I know we've all seen cool animals, but there are also seemingly normal animals with amazing abilities! Tell me what is the coolest fact you know about an animal?


Slugs have 4 noses...


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    LUCA is the last universal common ancestor and the last creature to which we were all related. It died over 4 billion years ago.


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    Alley Childress
    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Actually (I googled this) LUCA is a single cell that basically created everything

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    Crocodiles can regenerate their teeth!



    A platypus sweats milk


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    Dolphins sleep with one eye open. They cannot fall fully asleep, since they would drown, so they can sleep with one half of their brain while the other half is still conscious, making the dolphin swim in circles. Halfway through the sleep cycle the brain "switches" and the other half goes to sleep, and the dolphin opens the other eye and starts swimming in circles in the opposite direction. They are also jerks who can kill fish for fun, and play with them similar to what a cat would do.


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    Blyss Blyssylb
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dolphins are also hormonally charged. A male dolphin can shoot his seed 30-40 feet like a pressure washer.


    Orcas can be trained to pee on command into a cup, but you can't stop them from floating dead fish on top of the water in their tank/habitat to "fish" for seagulls while in captivity. (Top predator = bored) The feathers clog the filters and things get expensive quickly. When one discovers a bad habit they teach the others. I felt kind of proud of them for sticking it to the folks who stuck them in those tanks in the first place.


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    The Australian animal called a Quokka is know for being a great sport in selfies. If they feel like they are in danger they will throw their babies towards the threat and run away.



    "Pigeons are not wild animals, they are feral. You could tame a pigeon just like any stray dog or cat"


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    Bouche and Audi and Shyla, Oh My!
    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    At prison, we illegally fed the pigeons. Many of them were tame enough to stand on hands or arms.

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    T- rex's don't actually look how you think when the T - Rex was discovered it was missing arms and someone thought they found them but, it was a different dinosaur's arms. Also clown-fish can turn into female if they are male.


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    Kevin the Manager
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    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not to mention the bright pink feathers that covered their bodies...


    If a bear has been eating human flesh, its scat will be white. From Search and Rescue training.



    Dogs make people laugh on purpose. They have learned to associate laughter with tasty treats and cuddles.


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    Dana V
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    10 months ago

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    Wombat poop is cube shaped.


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    Community Member
    1 month ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    😂😂 knew about this one but still gave me the giggles


    glowworms transform 100% of the used bio energy into light, when they glow.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Caterpillars have 127 muscles in their neck.


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    "Fawns have no scent of their own so hostile animals cannot smell them."



    Guinea pigs sleep with their eyes completely open. They almost look like they're dead, and it is very disconcerting.


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    Hamster's pouches (in their cheeks) go all the way to their hips. Also (a useless, random fact) if you translate the name hamster from Arabic, it translates to Mr Saddlebags. (Blame Q.I. if it's incorrect!)


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    If you give a moose a muffin, he'll ask for some jam to with it...


    See Also on Bored Panda

    The loudest animal in the world is a shrimp. The Pistol Shrimp is capable of snapping its claw shut so rapidly, that it creates a bubble which collapses to produce a sonic blast, louder than a Concorde’s sonic boom.


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    Penguin Panda Pop
    Community Member
    10 months ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Not as loud as a sperm whale according to stuff on the internet, but a very loud animal nonetheless.


    Octopuses have detachable penises



    Snakes have only one lung.
    Turtles can breathe out of their butts this is called cloacal respiration.


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    Intelligence... ALL Animals, ALL Insects, ALL Fish, ALL Plants are more intelligent than humans realize/give credit for. Example: circa 1980's, Doctors finally realize that Newborn (Human) Babies Really DO FEEL PAIN! Before that, it was believed that babies were Incapable of feeling pain and therefore, newborns were not given anesthesia during surgeries.
    ALL LIFE FORMS are Intelligent. ALL LIFE FORMS have Feelings. ALL ANIMALS, INSECTS, FISH, PLANTS are Intelligent. Can You build anything with Geometric Precision like a Spider and in the same amount of time? Can You Outsmart an ENTIRE Army using Gatlin Guns firing hundreds of thousands of Bullets at you like the Emus did? Can You change your appearance with a thought like an Octopus? *Octopuses have 8 brains *Australian Army vs Emus


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    Kangaroos and emus are unable to walk backward, which is why Australia uses those two animals on their crest.

    Chickens have ears, which are just holes in the sides of their head with feathers over the top. My experience, some chooks like it when you rub those feathers, simulating a sort of white noise of wave sound.


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