Not something crazy like a time machine, or a teletransporter. Something someone could reasonably invent if they tried.


A machine to record dreams


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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I just talked to my friend recently about this too but then thought that such technology could be dangerous as it would be used for other things too.

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Affordable Solar panels that are actually roof tiles so that the entire roof of a structure could be utilised and feed power directly to the house/building it is on and stores excess in batteries, first by house… then local community batteries… then further afield


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

if they could male them easily recyclable that would be very cool.

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A translator for animals, so when they bark or something it says a word not just a bark or meow. It would be nice to understand them sometimes-


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

with the looks that my cat sometimes gives me before she miaows I’m not sure I would really want that 🤣

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1. A cure for AIDS other than bone marrow transplants. 2. Cures for various cancers (they differ in cause and prognosis and aren't the same thing that would take the same cure). 3. An alternative economic solution that doesn't involve creating oligarchs and mass poverty, nor market crashes. 4. An effective educational tool that gives people the ability to detect fake news/misinformation. 5. An electoral system that doesn't involve giving cushy jobs to really old men who happen to be good at telling lies. 6. A cure for ageing that targets cause rather than symptoms. 7. Warp drives. Thanks.



A coffee cup that refills itself...


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Sans Serif
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Even you achieve auto-refill, there still is the "return" problem to be resolved. You really only briefly rent it!

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A cure for Crohns Disease


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Lydia Holmes
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Thank you for putting this. I have it and am in 8th grade. I have to go for infusions every few weeks and am always missing class for various doctors appointments.


A tube where we get in (standing or lying) and it generates a complete health report on us. Any early onset of disease, tumors, other health complications, complete blood report including any vitamin deficiency and hormones, DNA report, fat and muscle report, brain activity/function incl. any risks of Alzheimer's, dementia, mental health issues which could be prevented. Scanning for any deformity like when we have backpain. Then we can be sent to specialised doctors according to the report to be treated further.


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Lyone Fein
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I love this idea. This way we could also know about genetically inherited issues that will occur in the future but may not be actual yet.

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Oh something I can contribute to. Textured bottles for hygiene items. So your in the shower and trying to use your conditioner or shower gel but its slippery as hell and impossible to open. Especially when using at home hair dye, the conditioner tube is so hard to open.

A little texture to the bottles would be wonderful


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Buy elastic hair ties and place a few on each bottle. That should prevent you from losing grip.

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Wheelchair with longer range and ability to not dump me out on curbs



A substance that you could add to water that would attract and congeal micro plastics into large forms that would make it easier to collect.


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Arbor Chetia
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I think that the congealer would would cause more problems than the microplastics.

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Something that would neutralize all the chemicals in the water ways. Waste water treatment plants are not able to remove all (most) pharmaceuticals.Univ. of Cincinnati tested fish near treatment plants and found blood pressure meds, estrogen, and antidepressants. it gets in there because of people using the toilet, but would help if you didn't flush pills


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Also, comes from hospice workers, who in some states like Florida flush the leftover meds, including morphine down the toilet when their charge passes. I watched it and was pretty shocked

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A reverse microwave: an appliance that would make food cold instantly. Although ok yeah a cure for cancer also good.


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Arbor Chetia
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would like a machine that makes liquid nitrogen at home. The possibilities are endless.

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If I told you, then someone else would invent it. I want to reap the rewards of my ingenuity.


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Pandasizing World Peace
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I used to think that too! However, before I could actualize my ingenious ideas, someone else would produce it and reap the rewards I thought would be mine!

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An anti-Kardashian filter (or celebrity of choice) do the don't ever show up on your device



A program designed for writers that shows you the best synonyms, grammar/spelling mistakes, ect. Or when would be a better time to indent or rephrase things to make it sound cleaner and more cohesive. I know about grammarly and most basic doc programs have spell checks- but none of them are really good without having to pay 15 bucks a month.



a machine that efficiently creates fusion power


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Arbor Chetia
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

It's on its way! In late 2022 scientists got more energy out of a fusion reaction than they put in. It was on a very small scale and is currently not performable in larger amounts, but everything has to start somewhere.

