Hey Pandas, What Is The Most Annoying Thing That Anyone Did In Middle School?
For me, its the pick-me girls.
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Someone gave my friend panic attacks.
My school installed tetherballs which were quickly broken and replaced by students with bottles filled with dirt and rocks instead.
When I was in middle school, a big group of girls made one of my friends cry. So, I went up to them and confronted them- that’s what friends do! They made fun of my facial expressions (I was angry, I made angry faces, duh), said I was dumb (tell that to my grades), and laughed it off like it was no big deal. It was to me, a 12-year-old bundle of hormones!!! I ended up calling my mom and leaving early because I eventually started crying in the bathroom.
Let it be known that this all happened in GYM CLASS right after LUNCH. Everyone was insane.
I used to sit next to this boy know would constantly mumble rude things to me and then later act like he didn’t say anything.
There was this group of about 7 guys who thought it would be funny to do what they called a "T pose" in the hallways. Basically they stretch their arms out to the side like a T. They would just stand in the hallways like that, and the sole purpose was so no one else could get through. They did this every day for over a month.
Had a friend named Paul in middle school who would instigate fights between others. While walking down the hall, we would see James coming towards us. As he got within earshot Paul would say “I don’t think James is stupid!” Of course, James would think i just said “here comes stupid James.” I would get confronted by James while Paul went away laughing. He learned that c**p from his father.
me and some girls always played tag but the one day they started saying how im being mean and s**t
As a middle schooler, middle schoolers are the spawn of satan and are mostly little chaos monsters, but the worst ones are the ones who genuinely seem to want to hurt other people. Like, I get if if you're just being stupid and impulsive, but people who go out of their way to hurt others really f*****g p**s me off