Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Know Will Never Happen But Choose To Believe Anyways?
Is there something you know will never happen but choose to believe anyways?
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I'll start, I know my crush will never fancy me back but I keep thinking they maybe just a tiny bit do every time they look my way.
Me too. Me and my crush will never be together, but him being so cute isn't helping me get over him
I’ve always been a Star Trek and Star Wars fan. (Yes, we do exist). I have hope that one day, we can live without the need of money, end war on our planet, keep it sustainable, and find balance.
Then, I’m forced to realize an insurmountable number of people will likely have to die, before this can begin.
First of all, I LOVE STAR WARS! Also though, yeah I wish that would happen, it really sucks and what sucks, even more, is what little you can do since there will always be selfish people that stop it from happening but I think if we worked hard enough as the future generation, our world wouldn't be perfect but at least it will be better.
Everyone on Earth living in harmony and peace.
I really wish this was true, but let's face it, there's too much narcissism and violence in the world for this to happen, at least not anytime soon. However, I almost don't want to put this on the post because I haven't lost hope entirely. Maybe not during my lifetime, but who knows? I just hope it doesn't turn out like the Utopia in The Giver...
That my mom will stop drinking. She started after I left for college, and it has been the usual struggle--DUIs, arrests, hospitalizations, homelessness. It completely took me by surprise. My childhood was pretty idyllic. After years of struggling, she is back in a place of her own and working, but I have had hope so many times, only to be disappointed. Things are good now, though. Just good enough to think maybe this time is different.
that my ex will want me back. she won't, but i cant help fantasizing about what would happen if i told her how much i miss her.
I know billionaires will never be taxed or stopped but I hold onto hope.
I know I'll never be able to afford my own house but I hold onto hope.
I know we'll probably all be dead in 20 years thanks to climate change and corrupt oil barons, but I hold onto hope.
I know I'll never win the lottery (because I don't play) but somehow, I still hold onto hope.
That Donald Trump will face justice.
That i will never be fully androgynous, i am very feminine body wise and it sucks
I can relate, I'm trans and I know I'll never fully look masculine because I also have a lot of feminine curves which sucked but now I just stopped caring about the way I look and more of just being happy with myself because I don't have to look just one certain way. I'd sound like my mom for saying this but just be you. Love your name by the way.
This one is really weird, but sometimes I just REALLY REALLY wanna be a wolf. Like so much I feel internally pained when I realize that that is impossible. 😢
lmao, I love that so much. I remember when I discovered that in third grade. My teacher was like okay kids what do you want to be when you grow up and I was like Dolphine! and she goes honey that's not possible, my third-grade brain was like what you mean it's not possible.
I want to believe that I’ll see my cat again. He died two years ago from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (enlarged heart), and I couldn’t be with him as he passed because of this f*****g pandemic. It tore a hole in my heart, and I would give a year of my life for another day with him. So I’ve half convinced myself I’ll see him on the “other side” even though I know there isn’t one.
That I'll get the chance to be called 'mommy
I won't ask questions, but I'm assuming that you cannot have kids. Could you adopt, or foster maybe? (sorry if this comes across as insensitive)
See how the world ends.
I would like to see how the world ends but I don't think I would be conscious at that time (when it ends I may be asleep or I may have died) and it may happen so quickly that I won't be able to process it before it ends.
That Zendaya will become my wife
To late, Tom Holland store her heart 🥰 and I would totally love if she was my bestie. I LOVE HER MUSIC!! and she just seems so cool
That I will find true love/happiness instead of a bunch of jerks!!!
That one day I can be a kpop Idol :,)
Its my dream but the fact is im neither korean nor talented ..... I dont even fit the Korean Beauty standards plus Im not good at anything-
I want and need to believe that I will someday again own a home. Living with parents (very grateful!) when you are mid 50s is hard (paying off cancer - done!). But houses have gotten so expensive that I think they are beyond us.
Be attracted to men,
Don’t know why I want this fairytale boy to be my boyfriend. Whenever I draw him it’s actually a girl or some hot enby looking thing. I think my brain just wants to hang on to the idea of being in a hetero relationship.
Hon, accept yourself for who you are. You are powerful and amazing and lovable in your own power. Besides, you won't be missing out on much.
That I will someday be able to control time or already do. I have been wishing that for so long that I almost believe it.