Hey Pandas, What Is Something You Hate When Someone Else Does It, But You Do It Yourself? (Closed)
It can be anything really, just seeing if I can relate.
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I hate it when people sing along to a song, especially if they're not good. Problem is, I do it too. I am NOT a great singer.
I would say a room being messy. My room is messy with like clothes on the floor in spots but whenever I go to any other room I literally have my eye start twitching till I clean it up. My dad has the same problem, just that his is like a deep clean while I just want everything organized and neat. We’re the only perfectionists in our family.
leaving bunch of shoes everywhere :)))
leaving wet floor at the bathroom :)))
coming to cinema at the last moment and have to make people stand up to reach my designated seat.... :))))
When legos are stuck, i get them out from my teeth, but I’m scared when D and A do it
I hate it when my family listens to YouTube or Tik Tok without headphones, it drives me crazy since I'm not able to focus on what I am doing. Although, I do the same thing...
I hate when people don’t believe the compliments directed at them, but get flustered and have a hard time with it myself. When you give genuine compliments, it gets easier to accept when it’s given to you. It’s weird how some people are arrogant while others are so insecure, it’s heartbreaking. (Just came from another photoshop article).
not replying to text messages! Like when I text someone I want an answer NOW! but sometimes I catch myself not answering for hours