Everyone has experienced people not being the nicest to them. Share with us the meanest thing anyone has done to you!


TLDR: I was held hostage at work by a coworkers mother until I did the job her child was so-posed to do.

I'm a female and at the time of this incident I was 26. I'm not well built and while people say there is a Fight or Flight reflex, I insist there is a third which is the Fright reflex like those goats who fall over when they are startled. I fall into this category.

I worked as the Delivery driver for a pizza and Kebab shop. As the delivery driver i did not have to do anything in the store, i had to deliver and that was it. But I hate sitting still and so I help in the store Cleaning and refilling when i am not needed elsewhere. My shift finished at 9 pm. The manager of the night had been to a funeral that day and was not in a fit state to be at work, and asked me to stay back and just do the washing up for the 3 boys who would be doing close. I said "Sure not a problem" They would be paying me for my time so that was fine.
There was 3 boys doing the close shift. a 16 year old. and 2 early 20 somethings. The 16 year old could not drive so his mother had to pick him up after his shift. They were meant to finish at 9:30, but they usually finished at about 10:00 sometimes even 10:30 if they were being lazy.
at 9:40 The mother of the 16 year old stormed in the back door and started berating them for taking so long.( I realise now that she was also including me in this even though i have never done a close before.)
She is standing in the back hall way with her arms crossed, glaring and screaming at them to hurry up. I do my job. I do the washing up. I started at 8:45, i finished at 9:45. I start to dry my hands, and go to walk past her to sign out when she levels her eyes on me and says" Where do you think you are going?"
"Home" I say " I did what I was asked to do"
"But they haven't finished, Its not fair you get to leave when they don't."
(These boys have been F***ing around instead of doing their jobs for the last hour.. Its not my fault they are useless)
The next bit was a bit hazy and I think its best that i forget it because I have PTSD from this moment. She stood in that doorway and threatened me and that she didnt care that there were security cameras. I had to pull my weight. The front door was locked, they key was in the office behind her and my phone was in my car. So for the next 45 mins. I did the job of 3 people. Who did nothing to help me and actually agreed with her.
As soon as she left. I went to the police station. I quit that night. The 3 boys lost their jobs and she was charged with holding a person against their will under threat. The security cameras were very helpful. They caught everything she said and did.
So yea.... Held hostage because her son was lazy......


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Robert Townsend
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4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I bet she regrets the cameras now the f**king gobby b***h. im feeling so pissed off reading this that i want to hunt her down and give her the biggest slap ever {: (

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    We had a 16 year relationship, lived together for 13 years. I was going to receive a big award for my work, there was to be a dinner and ceremony. I told him about it a month in advance (as soon as I knew) and he agreed to go. I told him that if he didn't want to go to let me know and I would get one of my brothers to go with me so I didn't have to sit at the head table alone. He said he would go. Two weeks before the event, I remind him, I take his suit to the cleaners. He says he is going. One week before, I put a note on the fridge reminding him to get new shoes and he buys them. Three days before, I try on dresses and he helps me pick out something so I look my best. The night before he tells me he is proud of me and is looking forward to seeing me get the award.
    The day of, I come home from work early so I have time to get ready. I pull into the driveway and he is there with three of his friends tearing apart a motorcycle. I tell him the car will be there at 7 to pick us up (the awards people were sending a car and getting a hotel suite for the night as part of the award) and I ask him if he wants me to pack anything special for him. He says, "just the usual stuff. It is only one night."
    I pack and get ready to go. At 6:30, he is still in the driveway with his friends and made no effort to get ready, and at 6:40, I realize he isn't going with me.
    At 7:00, the car pulls up and I walk outside dressed to the nines and head for the car and he waves and says "have fun". I went, I got my award, I gave my speech, I was fabulous, and I was the only one without a plus one at the head table and I was humiliated. I endured all the "where's Russell" questions from my colleagues and even one, "Couldn't you find a date?" I stayed in the suite by myself that night. I didn't sleep. I knew it was over.
    He stuck around for another couple of months before leaving to go visit his mother and never coming back, but that night, I knew it was over. His building up the event and getting me excited about it and having me do all these errands to get ready and he knew all along he wasn't going. He just did all that out of sheer meanness.


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    Nadine Khazaka
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's not meanness, that's indifference and it's so much worse. I hope you find a partner you can communicate with and who cares about you.

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    My Mother told me that I was the child that loved her the least. This is while she was living with me in MY HOME.



    Grew up in Texas, right between Dallas and Ft. Worth. The school district I came up in, there were very few Jews. In fact, I didn't know one of my fellow student in my graduating class was Jewish until AFTER I graduated high school. Throughout K-12, I was constantly ridiculed for my religion, even though I wasn't a practicing Jew. So, needless to say, there were a number of mean thing that happened to me. However, there is one in particular that I will never forget. 8th grade, going into my locker, I see someone had finagled a swastika through those little vents with the comment "Dirty Jew". I was someone what used to it (getting those along with the usual/unoriginal "you're going to hell", or "you killed Jesus" stuff). However, in this instance, the person that put the swastika in my locker was standing near me and began to make comments. He proceeded to call me a "kite". Now, a "kike" is something else, but "kite" means nothing...just shows the intelligence of those I was dealing with. Where it truly hurt, was there were two teachers there, one of which I had for biology...and neither one did anything.

