We've all done weird and stupid things as children. Mind sharing your story?


Our family visited a ghost town in the mountains in Australia. There were a lot of old mines there. An old railway connecting 2 mountains - crossing a ravine. It had a hand car on it so I started pumping the thing trying to cross to the other side. What I did not realise was that halfway across, the railway had collapsed into the ravine... My parents were shouting to me to stop which (surprisingly) I did and I then came back over the same track. My parents were white as a sheet....(and too shocked to wallop me a good one).



1. made tea with gutter water, muddy cup, dirty mint leaves.
2. stood behind my sister when she was coming down from a handstand; got kicked in the eye
3. while making pasta dropped fork and impaled toe
4. ate flowers that were found outside, unwashed, probably not edible
5. thought that the saying "my pet peeve" meant you had a pet, preferable a black great dane named peeve, who really hated the thing you had a pet peeve about
6. got my foot stuck in the couch
7. got my head stuck in the couch
8. dropped a weight on my toe
9. tried to shoot my sister with a rubber band; shot myself with a rubber band
10. spontaneously decided it would be a good idea to fall off a bench backwards onto a wooden floor
11. rubbed my feet on a carpet and shocked myself
12. had a pokemon cards phase, thought one of my pokemon cards was lost in a library, freaked out and searched all over, clutching remaining cards in hand to make sure no more would be lost, missing pokemon card was found in hand
13. wanted a whole pear diced, not two halves of a pear diced, wailed for hours about it
14. ate sunflower seeds found on the ground in park
15. went down a slide headfirst, got hurt, promptly did it again



I took my hairpin with a Hello Kitty design on it and stuck it in an outlet because I thought that outlets had water in it. I ended up somehow shutting down the power for the entire house and didn’t get shocked. I was 4 at the time



I would pat ANY dog i came across - they could be barking and snarling but I would just go over and start patting. I was never bitten...maybe they realised I was just a dumb kid lol.



Busted open the glass thermometer and played with the mercury.



We would have roast beef for Sunday dinner. My slices of roast beef would have a hole in the middle of it, so I'd cut around that hole, because I assumed that's where 'the worm' was in the meat, and I didn't want to eat that part. I'd leave a little doughnut of meat on my plate every Sunday.
It took years for me to realize that's where the rotisserie spear went through the meat.
I was a dumb kid.



Growing up my small town had a store with blacked out windows. I asked my more worldly friend what kind of store it was and she said they sell “dirty underwear”.

Well I spent the next however many years thinking about this disgusting store that not only sold used underwear, but they didn’t even wash them first!

Fast forward to me being a teenager and a friend asked what that store was. I said, “Oh that store is super gross. They sell dirty underwear”. It hit me, dirty as in adult and not dirty as in unwashed.



I was about 5 and had done something that I knew was going to get me a spanking. I figured that if no one could get into my room, they couldn't spank me. So I slathered my bedroom door k**b with Vaseline and hid inside. My brilliant plan did not work.



I was a complete Pyromaniac. Would use nail polish, lysol, or whatever I could get my hands on.



I didn't know how to swim, and I (without any floats) jumped into the pool, thinking it would be like those movies where I jump intoo the waters a automatically learn how to swim. I almost died that day. But now I am a competitive swimmer. Soooo. I was three at that time, and somehow I'm not traumatized



When I was four we were roasting marshmallows in the fireplace. I was impatient so I stuck one on a plate in the microwave. It got massive, and I was like, omg, I've discovered not only how to make marshmallows cook faster, but they expand magically and it's gonna be amazing! Then I reached in and grabbed it with my bare hand.
That obviously didn't work out well for me.
But I started making marshmallows in the microwave after that and would just stick a fork in it and spin it until it was basically a marshmallow lolly. Though, I didn't try to work that method out until well after my burns had healed.



I was 6, and fascinated by the pilot light in our furnace... The basement was also my "playroom" and a friend and I were pretending to have an Olympic torch (twisted sheet of paper, lit on the end by that sweet, sweet pilot light). One of our torches got out of hand, and I panicked and threw it into the garbage... which was a cardboard box full of paper. I ran upstairs to ask my mom for a glass of water (no way was I telling her what we'd done LOL), but she handed me a little Dixie cup. I ran back downstairs to dump the few drops of water on the small fire, and ran back upstairs to ask for more, which of course alerted my mom that something was going on. Oof, what a grounding that was! The even dumber thing? It happened in the basement, which had a huge utility sink right next to the furnace LOL


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I fell off The Weird Tree At The Back Of The School.
Six times.



