Hey Pandas, What Is That One Thing That You Did Which Your Family/Friends Won’t Let You Live Down?
Bonus points if you have multiple examples! Share with us what hilarious/embarrassing thing you did which your loved ones will not let you forget.
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Despite having VERY little contact, my bff and I are ALWAYS there if either of us needs the other. No questions, no hesitation. When my dad had a medical scare, she stopped cooking Christmas Eve Dinner for her family and talked to me for hours to keep my mind off of it while we waited for the hospital to call. She texted me every day when I was saying goodbye to my grandpa (he made it, but not for long), and I did the same when she was in that position. If she mentions being down, I immediately bake and bring cookies. She's super busy, but always makes time for me when I need it.
That i was absolutely terrified of an over friendly ostrich at a bird gardens when i was little, i think it was only a rhea so like a mini ostrich not that big but i was only about 5 and tiny and i screamed and it got very excited and chased me and i climbed a tree to get away from it and my aunt shooed it away with a tiny piece of grass🤣 i can laugh now but when i was little i was traumatised and had nighmares about being eaten by an ostrich 😂
Oops, I thought the title said someone who wouldn't LET YOU DOWN, not let you LIVE it down. 🤷
I made falafel once using white beans instead of chickpeas. Which is fine usually. But I followed the instructions of a recipe for chickpeas so i did not cook the beans before blending them. It turns out that chickpeas can be eaten raw but not beans. My partner still acuses me years after of trying to poison him