    To this day, I have not and will not forgive any of those that participated in this treatment. Some had reached out years later on Facebook and attempted to sweep it under the rug, claiming they were young and stupid. Sorry, when I peruse your Facebook and see what you post, I know you're only trying to make yourself feel better and not truly sorry.

    I always found it ironic how people can be different when they're in church on Sunday, but in the real world Mon-Sat. Still to this day, I am completely disgusted with Texas, its people, and the dominate religion in that state. I moved away 3 days after graduating high school in 1999...best decision ever.


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    Ami Temi
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so sorry you experienced such awful treatment! I can hear that you're in a much better community now and I hope you're happy. I once read: "Molsems, ga weg". So, I'm Muslim, I don't even wear a head scarf unless for praying or for a funeral and I'm "whiter" than the population here, but people know who I am. Some idiot wanted to tell me in bad Dutch and incorrect spelling that I should leave this country because of my religion. The point is, people who hate, are dumb, maybe not always as in IQ, but definitely in EQ. The racist idiots here dare deny what happened in the concentration camps, the injustice they made people suffer through and it seems that they get even more illiterate by the generation. We can only hope that standing together and uniting in love makes us much stronger than the hate they spew. Now we have a chance to make a positive change with the BLM-movement and I hope that together, we will succeed. No matter what, stay yourself, stay safe and happy!

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    I was in 3rd grade. We were presenting a dance and it was our dress rehearsal. We had the dress rehearsal, everyone was changing back. Our teacher (the one who was teaching us the moves) was too busy to take care of her little charges. My school uniform got mixed up and another girl saw my costume and took it saying she was going to give it to the teacher. I was missing my trousers and tie and stuff and what i had was someone else's trousers and a belt. It was the last period, after the dispersal i went to the teacher to tell her i swapped some items by mistake. She got really mad and then slapped me in the face in front of the class. I ran back to the washroom. She didn't even bother to come look for a 3rd grader, instead she went to go disperse the others. i was crying the whole time ( and this is the first and last time i cried in school....srsly this was a nightmare)....the whole school was empty. When i decided to go downstairs looking a freak in my swapped up clothes like i had just come out from a fight. i was on the stairs when i saw y mum, coming up looking worried as hell, with a guard in tow. She took me with her....afer i told her everything , she took me to the reception. The vice principal and thr supervisor etc were there....they called that particular teacher and she was trying to deny she did anything wrong. One teacher tried to side with her, when my mum lost her cool and slapped the teacher right across the face and gave a big lecture on how no one should mess with her daughter and how teacher's were supposed to behave and were responsible to the young kids.(She herself was a teacher once). No one stopped her cause she was really mad. She had literally scraped the make-up off the face of the teacher....she wore so much make-up. When i went back the next day, they had sacked the teacher. She gave me the worst memory of a otherwise very happy school year.



    My parents were overly strict kind and I went to a boarding school. The meanest thing anyone ever did to me was when I confided in my then best friend about my new boyfriend (my parents didn't know about him because they wouldn't have approved). His family invited me over and I was mulling it over, I told my best friend and she convinced me to go, I took her advice and went. After I had snuck out of school (with her help, I might add), she called my mother and ratted me out. That was a long time ago, I'm married with a kid and no longer in contact with my so called best friend. By the way, I'm married the guy I snuck out for.



    My dad hit me in the head with a pair of crutches fitted with special spikes for use on ice. It sliced my scalp open down to the bone, and blood was pouring down my face. He continued hitting me and telling me how stupid I was and that this was all my fault while he tried to keep me from bleeding to death.



    I was raised in a countryside where most of the people know each other and are generally nice to each other. I came to a metro city for my uni and it was anyways quite overwhelming for me as I am a shy to talk to new people face to face. A group of girls in college started talking to me and I thought we were friends, they used to click my pics with them all the time which I did not like but was somehow bearing with. After 1st semester was over we had a fest, where I got to talk to more students in my class and I came to know that these girls whom I thought of as my friends, used to make memes of me using the pics they clicked and used to share it wide. The memes ranged from my dressing sense, eating habits, weight, being from a countryside. They also spread a lot of nasty rumors about me, ignorance was bliss for me, after knowing this it became difficult for me to talk to other students, later I got myself transferred into another campus.



    Down voted my comments on Bored Panda.



    I was showing pictures of my group of friends to my mom and she said "you must be the only ugly one among them" .... I'll never forget that



    This was when I was very young, even though it wasn't a massive thing it still hurt me a lot. I was taking to my ex-best friend (then best friend) and mentioned that I didn't like two of the girls in my class. Before I said it she swore not to tell anyone. Straight after I told her, she ran straight up to the people I'd been talking about and told them what I'd said. I'd said that they weren't very nice but she made up all sorts of things that I hadn't said and then they came and started kicking me and pulling my hair. They pulled a large clump of my hair out and my head started to bleed. However it wasn't enough that the teachers would notice so they told me if I told anyone they'd come to my house at night and pull all my hair out. I was terrified. I didn't tell anyone until a few years after they'd left. Their new schools weren't even alerted and they were never punished.


