I have eaten some truly "interesting" foods. Have you ever eaten some?
P.S. If not, you are the lucky one.
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I once accidentally poured expired whipped cream into my mouth, never again.
I used to love to order the snails at a restaurant. One day, I thought that I was clever enough to try and cook them myself at home. Not a good idea as it turns out - after the first absolutely revolting bite, I promptly threw everything up and never touched snails again!
NEVER EAT SNAILS YOU FIND YOURSELF! They can have the most terrifying diseases you could ever imagine!
I really don't react well to solid chunks of fat, so I instantly gagged when I tried meat jelly.
I have never heard of meat jelly, but I already know I hate it from this single sentence...
Duck or goose blood soup... gross.
I like this but everyone else that tried it said ew, I like sanwiches with apple butter, gouda cheese, and mini bell peppers
A cricket in a lollipop. It was sweet and flaky 🤢
I ate one of those once. It tasted good. I’ve also had scorpion lollipop and chocolate coated insects. Oh and I ate ants once too.
One time I was watching a MrBeast video, and they ate a granola bar with ketchup as a punishment and I thought, “hey, it can’t be that bad!” It was. Is really was.
Durian fruit
Natto - Japanese fermented soybeans. I am not blessed with a strong sense of smell or taste ( I once ate spoiled milk for three days because I couldn't taste the difference.) But the scent was overwhelming and it has this slimy sticky texture. I ate it for extra credit in my Japanese class.
i lived the in arctic for a year. It is important, very important to remember in the arctic they don't have trees, so no wood to burn for fire. all the foods listed below are raw. RAW.
I ate alot of things that were odd. beluga muktuk (meat) not good. raw scallops, very sweet. raw caribou sandwich, really good. dried seal intestine jerky: really really good! etc.
the worst thing i ate was seal. it is red meat that is the greasiest thing ever and tastes like rotten fish. that is a big nope. and I had to leave a community feast when they rolled out the centre piece to the meal: a complete seal that had been buried in the permafrost for 6 months or so. it was green. and slimey. like legit slime strings on the knife as they were carving it up. I had to leave.
casu martzu AKA maggot chese,tuna eyes,its exactly what you think...,nakji,puffin heart never had it but they will go extict just like the dodo bird :(
Century Egg (or One Hundred Year Old Egg). They're not really that old but they have been preserved in a special concoction for several months. Anyway, the first time I bit into one, it tasted exactly what you'd expect a 100 year old egg to taste like. I'll never do that again.
Pre-pandemic There was a TV show called "I'm a celebrity, get me out of here" which has eating challenges with things like liquidised insects and animal genitals. They regularly use these eggs as well, they must be disgusting.
"Flaki" which can be literally translated to "guts"
Soup made of thin, cleaned strips of beef tripe. The view itself is not very appetizing. It is widespread all over Poland and often appears at weddings.
If you didn't know, my family is Norweigian, and during Christmas, we eat Norwegian food.
One year, we tried Smalahove. We're not going to tell you what it is. Search it yourself.
I nearly threw up, and I hadn't even ATE it yet. Then I tried it and proceeded to throw it up. My mom said good job for trying it though. Then, I washed it down with TONS of hot chocolate.
Never again.
Husband ate deep fried tarantula in Cambodia. I vomited.
One day around Christmas my brother brought home some ginger bread dough. He played with it a lot but we never baked it. So one day I ask my mom if we're ever going to eat it. She doesn't answer but I wanted some, so I took it out and ate it. It was super salty tho and my mom turns around and asked me why I ate the playdoh..... WHY WOULD THEY MAKE PLAYDOH THAT LOOKS AND SMELLS LIKE GINGER BREAD DOUGH!!! THE WORSE PART IS THAT HE'S IN KINDERGARTEN!!! WHAT IF HE ATE THAT!!! Needless to say I've never brushed my teeth harder in my life.
My “friend” thought it would be cute to mix orange jello, crushed pretzel sticks, and ketchup in chocolate milk before giving it to me. Nastiest thing I ever tasted.
