Most of us had plenty of free time on our hands...


I can finish a show with hundreds of episodes in a week



    The biggest thing I learned was that I am an "essential employee" and our employer doesn't give two shits about us. Didn't care there was a pandemic, didn't care if a loved one got sick or we got sick. Didn't do anything to ease our time and increased work load, nothing. I can't wait to retire in 5 years.



    How crazy people can act in a crisis.


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    Wouldn't You Like to Know
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Who would have thought that so many people's survival instincts told them to hoard toilet paper?

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    Finding out I was a non-binary lesbian and how to do some makeup. Also, how to cook.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Good for you! I came out as a lesbian over quartine it was just really tense in my house so why not add some spice and make it more tense am i right? anyway Happy you are finding who you are! Again congrats!

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    Just how important it is to wear a mask when you've got even a slight cold.


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    Joe Mama
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honestly, same though. I'm always going to wear a mask now when I am sick! 😂

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    My art got a whole lot better Like im the MASTER at cartoon hands now.



    how to fully communicate with the voices in my head


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    please, I need tips, they are a lot of fun to talk to, but sometimes they don't respond

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    Mine would be how to crochet! I went knowing nothing, and I have come out being able to crochet a sweater!


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yes same, except i havn't made a sweater yet, but ive made some scarfs and hats : )

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    Managing resources and money.


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    I learned how pay better attention



    I got much better at cooking, drawing, and not being a rude and terrible person.



    I learned LOVE by learning to love me, us, them, they by forgiving using future thinking of what can be more than what is. I learned that we all play versions of one cheesy fairytale, to be loved and accepted as our 100% authentic selves and to know that it's not just enough, it's overflowingly enough!


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    Joe Mama
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's so beautiful!!! This answer is really inspiring 🤩


    I learned how much I love politics and discovered what I want to do when I get older. I also made an angel food cake!



    I learned how to paint Bob Ross style, but with acrylics. It's been a lot of fun. I watched him a few times, then picked up my acrylics I never used. I also learned how to skateboard, because I was board (I know it's the wrong bored. Wordplay. Funny. Ha ha ha). A friend gave us some they didn't use anymore, and was like "Huh. Why not?"


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    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Bob Ross had that radio type soothing calm. "This is where the trees live..." :)

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    Quarantine helped me to end my abusive relationship, whitch lasted 4,5 years. I learned to stand up for myself and that I shouldn't abandon my core beliefs for other person.


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    Improved my digital drawing skills tenfold.



    Korean dramas make everything a little bit better

    Like seriously go watch Cinderella and the Four Knights and then comment how you felt about the ending......


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    Shazz Winchester
    Community Member
    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Haven't watched that one specifically, really enjoyed Sweet Home (Also Korean, not drama) I have some K-Binging to do!!! Thanks for the tip.


    I learned How to sorta bake way better than I Evered did before, and I never like to be in the kitchen only to eat wait not even to eat wow well now I do, anyway I learned how to bake not cook cause my cooking skill are not it I made rice and I was told to put onion I think I put to much cause they through it away the next day lol.


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    Sergio Bicerra Descalzi
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    You put onion on rice? Never did, only garlic, salt and oil. I should try it.


    I’ve achieved something great! Complete and total loneliness and no social life! I’m so proud of myself I just wanna scream and say f**k you 2020! So happy 🙃



    I took Italian, watercolour painting and video-editing at the beginning of the 2020 -and some side classes at my school-, also I was going to a gym to gain some muscle mass and I had a steady streak of reading two books per month. And then both of my jobs were closed 'cause of the lock-down, my friends returned to their homes at opposite sides of the country, one of my cousins died, the city went bananas, we were all sent home but my school carried on like nothing was happening, I was told to continue with my school work -even though I needed to be on site to actually do it- so I basically had to invent data and make estimations based on previous experiences, etc etc.
    The lock-down was mentally draining, I lost my appetite, reading became really difficult, it takes me hours to create something, my libido is non-existent and apart from my homework (and surviving) I failed on every single thing I was doing :P

    I'm mentally/emotionally exhausted and I have depression :I



    Learned another language - streak of 302 days and counting :)



    I started learning french, and have gotten obsessed with a few shows on netflix that I'm probably too old to be watching, but I like them anyways.



    I became an elite athlete and got noticed by my current coaches-one of whom disqualified me from my first competition solely because he could not pronounce my name. Now, I train every day, have made so many friends, and he has learned my name!



    I learned a bit of Morse code, learned that I have a hand defect, and discovered I have a really rare beanie baby!



    Finished a nonfiction book I've been writing off and on for a couple years. Now all I need is an editor and a publisher.



    I deepened my love for being in the kitchen, cooking yummy meals for the people I love. I also started writing down all of my recipes



    Learned how to bake


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    Painting! Never painted a thing before the pandemic. Love it now.



    I learned that heathy eating is important(and also learned that a root beer float every couple of weeks is worth it!)



    Knitting and creating my own designs in knitting. Oh, I also found Among Us and Gacha Club. And how useful Grid View could be in Google Meet.



