Kids will believe anything. From the tooth fairy to "where babies come from", kids are so gullible. What was the funniest thing you've ever made a child believe?


About a year ago i was at a football game with my lil brother

He was one of the players so him, his team, and i were within the gate surrounding the football feild long before the gates let people in

Well, while him and his team were warming up. I decided to take a walk around, amd ended up at the other gate entrance in which i saw a large line of people

Among those people was this lil girl (prolly 7) who approached the fence and asked "how'd you get in there" immediatly i went "ima ghost and i used magic to slip through the gate"

She legit pressed her face to the fence tryna get through 🤣

She asked me to go through the gate again and i went "im low on power rn so i cant sry"


That lil girl was cool😎


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Sarcastic and Proud
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

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    You need to get married to who we (my parents) want. I got a court wedding on my 18th birthday to my high school sweetheart. We've been married 10 years and have 4 kids.



    When I was 10, my younger cousin and I were walking home from the bus and had to pass a construction site. He points to the cement mixer truck and asked what it was. I was going to tell the truth but at the moment I couldn't remember the name of it. Easter was around the corner and an idea just came to me.

    "It's an egg mixer truck. Kids aren't supposed to know, but the Easter bunny fills them with all the eggs he hides for us. The truck mixes them all up and at night it shoots them everywhere. That's how the bunny can hide them all in one night."

    He not only bought the lie, he told his friends at school and everyone started calling them egg trucks. It wasn't until 5 year later during a bring-your-kid-to-work day the truth came out. We still call them egg trucks to this day!


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    Okay this was me being a kinda asśhole teen/tween (I was like 12 or 13 I think), but I once convinced my parents’ friends’ 4 year old there were vampires in the broom closet and that they liked bananas 💀💀💀.


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    I was about 12. There is a Bible teaching that if someone sues you in court for your cloak, you should give them your tunic, or something.

    I told my younger cousin that if you got sued for your clothes you had to walk around naked.
    A year later his older brother asked me about it, and i pretended not to know about my legal advise


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    Eating the crust on your bread makes your hair grow faster and curlier


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    When I was teaching my son to drive, I taught him that if he left the windshield wipers on when he turned the car off, it would burn up the motor to his windshield wipers and cost several hundreds of dollars to have it repaired.


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    I convinced my younger brother when I was a teenager that I was a trained martial artist.


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    I told my son that I would lose my nursing license if he ever got caught drinking, smoking etc if he was under age.


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    I convinced my niece that monkeys were imaginary creatures like unicorns. It only lasted for about thirty minutes until she asked her mom, but it was funny while it lasted.


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    My golf coach sometimes brought his son with him to practice. He would tell the kid that when you lied, your ears turned green. Everyone always knew when he was lying because he would cover his ears and then deny everything.


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    Once I explained to a three year old how Minnie Mouse is diseased because she only has 3 eyelashes.. and they then tried to convince me they only had 3 eyelashes..


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    I told my kids they were allergic to peanut butter cups. They could eat peanut butter and chocolate separate but together, they were allergic. I was able to intercept their Halloween candy for years until I was busted!



    In high school my boyfriend had a little brother who was like 3. We were going up my very steep driveway and I convinced him we were going to the moon. It was all in fun and super cute, and not exactly hard because he was three.


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