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As other replies have solved world hunger/peace/disease, let's enjoy the invention of the "be quiet and open up" button. Whenever someone is espousing a terrible concept such as "why don't the poor just stop eating if they're so hard up", "how dare people who haven't got a trust fund have babies", or "asylum seekers can't be that needy if they can afford a boat trip" you press the button and they not only can't speak, but their mind opens and dispenses with all the prejudices and they really listen with empathy. Ahhh we can but dream.


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Tad Nugget
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1 year ago

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Hmm......not having babies if you can't afford to take care of them, is a good idea

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I always watch “Bicentennial Man” and wish for the day that the replacement organs that Andrew and Rupert invent would come sooner rather than later.

I also wish that technology that is developed to be used in vet practice could be more quickly accepted by human medicine (Looking at the work in orthopaedics by Dr Noel Fitzpatrick)



A machine for laundry where it will come out folded. No switching it to the dryer or folding it myself, just dump dirty clothes in take a pile of folded clothes out.



Idk if this is a thing but will someone PLEASE invent some goddamn headphones that block out things like nails tapping, ASMR, etc. I have misaphonia and whenever my mom taps her nails or chews on gum too loud, I am ready to PUNCH SOMETHING.



A pen that writes for you. It would be so easy and your hands wouldn’t get tired. You just tell the pen what you want to write and it writes it for you.


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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

so, a printer? [Edit - ok that was obviously a humourous response. If you want it in your handwriting just make a font:

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A machine that emits a series of pulses that readjusts brain-waves to reduce irrational fears, mounted on geo-synchronous satellites around the globe.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

which fears are irrational though, and how would you determine which are in fact irrational and which are not? For example, I am far less worried about the chinese than I am about USA. I base this relative risk assessment on the quantity of invasions of other countries over time since 1945. Various figures point to around 84 territories. China I think it's a part of india, tibet, and debatably Hong Kong (but was a voluntary handover from UK). So... max three I think. So what is rational to fear?

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I'd actually like to have a personal robot that could do things for me (do homework, wash dishes, etc) I'm not lazy or anything, I'm just always looking for better things to do than what I am currently doing


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A universal "sarcasm font". My cynicism and pessimistic attitude toward my fellow human loses its bite as tiny words on a screen. It's not conveyed or interpreted as the sharp sword that it is when I communicate via texts and emails.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

90% of what I say is sarcasm, translates over text. I’ve confused several a person.

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I wish for someone to invent a cure for all genetic conditions, like genetically inherited depression or Huntington's disease.

I also wish someone would invent a smoke alarm that shuts up when you shout that you're just cooking, a substance that reacts with plastic and creates harmless byproducts, and a real life mute button so you can make people be quiet.

Oh, and a form of renewable energy that will use excess carbon dioxide in the air, clean impurities, and provide energy for everyone.



More Left-handed things! Only southpaws can fully understand how hard it can be in a 'righty' world! So many accidents, so many deaths, bc certain right-handed things are more complicated for lefty's to use - I am SOO left-handed! I'm very capable, yet it discombobulates my brain & frustrates me overall when something is harder than need be, bc it's backwards. imagine doing everything in the mirror. Like, seriously 90%-95% of EVERYTHING. We learn to cope, don't get me wrong, I actually like being left-handed overall. I was raised to work hard, I love working with my hands, I drove forklifts and all kinds of machines, etc. At the same time, there's so many things I would feel safer using or being around, if there wasn't such an element of danger. OTFS, there's scholarships for lefty's (I can't think of some other perks offhand), so that's a plus! Lol, I'm a wiz at 10-key 🤭


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

As a southpaw, I wholeheartedly agree, and schools should provide left handed equipment that doesn't look and work like s**t.

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I want someone to invent a device to be worn on your wrist that holds your cell phone so you can always have it with you. It would need to be able to snap on and off when you want to use it as a handheld. But please fix it to buzz your phone if you've taken your phone off to use it and left it somewhere.

The amount of my free time I spend looking for my phone whenever I set it down in some random location drives me nuts.

Of course, a fitbit could be incorporated into this design.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

so this?

