It can be as small or as big a problem as you want, as long as you are comfortable posting it. it can be a slight vent too if u want. plz, don't be rude. we all have struggles and it would be very useful if we all learned about each other. this post is here so we can support our fellow pandas and raise awareness and knowledge!


My past marriage with a sexual and emotional abuser. I’m strong, I got out. But a word, a smell or a song can bring it all back in seconds. I’m happy now, but will never be whole.


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Lydsylou (she/her)
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Sending hugs! I'm so sorry you had to go through that. Just remember that people are always there for you!

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    I'm struggling with people who have no idea what it's like to grow up with abusive, toxic parents - but they insist on giving advice and lessons on how my relationship with my parents should be. How I should "just forget about the past and move on". How I should be more tolerant (?) and understand that "all families have issues".

    These people just don't get it. They grew up in loving, supportive families where the biggest issue would be smth. like "I told you to buy mayonnaise and you forgot about it!" They have no idea about the beatings, humiliation, insults, domestic violence - because they never experienced them. They didn't develop anxiety, depression, insomnia, panic attacks. They cannot imagine how it's like to attempt suicide at 10 y.o., because you couldn't stand the beatings anymore. They don't know how it's like to be constantly told, from an early age, that "you don't deserve anything".

    They have no idea, and they don't care to listen. But somehow, they feel entitled to lecture me on how I should behave with my abusers.


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    Everything tbh. Life is really hard for me, since it requires so much more focus than I have.


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    i struggle with hyperhydrosis, or excessive sweating, regardless of environmental factors, though environmental factors can increase it(like higher temp or higher stress levels). its pretty bad because you can get dehydrated easier because you are losing a lot of water from ur body.

    but there are some other bad things too. here's two of many things that i struggle with:

    - assignments and writing/drawing on paper: the paper wrinkles, graphite smudges, and the paper even tears sometimes. i have to go back home to take my notes and i wear gloves while doing so. at least my notes are neat ig..?

    - physical touch. im not much of a hugger, because the feeling overwhelms me, but i will give the occasional hug. also high fives and stuff like that too. i feel like i cant do that stuff because people will immediately think im nasty or something. once i high fived a friend and they made a big deal about my hands being dIsGuStInG. the worse part is, they were the "nice, goody two shoes" friend. i kinda lashed out at them, and they gave a half assed apology. dw, i have better friends now that hug me regardless, and they dont care. i rlly love them


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    huh thats weird some of the text cut off. but it basically was something like "you can see that i have found ways to make my life more easier but i still do wish i don't have to struggle with this. i also want people to understand. you don't have to go out of ur comfort zone and touch me, but plz respect me and know im not disgusting, cuz i really cant control it, believe me, i have tried. thanks for listening you guys :))"

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    I have Ichthyosis Vulgaris. Everyday, my skin dries out easily from using soap, hand sanitizers and just the dry air. Especially in winter.

    I'm always itchy. Some nights I can't sleep because it's like pin pricks all over that won't stop after I put on lotion.

    My fingers don't have the clammy moistness that other people have, so things slip out of my hands easily.

    I can't wear delicate fabrics, like satins and silks, because the fabric snags on even the tiniest scales and skin flakes.

    My feet are the worst. I can scrub and scrub and they will still be rough and cracked, and then really itchy and irritated from all the scrubbing, too.

    Every year I discover a new allergy to some random thing.

    Everything I use to clean and wash has to be hypersensitive, scent-free, dye-free and washes off entirely. No residue left over. That can be very hard to find, but when I do find the perfect product I pray it doesn't get discontinued.

    The products I need can be very expensive. Right now I'm using Eucerine lotion. Costs over $20 for 437 ml. Plus, I have to use extra glycerine because there's never enough added in lotions.

    I struggle to wear makeup. Usually I can tolerate it for a short while before I have to wash it off, but the removal process causes irritations and allergic reactions. Lipstick never looks good. I have the stain ones that dry and then you put on a gloss. The lipstick crumbles off not even an hour later. I've tried 2 brands, and tried scrubbing my lips. No matter what they flake with lipstick. So, I stick to sans makeup. My mom says I don't need it, anyways.

    I bought 1500 thread count sheets about a couple months ago. They're already frayed where I lay. That's how rough my skin is.