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    Kathi Keegan Chang
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You sound like a passive young woman, who is totally capable (with the help of some parents) to put this under the heading of "BULLYING" someone who doesn't believe she is far stronger than she thinks!! Report this kind of bullying right away, and allow MATURE adults to take over with police, teachers, and especially, the WINNERS in your small circle, whom you trust.

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    When I was on elementary school, I was hit, bit, my hair pulled by a girl because she think "man should not retaliate to girl for anything, unless he's a sissy"


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    Robert Townsend
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Really. if that was the case then you should of found the biggest s**t house girl you could find to give her a f**king slap!

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    once my dad said i was a disappointment



    In Denmark, when a pupil disturbs the lesson, one can – or could – be put outside the classroom door “to cool down” during lessons. This is rarely used nowadays, but it was quite common in the seventies, where this happened. I must have been about nine or so, and our class was a big one, so during some lessons, we were divided into two smaller groups for Danish and Math.
    I barely remember why, but once I had been put outside the door for some minor offence, during Math. Possibly I had been caught whispering to a fellow student, passing notes or similar. So, there I was, reconsidering my life choices, as it were.
    That was when my Danish teacher passed in the hallway and spotted me. He asked why I was outside and what I had done, and then he ordered me to follow, which I did, and so we went to the other half of the class.
    It turned out that a classmate had been sick and vomited all over his table and the floor. The poor kid had been sent home and here the teacher was, with a classroom full of sick and pupils, not a good combo at the best of times.
    He handed me a cleaning cloth and told me to clean it up, right there, in front of half the class, with my bare hands and that one cloth. (There was a sink in the classroom.) I asked, nay, I begged for him not to make me do it, but he insisted that I deserved such a task as I had clearly been disrupting Math…
    Today I can still recall wiping that table and that floor, getting lukewarm sick on my hands, crying all the while as half my classmates laughed and laughed and laughed. It was hard not to add my own to the mess on the floor, but at the end, I did manage to get it all. It took some time, and he never acted to prevent their laughter, to continue his teaching nor to end my torment.
    When I had finished, he sent me back to the door at the Math class, where I wept until my Math teacher came out and started to reprimand me, but then stopped because I was in a mess. She thought I was crying because of her punishment, and I could not tell her otherwise, but at least I was let back in.
    For years, I did not tell this story at home, even though I was bullied because of it as the story spread. Today I am a teacher myself, and when I meet classmates from back then, some of them wonder at my choice of career after seven years with bullying and ignorant teachers.
    I must admit that I have never quite forgiven that teacher!


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    Rosie Hamilton
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's always very telling 'I could not tell her otherwise'. So often children feel that they can't speak up and get the help and support they deserve. It's heartbreaking. I think it's wonderful that you became a teacher - you know what NOT to do and would never treat a child the same way. That's who we need teaching our children, those who can empathise but be supportive and give good guidance.

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    When i was a child (6 or 7), my cat got kittens. Naturally as a kid i played a lot with them, i imagined they were the tiny tigers of my circus :)
    One day after school i went to see the kitten but they weren't there. I asked my mom, and she said while sobbing "you shouldn't have played with them this much, you killed them". Needless to say I was destroyed and depressed for days..

    Later in my life I learned that actually they couldn't find peoples to adopt them so my dad drown them in a bucket..


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Your mother threw you under the bus. If she wanted to protect your father, she should have come up with a lie that protected you as well, such as saying they got sick and the vet couldn't save them. Playing nicely with kittens sounds like a good way to socialize them.

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    Oh boy, where do I start. I was bullied my whole school life, I had food thrown at me and one bully even strangled me until I had an asthma attack. Believe it or not though they aren’t the worst. I used to be really close to my mother-in-law, she helped me out greatly over the years and has been a huge support especially when my mum was living in the US. Well at the start of the year she betrayed my trust in a big way.

    She wanted to babysit the kids over new years so she could take them to a pageant. Well we told her that she is to have the kids in her care she is not allowed to drink at all. (She doesn’t know when to stop). Anyway she promised and because their grandad was there things would be alright. Well I get a phone call from my daughter in the morning saying her grandma got drunk. So hubby and I got dressed quickly to get down there asap. Well my mother-in-law heard my daughter tell us that she drank and so she started having a go at my daughter coz she betrayed her trust and shouldn’t have said anything and proceeded to call her a “Bad Granddaughter”.

    I have never been so angry in my life 1. She betrayed our trust and 2. She said one of the worst things you can say to your grandchild. Since then other stuff has happened and she got the shits on because I suggested she seek help for her drinking problem and that she is no longer to care for my kids until she quits drinking altogether. Well that caused a shit storm, she blocked us on facebook, she is blaming my daughter and finding faults in everyone else to deflect away from her. She is telling people that I wont let her see the kids when she can just supervised. She has told a few other lies about me and even though she got caught out in the lies it is still everyone elses fault. It’s been months now and she acts like everything is peachy. Well I will be nice, polite and pretend everything is okay just to keep the peace but if she asks to babysit the kids or anything the answer is going to be a big fat “F**k NO”.