As the kind of person who actually likes bugs in my food, enjoys the sweet meats and will devour raw beef and fish, I'm going to say that the grossest thing I've ever eaten is Earthworm jerky. I nearly threw up.
This monstrosity. it's called "Kæleh Paacheh" کله پاچه (basically, sheep head soup) it's served like this & is eaten completely, brains eyeballs and all. now that I'm grown up I get nauseous even smelling it but it's an absolute delicacy beloved by many people and a part of the culture of a few countries. (going back thousands of years originating in Iran.) it's breakfast food and it's so popular here in Iran that you have to wake up around 4am and stand in line before they're all gone!! I couldn't attach a picture for the post but you can check it out the source link!😉
Vegemite - Australian spread made from leftover brewers' Yeast extract.
Yuck .
We feed it to our children to toughen them up. If they can learn to lick Vegemite off the knife like it's not the Devil's tire sludge, they'll be strong enough to fight the drop bears. And the emus. 🙃
Biting into gristle is my pet peeve when eating meat! It always grosses me out
Aloe Jello on a flight to South Korea. It was horrible.
A Temptations cat treat. I was feeding them to the kitties, and had two identical bowls, one full of treats and the other full of peanuts. I absent-mindedly tossed one of the treats into my mouth instead of a peanut. It was crunchy but surprisingly tasteless.
It was something like a steak tartare during a student exchange in France. From the picture in the menu I thought I would get a fried burger patty. I nearly fainted when the raw meat was served but I forced it down because I wanted to be polite towards my host family. I had to gag constantly, it was really horrible!
Natto: fermented soybeans, Japanese food. The smell and taste are horrible!
I totally understand. I know what you are talking about. I've been eating since I was young, so I got used to the taste of it. (and smell too)
A raw muscle at a sushi bar, it was like eating chewy phlegm.
Spam in the US (I despise the smell and taste of Spam) and raw octopus in Thailand (on a dare).
Some of yall might not agree but Sushi bleh at least the sushi at the Buffet
I love sushi! But it depends on where it comes from, I agree with @Bow, I'm a Slytherin.
Okra. It's an African vegetable. Looks like a courgette somehow, but when you cook it, it releases a... slime. I was invited at dinner at some friends' who cooked it. I had to keep myself from puking. Literally. Never again.
Liver. Which is quite ironic, considering my favourite meat is lamb kidneys.
I used to love lamb liver and kidneys when i was a kid, but now I can't eat them. They are too strong in flavour and I can no longer stand the smell of them.
a chocolate cupcake in Cardiff. it was like biting into a piece of moist sugar, topped with more sugar. We tried splitting it with my husband and we couldn't finish it, although we are both enthousiatic eaters :). it was disgusting.
American chocolate
not a food but a drink, there is such a thing as thick water, to help those who have trouble swallowing, not sure how it helps tho- it was disgusting.
I have to wholeheartedly agree. I used to be a nurse and we wondered why the patients who needed to drink it that way always spit it out. We tried some. We each spit it out. I don't think anyone ever gave it to any patient with trouble swallowing EVER again.
I'm from Mexico, so it's ok to eat crickets, snakes, iguana, and you are considered lucky if you are the one that gets the red worm in the last sip of mezcal. Still, the most disgusting food I had was Jumiles - alive insects u put in a taco - you have to gulp them before they fly away - the weirdest thing is that they taste like mint!
Beef Heart. And because I made a comment I was forced to prepare it for someone. After all the autopsy comments flying my way. My second is chicken feet.
Beef heart is muscle, so technically steak, i think it's more the "idea" that disgust people.
I know people might disagree with me, but I really hate sweet potatos. I'm all for regular potatos, but I don't like sweet potatoes
It is and likely will always be Jellyfish. Flavourless jelly texture that no amount of marinating flavours. Gag, yuck, ew.
Just the thought of eating jellyfish makes me want to gag! Yuck, can't say as I blame you!
One time I was in a road trip with my family, and I had a bag of fruit loops. There was a black one. Tried it. Taste didn't come out of my mouth for 2 weeks.
once my family planted 4 zucchini and 4 squash plants without asking neighbor's advice......yup. It's a running joke around here that if you leave your car unlocked in a church parking lot, then it will be full of zucchini when you get back. we thought it was only a joke. Apologies to the Johnsons.
