Hey Pandas, What Is The Best And Worst Feature Of The People In Your Country? (Closed)
How do you think the people in your country are perceived by others? What is the best thing that characterizes your nation? What is the worst?
Wouldn’t it also be interesting to see how people from the same country see themselves?
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Most People are nice and helpful and easy to talk to
Best: passionate about any thing
Worst: still passionate even if they are wayyyyy off
US: The kindest people you will meet, strangers help strangers.... also
The most assholish people around, selfish and angry and just down right evil, it's un believable.
Best: Most are kind & trustworthy
Worst: 'Kiasu' (Fear of losing can make monsters out of them)
Best: Our Britishness (multi-cultural, inclusive, pioneering, sense of duty, ingenuity, humour, strength through adversity....)
Worst: Our Britishness (the polar opposite of above) :(
Best: We love a lot (but not everyone, only those who make it to our inner circle) and we're very family- and friend- oriented
Worst: We are so loud, you can easily spot us whenever we go abroad!
Well here's an obvious one...
Worst: Police brutality, bad presidents (such as Trump). People who value guns too much and choose to shoot innocent people. Human beings who don't respect people of color, women, people who are gay, and so on (basically anyone who isn't like them.)
Best: Good presidents (such as Obama). People who do their best to stop gun violence, sexists, racists, and so on (and just about anything else in the "worst" category)
Best: warm, welcoming, always ready to help you out.
Worst: think everyone is out to screw them over, also, everything is about politics in the worst most divisive and hate spewing way.
Best: Hard working, Down to earth, rational (for the most part) & kind
Worst: quite mistrusting of people outside their social circle.
I can't comment on your worst side of Belgium, but I would add Moules to the list :)
We are one of the most happy countries in the world, but our policitcs are a bit off. For example, we only have to keep distance above 18 years old. That’s our only COVID19 rule. For the rest, you should come visit us!
Best: People are very happy, nice, welcoming and helpful.
Worst: Corruption E.V.E.R.Y.W.H.E.R.E.
Best: Warm, Hospitable, Close-knit community
Worst: Crab Mentality, Intrusive
I have Filipino family, and this is true from what I've seen. Also, they are super Catholic.
Best: Lots of people are friendly and there are many people who work to stop hate.
Worst: People politicize everything, even if it's just basic human rights. Minorities are ignored, and change is far to slow.
France, people are friendly (not in Paris) but they are complaining all the time for everything intead of enjoying the luck to live in this country. Pathetic...
Are you sure you don't mean Germany? Complaining is a national sport here, I'm kind of a professional myself. The best part is that often people will complain to the point they are either shouted at or offered special treatment - it is customary to refuse the latter because you have allready formend an opinion and don't want to be bribed.
Best: Love your neighbor like your family
Worst: Interfere in your neighbor's life like it is your own
people have a good sense of humour
but honestly we talk and complain about weather far too much. its like the topic of almost any conversation of anyone over 30.
I was chatting with my wife about this topic and she said exactly the same! I think weather is a 'safe' topic we can always comment on without knowing anything else about the person we're talking to. Sometimes it feels better than an awkward silence. But it is certainly boring.
People will hate you silently but will later ask you to do something and you cant refuse because your mother is behind you ... or just mt neighbors
Best: Warm, generous and welcoming people.
Worst: Corruption everywhere!
Best: Our instinctive ability to form an orderly queue.
Worst: Very reluctant to commit to conversations and friendships.
reluctant to commit to friendships? i.e. don't like to have friends? like being alone?
Good-There is still TP and cleaning supplies
Good- There is still food
Bad- Politics and crap
im polish but living in britain and i don't under stand why when people think of britain they think of posh accents and tea
I would add something about Germany but I can't think of anything positive to say about the people here in general - and I really like living here. It's just that people are neither really welcoming, friendly, helpful or outgoing. Maybe the best is that they are generally OK?
I had a totally different experience when I visited on a school trip. They weren't overly friendly like Americans, but the people we met were the complete opposite of what you said. The owners of the campsite I stayed at were especially friendly when you bothered to speak to them in German, some fellow campers were happy to join in with our five-a-side football matches (mini England vs Germany), but the cheeriest person we met was definitely the Mayor of Hamelin. He was so eager to share the history of the town, tell the story of the Pied Piper, and he even shook my hand while wearing a huge smile after I thanked him for his time in his language. Okay, so it sounds like they were happiest when hearing German, but since I was the only member of our group who could even speak any, it definitely wasn't that alone. Although the campsite owners did feel confused when one of our group got me to ask them if they had a monkey, before proclaiming himself "Affe Junge".
Load More Replies...I would add something about Germany but I can't think of anything positive to say about the people here in general - and I really like living here. It's just that people are neither really welcoming, friendly, helpful or outgoing. Maybe the best is that they are generally OK?
I had a totally different experience when I visited on a school trip. They weren't overly friendly like Americans, but the people we met were the complete opposite of what you said. The owners of the campsite I stayed at were especially friendly when you bothered to speak to them in German, some fellow campers were happy to join in with our five-a-side football matches (mini England vs Germany), but the cheeriest person we met was definitely the Mayor of Hamelin. He was so eager to share the history of the town, tell the story of the Pied Piper, and he even shook my hand while wearing a huge smile after I thanked him for his time in his language. Okay, so it sounds like they were happiest when hearing German, but since I was the only member of our group who could even speak any, it definitely wasn't that alone. Although the campsite owners did feel confused when one of our group got me to ask them if they had a monkey, before proclaiming himself "Affe Junge".
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