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Something really small that could function properly as a tracker and be attached to objects. I mean really, really small. God, I HATE the anxiety of looking for the hat, the pencil case, the jacket and stuff in the morning. And the phone. And the freaking thing-that-you-forgets-it-existed-but-is-annoyingly-important.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

sure but if you see how people abused AirTags to stalk women, imagine how this would get abused? My solution is to just buy more than one of whatever, and scatter them around so I always see one of those things that I am looking for (pencils, pens, staplers, scissors, tape, lip balm, nail clippers, etc).

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Ketchup infused chicken nuggets. Imagine. Also, a game that is as immersive as YGGSDRASIL from the anime Overlord. It would be so fun.



Fonts for each emotion that people can understand, they can be applied to your texts. Ngl I'd be using the mocking font and the "literally rofl" waaaay too much.


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A onesie that heats up like an electric blanket or cools you down without any wires.


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A new battery design that is better than the tech we have now. If I understood correctly, one of the current major problems we have with renewable energy is the inability to store it as well as we want.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

there's a new type, I think it's lithium sulphur,

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A sleep mask that allows you to choose what you dream about, and a simulation of anything you want where you honestly feel like the character and everything. (Kinda like Jumanji, but you can control it.


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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you haven’t already - look at some lucid dreaming videos on YouTube, you can do it without a machine of any sort. Also, not exactly the same but oculus quest for VR is really really close

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Invent a meter to measure someone's energy. So they know how charged they are during the day. Then they can monitor if they got enough sleep, what drains their energy the most and what gives them energy boost.


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Max M
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That would be useful. Then i could finally find out what gives me energy

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spray on wraping paper


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A Bobcat From Philly
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If you ever saw the way I wrap a gift, you'd know this would be kinda cool!

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You know how there's been a real trend in novels about greek mythology from the perspective of the women recently? Well how about the women of Norse mythology, of Shakespeare, of the bible? The possibilities are endless, and I would so read them


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Lonely Tentacle
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Even though I'm Greek and a female and I like the idea, I feel kind of uneasy at the idea of reading about how women are attracted to whatever Zeus transformed himself into, LOL

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something that could undo caps lock typing when you’ve accidentally typed in all CAPS.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

If that happens on Microsoft Word, just highlight the entire section and go to the toolbar. Look for the two 'A's beside the font size and click the one on the right to lowercase your uppercase.

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A plain pink heart emoji. Oh, and grass, not like this 🌾 like actual grass.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And a ghost, but without the outline or eye. Oh wait. Never mind.

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Unlimited kindness, and acceptance.



A sheet of “frosting” that you could just place on your cake while it’s still warm and it conforms to the cake perfectly and stays creamy. Comes in many different flavors too.


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A fork with a serrated edge so you can cut your food without a knife.


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Lonely Tentacle
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

And then cut the side of your lip as you're taking the fork out of your mouth.

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A device that shows pain on a body, like a heat signature, but for pain. Also, portal technology.


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Why hasn't anyone made a car with a built-in cell phone holder on the dash? You KNOW we're all using our phones for GPS, just do it already!



A cure for psoriasis.

Also, a teleportation device.


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Flying cars, as well as a way to prevent anxiety and depression, like, a therapist, but it has the knowledge of every case of anxiety, depression, adhd, ocd, etc. and how each person dealt with it, like a robot, so it can give you the most effective help, and a cure to celiac, a cure to cancer, a writers block cure, like a generator where you enter the last paragraph or two you wrote, and it gives you a bunch of things that could happen, or you could give a summary of what you have and it would give you a couple ideas for whats next(for all i know that exists but i dont know so.... if it does please tell me 😭) and thats just the beginning, i also would like more personalized educational since from the very beginning of education that would be so nice, and it would cause more focused on peoples strengths, it would go at each persons pace, instead of all at the same pace, because if someone has a harder time with math, but excels at history, it would be amazing if it was separate, since theyd have a chance to learn math slower, and learn new history stuff before some others, and of course it would still be social in some ways, such as art, and gym, and instrumental, or chorus, however there would be opportunities to do that subject extra, and it would create more jobs for teachers, since each person would need different teachers at the time, each person would have maybe 10-20 students depending on how long the class would be, and the subject, and the students would have more control over their education, like if they dont think that they need to know how to write really well, as much as math, then they may have longer math classes, or if they want to focus on art, and less on history, then they would do that, and i know that isnt inventing in the traditional sense, but it is inventing a new education system(just in case anyone wanted to know why i added that)


