What is the biggest lie you ever heard?
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(You can downvote if you want.) The biggest lie I ever heard was "Trump is not racist nor sexist, and is the bets president ever."
the moon landing, literally impossible to fake with the technology at that time.
Just in general, any time someone says "I know". Like, no you don't, and even if you do/did, it sure didn't seem like it per your actions/words. I've also noticed that after saying "I know" multiple times, they just end up repeating the same offense. It's really annoying. Like, when someone tells you something and they're right, just accept it politely. If they're wrong, politely tell them why and then if need be just agree to disagree.
When I was three I LOVED sucking my thumb. When I turned four, my mom told my that Ronald McDonald to me to stop. So I stopped. I just learned it was a lie.