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3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

I would advise to not go with any of them. From reading what you said, they seem like perverts, at least the one who tried to kiss you. Maybe get the other ones phone number, and talk for a little bit. If you dont feel comfortable, definitely refuse. If they keep asking, or bugging you, tell someone of block them. But if I were you, I wouldn’t go out with them

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    Girls and how to end a friendship


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think to end a friendship, you should just try to tell her how you feel. And if she talks over you, talk louder. If she gets mad, maybe just walk away. For the girl thing, maybe ask a different friend to tell her that you like her, and to ask her if she likes you back. And if it fails, deny it ever happened and say that it was the other friend probably pulling a prank. I’m sorry if none of it’s helpful

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    How do a fall asleep easier? Anxiety's cruel, especially at nighttime when I'm trying to sleep -.- Also my brother knows that I like someone, how do I make him forget?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If your brother knowns your crush, pretend to have a crush on some made up person. Also, get some secrets about your brother.

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    i wanna know how to tell my cusin i might be lesbian :( she might tell my mom and if she tell my mom....ima be in my grave with a dead rose...(im scared)


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    Art Tomboy
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    just go for it and if you can't say it just send a text like - hi mum I'm gay, if she annoues you tell your friend and move in with her, OK don't move out but just fight back and say what's on the top of your mind! You go girl! X

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    Um...boys. Like asking them out. Like actually getting them to like meh. ;-;
    I also need help with getting my stress about school under control


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Guy here. I was once asked to a friend's homecoming during a band rehearsal break. They asked me straight up: "Hey [my name], do you want to go to homecoming with me? We usually never hang outside of rehearsals haha it'll be fun!" I actually initially declined, then after more consideration actually accepted. We did have fun that night. Now that friend of mine is going into the U.S. military and I'm a music therapy student, but we still keep in touch. So yes, be confident and be straightforward and you'll be all right.

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    How to find my passion. I really don't know anything about what I like or want to do in life. People keep telling me that I need to find my purpose/passion and it's very stressful. Help. (I know it's kind of hard to help so maybe tell me how you found your passion?) Thanks for any responses.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I found my two passions (acting and singing) when I watched the TV show Shadowhunters, and at the time I had very very bad stage fright and I watched the show and thought "Hey, look at these epic people pretending to be epic demon slayers and looking epic doing it. If they can do it, I can do it." and i tried and i LOVED it. and then I learned about the Beetlejuice musical and started listening to the music and it's so fun to sing, even if I don't sound good, I enjoy it. So that's how I found mine.

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    I just wanted to say these are all excellent questions and very much so common concerns for a lot of people, so to those who did contribute to this, realize that you are most certainly not alone.

    Communication is a huge part of my field of study. Just generally speaking, how do you usually maintain good communication and have meaningful conversations with people?


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    Art Tomboy
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can't have serious conversations with people because I can't concentrate and I'll start playing with my pen or picking my scabs I know it's disgusting but it's a habit when Im scared any advice?

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can't fall asleep, I feel like there is something around d every corner. I dont answer texts because I don't know what I should say. I don't talk in class. I have panic attacks sometimes too.

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    Boys and how to get someone to like you and how to tell if someone likes you.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Imma be honest, I kinda flounder on this subject. But I think if he stares at you a lot, or talks a lot to you, or things like that, then maybe

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    How to tell if i'm in a toxic relationship with a friend...
    She insults me a lot, and at first, I was like, "Oh, it's just normal friend stuff! Haha!"

    But now, she's actually hurting me.

    Any advice...?


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If it's obviously on purpose then that is definitely a toxic friendship and you need to get out of it. I knew a couple friends who hurt me a lot and I am so glad I don't talk to them anymore.

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Okay, here's the list: I stop eating for a couple of days at a time in an attempt to lose weight, I was sexually assaulted over a year ago and I'm finally seeing about dealing with it, I still like my ex who is with my friend, and I'm trying to get away from my mom who I have a bad relationship with, but I'm too young to legally move out on my own. *sigh* sorry that it's a lot


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Okay I'm going to try to address everything separately. 1) For the eating thing, I do that too so I'm about to be the biggest hypocrite here, but not eating for days is really unhealthy. Unless you are SERIOUSLY overweight, don't judge yourself based on the number on the scale. Try working out and convert some of the fat mass to muscle mass. 2) Oh dang, I'm not sure how to help with that. Just know I and many other people support you and wish you luck on getting over it. I believe in you. 3) If you and your ex are meant to be, you'll end up together eventually. If they don't want to be in a relationship with you anymore, they're not the one, and you'll find someone who IS the one eventually. Don't worry about it now, if you're too young to legally move out, then you have plenty of time to figure it out. Relax for now. 4) If it's that bad, maybe try to get a relative to help you be allowed to move out. Call someone about it. I'm not sure, I'm sorry.

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    how to comfort people. ._.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's different for everyone, but what I've found helps is giving them a hug, ask them if they want to talk about whatever they're stressed/anxious about, if they don't, don't pressure them into talking, ask them what they want to do, show them you are willing to do lots of things to make them feel better, when they see you care about them they'll most likely be in a better mood

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I feel like I’m non binary, I don’t feel like a boy, but don’t really want to be a girl either. I don’t know if I am, or if I am non binary, like, how to tell my parents? My parents are so nice and I feel like they would support me and there are other non binary people at my school, I just don’t know how to, like, tell them? If you get what I mean? Idk


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I get what you mean. I feel the same, I don't think of myself as a boy, but I don't think of myself as a girl either. I haven't told my parents because I don't want them to get emotional like they did when I came out as lesbian, but if you feel like they'd support you and you are okay with them knowing, then I personally would just tell them, just say, "I'm non-binary." and see how they react. Of course, you don't have to come out right now, you can wait if you'd like. That's what I'm doing

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    My best friends left the only website we have contact on, while I'm grounded from it. I can't live without them. What do I do?


    See Also on Bored Panda

    My dog. keeps digging out of the yard. Once I filled his hole with concrete and he dug under it.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My family had a si.ilar problem, but with groundhogs/woodchuck getting in the garden. There are these fences that you can put underground, so that might work for you.

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    How do I make ramen? no joke idk how



    Any advice how to deal with rondom anxiety in the middle of class for no reason. Idk what to do anymore.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I usually try to breathe slowly and find out what I might be anxious about. If I realize what I'm anxious about, it usually make it better.

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    See Also on Bored Panda