I know a lot of dark facts. There pretty cool so share some!


When whales get too old they become too weak to swim up for air so instead of dying of old age they just sink to the bottom of the ocean while drowning


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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Wouldn’t that be old age? I mean, humans just stop being able to function when they get too old (or so I think), and this is the same thing, right?

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    FUN FACT! Seagulls will gouge out the eyes of baby seals!



    The universe is bound to either fade away, rip itself apart, or explode. In either case, no matter how hard we'll try, we won't last forever as humanity.

    So take a look at all of those people that surround you, understand how little time you have, and just try to honestly make everyone's lives better, fight the futility.

    "Do not go gentle into that good night,
    ... Rage, rage against the dying of the light"
    Dylan Thomas


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    Accio Bacon
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    okay but this is actually pretty cool plus im pretty sure humans will have killed ourselves of by then. (:

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    We are either alone in the universe or not, both possibilities are terrifying


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    True! Weird to think too long about either one of the possibilities ;-)


    There are still millions of active landmines still in the ground today. Watch where you step. But hey! At least it’ll be quick!



    When a baby shark is born, it is immediately abandoned by its mother and forced to fend for itself. Sharks don’t gather in groups or even pairs unless food is involved (aside from mating); a child will never know its own parents.



    When they liberated Auschwitz on January 27, 1945, they found 7 tons of human hair.

    This is because they shaved the heads of the Jews when they arrived. Hair doesn't weigh very much, so it kind of puts into perspective how many people suffered in that single concentration camp.



    Lake liner is a huge man made lake. It was made when the government flooded the tons of graveyards located their. The government lied about moving the graves so they are still their. So every time you swim in lake liner, you are swimming over dead body’s


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The entire earth is literally made up of decomposing bodies, humans, animals, plants. I would be more concerned that whenever you swim at beaches, you are swimming in human waste and pollution.

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    The polar ice caps melting can cause different types of microbes, that are frozen alive long ago, possibly without any known cure, to escape and cause more pandemics in the future.


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    Your face is a compilation of thousands of years worth of other people’s faces.


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    The “smell of fear” is an actual thing. When you are afraid your sweat contains this chemical and you can actually smell it.


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    Has your body ever jerked you awake while sleeping? If so, that’s your body thinking that your dead because your heart rate is slow.


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    Artsy Bookworm
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok that has happened to me many times and now I'm thinking something is wrong with me😬😬

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    The face of Resuscitation Annie (the CPR manikin) was made from a death mask of a young unknown French woman who drowned in the Seine around the late 1880’s.


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    Mass genocide is one of the most viable options to fix global warming as agriculture would drop causing less greenhouse gases



    This is for Disney fans
    1.After a goldfish's mate dies , They change their gender and mate with their children. Now I know why in finding Nemo , Nemo's dad was finding him so badly

    2. Peter Pan was a psychopath. He used to take dead kids to never land . But when they started growing up , He killed them. Now we know that captain hook wasn't actually the main villain , Because captain hook and the neverland pirates were actually kids who fought with peter pan and survived.

    3. The movie wizard of Oz , was actually the cause of actress Judy garlands death. She was fed with some types of drugs to make her look young , amd she later died at the age of 47 from an accidental overdose. Also , She was told to smoke 80 cigarettes per day to keep her looking young and was forced to wear a corset.

    Now , A normal fact....

    After dying , The body still has gas in it , That is why , Sometimes , People heard dead bodies burp and they even saw them move


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    Out of all the different types of dolphins, pink river dolphins are more likely to rape another dolphin.


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    Not so fun fact! In the first ten minutes of most things when they die have their eyes gone, this is because ants eat them
    Not so fun fact! Angler fish males attach to the bottom of a female and then become a part of it
    Not so fun fact! Humans and pests we bring to places have made about over 30 000 species go extinct
    Hope you like these


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    1. You can sense someone staring at you, even while asleep.
    2. Watching yourself in a mirror in a dimly lit room for a while will cause your brain to be bored, and it will scare you, causing hallucinations and monsters in the mirror
    3. If the sun exploded in the middle of the day, it would still appear that the sun is lit for over 8 minutes
    4. A creepy story (likely untrue, sorry!). A woman was killed by her boyfriend and he carved a smile on her corpse's face. If you have an encounter with her, she will ask you if you like her smile. If you say no, she will kill you. But if you say yes, she will carve that same smile on your face.


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    There was a lady in Italy called Leonarda Cianciulli who would invite other ladies over to have tea, hack them to death with an axe and BAKE THEM INTO CAKES and hand the cakes out to neighbours!!! She also made bars of soap out of her victims body fat and gave the soap away as gifts 😱


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    Your mind can sense someone staring at you even when you are asleep. That’s scary


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    Fun fact: obese individuals when cremated can cause grease fires, to a seasoned crematorium operative this is an issue they can handle but to those who are novices the fire can get out of hand very fast.


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    All smells are particulate, so the smell of human waste or a decomposing body is small particles entering your nose.


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    there is a low chance that you can die by touching a blade of grass, its very low, but can still happen.



    1. there is a radio station that has been broadcasting since 1982 the creepy part is now one knows were it is or coming from could be ghost or aliens trying to commicate we dont know
    2. there was a killer who will stalk his victims for days untill he attacked
    3. a woman killed his husband and fed him to her children
    4. two maids beat there master and the master daugther gouged the master's eyes out with a towel and were found naked in bed together
    5. a nurse would kill her patients and on there death bed take selfies with her patients the weird part is that she was smiling in those pictures
    6. two therapists killed there 10-year old patient by wrapping here in towels saying they were doing a rebirthing process. she was screaming and screaming throwing up even one of the therapists said "you want to die than die"
    here are my facts to make you never sleep again


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    If you step in dog poop, leave your shoes out overnight, soles up, and snails will take care of that business!


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    Sherry McGrath
    Community Member
    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Then why don't snails eat the poop in the lawn? i have to pick it up every day!!! LOL

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