Cure to cancer and celiac, AI therapist, flying cars, writing block cure(maybe other ___ block stuff) and extremely personalized education for even the youngest kids


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A water cooling device like for water coolers and aquariums, but for showers or tapwater. Cos I live in the tropics and in the hot season, the tapwater is so warm that I come out of the shower sweating!


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No, no. That’s not sweat, that’s the shower water you haven’t dried yet!

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Gene Roddenberry’s version of society. Well, TNG’s and DS9’s reimagining of it. No poverty, hunger or disease and mankind working towards the betterment of themselves and humanity.


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A form of birth control that only allows you to have kids. If you can afford to have kids.


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1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

so eugenics, but in favour of wealth rather than race? Maybe affordability of kids has to do with social and economic structures? In cave-man days and early agri days no-one would say this. It's only conceivable from a western industrialised perspective.

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Reversible mugs. Less money being spent and would use a material for them to be nested inside each other.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

What I mean is they're going to be cheaper instead of buying multiple mugs with different colors/quotes/whatever, you could buy only like 3 so you would have 6 designs. Do you get my point?

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I want something so we can go back to being unreachable every once in a while.
I hate whenever i go out for a something with friends or whatever people can still reach me all day. Especially with your work or my gf. She has a tendency to message the whole day to know what I'm doing. And if I don't respond its drama. Just go back to being unreachable at times.



a good lightsaber replica thats not crasy expensive and has good functions



Safe and effective over the counter pain, cold, and allergy medication for pregnant women.


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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Homeopathy is a scam on two counts. 1. The premise it’s based on is nonsense and non scientific. 2. The “medicines” created often don’t have one molecule of the original substance left after all the mixing. (One drop, mixed with 100 drops of water. One drop of that, mixed with 100 drops of water, etc , 60 or 100 times!) lLook at the disclaimers on the bottles! Google the subject. Interesting reading!

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I've currently been wrapping my head around how to create a cup that can stir itself and is also safe to wash up and is kid friendly. Obviously just a Vacuum space with some wiring in it to a switch would work semi well but it's all about making sure whatever you are drinking can't fall through the gaps you need to leave to make the parts move. Also I don't want to use blades like a blender because 1: kids will get their hands in it and 2: It's not a blender. So I'm thinking some sort of Dome shape should work and when activated it spins and creates that Whirlpool effect in the cup. Making stuff like Tea, Coffee, my own recipe Hot Chocolate, Milkshakes etc would be so much easier and I wouldn't need to take a spoon out with me to enjoy watching it while I stir it. But anyway I digress, I'm working on that myself

Something I have no idea how to make that I really want is an app for your phone (My phone Snapdragon is my ultimate life assistant) that uses your camera as eyes so when you point it at stuff it tells you all you need to know. So if there is something you can't read while you are on holiday in another country, just point your phone at it and your phone will use the camera to see it and translate it for you. If you see someone have a minor accident like a bump to the head that has a bit of bleeding then you point your phone at it and it tells you what to do. If it's way more serious then it automatically calls emergency services. If you are in the woods or something just for fun then you can point your phone at stuff like plants and it'll tell you what they are and wether you should avoid them or not. If you get lost then it'll give you a map with an arrow saying "go this way". You could use it as GPS that's actually reliable and detects road works and diversions and road collisions so you don't get in a journey and then have to U-turn without some voice saying "You are going the wrong way" or "you missed your turning" which makes me want to physically attack it. If you had an argument then you can input what's happened so far and it'll give you a few suggestions to solve it maturely and help you and whoever you are arguing with to overcome it. I just think it'd be nice and also as a shop worker I see a lot of people do really dumb things and I think it's becoming more of a necessity than a luxury



A butler program that would screen my calls for me and just say, "sorry, my employer is not available."


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Colored you can tell how much you are using.
