Let your freak flag flow freely.


I don't know if it counts but, I can touch my shoulder wd my foot, move my ears, move both eyebrows separately, put my hand fully in mAh mouth, i know it's something eww type. But yeah



    I have a powerful sense of smell. Ironically, it gets even stronger when I feel ill


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    Mark Berry
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My sense of smell has improved since having Covid. I mean even better than before I had Covid. Like my scent recovery went into overload.

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    I have a unique emotional perception,I really can detect hidden emotions,in people and it's not genetic.Call it intuition, if you like.



    I was born with an extra finger


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    "You have six fingers on your right hand." - Westley, Princess Bride

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    Read people's mind's ....jk. I do have double jointed elbows though so when I stretch my arms out straight the joints kind of look inverted...think one of those wavy bendy ark men you see in front of car dealerships



    I can 'tuck' my ears (inside themselves)! 👂... I know it's kinda weird but it's something I've done for as long as I can remember.....since I was a child. My ear cartilage is very soft/flexible [I guess because I'm always playing with them]. When I tuck them in they stay 'tucked until I smile 😊... then they pop out!



    Well, if I turn my tounge just right, like at a 90° angle, and bite it so it makes a crease, I've been told it looks just like a penis. And if I hang off the bed with just my butt and legs on it, facing away, if I put my hands on the ground, I can do a flip off the bed onto my knees.


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    I posted this as a reply first but thought it might warrant its own post. My sense of smell has improved since having Covid. I mean even better than before I had Covid. Like my scent recovery went into overload.


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    Put my foot behind my head and hop around on my other leg and hands



    I can dislocate my shoulder on command (so can my dad) and I can move my scalp



    My hand palms and my fingers are 1-1 length proportional, and for some reason people find this weird. My hand is extremely flexible


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    I can bend my fingers backwards up to 45°, further if I push against something. The lowest joints on my ring fingers bend backwards the furthest



    I can turn my thumb around backwards


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    I can flex a muscle in my jaw that lets me hear a rumbling noise in my head, flex the tips of my fingers, and see more colours on the spectrum (tetrachromacy)



    At the age of 10 I could plug my left ear and not hear a thing anybody was saying to me (almost deaf in one ear). It did get me in trouble from time to time as people would start talking to me as I was muting them and it looked like I was just resting my head. I can also roll my tongue


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    Suffer daily



    My ears are two different shapes, sizes and orientations (one sticks out so it faces forward and the other is pinned back against my head so it faces sideways.) I cant do it as much with the sideways ear but to hear sounds better I can move both of them individually. Freaks people out. I can also turn my eyelids inside out


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I can sense electricity. It's a 'feeling'. If there's a power surge about to happen, I know about it in advance. If there's a (strong current) loose wire somewhere near me, I'll feel it. I know a few minutes before lightning storms happen.
    Apparently electro-sensitivity is common in many animals and still exists in a small number of humans.
    My partner used to be very sceptical of it but she's seen it in play so many times now that she just *gets it*


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    2 years ago

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    double jointed shoulders, when i put my hands up they go far behind my head. i can also rapidly raise one eyebrow after the other



    I can move my scalp, wiggle my ears, cross one and both eyes, shake my eyes, I have hyper mobile fingers (I can bend them very oddly), I can flare my nostrils, make my tongue into a clover, flip my tongue upside down, I can raise each eyebrow separately, I can crack my right thumb over 20 times in a row (my friend made me stop because he was so grossed out), and I get a shiver whenever someone says my name when I’m not paying attention to them.
    The last one is the weirdest, because my friend was talking about me to her brother, they were both across the room and I felt a shiver, turned around and heard them say my name. I said “Are you talking about me?” And my friend was stunned 🤭


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    Is don't know how many people can do this but I can literally inhale so my nostrils close. Also I have one attached ear lobe and one that's partly detached.


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    I was born without sweat glands


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    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    how is that working out for you? what there something that could be done?

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    Apparently really common but I’m albino and I can’t really see, my hair and skin is EXTREMELY WHITE ( IN A NON RACIST WAY JUST SNOW WHITE) I have P.O.T.S which is a fainting disorder, my skin turns purple in the sun so… cool!



    I have a very good sense of smell. If I am around someone long enough to get used to their smell like home or work I can pick up on hormone changes or I guess it would be more of pheromone changes. I have learned to keep it to myself because I have a good idea when someone is pregnant before they do or when the monthly is about to start. Sometime right around mid-High school I started being able to notice the change in people.


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    Its not so much something I can do.. rather something I cant.
    Im virtually immune to basically all pain killers and most sedatives. Including prescriptions. As one doctor told me "I can prescribe some Tylenol 4, but that would be like giving you a tic tac."
    Its not fun. Especially as a kid getting fillings and the dentist not believing you that the novocaine didnt work.

    Probably related to some extent, Ive never managed to get drunk.
    If I drink enough I eventually just get tired and sleep really well.
    Also never had a hang over.


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    I have double jointed hips so I can sit in a chair in a full lotus and my knees will extend past the seat.


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    I can hold up any garment and just by looking at it I can tell if it will fit me. Saves tons of time trying on clothes.


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    First off I can gleek (you can google it if you don't know). I kind of have this hyper sensitivity thing where I can feel things like mosquitoes. I can go cross eyed, I can touch my index finger and my pinkie together, and I can crack my thumb knuckles and the left side of my jaw which I can't figure out why.


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    I have hyperextended elbows, so when I straighten out my arm, my elbow pops up


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    Don't know how to explain or if anyone else really can do it but I haven't seen anyone else do it but my halfbrother. I can bend my fingers all the way backwards and also just the knuckle closest to the fingertip


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    I can close my nostrils, almost without thinking, to block out smell. I was in my thirties before I realised not everyone can do this. Also I used to be able to twitch a muscle in my eye to see double vision, but I lost that ability


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