Hey Pandas, What Is Something You’re Afraid To Do But Really Want To Do? (Closed)
This can be anything you want it to be.
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Coming out to my parents/friends as trans. Ive known I am trans since about 13, 9 years ago basically. In all this time I still have not had the courage to tell anybody except for one friend who is also trans.
This is a horrible situation. I hope that you can be accepted by your family and friends as your authentic self. The fact that you are hesitant to come out suggests doubt about how they will react. I wish you only positive things on your journey and I know that you will always find people who love you for who you are, even if they are people you haven't met yet.
I have always wanted to go bungee jumping with friends but anytime i am near heights where i need to jump off of, like a rock or smt , I jump a few times making each jump smaller and smaller until i just give up
Honestly, bungee jumping terrifies me. The idea of dangling and bouncing up and down does not appeal. I have been lucky enough to go skydiving - I highly recommend it. The first few seconds are terrifying, but then it's incredibly freeing.
take leadership roles(was never rlly given a chance due to my personality, but i think i could be a good one if given a chance)
bungee jump
go on those REALLY fast and big roller coasters
perform on a bigger stage lol, idk for what, tho it would be rlly cool if it was a rock band lol (not likely, ik heh)
Bungee jumping, skydiving, confessing to my crush, and whitewater rafting