Hey Pandas, What Is The Biggest Thing You Find Attractive About Your Significant Other? (Closed)
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We fell in love over a big pile of comparative language dictionaries looking up all the words for "light" but I stayed forever because he washes dishes and keeps clean bathroom. 23 years next week!
His eyes are what attracted me to him initially. He is also funny, innovative, smart and has a sexy butt, back and arms.
He made me feel more like me than I ever did in my life! And that was a very good thing. I lost him two years ago to brain cancer...I'm not sure how to be happy anymore.
I was attracted to his long, lean body and slow cowboy walk. A human diamond in a platinum setting, a gift just for me.
I don’t have an SO but my crush is so damn kind and caring, and the fact that she’s hot as hell doesn’t hurt either.
Hope you two get together. From your comments in BP we can tell you have a kind heart, are caring and smart. Good luck!
Hopefully my SO, don't really know what she thinks of me like that, we've been friends for year. I guess I love her mannerisms and way of talking. She's totally inspired me to be a better person. Also, her eyes are gorgeous. Thank god I can still see them over her mask.
her cute little laugh, it makes me feel good and loved
(btw imma girl lol)
There are two things:
We truly enjoy each other's company. We've had our morning coffee together every day for over 20 years, and even when we have nothing to say, we still do it. It's a comfortable companionship that we enjoy.
And he has this talent: he has a broad range of interests, a very Renaissance kind of mind, but even better, he can digest theses topics and make even the most difficult of them (such as nuclear physics, submarine warfare, and many other things that I would find too boring or too complicated) and make them interesting. He should have been a teacher, in my opinion.
We are the exact same kind of silly. Sometimes we meow at each other, and we share a sense of humour. His gorgeous blue eyes are also great, but I love his silliness most. He always makes me smile.
Kindness. I get weak at the knees. My 2nd husband (and possibly the 3rd) have gruff exteriors, but are capable of incredible small, almost unnoticeable acts of kindness. #2 worked in construction and hired ex icons, then went to court, talked to parole officers, and did the small things they needed. He treated all his employees equally. As a result his team was loyal and hardworking. I didn't know for years. My current serious love pays attention to what makes me happy and what triggers mood swings. At 59 working through PTSD, I never thought I would find a partner.
*CORRECTION* ex-cons, not icons, people who recently got out of jail, not icons. Often recently.
The fact that he loved me for over 30 years. He died 6 years ago and I miss him terribly. I didn't kiss him when I left for work that day and I still kick myself in the ass for that.
I bet every time you feel bad he kisses you from heaven and says to not worry
We have the same dumb sense of humor plus she's just as f****d up as I am if not more so therefore she can understand why I act the way I do.
His kindness. Not just that he helps people, helps strangers and all that, but when I met him his long term relationship before me, she had 3 kids from a previous marriage and he helped raise them for the duration of their relationship. Once the relationship ended he still stayed in their lives and refers to them as their kids, now we are together and have been for 4 years and about to be married and they are now my kids too. So all together we now have 7. I knew from day one that if a man stood up to raise kids that weren't his, to STAY when he didn't have to he was the man for me.
He understands that I have issues I've been trying to deal with, and doesn't make me feel bad for them. He does his best to comfort me and doesn't mind giving me space when I need it. And I do the same for him, cause I really care about him and want him happy.
Their boundaries! I've never been with someone so good at saying, "this is not okay" when they need something to not happen, or so willing to listen when I say the same thing! I've never had to repeat a boundary because they get it the first time.
I'm so, so in love.
She always loves what I draw even though they suck
What drew me to him was the way he knows so much about random things (The Italian mafia lol) and makes really funny inpersonations! We are proud boyfriends
My husband is English, bald and sounds JUST LIKE Captain Picard. What's not to LOVE?!!!! (Oh, yea, a brain the size of a planet, too)
Well it used to be his intoxicating blue eyes, very deep ....and his personality
*emphasis on used to *
The fact that we are both weird as FLIP and she didn't judge me when we first met ( and she's pretty dang hot)
he is so calm, literally in any case.
His kind and forgiving nature that subsequently earns him a sainthood nomination for so unconditionally accepting and loving me.
At first, I thought he was cute. Then I found out that he has a wonderful skill to remember things and explain them to others.
I wasn't used to being held or hugged or saying mushy things like "I love you".
Things pretty much have changed after we started dating and we have lived together for almost 5 years now.
In my previous relationship, I always felt I should be thinner, smarter, more ambitious, and more athletic. Now I feel like if I want to be better at something or look different, I do it for me and not for someone else to like me more.
his laugh and his big strong arms and those hazel eyes and he's an artist and he loves my art even when it's not good and even though we're just in high school i would spend the rest of my life with him if he asked me because he's perfect
As my husband and I have been married for, soon, 56 years I can honestly say that there is not ONE thing, he is a complete package. He treats me like an intelligent adult. I treat him like an intelligent adult. Neither of us asks the other for "permission" to do anything. We tell each other when we wish to do something "without" the other. We do not expect the other to dance "attendance" we do not expect the other to cater to us, we respect, love and laugh.