Tell me some creepy stories.


I was sitting in the big, comfy chair in the living room, reading, and oblivious to the rest of the world. Totally alone in the house. Something moved beside me, and when i looked over, the table lamp next to me fell to the floor. Slowly. Like someone gently lowered it to the floor. Too petrified to move, for some bizarre reason, i just said, "Put that back." The lamp slowly rose from the floor and set itself back on the table. We had 18 stairs to get out of the house and the only one i hit was the landing at the curve.



    I had just finished cleaning the house including vacuuming. Walked into the kitchen then back into the lounge and sitting in the middle of the floor was a tiny pink shoe. It was not there 20 seconds earlier, I have nothing in the house from where it could have come, the dogs were all just appeared. Still a puzzle to this day (and no I didn't find the matching one).


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    Not my house but I always got the weirdest feeling whenever I visited my grandmother and went into her living room. Everything seemed to freeze, I got chills and all that jazz. Turns out my grandfather passed away on the threshold.



    My parent's house was a very old one, and every little movement was broadcasted, making it very easy for them to track my siblings. One night, my dad woke up, hearing a creaking noise on the basement stairs, not a little one, a FULL ON SERIES. It was very clear and familiar to him that the noise was a descent. Afraid my brother (the only walking or crawling child) might fall, he ran downstairs, only to find the entire bottom floor empty. So, he checked upstairs for him and found him sound asleep in his bed, and his siblings likewise- no one breathing hard or anything. The real creepy thing about it is the other strange occurences- the same boy who had been suspected of creeping around that house the one night had seen an old lady in a rocking chair in his room. CREEPY!



    I had an old wire legged table next to my bed as a teenager. One day I discovered it had a hum. If I just barely touched the metal with my fingers, I could feel a slightly buzzy hum to it. I showed my brother and he felt it too. We figured it was picking up some vibration from the electrical system in the house.

    One day the electricity went off. I checked the table. It still hummed. I never touched the metal again.


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    Rostit.. .
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is not entirely that uncommon. Metal can be an inductor and if you are near an RF source or power lines they can 100% act as a receiver. although its more likely it was vibrating from being at a resonant frequency of something else in the house.

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    happened when I was twelve, my girlfriend was over, and I went to the bathroom downstairs. She was in my bedroom (Upstairs) I heard her call for me trying to find where I was but then she said never mind because she finds where I was at. A couple minutes later she opens the bathroom door and notices me sitting on the toilet. She starts to scream. I get up and ask her what's wrong. She then ask's me how I got down here so fast when I was just in my room. I still have no idea what happened. The same thing (Different locations and way later) happened to me again when I was visiting when I was 22. Except it was with my brother and my cousin. They also couldn't figure out why there was two of me.

    *Extra*: If anyone has had a similar experience or know something about this phenomenon then please tell me in the comments.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Wow I never seen my doppelganger but thought I did one time. It just ended up being my sister in a badly lit stairwell, but it still freaked me out for a minute.

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    About 15 years ago I lived in a very old building that was formerly a customs-office and located on a artificial side-canal of the river Rhine. The canal is long gone, the customs-office became obsolete and is now separated into flats. That's very important but more to that later. The flat has a hallway with the first door after the front door leading to the kitchen and the second to the living room. One evening I was sitting in the living room and heard creeky sounds from the wooden floor as if someone was walking from the front door towards the living room door. I thought I left the front door open and expected to see the my neighbor telling me that the front door is open, but nothing. I stood up and walked to the door, but there was no one in my hallway. A few minutes later - the same thing - steps creeking in the hallway, but this time the steps seemed to move to the front door. That happened regularly and I got used to the 'ghost' in my hallway. My friends told me that this must be the ghost of a customs-worker who died here from boredom. One day as I stood in the hallway I experienced the 'spook' live and it dawned on me. The solution to the creepy creeks was the fact, that the flats were separated but the floor boards weren't cut at the wall and as my neighbors walked down their floor the long floor boards moved on my side, too and fooled me into thinking that there was someone in my hallway. I don't know ... I liked the 'ghost' and I wish I never discovered the secret. Another story from the same flat was that the landlord asked me if I bricked the door to the other room. I said no and asked what room he is talking about. He asked me to look out of the window and tell me if there is another window to the left. There was one and he said that that's the window of the other room. He left and I never found out what is in that room and why it was blocked for good.