    I learned how to rap up to M in “Alphabet Aerobics”!



    going online 10+ hours everyday because online classes and gaming


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I learned how to take change in stride


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    I started to do digital art (not that good at it but it's fun).

    I also learned that humanity can be dissapointing.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Also really inspiring. Unfortunately the disappointing ones are what get noticed. The saying "a squeaky wheel gets the grease" is because it's loud and annoying. Much like 2020. We have to look past the noise for the good stuff, but it is there. Thanks to all those who are there for each other, including the BP family


    I practised self-awareness meditation to avoid getting into depression again(happened a couple of years ago), since the isolation and human stupidity was kind of a downer for me. It worked and now I even lead weekly sessions in my company for collegues and supervisors.


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    I learned that some of my distant family are idiots (going out w/o masks, etc.) Also, I cut some toxic people out of my life, and figured out how to lowkey stalk my crush.



    What I learned during quarantine was bored panda!

    This website really did solve my boredom



    I learned how good simpsons was!


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    I learned how music can help how I feel and if I listen to upbeat music I can be happy all the time.


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    I learned the ancient art of self-loathing, unfortunately


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    Taylor Hartman
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No, don't loathe yourself! You're an awesome human being and deserve love and glitter!

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    See Also on Bored Panda

    I came out to my parents as omnisexual during lockdown. Surprisingly, they were cool with it, but my dad has been tense and stressed ever since...


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    I can edit videos well. I also started programming games.


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    I gained 7 pounds. Then lost that weight and an additional 12 pounds by following a regular exercise routine. I used to go to the gym for exercise pre-COVID, then after a couple months of gym closures, I bought a spinning bike and a set of dumbbells (I was lucky enough to find some on Craigslist since stores are all sold out), so now instead of going to the gym once or twice a week like I used to, I do a home workout 5 days a week. They aren't long workouts, just 30 minutes a day, that's less time than it took just to drive to/from the gym. But by working out nearly every day (not including weekend hiking when the weather is suitable), I was able to lose weight.


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    Had more time to rescue pets♥️
    And also realized I needed to change my gender 🏳️‍🌈
    Still not changed tho
    Not buoyant financial yet


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    I could not afford to stay on my own anymore and had to move back in with my mother only then i saw what happened behind close doors.


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    I learned that my years as a hyper vigilant, agoraphobic individual who deals with general anxiety and social anxiety with panic disorder was just years of training for this event. I’ve been told to “just breathe” my whole life then I contracted Covid and and literally couldn’t “just breathe”. So I’ve learned I’m not broken. I was made for this!


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    Learned to play Banjolele (Basically an Ukulele), started a business, and moved out of an abusive home. I also relearned to crochet, embroider, and make phone calls on my own again!


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    Investing in the stock market, very small scale but always wanted to try it


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    i realized that i had become toxic with my friends and started to work on myself (btw if you need a place to vent but you can't do it with a person i recommend writting on a journal, no censorship about how you feel)


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    I achieved spending 75 hours on animal crossing in a week 😅🥲



    Turns out that when people say "this meeting could have been an e-mail" is true. Many e-meetings were replaced by concise, fuss-free e-mails.


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    Well I broke my leg when it started them when I got better I broke my arm and then when that got better I twisted my ankle. So I learned how to get injuries in your free time :/


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    Usually I would say politics but I learned that homeschool isn't as easy as most people would think (or say) it is.


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    I treated myself to a recurve bow! I’ve not been able to play/shoot for years. All the pain & rage goes away. I’m also a disabled women, with a broken pelvis PTSD & trauma from X. I can’t exercise because everything hurts. Using my bow increases strength in upper body and core and some leg. This is what I did Instead of going back to therapy again.


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    I got hired at a low-barrier homeless shelter right at the beginning of COVID, because the shelter lost their volunteer pool and needed staff. The guests are frequently drunk, stoned, tweeking, mentally ill, dishonest, dramatic, loud and messy. We call 911 frequently, deal with chaos constantly, get thanked rarely. Sometimes, things turn out okay for someone - they get a job and find housing; more often not. Sometimes it's just tragic. It's the best job I ever had.


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    I became fluent in ASL!!!


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    I definitely improved my personality from the days of doing nothing but thinking! Luckily my school got to do face-to-face and I am a lot more confident and nicer to my classmates. It wasn't bad before but I guess I am just a better person.
    I also discovered Bored Panda. I love it here, and I'm sure everyone will agree. I showed my friends that cat meme post and now they read BP too, so yeah just go BP!


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    I have learned about all the dogs in my neighborhood and I say "hey" to many more of my neighbors then I would otherwise from all the walks I take to deal with general anxiety from having to be isolated (the kids not doing well in virtual school, fears for those I love, worries about are we going to be okay). Since we're stuck home in a suburb I think my neighbors are a lot more aware of each other and more open to being friendly - more heads up and outward looking then inward and ignoring each other then before.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Figuring out I was a bisexual and coming out to my parents


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    I learned just how resilient some people can be. You can accomplish so much if you can manage to keep moving forward.


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