I used to completely dry my hands after washing them before turning off light switches because I was convinced if I had a single drop of water on them while turning light switches on/off then I would get electrocuted... Kinda shameful to admit but I didn't stop doing that until like 2 years ago.



Wanted to see if I could x-ray my arm using a traditional edison lightbulb. This was in the early 1980s. I was small. It kinda worked. It also burnt me. Undeterrred, I decided to see what happened if I melted crayons on it. That worked. I then thought well, let me wash the crayon off with a wet cloth. Result: boom. Bulb popped and threw glass everywhere. Lucky didn't hit my eyes.



I stuck nails and sticks into the ground to make the earth stronger



When I was a little girl my brother's, and I played chase in an old cemetery. Now this cemetery was a really old one such that if you hit the grave just right the whole thing would collapse in. We thought it was funny when one fell in while we were running full speed across the place. I shake my head at this for several reasons not the least of which is the fact of how bad one of us kids could have got hurt pretty bad. This was in New Mexico, so the ground was really sandy. I think we kept our guardian angels pretty busy.


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Until the age of 23, I truly believed rabbits only lived for a week or so. My Italian parents used to keep rabbits, which I foolishly believed were pets. One day I came home from school and noticed little Luigi (my favourite) was missing. My mom told me he died during the night of old age. Whilst I was shedding a tear or two into my delicious dinner I asked my mom what we were eating?
That’s luig…er I mean chicken she said. I miss Luigi.



Oh, there are so many. I'll try to narrow it to 2

When I was 3 my Mom was on the phone. I kept tugging her shirt until I got her attention, informed her I lost my teddy bear's eye. When asked where, I pointed to my ear. Dr visit to get it out. As Mom was waiting to pay I tugged on her shirt again. Told her I lost the other eye. Where? The other ear. Dr was nice enough not to charge for the 2nd extraction.

Age 4 Dad showed me a magic trick where he made a kleenex disappear. When I asked where it went, he said up his nose. You see where this is going. Dad was banned from showing me any more magic tricks after that.


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Bi Frog
Community Member
1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Lol, both my brother and I too! This one time he went to the doctor and the doctor saw something in his ear and it turned out to be a rock. My brother couldn't recall how he got a rock in his ear and he was 11 then. The fam still teases him.

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Old Roadie
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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Ha! I can imagine your Mom's consternation. ( •˓◞•̀ )

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1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

That's funny because my neighbor was always doing weird things. She stuck about 5 peas in her ear and packed them in nice and tight (& mushy) with a q-tip then she told her father that I did it to her, e slapped me across the face! Her parents took her to the ER to get them out. She was doing stupid stuff like that all the time and always blaming someone else for it, usually me!

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When I was about 6 years old, I found out the hard way that riding in a little red wagon, tied to the back of a dirt bike, down a gravel road is not the smartest thing to do.

Worse yet, when the wagon hit a big rock and flipped over, I 'forgot' to let go and was dragged about 100 meters. Stripped all the skin off the inside of my right leg from the knee down to the foot. Still have the scars (faint).



Portion of our yard had native grasses, and I discovered that pulling up a handful would leave a nice dirt clod on the bottom. It reminded me of a bola, so I would hold the grassy stalks, give 'em a good swing or two, and launch them across the yard at prey. Usually my little brother. Sometimes I lit the grass afire.

Gave Mom fits with my re-enactments and experiments. Achieving adulthood with a recognizable human form is a tribute to her patience, intuition, and athleticism.



One time when my family went camping in the mountain wilderness in Colorado, I realized that I didn't know where the bathroom was. My oldest sister, always a bit sarcastic, told me that I'd find it 'down three trees to the right' and I would see a roll of toilet paper bolted to a tree. I started hiking down the mountain into the woods, absolutely sure that I would see a bathroom materialize. It was a miracle that I found my way back to camp after wandering around for more than a half hour. I still hadn't gone to the bathroom!



I wanted to see what I looked like while I was asleep, so I went to the bathroom mirror and shut my eyes.

The worst part?

I didn't figure out why that didn't work until a year ago. And I'm 26 years old.



Walked up to a roaring fire place and put my hands on the glass door. After my mum said not to.



...I got my nose run over by a tricycle. I have absolutely zero clue how that happened, since even 4-year old me (who ate gravel on multiple occasions) wasn't stupid enough to lie down on the track.



Aged about 15, my friend and I ran along the tracks of the #1 IRT line of the New York City Subway, one Saturday. We were well aware of the danger of the 3rd rail, and stayed will clear, and we knew the trains were running about 20 minutes apart, but still... When I told my mom about it 30 years later, she shivered and asked me not to tell her any more.


