What is the most embarrassing thing in your life?


My crush walked in on me in the bathroom.



    So I used to have night terrors a few years ago. Basically, it is when you start crying and freaking out while you are still asleep. I have even walked around, went to the bathroom, and even had real conversations but its all while I was asleep. You are asleep during them, so I don't remember it. I was told that one night I stood on my bed and was yelling at my brother, who's matress was on my floor (see other posts for explanation). In the morning, my brother was looking at me weird and sk were my parents, but didn't know that anything g had happened. Bubby, if you are reading, sorry, that must have been weird for you. :)


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    I have cuts on my arm and they are all X’s. A little kid walked up to me at the pool and asked why my arm was covered in stick figures


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    When I came out, definitely, everyone kept asking me if i had a boyfriend so i was like "no i like girls" and everyone started making fun of me and laughing at me and it was not fun



    Mine is finding out I’m lesbian and still keeping it a secret.



    when i was accused of sh*ting myself in class. i sat on a bit of water. but nOoOoOoO...



    Mine is whenever I sneeze. So you know the kids that try to sneeze all cute and stuff well I do it without trying it’s my natural sneeze. So whenever I sneeze in class it’s like really small but people still here it then look at me weirdly. I’ve had people make fun of it but I’ve also had people be nice to me about it. But still it’s embarrassing to me for no reason


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    I've touched on this before, but I -literally- flew into a massive Saguaro cactus while on a night jump in Arizona. I hit at about 60 mph and was pulling quills (pricks, whatever) out of myself for weeks afterwards. It's been 30 years & the other guys never let me forget it at our annual reunions...


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    My Mum found my vibrator and thought it was a novelty light.


    See Also on Bored Panda

    this one time we went cycling n entered a random society...a man was taking a walk n asked us why we were there (it was early morning n unfamiliar faces); i replied we were there to meet mr. (really common name) n he was like there is only 1 such mr. xyz n tht is me(him)...he caught us..v were legit shooed out......
    i met a really cute cat though:)


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    My mother


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    One time in kindergarten I took of my shirt in front of the whole class. I don’t even remember why, I just remember standing up to blow my nose or something, next thing my teacher is helping me put my shirt back on and I’m being sent to the office.


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    When I was in 6th grade the punishment for getting in minor trouble was walking for a bit during recess. My 6th grade math teacher was a huge stickler about literally everything, so one day I got in trouble for starting work earlier than everyone else. I sometimes didn't immediately go to my friend's when recess started, so I was hoping they would never know I had to walk. However that day we moved to the smaller field where we had recess and they almost instantly saw me walking and watched the entire time. They never said anything about it, but I was mortified because they didn't know why I had gotten in trouble.


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    I was a server, and I walked around the busy restaurant for about ten minutes with a big streamer of toilet paper stuck to my shoe. (Could have been worse.)


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    the most embarrassing thing in my life is my self and a close second would be my spelling


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    See Also on Bored Panda