Two days ago - Tesco's Plant Chef Garlic Kievs. Absolutely revolting. Even if I had a dog - which I don't - I wouoldn't them them to him
Any organ meat: liver smells like blood, kidneys smell like urine. Won't eat.
Turkey, tofu, soy
I'm with you on that. I just can't get past the idea of it. Also, it's a texture thing.
Spoiled milk. Forgot to sniff the milk carton before pouring it onto my Weetbix, thought whilst eating that the milk tasted unusually sweet. Turns out it had already expired a few days ago. 🤮
Red Bull sorbet.
Redbull in general I can't stand (or most energy drinks) taste like chemicals. I did try mother when it first came out because they were giving it out free, and I liked it, but then they changed it because everyone else apparently didn't agree :)
Fois Gras!!!! Tasted like rotten pate mixed with venison!!!👎🏻👎🏻
The process of making Fois Gras is utterly repulsive from what I've heard!
When I lived in Zimbabwe, I was given a handful of roasted flying ants. The crunch wasn't bad, but having to pick the legs out of my teeth almost did me in.
Mopane worms: a caterpillar which is dried out & eaten as a snack in Southern Africa.
Another African favorite: walkie talkies. Head and feet of chicken.
frosted mini wheats
Goat milk
Goats milk and cheese are delicious. Each to their own. I'm lucky that I have parents who exposed me to a wide variety of foods from a very young age. I'll try almost anything once. My wife hadn't eaten garlic or a curry (or anything not traditionally British) until she met me, now loves both.
I tried Baba Ghanoush once. I'll never dare try it again, even though I suspect it must have been off. It tasted like manure smells. Everything it had touched on the plate also tasted like manure.
I know a lot of people love them, but super sours candies ordered by my doc. I'd rather drink Buckley's cough syrup than suck on a sour candy.
raw oysters - my body won't let me swallow. it won't
fresh bananas - I got hit in the nose with a Frisbee when I was six while chewing banana bubble gum. Now if I smell fresh bananas, I taste blood. It's weird, I know.
Not that weird. The first time I ever got drunk enough to puke I had been drinking Harvey Wall Bangers. I couldn't drink orange juice for years...
stinky tofu...vomit making. durian fruit...smells like unwashed socks so I could not even...
😂 unwashed socks. I dislike pawpaw, the smell is a huge turn off also.
Canned cow tongue in PRESCHOOL. Teachers made us try squid, cricket, eel and caviar on toast too, but cow tongue was the WORST. They just opened the can and pulled out nice slimy pieces of cow tongue and gave is to us.
Squid was actually really good, but....cow tongue?
Calves liver. When I was a waitress at a diner, I used to bribe another server to deliver it to the table. If I had to do it myself, I'd gag the entire time. Almost got fired over it once.
I drank what I thought was a cup of leftover pineapple juice from my mother baking a cake with a can of pineapples. I got the baking bit right. The leftover liquid, alas, was egg white. 🤢
We had a bush of goji berries in the garden. Dried they taste just meh to me. The fresh stuff had an aftertaste that made me want to work on my tongue with a nail brush and gurgle grit
Live squid, chopped up into bite sized pieces. Backstory: I was in a tiny town in Japan, my then BF knew the owner and he was treating us to the best of the best. I thought it was weird being so tough and the 3rd bite I realized it was still alive... I drank A LOT that night 🤢
If you are referring to olives straight off the tree, they're bitter and unpalatable. They require brining first.
all you can eat baffe my sister tricked me into eating frog legs
Chicken jello
No it was literally chicken flavored jello with pieces of chicken in it , my ex was Russian and it was something they ate often and I just couldn't.
B A N A N A S.
I'm sorry to all the people who love them, but it feels like eating a slimy eel. They make me gag, truly the worst food I've ever had.
Yak butter candy. Tried it in college. Tasted rancid and gamey.
