I want to know the weirdest or wildest thing your dog has ever eaten.
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A McFlurry spoon, a pencil case and some of its content, including highlighters which led to days of fluorescent poop.
When picking up some hidden doggie doo in my yard, I found an entire beaded bracelet in my dog's poop. My daughter didn't want it back for whatever reason. 🙄
Norwegian bricks. Allow me to explain.
Many, many, many years ago (mid-1980’s) we had a black Labrador Retriever that we took in after a friend rescued her from wandering the streets. Her name was Samantha and we called her Sam. She weighed about 85 pounds, was fiercely loyal, but (omg!) she was dumb as a box of hair.
A few years later we moved our mobile home out to a rural area on 5 acres and built our first house. The material used was a structural brick called Norwegian brick. After the construction was completed and we moved in, we would often see Sam lying outside with a leftover brick, happily chewing away on it as a normal dog would with a large bone. This apparently made her happy, so we did not intervene.
She lived on to a ripe old age, possibly due to a diet rich in minerals, and I’ll just leave you with that word picture.
I had a black lab many years ago that ate lava rocks. Wore his teeth away.
her own muzzle. i found out by seeing the plastic in her poop and recognizing the color. we never even put it on her and she hated the thing.
We have a 120 lb. American Bully that absolutely hates that my husband has to go to work everyday.... He punishes him by eating his jeans... 🙄😳🤣🤣... He chews the belt loops, zippers, and buttons off of them, every chance he gets... He's 2 years old and he's been chewing up his dad's jeans every time he leaves the house since he was about a month old; funny thing is, he doesn't touch anything at all in the house except for his jeans....🤣🤣🤣. I'll bet he's "eaten" over 100 buttons, zippers and belt loops, but we've had him to the Vet several times and he's in perfect health 😁😊😁....
Mine Is a perv and will eat the crotch out of my underwear if left laying around.. which I try my best not to. He will go laundry digging.
We had a husky/golden lab mix. He got accidentally suck in the basement for a couple hours. He ate the couch. Only springs and wood was left. The whole damn couch. He was fine afterwards. We removed the basement door after that.
Whale blubber! We were on vacation at the Outer Banks in North Carolina. Apparently, there was a beached whale that they just buried in the sand a few weeks prior. I was told they leave it there to keep the ecosystem intact.
The problem is the tide had washed some of the sand away and exposed parts of said whale and my dog went STRAIGHT FOR IT.
It smelled horrible and he was throwing up blubber the rest of the day. Yeah, of course he rolled in it too! SO GROSS!
Ewww. Our old dog (rip Zoe) has rolled in both a live skunk and a dead porcupine. It’s hard to tell whether she or dad had the worse experience dealing with those.
socks, pants, t shirts, shoes, money, all my boyfriend's stuff, never mine.
My dog (about 100 lbs) got out of the house and into the chicken pen, demolished a live chicken and proceeded to vomit an entire wing, feathers and all onto my fn BED! He was still a puppy and prob just playing, as he wasn't aggressive, but yeah... Also one time he ate a thimble resulting in $5k emergency vet bills for a surgery that never happened...only because he freaked out and fell off the operating table, giving himself the Heimlich which dislodged it from his airway. Oh and 2 lbs of my Godiva chocolates I got at Christmas while I was 6 months pregnant (you should never steal chocolate from a hormonal pregnant lady, so rude!) God I miss that boy so much.
They still charged you for the surgery??? Emergency vets are such rip-offs!!
cat poop. My dogs would come inside, find the litter box, and eat the poop.
My dog once devoured an entire set of movie trilogy DVD cases, complete with the DVDs inside.
Oh, buddy. I had a rescued husky named Cody back in college for a while before we rehomed him with a family who had 27 acres for him to run on. He was nonstop energy. A non comprehensive list of things he ate &/or destroyed with his teeth: a purple highlighter, a sweater, the wooden rails of a porch, a pack of birth control, 3 AA batteries, an asthma inhaler...I feel like I'm forgetting some memorable ones.
ohohohohoh. toffee (my 20 pound cavachon mix) has eaten *consults list with old lady glasses* a chocolate meringue, with chocolate chips and chocolate mousse, a lamp wire, part of a desk, books, clarified butter, some of my school chromebook. those are the memorable ones lol
Successfully: probably either the other dog’s poop, DIRECTLY FROM THE SOURCE, or a crawfish. To this day, we still have no idea where he got the crawfish. We only know because he later threw it up.
