For example, the phrase is, "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

But I heard and always repeated, "Don't look a gif towards in the mouth." And this was way before GIFS were even invented.


I said subtle as it’s written (suB- tle) instead of as it’s pronounced (suT- tle)



    When I was about 4, my parents took me to a magic show. The magician was doing the box trick, and he said "Open Sesame!" For years I thought he said Open Says Me. I'd been saying that since. A few years ago when I was on a date, we went to a restaurant with automatic doors. I said "Open Says Me!" in front of the doors as they opened. My date just looked at me. Very embarrasing!



    I thought charley horse was called trolley horse. I also play Mario kart with my dad and have called it grand PRIX with an an X instead PRIX silent X like it should be. I say Pr-ix. It should be pronounced Pri. I fixed how I say it now tho this was like last month, and then the charley horse I kinda fixed how I say it.


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    That One Quiet Kid
    Community Member
    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's pri?? I play Mario Kart with my siblings and we always say prix


    I thought “for all intents and purposes” was “for all intensive purposes” until I read “KISS And Makeup” by Gene Simmons when I was 45ish. Thanks, Gene!



    i thought "right from the get-go" was "right from the gecko" for years



    I thought Aryan was pronounced like Orion until my freshman year of high school. I hadn’t actually said the word out loud before then, so no one corrected me on the pronunciation until high school.

    Also, my mom listens to a lot of country music, and for the longest time, I thought the song “If You Wanna Touch Her, Ask” had a much worse word in place of ask. People really need to pronounce their ks when they are singing!



    Ridiculous, pint

    It was pronounced wrong once and now I always say them wrong


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    Liz Miner
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    How do you pronounce pint? Do you say "p-in-t" with a short I instead?

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    I thought the lyric "looking like a true survivor" in "im still standing" by Elton John was "looking like a truthful llama" for many, many months. i still don't know how i got "truthful llama" from "true survivor"



    "I could care less" when it's really "I couldn't care less"
    -Suposably instead of supposedly
    -The lyrics to Hold Me Closer I would say "Hold me closer tony danza" and it's "hold me closer tiny dancer" I was shocked when Phoebe realized it on Friends and taught me as well. 🤭🤭🤭


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    i thought oahu was iwahu i live in f*****g hawaii



    When I was 11 I "waitressed" for my parents VFW every Friday & Saturday. Tips were mine to keep. I complained to my Uncle Bob that some of the men touch me & say things inappropriate for someone my age. I didn't look 11, I was often mistaken for a College aged girl.
    He said, "Tell them you're (this is what I heard) Gelbayt". I asked what it meant and he said, "You don't need to know what it means, they'll know what it means!"
    I was somewhere in my early 20's when I realized he'd said "JAIL BAIT". I still can't believe it took me that long to figure it out!


    See Also on Bored Panda

    Melancholy. Thought it was pronounced muh-long-kuh-lee until about two years ago. For anyone wondering, it's pronounced melon-callee


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    You guys know the song Where Are You Now by Lost Frequencies & Calum? Well, you know the part "you're just like my favourite song going 'round and 'round my head'? Yeah. I, for a very long time, thought it either said ' you're just like my baby son going 'round and 'round my head', or 'you're just like my baby sun going 'round and 'round my head'. I couldn't figure out which one it was, so I went to go ask my mum. She replied with, " you mean 'you're just like my favourite song going 'round and 'round my head'?" Yeah, I felt very dumb that day. 🤣


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    Lindisfarne, also called Holy Island, a place of the coast of England. I always heard it as Linda's farm.


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    See Also on Bored Panda

    Dachshund (Docksend), Cache (Cash), Epitome (Eh-pi-to-me), Penelope (Pen-el-o-pee), Colonel (Kernal). All of these words I read before actually hearing them.


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    Liz Miner
    Community Member
    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    That's definitely understandable. Reading to yourself, how are you going to know? So what about something you heard as a child and heard it incorrectly, then found out as an adult?


    still technically a kid (12), but I have a speech impediment and I say....
    -"to be pacific" instead of "to be specific" and I can barely do it without screwing up saying "pacific" -_-

    - "inten-si-di-tive" purposes instead of intents and purposes....

    -"please precede" in stead of please proceed

    I do say "supposedly" right though 👍


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