I don't like hot dogs and not a big fan of chicken nugget(that's what their called right? the chickeny circle things?) I think they both taste like encased mashed goo... Leave me with some kimbap and rice and I'm good. Thats my opinion though, if you like these things it doesnt make you gross, I just dont like them.
Definitely Surströmming
After that, I had to burp for a whole day and the scent it gave off was horrible.
Seriously - don't try it!
I knew that would come up sooner or later. I have tried it, I didn't care much for it. But its the whole experience with the side dishes and all the condiments
As soon as I saw this subject, I knew what I had to post. Back in the 80s, my hubby and I spent about 6 weeks in Florida every year working with the Florida Dept. of Fish and Game, and other volunteers, to do a count of how many manatees were in Crystal River Florida each year, both from the air and on the water. Jimmy Buffett is a good friend of ours from all the years he was there, without fail, to do PSAs (Public Service Announcements) and a benefit. One of the local restaurants in Homosassa Springs put on a terrific buffet for everyone we looked forward to every year. I LOVE oriental food, especially noodles and veggies and I was thrilled at the selection. I had filled my plate with what I thought was vegetable tempura. It tasted a little "off" but figured it was the seasoning. Jimmy comes over and says "Dammit Weezie, you sure love that s***!" I had just chop-sticked some into my mouth...then I saw the sucker...it was calamari. With the breading, I couldn't tell...My face must have turned five shades of red. I almost didn't make it to the restroom. My delicious (squid notwithstanding) lunch was flushed. I have ten-years worth of amazing stories, both terrific and ridiculous (including dealing with amateur snorkelers who don't follow the rules) but this was definitely the GROSSEST thing I have ever eaten. Would have rather had a "Cheeseburger in Paradise!" :-)
I fell for Marmite. The stuff was offered in portion sized heart shaped plastic tins on the breakfast buffet when I visited London. Looked innocent enough, sirup-y, made me think of nutella. That was a trap. Tastes like adequate punishment for calling granny a sl**.
It's marketed in the UK as so,etching you either love or hate. I hate it!
Andouillette is a typical French dish, consisting of the intestines of pigs (historically it was made with intestines of cattle). It looks like an ordinary white sausage and can be found on menu’s throughout France, proving to be a menace to unsuspecting tourists. It tastes like sausage filled with s**t, literally. And it’s the most horrible thing I’ve ever eaten.
One time I had a pretzel and a dog treat in my hand at the same time, guess which one I ate. 🤢🤮
Taiyaki, a cake with sweet red bean paste inside. I was in Nishiki Market and tried a bunch of things that's look gross but tasted wonderful. Then I get a cute sweet cake in the shape of a fish that looked delicious and bro. It way too sweet. And the sweet flavor was like off, it tasted like I upended a whole packet of stevia sweetener in my mouth. I couldn't finish it and gave it to my husband who has a huge sweet tooth and he loved it. I went back to the takoyaki stand.
Reindeer milk cheese. I never ate it but others bought it on a bus trip and I was already tortured by the smell. They said the brown weird thing tasted sweet.
Cows Ankles. In the Netherlands they are being destroyed. Not even used for Petfood. In Spain they serve them in soupish dish.
A crabcake in an office building in Hongkong. Imagine a fried tofu ball with cigarette ashes in it. Literally what it tasted like. Didn’t eat anything else there. Just said nope and walked out the building to macdonalds around the corner.
This might be because you're quite young; I tried (smoked) Applewood cheese when I was in my 20s and t tasted like an ashtray! Tried it again in my 30s and loved it! Our tastebuds die off as we get older, so we like different foods, like blue cheese, for instance.
Well, this isn't me, but my brother mixes pirate booty, grapes, and WORMS on his applesauce!!
We love coffee and coconut water- in this case two good things do NOT make a good thing..😝💩
Escargot. I couldn’t get past the chewy texture and immediately spit it out
For me it was the chewy versus mushy contrast. Kinda like finding a bit of eggshell the hard way.