Attempted: a used tampon
My slippers
My $1600.00 (USD) ON CLEARANCE SALE BOOTS!!! God, I miss those boots 😒 When Grae'son chewed them up into little bitty pieces, I threatened him with, "replacing my boots with MY NEW PUPPY! I'm gonna turn you into a pair of Boots Mister!" ...that was 6 1/2 yrs ago. I have yet to turn him into a new pair of boots 🥰 ...and that's still not the weirdest thing he's chewed up or eaten 🤪😅😂🤣
my whole 3 layer chocolate cake
a 3 pound bag of apples, a box of kcups, crystal light tea packets and pretzels. He got a 2 day vacation at the vets office to make sure he didn't get crazy sick. He was also a 140lb Great Dane. He recovered fine and I never forgot to gate off the kitchen again.
- Shingles from the roof.
- A round nerf bullet that he pooped out whole.
- A long piece of string that was very difficult to poop out.
- An enormous tick that I had just removed from his shoulder.🤢
- Silage. He loves silage.
My cat eats string too. I have to always yell at my mom not to leave her crochet stuff on the floor.
My dog, Coco is a labradoodle mix and she is CRAZY. One time, she ate my older brothers $120 hat! She has eaten plenty of plastic, shoes, a hot wheels car, brownies, chocolate, ice cream, my DINNER, and much more!
Not exactly eaten, but ... story time:
my new pup "Yeager" is about 5 months old.
we have a water dish for the 3 hounds that is self replenishing from an upside down bottle, like an old fashioned office water cooler.
I am not paying 100% attention to what he is doing and I hear a glub glub glub from the water dish
Yeager was doing puppy science, making the glub glub glub bubbles, by doggie paddling the water out of the water bowl.
Captain Chaos emptied about 1/2 of the gallon water bottle on the kitchen floor before I saw him and yelled for him to stop.
sadly no video of this.
My Bassett had a tear in his ear. Hanging in by a thread. My Aussie ate it. Eeewww.
I had a lab. Gonzo was his name. He chewed the cover off a golf ball and swallowed the wound rubber band inside, whole. I noticed a rubber band end hanging from his mouth. I began pulling that rubber band string and ended up a good 20 yards away before the inner rubber band core finally came all the way unwound. SNAP!
my tooth
In 1999 we had a bichon frise named Belle. She ate a 2 foot tall chocolate bunny. Totally fine.
Many years ago, I had a Blue Heeler (10 month old pup) named Lady Diamond Blu. Around the time of Halloween, my 1st husband and I had bought a few large bags of candy. One of the bags had those little boxes of Milk Duds. Hubby & I went to work and when we came home, there were little empty boxes Everywhere! She was fine
She as eaten dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white chocolate. She is pristine health. Besides that, she’s eaten my earmuffs, remotes, plastic, and most recently, garbage from our BBQ.
Not my dog, but a friend's dog. And I'm not sure I would qualify this as overly crazy, but doll's clothing.
My friend's sister had Barbie's, or something similar, and the dog would eat her dresses, shirts, pants, etc... luckily not the shoes.
In my case, it's more so what she WOULDN'T eat. The only thing she wouldn't eat was black licorice, and black licorice jelly beans. She'd eat trash, cat poop, rotten meat, used sanitary pads... but black licorice was where she drew the line. She's been gone almost 18 years. (The 29th of this month.) I miss her.
An entire bowl of coleslaw. Yes she was constipated afterwards
Most of his toys, cat poop, a bottle of lavender scent for the hot tub, a package of glow sticks, live spiders (he played with them first), styrofoam trays, swim goggles, my favorite flip flops, gloves, baby doll feet and hands, ant traps, the handle of the solar cover (for pool), cat vomit, and lots of trash.
I forgot lots of beetles, my dad's extension cord, and a hose.
Also not my dog, but my mom's younger Boston Terrier.
She (the Boston) managed to start chewing on;
- A piece of cedar mulch... even though my parents don't use cedar mulch for their garden.
- A random piece of sausage when my brother was walking her.
- An A&W (a fast food chain) burger... but not the meat. Her brother, who is a Boston/Bulldog mix, took the patty.
- A sip of sparkling water... which she barked at afterwards.