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    someone knocked on our door at 12:00am. it startled our whole family since we were sleeping at the time and it woke us up. It was someone selling/advertising a learning program for students or something? the person tried to come in too and was overall pretty suspicious. anyways it was super weird and my parents dealt with it. thankfully we were never bothered again.



    May not be creepy to some but I got up in the middle of the night for a cup of water and our upper deck blinds were open. My cat was quietly staring outside, and I was startled to see 2 glowing orbs on the other side of the window. I immediately turned on the deck lights to see a huge opossum on his hind legs looking inside. I screeched, my cat took off and the opossum calmly lifted his gaze to me. I turned off the light and ran back to my room. No water for me. Just classic cartoons on my phone until I went back to sleep.



    I was young when this happened, but it still sticks with me today, and I still sleep with the lights on.
    Once when I was maybe 6 or 7yrs, I was in my bedroom, trying to fall asleep. Due to my ADHD, I struggled with it in the past, so there were nights when I would stay up till 1 AM without screens or anything.
    I was obsessed with checking the clock, and seeing what time it was, so I knew how close I was to waking up for school. As soon as the clock turns twelve, there's a knock on my closet door. The end of my bed was facing that closet, so my eyes had full range, and I was in the dark as well. The knocks happened more and more, ranging in intensity and amount, sounding perfectly random and human, no pattern at all. After about 5 minutes of continuous knocking, everything stopped for the rest of the night. The next night, it happened again, and after that, the third night only had a few knocks. All happened at exactly 12, the knocks sounded random and human-like, much too late for any family to be up in my house, and there was no way someone was knocking from outside, since sound in my house didn't work like that. It's never happened since.
    One of those nights, I worked up all my bravery, waited for a knock, and opened my closet door. There was nothing. The knocking stopped for a few moments after closing, and then continued once I was in my bed.
    Horrified me as a child, and I'm still curious. A few other things happened in that house, and the fact that someone died in it makes it all the more disturbing.
    Still wonder about that house, hope it's doing well.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Ok not to creep you out even more but this reminding me of that movie "The Conjuring" when the ghost comes out the closet and claps it's hands.

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    This wasn't my house, but my place of work; several years ago. I was a manager at a spa that was built inside a very old glass factory. It was well known among the staff that we had a "trickster ghost" that liked to play harmless pranks on people when they where alone in the building. Turning lights on, opening doors and such.

    One night I was the closing manager and I was alone in the building closing up. The doors were locked and I had already checked all the rooms to make sure there was no one still in the building. The last thing I had to do was walk through and turn all the lights off. Now, in the lobby there was a table with a 3.5-4 foot tall ceramic statue standing on top of it. And this thing was heavy!

    I proceed to turn off the lobby lights and head to the back room to turn off the remaining lights to leave. Through the back room doorway, I can see the lobby lights turn back on. I walk back out there and see that ALL the lights had been turned back on and this statue was now off the table and standing in the middle of the lobby floor facing me.

    All the hair on my body stood on end. I called out to the ghost to please not mess with me as I went back though to put the statue back and turn the lights off again. I left as quickly as possible.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You are a brave one for even putting the statue back, I would've bolted up out there.

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    My sister was autistic and died in 97 and my mom died in 2018. My dad asked me to please move back to the house they died in, the house I grew up in. He wasn't ready to sell it. We moved in to the place in 2021. The bedroom in the attic was my childhood room. When my husband and I sleep up there it always feels like someone just sat down between us. It's a foam bed it's very noticable. I'm always coming across things that are messages like she knew I would be back one day to take care of the place. We painted it from top to bottom and we try to keep the 'spirit' alive


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    I live at the end of a series of row homes. I have a neighbor on only one side, the other is my yard and then the street. I lived here with my family for more than twenty years, and purchased it from my father when I got married.

    Every once in a while for the last seven years, almost always late on quiet nights, we'll hear scratching at the walls.

    On the side with no neighbors.

    I've had the house checked for vermin, like rats or insects. There are no trees, plants, or wires on that side. No loose siding or paneling. The yard is not a path that anyone would need to take to make it more convenient to get to any given point in our neighborhood.

    Normally I would find it annoying. But the thing of it is, when it starts happening, if I try to find it, the scratching becomes louder and louder, more determined, like it's daring me to find it. To the point where it sounds like someone taking a metal gardening claw and raking across the wood inside my walls.