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When I loaded the dishwasher (I was like 12 or 13) I would never squish the glass cups in or out things too close together. This was because, in my logic, the items were locked into the stand things and the dishwasher worked like a WASHING MACHINE…



I was really dumb as a kid, but there was this one time when I was wondering if staplers worked on skin as well as it does on paper. Ended up stapling one of my finger. Pretty bad idea.

Another time, I was made to sit while my family was watching a movie. I just copied the actor and dived straight on to the floor from the bed (the actor in the movie actually jumped from a cliff or a building top maybe). Still have that scar on my forehead. *sigh*



When I was in my early teens, my friends and I thought it would be fun to rollerskate down a very steep, ice-covered asphalt path. Of course, as soon as my skate connected with a bump in the ice, I flew off at pretty good speed and gave myself a compound leg fracture. The most traumatic part wasn't the hospital stay or months of therapy; it was watching the paramedics cut off the first jeans I ever bought with my own money. Funny what we remember as adults.



Draw on the wall “I hate mom” later covered the “I hate” with a heart. Parents ground you because of something YOU did, not because they are bored and they want to hurt your feelings. ❤️



This happened in elementary school. So it was late at night, and kid me was very imaginative. I was jumping on the bed with some of my plushies. One wrong miscalculation was all it took for me to slip off the bed. Needless to say, my left arm was in a cast for about a month.



My grandmother had an electric heater in her living room that was a bar that turned bright orange when it heated up. The bar was behind a front metal grille to prevent you touching it, but the struts on the grille were widely separated. I was always shouted out if I went too near. One day, aged 4, I found myself in the room with no one there, so I switched the switch and the bar turned the prettiest bright orange colour, and I reached in to touch it...

Several weeks in hospital getting skin grafts, and years of physical exercises to ensure my skin grafted fingers didn't contract and seize up, and now I have no finger prints on that hand (and hairy skin on my palm and fingers because it's grafted from my leg). I was very stupid as a child.



When I was about six, I opened the battery compartment on an electric toy we had. Yes, it was the 1970s and yes it was a toy slot machine. To my delight the battery was covered with a layer of chocolate sauce, so of course I licked it. Turns out it was battery acid.



My family owns horses, and when I was a little kid I would wait until the horses were asleep lying down. I would then go into the horse pasture and air on their backs. When the horses woke up they would jump up and gallop around the pasture. Little me thought it was the best treat EVER!! I guess I could have gotten injured but I didn't think about it at the time.



My best friend and I got a big rope and went out to a Christmas tree farm. I climbed to the top of one of the trees, tied the rope to the top and then threw the rope down. My friend then pulled the top of the tree down as far as she could, I wrapped my arms and legs around the trunk and she let go of the rope. We spent the afternoon doing this, really funny and really dumb, lol.


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I ate paper. I'd rip the margins of my books to eat. I did this until I was around 11 or 12.



I was running up the stairs with my eyes closed (already this is a red flag), but i tripped and hit my face.

Lesson learned, always look where you're going



Jumped on our trampoline w platform flipflops. Tore a ligament in my ankle. Never fully healed



I saw it in a film where a kid gets their head stuck in the banister, thought well that’s stupid. Checked it out for myself, yep actually it’s quite easy. Luckily for me they were wood and we had a saw.



Eat pink baby aspirin like it was candy.



I once ate an entire container of tums. Somehow I had no problems. I was 5 and thought it was candy.

I now have to take tums due to a recent surgery, and I hate them. I remember this.

Also, I am very anxious about going to people I don't know's houses, and as a little demigirl, I'd run away from the building and on the road and sidewalks for about a block before I had to be picked up and forcibly taken to the place, and I would scream and cry. In case you're wondering, I did this to other family members, too.

I also used to eat random flowers, and somehow I didn't get a poisonous one in my mouth. That, and I ate random things and drank markers. I honestly have no clue how I'm still not dead.



I forgot to open the door a lot and ran into it. Typically when I was half asleep when I first wake up, but STILLLL.


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well, I'm still a kid but whatever, anyway so i went camping with fam and we roasted marshmallows mine was on fire (blue the hottest) and was falling so i decided to catch it. i burned myself.



I stuck a lollipop into a outlet saying "lollipop holder!!"



stabbed myself with a pencil to protest writing a single page a day



I used to chew on trees, and eat random things I found in my yard. I'm lucky I never got sick.



when I was 9 I used to eat an entire box of anti sickness tablets at a time to get intentionally drowsy from them


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I walked out of the kitchen with a plate full of Pasta when I was 3. Ended up tripping over a bag in the hallway. The plate broke and I cut open my hand.



