What do you like best and least? It can be something typical of their species or something only your individual pet does.


This about my cats Winnie and Aari.

Winnie is a very small cat and my heart melts when she sits in front of me, looking up to my face, giving me her little "meep" to get my attention.

What's a bit annoying about her is that whenever she eats grass in the garden, she immediately goes back inside to get rid of it... (She always pukes on the kitchen floor.)

Aari is a traumatized and therefore very anxious and easily overwhelmed cat, so it's really heartwarming to just see him enjoying his favourite spot next to the wood stove: rolling around, sighing, stretching, snoozing,....

What's annoying (but also funny) about him is his way of using the litter box! He digs and shovels so passionately that half of the litter ends up on the floor.



My ratties...! Or rats in general actually:

Of all the cute things they do, what I love most is seeing them all cuddled up together. As any rat person will confirm, even if you provide several places to sleep, they will all squeeze themselves into one hammock for sleepy time 🥰 ... lying next to and on top of one another, getting their little faces squished so you wonder how they can even breathe?! Seeing this, I wish so much I could be a rat and join the cuddle puddle... ❤

They have a few annoying traits, but none of them is a big deal... except for their short life expectancy. It sucks so much. I've thought long and hard, do I want rats again (haven't had any for years)... told myself I'll handle this topic well... and now? My rats are young but I'm already dreading the day the first one will have a tumor (they're prone to)...
Oh well. Must go look at cuddle puddle now to get rid of those dark thoughts. Thanks for reading and I hope I didn't sadden anyone!


See Also on Bored Panda