Please post some lucky occurences!


3 years ago; lost my wallet, with my ID in it, only to have one of Sweden's most recognized actors knock on my door the next day with it (one of the Skarsgård's). Most stupid moment? No selfie! Kicked myself.



    Finding the greatest guy in the world for me. We've been married 40 years & it still seems like yesterday when we went on our first date. I'm still surprised sometimes that he loves me, but he does. And I love him, too.



    Survived a head-on collision with a large run-away lorry and only got a few cuts, bruises and a broken arm! As it hit my car I genuinely thought 'I'm dead'. 😕


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    Kari Panda
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I‘ve been in a similar situation - it‘s such a surreal feeling. I hope you are doing well.

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    3 years ago I fell out of a tree. A branch snapped, but nog through, so I got on a ladder, and used a saw to get te branch down. Down it went, and 3 seconds later, so did I. Unbeknownst to be, I got a whiplash. After a few weeks, I got a splitting headache, and eventually ended up in hospital, because nothing the doc did worked. To rule out anything bad, they made a scan, and that's when I found out I had a braintumor. So if I didn't fall out of the tree, I probably would have found out when it was too late, and I'd be flopping around like a fish. Last year it was removed, and eventually it'll come back, but every scan I take, my brain seems to be looking better and better. So everytime the results get back from a scan, I'm as happy as can be.



    On our very first cruise (ever) after we were married we were checking in at the desk for our room assignments. The clerk looked at our paperwork and said "I don't see you in this room." I almost had a meltdown. We had saved up for an economy room with a window and I assumed we weren't even on the ship!
    She calmed me down and gave us our key cards to the room that we were assigned instead of the one that we had booked.
    We opened the door to a demi-suite with a balcony that included an invitation to the Captain's Table for dinner!
    Apparently, a group wanted their rooms together on the same deck. We were assigned one of their member's rooms and they were assigned our room instead.
    We were not charged the price difference, which was significant, and we had the time of our lives!
    it was our perfect honeymoon almost 18 months after we were married.



    At a supermarket on my way home from work one evening, I had my left arm through my motorcycle helmet and a shopping basket in my left hand.
    I picked up a bottle of rum from a head height shelf with my other hand, but as I lifted it the security tag got caught on another bottle's tag and pulled it from the shelf.
    As it fell I managed to catch it, upright, on the tip of my boot and lower it to the floor.
    An employee witnessed this and exclaimed "Oh, man! You should go buy a scratch card!"
    I took his advice, I bought a lottery scratch card for £2. It won me £4. Only scratch card I've ever bought.
    My run of luck then ran out - my bike ran out of petrol on the way home from the store.



    A couple weeks after I'd finished college and resigned from my job to begin looking for work in my new career, the company I most wanted to work for posted an ad for the exact job I wanted. And, I got that new job and stayed with that company for 25 years!


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    Samantha Lomb
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That is lucky. Plenty of people struggle finding A job out of college let alone their dream job

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    Having a caring daughter.



    Getting into the uni I wanted without having to take the paid exam.



    I woke up at midnight almost 8 years ago. Had a cold, felt tired, went to sleep early with earplugs, yet I still woke up because something was off. Found my mum collapsed. Massive double pulmonary embolism, where her heart stopped for a minute when the EMTs arrived. She is coming home from her Hungary vacation (where she went with her amazing boyfriend). I hope she brings me a magnet. I love my mum. She is the best parent I could have ever wished for, and it has always been just the two of us. Hug your parents.



    4 years ago I was rearended in traffic jam and me and my motorcycle were thrown into oncoming traffic - which moves as fast it cans (here you are considered to be an idiot if you drive by the speed limits)- the opposite direction usually is free in the evening. I woke up in the intensive care - no memories from the accident at the time... It was late in the night but a there was constant stream of very concerned doctors poking my legs and asking if I feel anything. “Yes I do” was my answer every time but it seemed they have really hard time believing it. It turned out - my left lung crashed, severe concussion, collarbone broken... and my back was broken in 8 places, they had to do really hard and intensive surgery to fix it somehow, I was operated by the best doctors in my country without paying anything extra (which is miracle by itself in Eastern Europe) - after month and half I made my first steps, three months after I had my third daughter, 6 months later back playing the bass on stage, and year later I was back on two wheels (please do not tell my doctor - she sweared if she learns that I am riding motorcycle again she will kill me - extra slow and painfully)...
    I don’t know if it that was luck, or my believe that one never should throw a leg over a motorcycle without putting every piece of safety gear he can find in his garage, or just God smiled over me that day... but I am really thankful!