Let's see. I overdosed on flintstone vitamins and had to spend 3 days in the hospital getting my stomach pumped. Flipside, is that I'll probably never suffer from anemia because the iron in my blood is still on the high side.

And I also split my head open falling on a book case I had tipped over trying to use it to reach for the light switch without leaving my bunk bed.



there’s a few
-i would eat tums religiously
-my cousins and i would sit on my play structure with binoculars and read off license plates of people on their phones and write them down
-roll out of bed on purpose


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My best friend and I got a big rope and went out to a Christmas tree farm. I climbed to the top of one of the trees, tied the rope to the top and then threw the rope down. My friend then pulled the top of the tree down as far as she could, I wrapped my arms and legs around the trunk and she let go of the rope. We spent the afternoon doing this, really funny and really dumb, lol.


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I (4 or 5?years old) asked my mom what the things on the ceiling in a department store was for(fire protection sprinkler heads).
She told me they "put out fire" and I promptly lost my mind and insisted that we leave the store. I would freak out anytime I saw sprinklers until I learned what "putting out fire" meant. Not that it literally outputted fire but that they quenched fires.
It was a confusing few years and I was never the kid who wanted to be a fireman.
I've gotten slightly better since...


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I live on a farm so there’s a lot of stuff. Trying to ride an untrained donkey, riding into the lake on my bike, and trying to do gymnastics off of a tree are the ones that I can think of.


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During Primary school, my friends had abandoned me and i was running around the cement quadrangle, and i thought to myself, "Why can't i jump over that bench like those cool people do in movies? " I decided to trry and see if it was possible. Took a running leap, my foot caught on the edge, and i went tumbling over, did a fuul roll, hitting my head onn the concrete and coming to a stop at the bench, also hitting myself on the edge of the bench. I was dizzy and sick and wanted to go home, but my horrible grade 4 teacher, Lee-Ann Smith (I see you) saw what had happened. Didn't come over to check, just stoof there. I asked her if i could go home, and stood up and began to walk awkwardly toward her but he said "no, stupid. It's your fault, deal with it." I began to cry and sat underneath a table, while my friends came over and asked if i was okay. She wouldn't even send me to the sick bay, let alone give me a note to go home. When i got home, my mum asked me what happened, and ofc i lied.


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my older brother lit the fireplace in my old house so me and my older brother,younger brother were trying to roast marshmellos on it



my mom was explaining to me why Mc. Donald’s food wasn’t real meat, and that it was just a bunch of mush held together with “something like glue” and until i was 12 i told everyone i saw eating Mc.Donald’s food that they put glue in it



my brother and i would ride our bikes around our street with some neighbor kids and we somehow thought that holding our hand on a streetlight would make us go way faster. give us its energy or something. well, i ended up going way too fast and i couldn’t stop, and ended up hitting a curb and falling over my handle bars, landing in one of the only yards that was grass and not rocks


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We used to jump off our roof on to a trampoline.



Thinking mixing really nasty random beverages in the frig would taste good. Depending on the age it was OJ and Milk to let's taste everything in the bar (that one ended very bad!)



I'm almost a teenager, but I remember that one time I poked a bee with a stick in the eye!!!!!


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I called my vagina my 'front bum'.



I ate paper.... and grass


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I was probably 4 or 5 and would replace the sugar in the sugar bowl with salt. Happened several times even though I got in trouble for it. I still have no idea why, but I must have thought it was a pretty funny prank at the time.


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Shaking soda not realizing what happens next...


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It was a small thing. When I was around 7 or 8, I was playing trivial pursuit with my family. All adults. Being a kid, I wasn't doing well in the game, I was basically just sitting there bored as hell. Well, there was a question, something like 'what's the only English word that ends with an I'. I immediately perked up and shouted 'Deni!' My family told me that I got the answer right. Of course, that wasn't right, since it ends with a y. I was so proud of myself too haha


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Probably when I lived at my grandparents house for like a year or so I have this happy world pick my nose and then scrape it on the wall. I was a stupid child.yes we are like.


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as i kid i eat flowers, i remember them being delouse so i eat therm as a kid. im grown up now and in find this very em arcing



There was once a stapler in our school, and I enjoyed imagination as a gun and performing some cool flipping tricks, and i would run around everywhere with the stapler....yeah 🤣


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I was in second grade. My mom, dad, and I lived on a farm. The owner hired my dad to take care of this farm and in return we didn’t have to pay rent. It didn’t work out but that’s another story for another time. While we lived there I would go outside and play. I would walk around the lake. I had this whole property to myself for the most part. I can remember going outside to play and sneaking under the barbed wire fencing and going into the pastures to pet the cows. I would also sneak into the barn and pet and talk to the bull. I was 7. 7!!!! Just walking up to the hill like it was no big deal. And petting cows like they were puppies. I guess I’ve always loved animals.