    We moved to a new town when I was in the 3rd grade and I tool the bus to school. Every day after school 4 kids would beat me up because I was the new kid. I begged my Mom to meet me at the bus stop, even showing her all the bruises and she refused multiple times. I new then that that I would habe to take care of myself because no one else would. I eventually explained things to the bus driver and was allowed to switch stop which ending the beatings.



    I got sacked from my job once because the managers daughter was stealing from the till. The excuse given was head office know someones stealing and someone has to be sacked so i got the boot. Took me nearly 3 years to get another job because they want references from the previous employer.


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    pusheen buttercup
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Omg, same here! Except it turns out it was a manager, not their daughter. I was the newest person there and I got in trouble for it. How often does this even happen to people?

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    in p.e (physical education, phys ed whatever u call it) some annoying kid in my class pushed me up against the wall for absolutely no reason at all. he was a right jerk and he proabably still is


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    another mean thing was that a girl in my class used to pretend i was her 'best friend'. after she got bored of me she would be really rude, spread rumours, give me dirty looks, try to embarrass me infront of the class etc. she ALWAYS got away with it becuase she acted like an angel to all the teachers and infront of her parents but really she was a bossy kid who always got what she wanted. she is still the same but luckily im not in her class or anything anymore, though were at the same school. she has done the same thing to other people and its normally my friends becuase she wants to be popular and me to be lonely. i hate her with every atom of me and i just wish someone would put her in her place

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    When my boyfriend (husband of many years now) took me to meet his mother for the first time she said "You're not good enough to marry my son."


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The correct response here is "You're right. Upon meeting you, I realize that I'm too good, and will aspire to a better match"...

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    A girl named Taylor used me to do things I'd rather not repeat, I was small, 1 grade and and when I told my mom the teacher scolded her and she kept doing it getting worse calling me names but I found better friends and am better


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    pusheen buttercup
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I feel you. We don't really have very good problem-solving techniques for bullies in schools imo. "Tell an adult" they say. But what if that makes it worse? Or what if the adult is the one doing the behavior? I truly think we need to change our entire system, but I know that's not very easy, and I also believe some parents' involvement can be the difference between whether those changes work or not. Aside from my whole rant- I am very happy you have better friends and that you are better. :)


    My mother died when I was nine years old. Obviously it was devastating. One day on the bus ride home from school, my neighbor started teasing me about it. I can't remember the exact words (it was 40 years ago) but it was something along the lines of me having a dead mother who is gone forever, which he thought was so funny. Now I never had a problem with this little shit before, so not only was I upset about what he said (shouted, really), but i also was so confused as to why he would be so cruel. But that's not the end of it. Fast forward ten years. My father's remarried to a woman who had a daughter already. My stepsister for some reason thought this kid was great, and my stepmother encouraged their friendship/flirtation, probably because the two of them measured their self value in how much male attention they got. I know, nuts. I explained why this person was an asshole, the whole story about the time on the bus. They rolled their eyes at me and laughed, saying I was too sensitive. Due to other circumstances those two are no longer in my life, and I still hate that kid, though he is out of my life too.


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    Valentine Braixen
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That’s rough, buddy. I’m not being sarcastic when I say that, by the way, I genuinely mean it.

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    Hate on me and my family because of my race/country origin. I live in a country that was once one with my country, but my country got its independence from.

    My neighbours did alot of bad stuff, like pouring water on my sister... encourage their kids to treat us badly. their kids would run every time they saw us because appearantly, we're dangerous.

    Almost everyone in that country hates foreigners...but pretends to like them.

    Once this driver who takes us to school (yup, some are great humans) anyway, he told us that, when he was a kid his parents told him and his siblings-to go nowhere near people from my country.

    I'm black and live in an Islamic country, during Christmas they put up signs saying "don't celebrate pagan holidays(in arabic)" about my religion which is christianity.

    They also call us 'abeed' (arabic for 'slaves')

    If you feel uncomfortable reading this, or if you're nothing like this. it's fine, some people are good/kind hearted. But this stuff IS TRUE.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am so sorry for you. It must be very hard to live in a community like this.

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    I was physically abused by my classmates in kindergarten for being smarter than they were. I was reading at a 4th grade level and already knew how to multiply (a concept that isn't taught until 3rd grade). I still have trust issues and have a problem making new friends, and I'm now going into 10th grade. It has been 10 years.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    @Steve, it's all true. I was 4 then and am 14 now. Don't judge what you don't know all of the facts about. If you are criticizing this because you weren't smart in school then I am sorry. Otherwise, shut up.

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    I was raised by my grandparents, both of whom were like angels to me. My husband at the time was controlling and mean, although I tried to that from my family. When my grandfather died from cancer my grandmother asked my husband to be a pall bearer at his funeral. He told her he would. I was so fragile and sad. When we got home my former husband let me know that there were conditions under which he would help to carry my grandfather's casket. Firstly, I had to wash and detail his truck. The other condition is too embarrassing to mention here. My former husband is dead now. He died suddenly from a massive blood clot to his heart. I am not sad anymore.