    I've had "concerns" been brought up at work regarding my skin. Been targeted over complaints of scents in the air because everyone at work knows I need lotions. Even though I use low to no-scent lotions. People have made rude comments, given unnecessary, unsolicited advice.


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    Pain. My immune system is overactive and destroying my body. Constant pain wears you down physically, mentally, and emotionally. I am tired.


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    Feeling awful for being jealous of people, knowing they have better hearts than me, and struggling with the fact that im happiest when I am needed to the point that if I left, all heck would break loose, which is difficult in my current situation, where people are convinced I hate helping people...also the Tsugikuni brothers are kinda hurting me sad


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    Finding the will to get out of bed :(


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    Concentrating. I randomly zone out and I find it more difficult to concentrate in school, causing me to fall behind. No matter how hard I try I zone out, even if I love the subject, it is near to impossible for me to focus


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    With being a nice person and trying not to hurt others. My personality is a bad one as it’s one where I find other people irritating so I end up being very rude even though they’ve done nothing. I’ve realised how much I’ve hurt people and I’m trying my best to not be rude though it’s hard for me


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    Living with Fibromyalgia- my immune system perceives every feeling as pain. I have to get the right amount of exercise every day, too much or too little causes pain and exhaustion. This is particularly hard in a bad flare up, where I'm already in pain and exhausted, so getting up and exercise seems like an impossible feat. At the moment I am probably in the best position as far as my Fibromyalgia than I have been since before I was diagnosed. I am swimming three times a week, walking and working the other days, so I have a lot more energy and ability to get things done I want to. Before that, my last flare up, was 2 years long. Mental health (depression and anxiety) are often symptoms of Fibromyalgia, and when a flare up happens you almost always get at least one of those.
    I have always had social anxiety anyway (runs in my family) so it is a constant struggle. As with my Fibromyalgia though, I am in the best place now with my anxiety as I have been since I was a teenager.
    I also have a lot of allergies (not uncommon when you have an auto immune condition as well as family history) that impact me daily. I have to use a steroid nasal spray daily (yay, it's now over the counter, so $20 a month cheaper) and at least one antihistamine. That doesn't stop days like yesterday, when it was a hot, windy summer day and my eyes and nose were constantly streaming. I probably shouldn't have been driving, but I was 2 hrs from home and thought the recirculated car air would lessen the effects. I can't use eucalyptus, ti tree or lavender in cleaning products (covid was particularly bad time as far as that) because they cause skin irritation and breathing problems. I also have a lot of food intolerances as well as Ceoliac disease (another auto immune condition) so I struggle when eating out and I can't buy premixed sauces often. I cook a lot from scratch now (which was hard to do when I was in a Fibro flare up and had no energy) and freeze as much as possible, so the next time my Fibro causes difficulty I have things to eat. One major frustration is the cost of gluten free products, and the fact usually things are either gluten or lactose free, not both.
    There is more (like currently having carpel tunnel in both wrists and bursitis in one shoulder) but this has probably already been too much to read!


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    Memory. I feel like I'm too young to be forgetting so many things.


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    self harm. I haven't done it for a full week now but at one point it was daily


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A week is great progress! You're doing so good! It has been about 15 years for me. Someone asked me about my scars recently and I told him the unvarnished truth. I think it's ok to look at those scars and think about where you were when you created them and how far you've come. One day you're going to realize it's been a month, then three months and so forth. I know you can do it!


    not blowing up- not even with anger but I constantly feel like a shaken up bottle of soda waiting for someone to open me


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    Opiate addiction. 6/7-ish years clean. I've lost count. I no longer want to "get high" but I never really was trying to, at least not always. Mostly I just wanted to not be in pain, physically or mentally. Now I live with the pain, and it's wearing me down a little more every day, but there's nothing I can do about it, except keep pushing through to another day. I don't focus on how many years/months/days I've been clean because I dint want to thunk about it. I don't want to dwell on the past, it just brings all the old pain back to the surface like ripping off a scab to start the healing process all over again. I don't do NA or group therapy, just one-on-one, and my therapist understands I don't like to dwell in the past or it will suck me back in. So I guess what I struggle with the most day to day is the pain.


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    Lydsylou (she/her)
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's not good to live in the past or focus on past experiences but to focus on today being the day that you got through despite the pain and without the opioids shoes how far you've come and how much you have to be proud of yourself for

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    All of it


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