Miss seeing friends? Tired of wearing masks? What's your No. 1 most difficult thing about this pandemic?
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Can't meet with people, and I have to keep my distance from everyone. It makes me feel lonely.
Feeling stuck..like in a loop.. if you’ve ever seen groundhog’s day the movie..it’s like that
Not getting any time off, having no hope of being furloughed and watching all these people abusing the system. I NEED A BREAK!
I have been working, non-stop, since September 2019 (I was booked to have a break in March 2020, before all annual leave for 2020 was cancelled) and the first time I "might" get a break is this June.
No school. Definitely the hardest thing. I live in a little place- Arlington county Virginia. About 5 minutes from Washington DC. The VA governer said that every county MUST be open for school be March 15. But, guess what? My county is the ONLY one who refuses to comply! Yay! TERRIFIC!
my glasses and mask they just make fog
I'm immuno-compromised and currently have sepsis, so I can't visit with my parents, children, or granddaughter in person.
Trying to maintain relationships with friends and family. There are so many opinions on covid, masks, the vaccine, the election. I don’t want to discuss my opinions or beliefs with others, but so many want to push their beliefs and argue. I want to just get through this and move on with relationships intact.
people talk about not seeing friends when a lot of people including me are struggling with their career