If you could go back in time, 5 years, 10 years, or even 15 years, what is something you would say to your younger self?


Hey, younger me! Y'know that bully you passive to and threatened him to leave you alone?
Yeah, punch him will ya! He leaves you alone but i really wish i wouldve punched him!!

Ty bye bzztztzztz


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    stop trying to be like other people be yourself, focus on your work

    enjoy everything you have, birthday parties, talent shows, whatever.


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    In 1999 a friend will come to you for help... Don't turn away because it's too hard. ..move heaven and earth to help her or she will die.... And you will never be the same again ....



    Your family is toxic. They'll never change. Walk away and don't look back.


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    In 30 years you are going to find out that you were born with 3 crushed discs and C shaped scoliosis and that's why you never had the balance for roller skating, ice skating, and gymnastics. You weren't a klutz, you just didn't have anything noticeably off to be taken to the Dr.


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    (To my 10 year old self)
    I know you can't even add two numbers correctly. Well surprise, your favourite subject is going to be Mathematical Physics.



    stop pretending to be like other people, be yourself.

    enjoy everything, talent shows, parties, holidays, whatever.

    focus on your work

    dont get braces- trust me it did practically nothing and it was expensive as hell


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    hey...you'll be okay. I know, its hard, and.....you're gonna be hurt. So bad. but guess what? You will fight, you will have great friends, your family love you, and you will win against the worst monster you will ever meet. Look at me. 8 years later, i'm still there. Happy, free, i finally love me the way I am, the way I look, even with theses scars. You are strong. You are ENOUGH. you went through hard times, but you are still there.


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    That you will never need to actually figure out these ridiculously stupid math problems that are quite literally the start of your anxiety. Focus on your art.


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    1-4:kid ur too hyper u need to chill down stop climbing things its very stressful to mom and dad
    5/6: you dont know what’s been happening to you the past two years. You dont know. Don’t trust uncle Noah. Enjoy life while you can, before it gets hard.
    7: they got divorced huh. Aunt Meagan found out. You still dont know. You dont know why you have all those bruises and cuts, why when your parents gave you “the talk” you had ur first panic attack
    8-11: the bullying is happening now. It’s ok. I wish i could hug you. They’re stupid dont listen to them. Don’t try to kill yourself. Your js barely figuring out ur sexuality. You started cutting. Please tell someone. You shouldn’t be dealing with this alone, you’re too young. It’s not your fault. Please eat. You aren’t fat. You aren’t ugly. You aren’t r******d. Don’t listen to any of it. Mom and dad haven’t told u ur neurospicy but you’ll figure it out soon. Tell someone. You’ve got through too much, you have too many panic attacks for a little tween
    12: aren’t gender crises so annoying lol. You’ve been getting mean notes. Too many panic attacks. I want to tell u it gets better, but I can’t. 7th grade is hell. Don’t try to kill ur self. You aren’t bad or dumb or annoying for things you can’t help. Coping with humore is the best but try actual coping that’s not self deprecating or sharp. OPEN UP TO UR FRIENDS B***H THEY CARE and dont go back to kaydence shes so so toxic manipulative and emotionally abusive
    13 (now): you’re so annoying why are u like this stop oversharing no one cares why are u such a baby ur never gonna be good enough u should js kill ur self fat ugly b***h no one likes u why does Leah even want to date u shes way out of ur league why can’t u js remember stuff ur too hyper js wear the damn shoes no one cares about ur problems ms Cunningham left ur friends left they’ll all leave no one cares js die already i hate u


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    UpQuarkDownQuark (he/hey you)
    Community Member
    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    “you’re so annoying why are u like this stop oversharing” I used to do that. People aren’t as bothered by it as you think. “no one cares” There are people who do. You will find them. “why are u such a baby” It took me a looooong time to grow up. That’s how some of us are. “ur never gonna be good enough” Yes, you are. At 13 your pool of experience is very small, and your emotions run hotter than you can handle. Try your best to find your center, and be patient. It really does get easier, but it takes time. “u should js kill ur self fat ugly b***h” No, you shouldn’t. “why does Leah even want to date u shes way out of ur league” Enjoy Leah’s interest and affection, return it her. Life is hard, fav, especially when you’re not lucky enough land in the sweet part of the bell curve that makes you feel “normal.” Be kind. Be weird. Be patient. Be strong. 💗


    Intrusive thoughts aren't your fault. You aren't lazy. Trying to avoid further heartbreak by being mean is a terrible idea. Middle school sucks but life gets better immediately after promotion. Rebel now so that everyone's expectations are already low. Practice art as much as you can before people around you get better than you and you lose all motivation. Don't waste your time chasing people who will never love you back.


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    enjoy happiness while you can


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    Tbh I'd probably just punch younger me in the face


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Even though it seems bad now, your parents divorcing will actually turn out to be one of the best things that ever happened to you.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    i know your lonely. Do not talk to him. DO NOT he will ruin you. there is better ways


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    You’re in for a world of pain, depression, and anxiety. So enjoy what you have now it won’t last long.


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    (11 years) You’re going to make it. I know how much it hurts, it still does sometimes, even now. But things get better, I promise.
    (8 years) Middle School is not nearly as fun as it looks in your books. Don’t be in such a rush to grow up.


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    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Just realized I should clarify that I’m talking to my 11 year old and 8 year old self, not going back 11/8 years


    It’s gonna get better in time


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    When you meet Angela, run as fast as you can in the other direction.


    See Also on Bored Panda