 2nd grade and in the hall I said hi, but he asked why I knew his name and I said because I liked him and walked off bright red. (Keep in mind back in 2nd grade we walk in lines so I said that in front of everyone in my class and his!!😱)



My mother once found me eating a cup of frozen peas in the shower because I was sad and eating frozen peas makes me happy. IDK if any one else eats frozen peas but I love them. Lol



i was just a baby but i pooped at my parents wedding in my diaper and had to get changed in the middle of the ceremony i


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I voted for donald trump last election


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Once I almost fractured my jaw just by yawning :3



In 6th grade, I was not exactly a very athletic person. Ok, never mind, I absolutely sucked at sports. In PE, we were doing soccer warm-ups and like usual, I was surrounded by very fit and athletic people. After everyone absolutely nailed the warm-up routine, it was my turn. I take a deep breath and when I try to kick the ball, I slip, fall on my ass and get scraped on the leg and elbow. The worst part was everything that came afterwards :/


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I used to be in choir. I had a solo in the fifth grade. We were doing Count On Me by Bruno Mars. My solo was the super high pitched "You'll always have my shoulder when you cry~. I'll never let go, never say goodbye~."

So this was a show with multiple shows if that makes sense. We had three shows, one was for the parents, the other in front of judges. The judges decided who was going to the finals, in which we compete for the top choir in my county.

So, for the show with the judges, I totally nailed that solo, and then we moved on to the finals, in which we won, and the main judge said, and I quote: "That solo, was one of the greatest things I have heard come out of a fifth graders mouth."

Then, it was the show for the parents...

So it was my turn. I had worked super hard as I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of my mum and dad, but...

Let's just say... I did the biggest voice crack, in the history of ever. I couldn't speak for a few days after it. I was so embarrassed and was humiliated.

So.... yeet.


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When I tried to be 'cool' and walk with my eyes closed (don't know what I was thinking at the time) to the bathroom in a restaurant. Thankfully, I didn't walk into the wrong bathroom, but I DID bump my head into the wall and fall down in front of everyone. I saw stars for a few minutes after that.


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Mia Tucker
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

My brother tried to impress a girl by walking backwards. I don't know why but he was 3

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Me and My crush were in the same room. He tripped and fell on top of



Once, when I was in, like 5th Grade, I snuck downstairs with my friends on a sleepover, and we tried to sneak a tub of ice cream upstairs at 3am. I nearly cried when we were busted.


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It's hard to pick just one because I am a bit of a klutz and kind of socially awkward although much less now that I'm older but socially awkward penguin was me for the first 20 years of life. A memorable one was when I was in line at a school carnival and there was a boy that I liked so I was running around with him trying to impress him (we were like 8 or something)...anyway I knocked over a trash can that proceeded to spill trash on me and everyone in line turned around to see me, I'm pretty sure I turned bright red.


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Had a job interview for an IT position with a school. Started hostilities by addressing the principal as janitor and talking to the vice-principal as he was a cleaner. Things got awkward during the actual interview but I managed to talk my way out of it and got the job anyway. Both principal and vice-principal never missed an opportunity to remind me, though.


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Once, my school was having a dance. I proceeded to slip on the floor and land in a bowl of punch. It went everywhere. Needless to say, I went home afterwards.


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Sent a message to my crush on Roblox (post covid quarantine) saying "miss you!" He didn't respond 😅😅



I stepped on a kids face once. But it was kind of his fault. I mean he was sliding on his back right underneath the jungle gym so I didn't see him when I was climbing down.
