We all get embarrassed. But what is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?
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One time when I was in fifth grade, I was wearing my favorite leggings. When I got home that day, my younger sister was like, "OMG, THERE'S A RIP IN YOUR PANTS!" I checked to see, and there was a HUGE rip and I don't know why! So hopefully at school, no one noticed! HOPEFULLY, or else I have 0 chance of ANY popularity ever again.
My ex came over to my house cuz our dads are friends and i didnt know so he comes upstairs opens my door he didnt even knock then i somehow didnt realize he was in the room with me and i was singing or rapping idk along to juice wrld and lil tjay then he said wow trinity. I screamed louder than you would probably think.. This happened yesterday