    After my colleague quit my job, I needed someone in the laboratory who could represent me from time to time. I got permission from my boss to train an unskilled worker, let's call her Rita, for this.
    I worked with her for over a year, explained the processes, showed the necessary steps, made sure that she got all the help she needed when I was away. She could call me anytime during my vacation (and she did, a lot).
    On the whole, she did the job well, I was mostly able to iron out small mistakes. Now that she was my substitute with responsibility, she also got a hefty raise.
    A few months later, at an employee briefing, it was announced that some employees had stolen money, from the office, from the wardrobe, from the backpack, and that management had called in the police.
    I now know from the stories of my colleagues that the police came into the shop and interviewed some of the employees. I was on vacation at the time of the briefing.
    So during my vacation I get a call from the police and they order me to the police station for questioning.
    They ask me about certain days, what I would have done on the days, in which offices I would have been, and, and, and ... I had no idea what it was about, answered the questions as best I could.
    Then the investigating officer told me that I had been seen walking into an office on a specific day from which money had disappeared. Someone would have said so.
    So I was accused of robbing my colleagues.
    It was very painful and the feeling got worse when I got back to work. I found out that I was the only one questioned, and some interpreted it as guilt.
    What I didn't know was that a colleague (I'll call him Fred) never said that money was stolen from his wardrobe too, only he told the police.
    And with Fred's help, the police have now deposited with some chemicals marked banknotes. When those disappeared, Fred immediately informed the police, and they quickly showed up with us.
    They carried out a color test on the fingers of every employee present at the time, including me (I even had to get there first).
    MY fingers stayed clean. And that of the others, too ... until it was Rita's turn.
    She was fired the next day.
    Several weeks later, I received a letter from the prosecutor's office stating that the investigation against me had been annulled. There was also a telephone number for questions. I then called and asked for the name of the person who had framed me. Due to data protection reasons I didn't get a clear answer. But the friendly official said I didn't have to worry about that, the person couldn't harm me now.
    I'm not 100% sure, but I think it was Rita.
    By the way, Fred got a huge box of chocolates from me.



    I finally opened up to my mother about how my elder sister had been mentally abusing me for over a decade. She responded with "I'm sure she didn't mean it" and carried on reading her book.

    She denies all memory of that moment, but it makes me sick to my stomach every time I remember it.


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    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I went from being angry and sad at my mother to being detached and critical of her. Part of that journey involved giving up on certain issues, telling myself, "I tried, I said what I had to say". Regarding your sister, read Emotional Blackmail by Susan Forward. Abusers will switch methods to get their way and you'll have to stand your ground as they use FOG (Fear - Obligation - Guilt) against you. That means tolerating a lot of stress before the abuser leaves you alone. I went through that, it was tough, but it beat giving in to them.

    See Also on Bored Panda

    It was 1967. I was 11 years old. My 7 year old sister had been sick. She lost her sight and a lot of weight. I was the eldest of four. My mother was frequently absent taking my sister for radiation treatment or staying with her in the hospital. We knew she was very sick, but did not realize it was terminal. She had a nasopharyngeal tumour. That summer I had a sleepover at a "friend's" house. Her father was a neurosurgeon. She point blank told me that my sister was going to die. I couldn't sleep all night. First thing the next morning I ran home and asked my mother if it was true. She said it was. I had to spend the next 8 months watching my sister die and I couldn't tell her (although she most likely already knew, but was never explicitly told). My mom figured the girl that told me overheard her parents talking about my sister. My mom was really upset because she hadn't told any of us yet. But that wasn't the worst of it. The girl and her family were Catholic. She told me God was taking my sister from us because we were not Catholic. In other words, we were being punished for having the wrong faith. Well, I thought if that is what God does, I don't want any part of it.



    In 6th grade i went to a new school, this school was awesome(i just graduated this year). i met a really nice girl and we became fast friends, but she was also friends with another girl, this friendship had started after mine. so this one girl started to say she was friends first with my best friend and that i could not be friends with her anymore, then she proceeded to cyber bully me, start to swear me out. now remember this was all because she thought my best friend could not have two friends. and i brought this to my advisor who told her advisor, they brought this to the principel and he legit did nothing about it what so ever. to this day 3 years later she still has not gotton punsihed.



    I used to play softball, but quit after my Junior year of high school. The downhill decline started when I was 13. I was a catcher and was warming up our pitcher to go in next inning. She asked me to take off my mask because it was "distracting." I argued with her that this was stupid and I knew something was up (who asks their catcher to take their mask off??!). I took it off anyway, just to shut her up. I noticed she was throwing even harder once I did that. Suddenly there was an exciting play going on and I told her to stop so I could see what was going on. Next thing I know I hear my name called, so I turn my head...right into a fastball. The only reason I didn't lose my front two teeth was due to my braces. I am almost 40 and will need implants sooner, rather than later. Parents agreed to pay nothing. No apology. Nada. Coach desperately asked if I could still play even as blood dropped out of my mouth. Same girl later started a rumor I stole another player's BF, stole stuff out of my locker, stole items out of my music cases (played sax in the band), and just tortured me in general all through out H.S.. Most of the girls on the team stopped talking to me because of this. I was not invited to social events and was generally ostricized. There were also problems with the coaching staff, but that is too long and political to get into. Let's just say that if your parents were donors to the program, you were treated a certain way. Some of us were relegated to sitting the bench, even when we were up 30-0 one game, because we "have to preserve our record." I know that sounds like maybe I was just a terrible player, but keep in mind that there were tryouts every year and your position was never guaranteed. I think they just liked having a live punching bag. Quit playing before my Sr. Year, even though just sitting the bench on Varsity could have netted me a scholarship. Sometimes your mental health is worth more.



