The cutest thing that my pet is done for me is I was pretending to hurt myself. I was trying to scare my little sister. So I'm holding a fork and some spoons while doing the dishes and I dropped them and put a butter knife next to me. My cat came up and started meowing really loud, sitting there until someone came to help.


Once I gave my hamster two treats and then she gave me one back adsvdgsbhdjrge too cute!



    One time, my dog Haylea (pronounced Hay-lee) sat in front of me and howled before licking my face a bunch. It was adorable and she wouldn’t stop for like- seven minutes


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    More loving than cute but here goes.
    I was in bed, crying about something(doesn't matter to the story). My dog ran over, jumped on the bed and started licking the tears off my face. His reaction was so sweet and made me feel better.


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    I had a dog that used to suck my thumb. She was a runt and was bottle fed.


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    i had pets before but they are gone but i remember them just being a dang good cute pet


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    My dwarf hamster is very friendly, but sometimes if you scare him by putting you hand in his cage, he will go for you fingers and bite them. He did this to me once and I said "ouch" so he stopped biting, gently grabbed my finger and started licking it as if to say sorry. He now does this every time I scare him by accident, and I just think it's the cutest thing ever ❤️


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    Once, my grandma and I were braiding my horse's mane and put flowers in it. My horse is a diva and LOVES to look good (I know that sounds a little unrealistic but she does) and we call her Katie Kardashian sometimes. I had my phone in the pocket of my hoodie, and a little bit of it was poking out. So we were just standing there putting in braids and I reached for my phone and it wasn't there. I checked the ground to see if it had fallen, and when I looked up, Katie was holding it in her mouth, wanting me to take a picture.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    My tortoise come when I call him by name.


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    From time to time, my little dog will walk by and lick the back of my leg once and keep going. Or if I'm on the sofa, he'll come lick my elbow and walk away. Not sure if it's his way of making sure it's me, or to let me know he loves me, or to make sure I'm okay. Probably all of it! It's the cutest thing ever :)


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