    I promise this story is 100% true. In high school in the 90s, back when coke bottles had lids with prizes under them, and the most common was "free drink". Three friends and I stopped at a gas station because one of my friends had a "free drink" lid. They go in to the store and get a plastic bottle of coke. Lo and behold they won another free drink with that lid! So they give the lid to another friend who gets their free drink and THAT one had a lid with a free drink. This happened 2 more times so all 4 of us got a free drink from one free drink lid.



    One summer night, I fell asleep early, but couldn't stay down. So, I was talking with my roommate at 2 AM, and heard a pedestrian. Roomie suggested that I talk to him, something we had never tried before. It turned out that he was looking for my address but had it written down wrong. He was scouting Canada for several Vietnam draft-dodgers, and needed a couch. It also turned out that we had been pen-pals 7 years earlier.


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    Samantha Lomb
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not sure I could be nice to someone rounding up kids for a stupid imperialist war

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    My parents were very caring when I came out to them as gender-fluid and changed my name to Kai…well at first it was “K” because I hadn’t decided when my sister came out for teachers have been supportive and so has everyone else..except Granddad but you know,I ignore him when he calls me by my deadname.that taught him


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    Samantha Lomb
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yeah I don't get why it is hard to call someone by a preferred name. No one has trouble shortening Andrea to Andi for example if that is preferred. I even went to school with a kid we all called Justin cause his first name was Michael and his last Myers and he didn't like the Friday the 13th connection.

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    When I was younger, my mum, sister and I were all going a very expensive ropes course in Montreal. As we approach the gate, a random couple we don't know at all comes up to us and says they won a family pass to this ropes course - and asked us if we wanted to use it as well! We got into it free, no charges or catches at all! Super lucky



    Well… once in a a unnamed place a live shooting broke out, and I have the worst luck of all, so I got caught in it. I have a strong fight or flight sense, so no meaning to be smug but I grabbed a women whom was wailing for help and her baby and ran. I got 2 gunshots in my back, luckily a bad shot (went right through flesh, not touching internal organs or main blood veins) I made a full recovery and ended up marrying the beautiful woman, though she is sadly no longer with us. All the people involved were untouched but me, someone called the police and the armed shooter was arrested. I hope no one will get caught in an accident like so…
    Love you all!
    - nobody


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    I was on holiday in Northern Ireland with my girlfriend. Walking through the streets of Belfast, I noticed that there was paper money scattered in the road. Without saying anything, we went over and picked it all up. There was no-one around except for one person who walked by us, but they must have thought we'd dropped it. We took it back to the car and as it was Northern Irish notes, we didn't know if they were real. It came to £120. We had to try it and went to buy lunch using it and the waiter didn't bat an eyelid, so we used the rest to pay for a hotel room and dinner and drinks for that night.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I would never do that not because of moral judgements but because am too paranoid and well,life.


    When my role model once told me that I am his role model.



    My first car at 16 was a 1968 VW Fastback that was a gutless wonder. I called it Flattery as it didn't get me anywhere. It had a habit of dying when I had to come to a stop. I had pulled slightly into an intersection to make a left turn. Traffic cleared, and I pushed on the gas. The car rolled about two or three more feet and died, stranding me at a complete stop blocking both lanes of oncoming vehicles.

    At that same moment, a truck in a parking lot decided to try and make the light. He had to be doing 50 mph when he exited the lot just feet from the intersection and me. It was too late, and he couldn't slam on his brakes in time, and I was blocking both lanes, so nowhere to swerve around me. I was screaming, frantically trying to start the stupid car, and I was sure I was going to die.

    In a split second, a miracle happened. My car was still not running but was inexplicably and completely out of the intersection without rolling. I was blocking oncoming traffic, and then I wasn't. The truck flew past behind me, and he never even slowed down.

    Shaking, I breathed a prayer of thanks to God, started my car, and drove home. I would love to know what the truck driver saw. Did my car blink out and back in as it was moved? Did it appear to jump? It did NOT roll forward, there was no time, only a second or two before I would have been broadsided, and the engine was NOT running.

    Thankfully my father got me a different car soon after that.



    i dropped an ice block once and it landed on my foot instead of the ground and i was happy bc i didnt want it to go to waste but im a very unlucky guy otherwise



    When I was 7, me and my brother (9) took our older brothers tennis racket and a ball. We lost the ball and was afraid we may get in to trouble. So we was looking for this ball. Instead I found 500kr (about $50). "Forget about the ball we buy a new 1".


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    I woke up from a suicide attempt with no damage to myself. Numerous doctors said I would never wake up and if i did it would be a miracle. They said i likely had severe brain damage and here i am. I'm working on myself now and am in a much better place in my own head.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have recovered from at least 5 suicide attempts. I don't consider myself lucky. Just an even bigger loser than I used to think I was. I am glad that you are in a better place though . Keep going. Life seems to suit you.