    When I was around 10-11 years old my mother told me that if she had realized early enough she was pregnant with me, she would have gotten an abortion.
    Second meanest thing is when my paternal grandmother said I was illegitimate.



    When I was in 8th grade I was part of a big group of neighborhood kids. We were all friendly except for Shari. She was a prima donna who was going steady with one of the boys, Tom
    Anyway, Tom decided to have a party and everyone was excited. My mom even took me shopping and bought me a new dress.
    Night of the party I go to Tom's and knock on the door. Shari opens it and says "Ohhh, you weren't invited" and slams the door in my face. I just went home. No one ever said anything to me about it, not even my brother who was at the party at the time.
    I know it doesn't really sound like much, but even 40 years later I can can still how bad that felt.



    My ex literally tried to kill me when I left her after she’d been psychologically and physically abused me for years. She asked her son to hit me in the head with a fire extinguisher. Luckily I managed to run away after the first hit and escaped with minimal brain damage and seizures that I fortunately recovered from within the next couple of years.


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    I had a toxic friend but I didn't know it at the time (I was in 4th grade). My birthday was coming up and she asked me if I was going to invite a mean girl who we didn't like at my birthday party. She said she wouldn't do it if I were me. So I naturally said, "I guess you're right." Later, she secretly told the counselor that I wouldn't invite the mean girl to my birthday. The counselor brought my toxic friend, myself, AND the mean girl in and forced me to tell the truth. I just denied it because I didn't want to hurt the mean girl's feelings. She made me not trust anyone like that. :(



    My mom and my step dad did a really lousy job raising me. They abused me in every way, which caused me a lot of emotional and psychological problems from the trauma. In spite of how they treated me, when my mom was dying of cancer I moved back home to take care of her. While taking care of her she continued to treat me exactly the same, yelling, cussing, berating me, being violent with me, she even put me out a couple of times! Fast forward a couple of years, now my step dad is suffering from cancer. Trying to be a good person, I moved back home to take care of him and now I'm going through the same thing! Boy, it sure is hard being the bigger person!


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    Community Member
    4 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are not obligated to be his carer. If he treats you this way, despite you being there for him and showing up for him like this, warn him that you'll leave if he continues to act like that. Then if he does, he will have no one to blame but himself. I honestly don't believe that would mean you are not the bigger person. Also, I'm so sorry :/ As a mother I keep being shocked by how terrible some parents treat their children. I'm so sorry for you.

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    I know this seems petty but in 5th grade (worst year of my life) I had to sit with someone who really hated me (except when I cried, then she was sorry about whatever she did). Anyway we had to sit in pairs and I was next to her. Every other day she would say how she did not want to sit next to me because of how annoying I was. One day she took a paper and made to big balls and told me that was what my nose looked like. I was really hurt because I was already so self conshes (how do you spell that?) and it really hurt me.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Fred and George Weasley, nobody asked you! Also I’m sotry that happened to toy

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    So I came out of the closet to my mom and told her I was bi. She was totally fine with it, asking how she could support me and stuff like that. I asked her not to tell anyone, since I wanted to be able to control who knew. (I know that sounds weird but it’s the best way I could put it. I don’t mean manipulate them I mean be able to make it so only my friends knew and not strangers) anyway fast forward a few weeks and I find out that she told literally everyone on her discord group! Like wtf mom?


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    When I was in 3rd grade, I spent a month working on a report on the dissection of a flower. I spent the longest time and most effort out of everyone in the class. When the teacher read the report, she said it ‘was not properly credited’ and I forgot to credit her for info. The thing was, she didn’t teach us a single thing about it, the science teacher did. Then she told my mom that I lacked proper 3rd grade writing standards because I didn’t credit her. I cried for hours, because I usually never got in trouble.



    Thought me and my neighbor are also good friends. I have bent over backwards to help this lady. Bought her and her kids groceries, gave her clothes and makeup and other stuff, gave her my last $20 one time, gave her gas money etc. New neighbor moves in and asks 'neighbor friend' about me. 'neighbor friend' says I'm a 'hermit b*tch that never leaves my house' (during pandemic lockdown) and other mean stuff. Also I have medical problems so getting around is an issue for me. You know how I found out? 'Neighbor friend' TOLD ME she said this. So now I know that is how 'neighbor friend' thinks of me so much so that in the very first conversation she has with someone she's never met that is how she describes me. New neighbor never told me what 'neighbor friend' said and has no idea I know. We chat all the time now for hours over the back fence and shes really nice so I guess I got a new 'neighbor friend' now. Still hurts though.