    I don't look for it anymore if only to keep the scratching quiet. And no, we still don't know what it is.



    We used to have a TV that would just randomly turn on in the middle of the night. This happened many times. Never during the day, no power surges, nothing else. It was in the basement, so every once in a while, we would just hear voices coming from the basement in the middle of the night. We don't have that TV anymore.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This happened in that same house I just posted about, except it was during the day as me and my folks were heading out. I had to go down there 3 times to turn off the TV, each time it was off it was on by the time I got up the stairs. The last time I had to go down there I told whatever/whoever was turning it on to stop it. It didn't turn on after that. I got real mad because my mom kept accusing me of horsing around.

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    My parents built their house on a pet cemetery. To be fair, they didn't know it was a pet cemetery until they dug the foundation. If you spend the night there you can hear the pitter-patter of animal feet. My parent's dog will play with an unseen friend, rolling a ball to an empty spot, trying to get a tug-of-war game going with empty air, things like that. And finally, several times I've felt a cat jump onto my bed turn around and lay down. My door is always shut and my parents don't have (physical) cats.


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    Just last night, my daughter's voice woke me up. But, she was still in her room, sleeping.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Yup. My daughter and I heard my son. My father in law heard the dogs, after they passed. I have also heard my husband's voice when he was out of town.

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    This happened years ago in an apartment I was living in. I lived on the ground floor with woods behind the apartment. It was late on night and I was up in the living room. I had the vertical blinds to the sliding door closed so no one could see in, however they weren't tightly shut. I noticed some lights that looked like headlights bouncing off the wall above the TV (which was really weird, remember woods back there on roads.) My cat (who was the tamest cat I've ever known, it was very rare for him to even meow) was sitting by the door & he started growling; I mean GROWLING, not hissing (in his 13 years of life I only heard him hiss once (it wasn't the same night), so the growling (only time in his life he ever did it as well) was terrifying. (Our apartment had been robbed a few months before so that made it all the more unsettling despite the fact that the door was locked & the security bar was in place). An hour or so after the lights & growling a police helicopter flew overhead a couple of times (no I didn't call the police, what would I say "my cat sat by the door growling"). Obviously though the police were looking for someone that night. No idea who of if the cops ever found them.


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    Probably having someone break in while I was home. Thank goodness for legally owned firearms.



    When I was young probably 3rd grade so about 9ish, my sister and I shared a room. We both had twin beds on each side of the room and her dresser was in front of my bed and my dresser in front of hers, why it was like that I don't know. However as a kid and still to this day I have trouble sleeping (it's gotten better, with better diet) and I would wake up a lot in the night and have troubles falling asleep. Once I woke up and this was in the middle of the night, I remember seeing my sister sleeping, I looked up and in front of her dresser I saw maybe 5-6 neon green/yellowish color (think of fireflies light bulb color) softball size balls just swaying back and forth in front of her dresser. I was scared to death. I threw the covers over me and was shaking and stayed awake the rest of the night too afraid to move. It stills bothers me today what it was, and I never brought it up to my sister or anyone in family. I still wake up in the middle of the night worried that I'm going to see those lights.


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    This wasn't me but my friend said there is this old house that people like to rent. One day a person was found dead. My friend said the ghosts told the person to leave 23 times before they killed him.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was also a house that had the darkest story I heard. The father killed his whole family before killing himself.


    A shadow figure gliding from one entrance to the kitchen, around the breakfast table and into the dining room, where my friend was sitting while I was loading the dishwasher. She saw it, too. I had some damning paranormal activity in that house I experienced but that was the moment everything was confirmed. Go ahead and tell me I'm mentally ill, delusional, explain it away blindly with all the "what if" scenarios you want. If it were a regular shadow it would have acted as a regular shadow. If it were all in my head my friend wouldn't have seen it.


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    One day, I was alone at home and that's when my creepiest experience happened. I heard some screaming sounds in my neighbor's house and I was worried about my neighbor, so I decided to check on him. He was also alone and that's why I wanted to check on him, I rang his doorbell but no one answered then, I rang the doorbell again but also, but no one answered. I was so scared that I ran back to my flat.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Was he out? Did you mention it to him later? Was he hurt in there?? Was it coming from a different flat? We need closure!

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    My cooking.


