The biggest lie that some of believe is the idea that we have to be "good" at something in order to participate. Time to bust the myth! Be it playing piano off-key to drawing absolute nonsense, name something that you adore doing with great joy despite being seemingly not great at it...
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singing, i absolutely love it but i don't think i'm good, but people think i am but i don't think so lmao
I like playing video games, even though I'm not even relatively close to being excellent at it.
Writing. I'm absolutely HORRIBLE at it, but it is one of my passions! ( along with baking)
One time I was mad at my sis and made a (TOTALLY NOT PUBLISHED BOOK) book about Julie (idk why I name her that)who’s greatest fear was her sister because she would be mean to Julie because Julie was bi
I like playing Overwatch. I was scared of losing so I would play against AI. but I got used to playing online after that.
drawing, coding, and singing I suck at all of them but its fun
i like to draw,sing, and dance but i suck at it :D
im not good at socializing but for some reason i love it.i like basketball and skate boarding but i suck at both
3d animating i have a channel where i upload videos about animations i made
EpicXd haha - YouTube
I like writing and woodworking.
I'm utterly useless at both. I can knock something together or write a full sentence but say, make something of quality.....nope.
Basketball... it's so fun, but I suck at it. Also, socializing... suck at it but love it. xD
I love playing my keyboard...even though I have little to no musical talent whatsoever. I can’t read music, and so all the songs I know are common ones I googled written out as the letters. Still, if I can only play "twinkle twinkle little star" a hundred times over with the most obnoxious sounding instrument filter at an inconsistent speed, I’ll do it.
I can't sing but I do it anyways. It's fun to sing along my fav songs in the car but it doens't sound that good haha
DRAWING! i love the draw and add more to my pictures but im not all that good at it. i wanna be a fam- artist kinda like LEONARDO DA VINCI! my best drawing so far, was my self painting i drew of me ^v^