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    Let me preface this by saying my mom is the most important person in my life. I love her unconditionally and assigned myself the role of her protector at the age of 8 when my parents divorced. That being said, she's said some pretty crappy things to me over the years. Two of those stand out as the worst. In high school she told me I was ruining her marriage just before she kicked me out of a still moving car in front of the school because I'd missed the bus. I've struggled with significant depression since age 10 and getting out of bed in the morning was difficult, so I was late a lot. The second thing she said that really cut deep was 5 years later. I had just told her that a friend she'd met wasn't JUST a friend and had actually been my girlfriend, essentially coming out as bi. Her exact words? Well, I hope you got THAT out of your system! Spoiler alert. I didn't. I just never talked to her about it again.


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    Isabella R.W.
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm so sorry that happened to you, honey :( Some people just don't deserve to be parents.


    i was in college and dating this girl lets call her Emma we were partying and this guy hated me he was at the bar when Emma went over there he tried to hit on her so i walk up and said back off. So he punches me and i had a little posse back then so they help me out and got him out of the bar. i went home and told Emma she went a different way i got a call from mom so i went to her house for a little bit. then i went home when i got home i went to my room and saw Emma "having fun" with the guy from the bar i forced everyone out and sobbed on the ground for the rest of the night.



    There are so many things to choose from, but I think I'll go with Girl Scouts. I was ignored and bullied in my troop, including being yelled at for helping someone, no one talked to me despite the fact that my mom made the troop, and when my troop went camping, I was talked about behind my back, the only time I caught them. I'm pretty sure there were more times bit I thankfully forgot them. And then in my summer camp everyone still ignored me.



    That was the time when I was in college.I was never been into a relationship and then there was a guy I had a little crush on.I really liked him.After a month on new year's eve he asked me to be his girlfriend.I was on the ninth cloud.I was falling madly in love with him.After 6 or 7 months our relationship turns out to be a toxic one.He used to abuse me and my family he starts ignoring me and always talking to another girls.A girl( his girlfriend before me) told me that he proposed me just because he wants to make her jealous and she was on the call when he asked me to be his girlfriend.
    That was the biggest shock to me.I hated that guy.That day I realised he was just playing with me.I was just a time pass for him.


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    Good lord. I moved to a new town the summer before my 5th grade year. Met one of my future classmates in Pop Warner cheerleading over the summer, became friends. Well, that was a mistake. For one, the kids in my class were horrible toward new people It was like a full year hazing to see how often they could make new people (student or teacher) cry.

    And the girl I made friends with? Psycho- or sociopath in the making. She got her kicks by being super friendly to my face, and then behind my back telling this group of girls known for being bullies that I was talking crap about them. I had no clue who they were. The group of girls spent months threatening to beat me up after school, and I had no idea why. Joke ended up being on the psycho backstabber. Find told my mom about the issue at one of the parent days, and she got the lead bully’s mom involved. Turns out, she was actually a nice person, just a bit hyper defensive. Ended up being close friends until I moved out of state a little over 4 years later. Never associated with the psycho girl much after that.

    I will say that until I made friends with the 2nd girl, the only reason I made it through the bullying that year is because a group of older kids actually had to step in and threaten some of the kids in my class. My 7th grade year, my class managed to run 2 students and a teacher out because they were so awful to new people. Psycho girl was the ringleader for all of it. I did what I could, but I’m only one person and I was still not “one of them”. I have 4 years of horror stories about some of the people from that school. Teachers were pretty awesome, though, so that made things more bearable.


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    I have always not been very popular. I'll admit that I can be somewhat annoying at times but I have never been mean or said anything inappropriate and rude. I have always tried to be kind to others. I have a couple:
    1) In 5th and 6th grade most of the grade hated me. This is because I called a few girls out for being mean and then they got revenge by spreading rumors behind my back. They started an "I HATE a nerd" groupchat and dischord. I complained to the teachers, nothing happened because they "didn't have proof". I complained to my parents, they told me to suck it up and that it was my fault that I was getting bullied. 6th grade was probably one of the worst years of my life. Luckily I had one close friend that was the only person that stuck by me.
    2) This past year I was new to my school. This one boy in my grade decided that he had a problem with me. (I did absolutely nothing to him). I managed to get all of his friends and their girlfriends to hate me. They would talk about me behind my back and make snide comments to my face. One time I spilled my water bottle in class. It got all over my stuff and almost destroyed my computer. I began trying to clean it up. They rest of the class sat and watched me try to clean it up, laughing and joking about what a klutz I am. To be clear, they weren't just teasing. I clearly had tears in my eyes and asked them to stop. The teacher did nothing. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and screamed at them to please stop. The teacher finally looked up and called me to talk to her outside. The main leaders of the bullying looked smug. I went out into the hallway and the teacher proceeded to yell at me for interrupting class. I tried to explain it to her and when she finally calmed down enough to listen to me she apologized and told off the rest of the class. The bullies never got any sort of punishment.