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    The times when I should’ve died. There's been many but here’s one example. I was 20, stupid and drunk exploring the remains of my old school when it was demolished. I slipped and fell through a broken glass door and severed my neck, millimetres away from cutting a carotid artery.


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    Caro Caro
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    OMG. The things kids do. My brother ran through a glass door and slashed his wrists while chasing our youngest brother. He dodged a bullet just like you!

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    Definitely not the luckiest… but when I was little I was playing hide in seek with my friends, and I was going to hide in the fridge but the shelves were to full. If they hadn’t been as full, I might have suffocated that day. So thank you person who put all of that food there (it wasn’t at a house so I don’t know who it was).


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    Samantha Lomb
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is why fridges now all have to have magnetic locks not the old mechanical hooks


    I went to the park with my sister and a bird (magpie) swooped right past my face. My sister then laughed and we went to get ice cream. My luck again I got three scoops of ice-cream for the price of two. This was yesterday.



    Years ago dropped a tiny toy penguin i made and was really upset, me and my family searched everywhere we’d been that day until it got dark. The next morning i actually found it washed up on the beach covered in sand and seaweed but still intact! Its only about 2 inches big so it was amazing that i actually the little thing again and it didnt just get washed out to sea


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    Once I thought about it, there were several incidences, but the one that stands out is when my work colleagues and I went to a co-workers wedding over the weekend. One co-worker was intoxicated when it was time to leave, so I suggested she call her husband to come get her or let me take her home and leave her car until the next day. She wouldn’t do either and got on the freeway. She drove onto the off ramp so she was going against traffic. Dummy me followed her to try and steer her off. Fortunately, it was late and very light traffic and she realized her mistake. We were both able to turn around and exit. She called me the next day and apologized profusely. One of the scariest events of my life!


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    I was born and I lived. So lucky. Scientists say that 49.3% of people are not born or dies after, like few hours.



    once in seventh grade i was on the volleyball team and my team went undefeated the whole year because I dove onto the ground and actually hit the ball, which my teammate then passed back to the other side and won us a point. we won that game by one point (that play was the last point)
    everyone was so happy and i literally was so confused as to how exactly i did that because the ball was SO CLOSE to the ground but it was very lucky


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    I was a collage intern at a company during my last semester.
    I got hired as a cleaning lady after that because I needed a job while I looked for a career.
    The company got bought by a BIG company, lots of people left with severance pay and many, many positions were opened.
    I was lucky enough to be there just when they needed me.
    Got a job that most people in the industry have to have years of experience at other places before getting there.
    I wasn't even interning in the field I studied.
    So I went from helping out in packaging, to helping out in engineering (internship)
    To cleaning toilets and wiping down tables.
    To getting brought on as a Computational Biologist! (actual job title)
    Took me over a decade to get my BS in microbiology and biotechnology part-time, took me less than 9 months to fall forward into my dream job.


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    Gotten triple from a vending machine. Was acting very slow.


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    I found Bored Panda and the loving BP community!



    When my bitch had puppies and one was born right into my hands, all 7 puppies were healthy and the bitch did a great job.



    Meeting my 3rd husband. I was eating Taco Bell food at a McDonalds because my son and girlfriends son wanted to play in the ball pit but we wanted Taco Bell food. If we had stayed at Taco Bell I would never have met that wonderful man.


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    As a kid, heavy rain had caused floods in our area. Me and my best friend decided it would be an ideal time to explore the local creeks. The current was fast as we waded into the water to see if we could cross. Our combined weight and the force of water dissolved the sand bank on which we stood and sent us rocketing down the flood-swollen creek. Some distance down, the rain had eroded the earth from the roots of a large tree, and it had fallen across the creek. We grasped onto the tree and used it to climb up the steep embankment. If that tree hadn't been there I'm sure both of us would have drowned. We were miles away from home and no one knew where we were. Kids are naive and you never know what kind of mischief they're going to get into!


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    On a winter night in 1982 a friend and I were stopping at a restaurant for a bite to eat. It was evening about 7:30 and it was dark. We parked the car on a side street and got out to walk to the cafe. At that moment, a young thug got out of a passing car, approached us and put a gun in my face.

    "Gimmie your purses!" He shouted and my friend turned and ran in the opposite direction (thanks, bitch). I stared down the pistol's barrel, paralyzed as he took my bag. He took off after my friend. He grabbed her purse right off her arm.

    By this time, some people emerged from an underground parking structure entrance nearby having heard a commotion. The thug ran past them. I saw the small gathering crowd and yelled, "get him he's got our purses!"

    The thug, realizing that some guys and me were chasing him, turned and fired a shot. I heard a loud pop and saw a muzzle flash. I felt a burning sensation in my middle just below my navel.