Pickled cow tongue. 🤮
When we were kids we used to get tongue sandwiches on sourdough bread at a deli on San Francisco and loved them. Never thought about the fact that it was actually a slice of tongue. When we were teens my mom cooked one for us, since we used to like the deli meat. It was a whole huge tongue, tastebuds and all. No one could eat it. Disgusting
Jellyfish...in China. Also, soup with a chicken foot in it. It was delicious, until I saw the foot.
when I was very young I thought a brown crayon might taste like a tootsie roll.
My high school boyfriend's dad used to make some weird sandwich grilled on a cast iron pan that he never cleaned the previous food off of, with cheess whiz and sweet relish.
One time when I was a kid I tried Kool-Aid mixed with milk. Not sure why. Then a few years ago on April Fools, my brother poured syrup in my orange juice and it all sunk to the bottom, so I didn’t realize until I had drank the entire thing.
People that aren't from Germany might find it disgusting, but I really like Mett, that's raw minced pork. You spread it on a bread roll and top it with raw onion rings. Delicious!
I also like Wurstsuppe, that's what's left after the butcher boiled the sausages in a big pot, some of the sausages burst and add to the flavor.
On the other hand I find Blutwurst und Zungenwurst (Sausages made from blood or tongues) disgusting.
Cow liver. It tasted like manure.
Wild goose that my dad made me eat. Greasy and nasty.
I used to cook a goose for Christmas. It should be cooked on a rack to allow the greasy juice to flow off.
Once tried a spaghetti with a lobster in it. It was gross
Saute lobster in olive oil with garlic and red pepper flakes. Add lemon juice and serve over strands type pasta.
I'm stuck between the eyeball of a fish and quinoa. They both made me throw up, I can not eat either anymore.
Oh also once I ate applesauce, and I loved applesauce before that, but then I went to the neighbors house and while i was playing with their dogs I sneezed and applesauce went up my nose somehow and then I threw up because it was such a gross experience and I can't eat applesauce anymore, so applesauce is up there with the most disgusting aswell. All I could smell was applesauce for a week.
Got chik-fil-a once. Ewwww, no thanks on the bland styrofoam sandwich please...I'll be going to Popeye's for some flavor. Go ahead and downvote me, you ain't my taste buds!
Black olives
Anything I was eating will watching a disturbing movie (certain brand of deep dish pizza I refuse to eat. Never let a 7 yr old eat while watching War of the Worlds)
Ramen noodles (made the mistake of watching I am Legend at the same time)
Now anything that is too oily in texture (even if baked). I apparently have little tolerance for fried foods...I couldn't keep hush puppies down.
Any sort of fat in meat
Cant stand the smell of pork. I'm allergic anyway
And probably others
Maybe your body is trying to tell you that you should become vegetarian?
a cow's itestine and stomach
not gonna lie, its actually pretty good! you should go try it!
It’s nothing exotic. It’s nothing unusual. It’s oxtail soup!
However, this is something I can’t explain. Three renal operations and each time I’ve gone off food and drink that I used to love, the last being crispy duck. Now I can’t even stand the smell without needing to throw up.
Ox tongue is yummy, the bumpy bits are something you need to not think of when eating it tho.
Cottage Cheese. People. Its clabbored milk. Also, onions. I know someone who will just eat one
Like an apple (Bored Panda wouldnt let me finish the submission)
Sauerkraut: smells like vomit
Horse meat: never tried it, just the thought made me feel sick
Maybe smoked octopus, but that was on a dare...
Remember before you were 10 there was always one kid on the block that ate dirt and rocks and worms and stuff?
Yeah, well I don't do that any more, but I can say I'm immune to about any normal bug going around, or infections. Never had the flu, as a kid I had allergies but they were gone before teenhood. No Covid, but that's different... even after the vaccine I wear a mask.
Very rare steak. Basically any beef that is pink inside.
Well, I haven't eaten any "revolting foods" but there was this one time where it was mashed up yams (which are delicious on their own) and cheese (which is good)... But the yam was under the cheese, which made for an extremely unpleasant taste of the sweet yam and really salty cheese. Never again...
I Don't Have A Least Favorite, But Black Pudding Is My Mother's Least Favorite.
Definitely Surströmming
After that, I had to burp for a whole day and the scent it gave off was horrible.
Seriously - don't try it!