    Some of you might ask why my parents never did anything about this. They assumed that if I was getting bullied it must be because I did something wrong. They continually told me how I could change to be better and not get bullied.


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    Jennifer Ness
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Very unfortunate. Only small people pick on others. Keep being strong and you will get past this. Try to find that one person who also needs a friend. School years are the hardest time for some of us. They won't matter to you at all when you are older. It gets better.

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    My dad used to live with his boss and I would visit on weekends. This man was a horror, my mom even hated him and always called him "a punk" since he was much younger than her and she had known him since he was a teen (before I was born). Anywho, I've been bullied a lot by my peers but what this grown ass man said to me one day takes the cake. He pulled me aside, and for absolutely no reason looked me dead in the eyes and told me I was going to grow up to be a slut. I was 9.

    Also, my grade 5 teacher once openly mocked me in front of the entire class for talking with my hands. She pranced around the class dramatically waving her arms around claiming she was me. I just hung my head at my desk and cried. Good thing out of this one, I told my mom. She. Lost. Her. Shit. That teacher learnt real quick where I get talking with my hands from. Step dad had to physically restrain her. Mother hen to mother bear in a nano second.



    My dad used to live with his boss and I would visit on weekends. This man was a horror, my mom even hated him and always called him "a punk" since he was much younger than her and she had known him since he was a teen (before I was born). Anywho, I've been bullied a lot by my peers but what this grown ass man said to me one day takes the cake. He pulled me aside, and for absolutely no reason looked me dead in the eyes and told me I was going to grow up to be a slut. I was 9.

    Also, my grade 5 teacher once openly mocked me in front of the entire class for talking with my hands. She pranced around the class dramatically waving her arms around claiming she was me. I just hung my head at my desk and cried. Good thing out of this one, I told my mom. She. Lost. Her. Shit. That teacher learnt real quick where I get talking with my hands from. Step dad had to physically restrain her. Mother hen to mother bear in a nano second.


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    Someone started bullying me telling me to go to hell and just saying awful things about me. Just because I said Billie Joe Armstrong was cute. -_-


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    Once in grade 7, I had a group of friends that I was always around. At the end of the year, they came up to me and told me that they don't like me anymore because I wasn't "like them" and that I was forcing everything on them. I am a very sensitive person so I didn't really handle it well. They called me dramatic and selfish for crying. I said in tears that I have no one else to be friends with and they said: "well just find some new friends. Not us." At that point, I was shaking with tears and couldn't stop myself from crying. The worst part about this is that they couldn't say it to my face 'cause they didn't want to get in trouble. They were all like, "You tell her" "No you go tell her". Yeah so in the end they just left me in the bathroom having a breakdown. Yeah.



    I guess it's not really rude, more annoying. And I kinda think that I'm the one who behaved badly.

    So, there's this kid in my 5th-period class. I prefer not to mention him so let's call him Andrew.
    After ONE conversation, about books, he decides he has a crush on me. Andrew keeps this a secret until his friend spills the beans. I pretend to be oblivious the first time. A few days after, Andrew's friend tells me again.

    "I'm sorry, but I don't like you," I said. Then, I walked to class.

    Several days after that, Andrew asks me if I like him. I have a very short temper, so I got irritated this time. I probably hurt his feelings when I said this:

    "I'm sorry, but I don't like your guts." (First thing that came to mind when he asked me, oof) I walked away.

    Next week, he pesters me again, and I yell at him.
    A few days later, he asks me again. I ignore him.

    Then one day at lunch, his friend Zach gets my attention. Zach is a nice guy, but I already knew what was coming. Before Zach could say anything else, I lost my temper.

    "I've told you once, I've told you twice, I've told you a MILLION times!" I shouted across the cafeteria. "I hate you, so stay out of my life!"

    I had probably humiliated Andrew, as kids throughout the cafeteria started saying 'Oooooh' and started whispering and staring.

    I thought he was done with me, as he did nothing after a month. Then, he started taking the things he knew I loved: my books. Most of my books were from friends who moved away, so that made me EXTREMELY angry.

    One day, I got bad news from my friend, Keith. Apparently, he got paralyzed in an accident, and doctors didn't know if he'd make it, so I got really upset. Andrew decided to take one of my favorite books.Now, he didn't know at the time, but I had kept some photographs of me and Keith. Probably a dumb place to put something really important, but still.

    I COMPLETELY lost it, screaming my head off so much, one of my friends had to slap his hand over my mouth.

    Then, two weeks after that, he began following me and my friends around. Whenever I sat next to my friends in 5th period, he'd be always nearby. During free periods, Andrew would be following us.

    I'm probably the mean person here, I don't know, don't really care. He's annoying as heck, so I don't really regret screaming bloody murder at the guy. It might seem stupid, but I have a REALLY short temper, and I'm really straightforward. When I say no, I mean no. That's not an invitation to pester me all day long.


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    Sarah Melville
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Well he does sound as if he's a bit obsessed, stalker material. But maybe you should try to practise anger control before you end up the one in trouble.

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    This is just like one comic I saw on BP, but my 'friends' want me to join what they are doing, but when I finally get what I can to join them they already move on to something else.



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