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    We have 14 cats, but only 2 are ever allowed inside at night. The 2 would be our queen cat, and her son who looks so much like her we often can't tell them apart. They are - black. All, totally, long haired Black. Both of them, from time to time, will decide to get quite snuggly tonight, and will very politely join me on my bed; all night. When one jumps up on the bed- the bed shakes. For several years; and again last night - a cat has jumped up on the bed in typical fashion - and waked me up in the process. I'll reach over to pet the cat and assure them they are welcome- but... often, and last night- there is no cat where there should be one. I then turn on my bed light- and behold... there is no cat. Nor nearby. I'm not sure who it is that jumps on my bed- just like a cat... Again last night....


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    Hope this applies. When i was 8 i had a pretty good friend, Tom. Tom and I were the same age. He had a brother 2 years younger. I knew his brother was sick all the time and only saw him a few times. But then all of sudden all the pictures and evidence of the younger brother was just gone. No toys, clothes, books. I remember being at their house after and just being scared. My kid brain couldnt understand. I asked Tom and all he would say he didnt have a brother. Never had one. If the words werent scary enough, the way he said it made me get the get out of there. He smiled and giggled.

    Told my dad that night. Tom and his family were gone by morning. A week later the police found a half eaten corpse of an 6 year old boy


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    Many years ago I heard this odd dripping in my bedroom. It was steady, then it gradually slowed down. I heard this a few times. Then I moved in with my grandmother in order to attend college. A few months afterwards I heard the same dripping sound in my new room, which was more than a thousand kilometers from my old bedroom. THE SAME SOUND. This happened a few times, then never again. There had not been rain before any time I heard the dripping - and I never heard it after a rainstorm.


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    Second part, because my old house was crazy-

    So, in that same room, I realized a lot more things happened. For one, I've heard small voices, and had a sort of sleep paralysis, which is something that's never happened to me - except for that one time.

    Story one:
    Me, my dad, and my sister had gone to the grocery store to go get some stuff, and my mom was the ONLY ONE alone in the household. She said while she was alone downstairs, on my sister and me's room's level, she heard children running around and playing, much younger than the two of us. First and last time that happened, but it still freaks me out.
    Story two:
    In my room, in the old house, I was just chilling, listening to music with some headphones on. Suddenly, out of nowhere, I heard small tapping/knocking on my window. I didn't freak out at first, and ran my music back to see if it was part of the music.
    The tapping didn't happen again. I kept those blinds closed after that.
    Story three:
    After a while of being in that house, we got a dog. She's a Chihuahua, pretty little. I was taking care of her while everyone else was out doing something, so I was alone in the house.
    I started to hear singing, like a young woman singing, upstairs, in my dad's office. Usually, he plays music, and often keeps it on most of the time, but I went upstairs to hear what he was playing.
    When I went up, the singing became quieter, and sounded way more realistic. I immediately ran downstairs, and grabbed my dog, not daring to go up and see. I knew there was no way I could hear the music two flights of stairs down, and then only hear it silently when I was closer to it, and have it only be playing on something. Once, the music made a bit more noise while I was sitting with my dog, and she looked over to it, before looking back at me.
    Haunts me, since it wasn't that long ago that it happened.
    Story four:
    I have a loft bed, and keep a plush next to the edge of the ladder, because of being paranoid from the old house. Once, I was going to sleep late at night, with myself curled up into more of a ball position, half covering the view of the plush with my blanket, trying to daydream myself to sleep. Suddenly, I saw a few black fingers with long nails pull my plush down, and in the morning, it was still on the floor.
    The worst part is that this story happened in my new house, not my old one.
    I may have been super tired and seeing things, but it still doesn't explain how it fell without my legs being near it...


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    I woke up one night, and saw a weird shadow sitting on the edge of my bed. I got up to try to inspect it, but it ran away into the radiator. 3 years later, it happened again. Then, a few days after that, I saw a few rows of rings in the bathtub, but ten seconds later, they were just... gone.


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    It was maybe 1987, my mom and I were in the living room reading, my dad and grandfather were looking at the water heater in the utility room, and my grandmother was napping in my room. We had a fireplace that had the glass and screen open. I was laying facing the fireplace. I saw a bolo tie fly out of the fireplace and hit the coffee table. My mom swore she did not see it happen. My grandfather wore bolo ties a lot. I showed it to him and asked if it was his. He said no. No clue where it came from. I still have it somewhere.


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