Broccoli. The texture makes we want to vomit. It doesn’t taste much better either!
Only a few foods I can't handle at all -- scrapple, and kimchee; won't have salmon on pizza again, or raw shellfish, or liverwurst.
Lunchables pizza. I threw up both times I ate them. I like regular pizza though.
I feel like Lunchables pizza doesn't even taste like pizza. More like cardboard and ketchup. Not even tomato sauce >:p
The most disappointing strawberry cake ever. Ton of jelly on the top, and heavy buttercream hidden inside. It was not really bad, but disappointing as hell. Afterwards, we went for a horse ride, and I decided to not bother with a saddle. Bad decision after the cake. Felt really sick.
Beetroot's not that bad. In fact, I recommend peeling raw beetroot, then slicing with a mandoline. Deep fry them and serve with beef, like chips; they complement each other perfectly.
Black Olives
I love olives! Black, green, any kind of olives except for those horrid, fake canned ones.
Smoked salmon sushi
I was sick all night.
It could've been spoiled salmon. Cardinal rule- if you walk into a sushi restaurant, and you can smell the fish, turn around and walk out.
Winter Melon- to make matters worse it left a super weird taste in my mouth
When I was a kid, my mother would make squash boiled in butter. It's the nastiest, slimiest thing I have ever tasted. Even worse than raw oysters.
I think the best way to cook squash and zucchini is on the grill with a lot of black pepper!
it was solid rice SOLID RICE but i manged to choke it down
at school we had to drink milk ( I am lactose intolerant) anyway i threw up almost every time
Fried crickets, in Mexico. Tastes like chicken.
Hahaha, our family has a thing where we say "Tastes like chicken", IDK why.
Those miniature ears of corn in Chinese food. I’m convinced they are chicken weenies.
I just really, really hate lard.
eggs, I don’t like them in any tipe: poached, fried, etc they’re all bad to me. Also I don’t like milk, I get really sick and it tastes awful
I hate milk and have always hated eggs, except I will eat a well cooked omelette, fritatta or quiche. Can not eat them any other way. They repulse me.
Squash, its just too slimy
There are lots of different types of squash and I can't recall any that are slimy--I love squash.
Beets and cow tongue not together though. One time I was grocery shopping with my three year old son. What made that kid ask me if he could have a can of beets I’ll never know. I told him “no, those things are nasty and put the can back on the shelf.” Now he’s begging for them. “Fine, I’ll buy it, but you will eat it all.” Small single size can. We get home and he couldn’t wait. I warned him one more time giving him an out. Nope, beets it is. The look on his face was priceless. I reminded him he said he would eat the whole can. 2nd bite, he’s retching, and me too a little. Threw the rest away and I said,”you might wanna listen to your mother..ok?”
umm so i have extreme controversy on this but you're entitled to your opinion *shoves a whole shrimp in mouth*
When I was in the USAF, during basic training, at least once or twice a week they would serve shrimp in some kind of tomato sauce. As far as I was concerned it was inedible. I ate only bread and butter during those meals.
Much of the food in AF Basic training was pretty bland. I guess they wanted to make sure you did not waste time going back for seconds
I dislike yoghurt, so I hate tzatziki. When I order Greek food, I always ask for it on the side, so I can give it to my friends. I also don't like the taste of sour cream or garlic mayonnaise. I love cheese, except for blue cheese and goat's cheese.
tomato or advocado
Two of my favorites! I can eat them just by themselves with a bit of salt.
Sardines, My friends and I where making a pizza, and they challenged me to eat a plain sardine, I gagged at the smell but my stupid self ate it...
it was gross.
I wonder how many of these dislikes resulted from the food being badly cooked, or the person having an unidentified allergy.
My mohter was a horrible cook. Vegetables were usually boiled and tasted gross. To this day I prefer raw instead of cooked vegetables, some like brocolli and green beans are good steamed.
I wonder how many of these dislikes resulted from the food being badly cooked, or the person having an unidentified allergy.
My mohter was a horrible cook. Vegetables were usually boiled and tasted gross. To this day I prefer raw instead of cooked vegetables, some like brocolli and green beans are good steamed.