    The zipper in my jeans caused the .22 caliber bullet to bounce off and I walked away unscathed.

    Lesson learned: Never chase a thug with a gun.


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    In the very first McDonalds Monopoly game (Before it was corrupted), we won a trip to Disneyworld. Had to pay $200 taxes, though.


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    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's so sad about How in America you have to pay taxes if you win on a game show or the lottery or anything else like that. Here in the UK and Ireland , all that is completely tax free.

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    I met my wonderful wife by pure coincidence. That was the luckiest thing that ever happened to me.



    Lost my checkbook on my college campus back in the 90’s. Weeks later, I’m walking through the woods back to my dorm and there is something laying in the middle of the path. My checkbook. It was not weather-worn or anything. It was like it appeared just as i walked up. Bizarre.


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    Years ago I was foolish enough to cross a fast moving stream on the ice. Ice broke and I luckily had my arms up reaching for a branch. My elbows stopped me from going under and being swept away. Managed to crawl out and make it back to town before I froze. Talking to people later I found that the next open bit of water was about a kilometre downstream.


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    Meeting the girl that I would one day marry when we were both quite young. I was only 17, she was a couple of months away from turning 16. We hit it off right away and never looked back. We've been together for over 30 years now. I'm very glad that I avoided the modern dating scene.


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    Already posted, above, but here it is again:
    Years ago, on my way to an event, I was wearing my treasured silver bracelet, bought by my late uncle during WWII. He had bought one for each of his three sisters. Theirs had, apparently, been lost long ago. It is unique and beautiful, with figures of Gods and Demons on each of the six panels. As I traveled to my destination, suddenly I noticed that it had slipped off my wrist. I was devastated. I thought carefully and recreated my steps and realized it must have fallen from my arm when I dropped a load of newspapers into a dumpster, provided for that purpose. I returned to the dumpster, which was large and nearly full, and climbed up, and in, and after searching through the mess, THERE IT WAS! It is precious to me because my mother gave it to me long ago, before her death, and it is one of my treasures. Yesterday, at a gathering, I caught it just in time as it slipped from my wrist. Now I will take it to the jeweler and have a chain attached. NO MORE FOOLISH CHANCES!


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    Two years after I got married I wanted to buy a champion bred Jack Russel terrier puppy it was already on order and soon to be shipped. My third world in-laws were against it and forbid me. It caused great despair and my wife had fights with her parents but to no avail and needless to say the order was cancelled. Then one night around six months later I was neither asleep or fully awake but I had imagined that one day I would own three mix breed terriers with Yellow lab a mix of my two favorite breed dogs. I imagined in detail two larger size and one smaller size because I was unsure the exact size I really wanted. I then began to imagine this would occur during my retirement years so I could spend all my time loving my new best friends. Fifteen years later on a rice paddy farm in Thailand where I would often homestay a small lab terrier mix dog came to the farm at 6 weeks. One year later another dog came at 6 weeks of age. The two loved each other and had pups. The two pups looked exactly like the mother only bigger. I went back to Thailand a year later after I had decided to take the four dogs back to America. One day after several months in America it all came back to me the half asleep dream that I alone directed the outcome and remembered in detail the dogs I wanted and they fit to a tee. It was pre- ordained luck through self hypnosis and the lesson is you can take negative energy flip it to positive follow the path of your heart and even if you forget about it that one day your dreams can come true! Since then we have done many amazing things together and every day they are a great source of joy and love as we are very active sledding, Joring, hiking, hunting and swimming and more international travel exceeding all my dreams.


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    Getting a job at a cat clinic. :)


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    I used to work in a used book store, I found 1000 in a book!


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    In 1990 I won a shade over £15000 because an ex girlfriend of mine told me about a horse that they were training in the racing stable where she worked - before mobile phones ; the only reason she contacted me was to see how I was after a friend of hers told her that she'd bumped into me the day before and had mentioned the name of the hotel where I was working, this led onto talking about her work and the fact that they were training this wonder horse - started putting bets on it 5 months before it ran (with correspondingly high odds), on the day of the race that it had been aimed at, it won as an odds on favourite in a hack canter. Thank you Kribensis.


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    -won the expensive doorprizes (smartphone, motorcycle, fridge) -got the one and only scholarship slot for my category -the best one is I found the "family" that I need in my friend circle


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    In desperate times the Lord always comes thru with an answer. As a recent widow with young children to raise: I was mindful of the horrible tales of what happened to widows and their children when a new man came into their lives. So, I did not date. I just gave up all hope of future happiness. Then a lovely man came a calling. He was everything I desired. We were married 40 years, until his death. Not luck ... divine intervention.


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    I love as walking to the bus stop to get to school and I found 20 dollars and another time I found 10 dollars and I was really happy 😃