A sanitary napkin. It came from a trash can and IT was used. My dog chewed two or three times, then swallowed that thing. A few days later there was some white plastic in her poor, that was all.
one of my dogs has eaten copious amounts of chocalates. lemme go down the list. Chocalate orange,hersheys bear,box of rasinettes,multiple bags of dove chocalate squares,which im pretty sure still had the foil on em because we never seem to find any remains except the bag,a whole slice of pizza, but by far, the weirdest thing i think hes eaten was some when he almost ended up licking cat barf.
Hmm... where do I start?
Oh yeah, my $1600.00 (USD) BOOTS!!! My 3rd husband had just passed away 7 days before Grae'son literally shredded my boots! AND (1 month) Before my husband passed away, 1 1/2 ounces of Medical grade Cannabis! Grae'son was (a Head
He's really a good boy! Doesn't chew anything up any more...except his bone!
I once was cleaning up the dog run and discovered poo shaped bright red Macintosh’s toffee wrapper. The candy had gone missing days earlier. That was a weird one.
I had a parrot that would chew up my bills I had to remember to move her cage from the door where the mailbox slot was
Load More Replies...I bought my boyfriend a little potted cactus (with spikes) and yep, the dog ate it.
The best one was my Passport. I had to apply for a new one instead of a renewal, and got a Howler from the government about how I must destroy the old Passport (I thought it already was...).
My pitbull swallowed half a bra. The cup got stuck in her stomach and the strap found its way down her intestines so they were bunching up like a pulled up shirt sleeve. $4k for surgery, she survived!
A whole a$$ couch, everything except the springs. He also unpeeled the labels and opened a 12pk of pop-top dog food cans and ate it all
My Greyhound Estrellita ate a cull package of frozen boneless chicken breasts ( including the styrofoam package), a loaf of Pumpkin bread, and an entire jar of liver snap treats. We came home to find her up on the kitchen counter, front paws in one side of the kitchen sink, back paws in the other, and one foot stuck in the garbage disposal. I was tempted to “burp” the disposal, but resisted the impulse.
Not my dog, but my brothers best friend’s dog ate our rug. A small one but still and he also attempted to eat our kitchens curtains.
once you read this you need to picture it in your mind's eye and then you will understand why i was laughing hysterically. when my son was very young he had this target game. instead of darts (which would have been dangerous for a young child) they had little green frogs made from some kind of squishy plastic that would stick on the target. one day he comes and tells me that he can't find all his little frogs so we look and nope-can't find them all. later one i go out to clean the dog waste from the yard and i come across a pile that has this little green hand sticking out waving at me. once i realized what it was i couldn't stop laughing, thinking the little frog was frantically waving for help.
I had a parrot that would chew up my bills I had to remember to move her cage from the door where the mailbox slot was
Load More Replies...I bought my boyfriend a little potted cactus (with spikes) and yep, the dog ate it.
The best one was my Passport. I had to apply for a new one instead of a renewal, and got a Howler from the government about how I must destroy the old Passport (I thought it already was...).
My pitbull swallowed half a bra. The cup got stuck in her stomach and the strap found its way down her intestines so they were bunching up like a pulled up shirt sleeve. $4k for surgery, she survived!
A whole a$$ couch, everything except the springs. He also unpeeled the labels and opened a 12pk of pop-top dog food cans and ate it all
My Greyhound Estrellita ate a cull package of frozen boneless chicken breasts ( including the styrofoam package), a loaf of Pumpkin bread, and an entire jar of liver snap treats. We came home to find her up on the kitchen counter, front paws in one side of the kitchen sink, back paws in the other, and one foot stuck in the garbage disposal. I was tempted to “burp” the disposal, but resisted the impulse.
Not my dog, but my brothers best friend’s dog ate our rug. A small one but still and he also attempted to eat our kitchens curtains.
once you read this you need to picture it in your mind's eye and then you will understand why i was laughing hysterically. when my son was very young he had this target game. instead of darts (which would have been dangerous for a young child) they had little green frogs made from some kind of squishy plastic that would stick on the target. one day he comes and tells me that he can't find all his little frogs so we look and nope-can't find them all. later one i go out to clean the dog waste from the yard and i come across a pile that has this little green hand sticking out waving at me. once i realized what it was i couldn't stop laughing, thinking the little frog was frantically waving for help.