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See Also on Bored Panda

My best friend and I got a big rope and went out to a Christmas tree farm. I climbed to the top of one of the trees, tied the rope to the top and then threw the rope down. My friend then pulled the top of the tree down as far as she could, I wrapped my arms and legs around the trunk and she let go of the rope. We spent the afternoon doing this, really funny and really dumb, lol.



(very short, ik) i used to for whatever reason make the OK sign with my hands and stick my tongue through it....one night mom saw me doing it in the kitchen and well, we had a very uncomfy talk.



When I was a teen with a newly minted driver's license, I got into some pretty silly, and dangerous, situations. My car didn't have a stereo or cassette tape, so I got a big boom box, the kind where the speakers were detachable (but still connected to the body of the box by wires, it was the 80s, after all). I would sit it in the passenger seat, but everytime I had to break, or make a turn, it would slide around or the speakers would fall on the floor. I would actually take my eyes off the road while leaning over to retrieve them from the floor, or to reposition them after a turn. Many times, I would look back up only to see that I'd driven off the road, and was face to face with a traffic sign. I don't know how I didn't injure someone else or myself. Irony is that the end of my red Toyata Corona came on a rainy day because a dog was in the middle of the slick road. I turned the wheel and hit the breaks. Of course they locked, (the one situation our high school football coach and driving instructor didn't warn us about) and sent my car rolling sideways straight into a small cliffside off the road. I don't know how I was lucky enough to walk away with only a bump on my head and a bruised and swollen knee. I've always felt that an angel was watching over me that day. I literally felt myself being lifted gently in my driver's seat and momentarily cradled by warm soft air while the car spun around me. When the it came to a stop, I was sitting upright, safe and sound inside the car but sitting on the ceiling instead of on the seat. There was no explanation in physics that would have explained that. Either a one in a million crazy piece of luck, or an angel keeping watch. I like the angel theory.


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Hitchhiking.hands down
80-90’s kid…


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I broke my wrist and sprained my elbow when I was 7 because I jumped off the back of the couch, my foot got caught on a step ladder which was pushed up against the couch, so I twisted in midair, and then I fell into a treadmill folded up on the wall, landing on my arm. We waited 3 weeks before getting it checked out. Maybe we shouldn't have done that.


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I was an only child and there weren't any children in the neighborhood, so I ended up being a weird kid. Probably the stupidest thing I did was, after reading about a character that poisoned their blade to be more deadly, I thought I would do the same. Since I couldn't source any deadly sword poisons, I improvised by mixing ammonia and bleach in the sink of my tiny bathroom and soaking my knife in it. How I didn't hospitalize myself (and half the block) with accidental homemade mustard gas is one of God's mysteries.


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Spent summer with my gramps, we were running errands one day and he left me in the car for a few minutes while he went in the bank. I was pushing buttons and rolling up/down the windows and one of the things I pushed in had popped back out so I pulled it and looked inside, cool little red spirals. I stuck my finger in and it got stuck, I panicked as the car filled with a burning flesh smell as the cigarette lighter had singed the skin from my finger.
My gramps came back and asked what the smell was but I was too embarrassed to say, he knew. He pulled the lighter out and looked inside and saw my flesh all burnt and stuck to the coils. He laughed and told me to not go around shoving my fingers into random holes. The scars changed my fingerprint for many years before finally fading away. Never learned my lesson tho, I'm still a hole poker.
EDIT: this was in the 80s when almost all cars came with factory cigarette lighters.


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I thought it was fun to stand on top of my (hard) couch and then kaplunga mesepf onto my butt on the couch and make a giant sound and my mom would be like "you OKAY?" and it hurt so much


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I didn't do it! When I was 6 my sister tried to flush a Kotex down the toilet, it didn't work out well and she blamed it on me.


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Our house had hot water radiation with exposed copper pipes. In one room, my brother and I had a game where we would stand on the top of the very narrow-backed couch, facing the wall, scoot across as fast as possible, and grab the scalding pipes and time each other before letting go, twisting around, and jumping away. 1. It’s a wonder we had any skin left on our hands. 2. The fun was the danger of falling backwards and landing on the hardwood floor or coffee table. We could have broken our necks.

We also had a verandah with stairs, below which were three sets of concrete stairs heading to our front gate. (Our house was on a hill. Fairly steep.) We used to start at the top on a sled and zoom down over it. Think Kevin in Home Alone.

We also used to zip each other into sleeping bags and fly down the indoor stairs, all 17 of them, with our heads at the bottoms and feet sticking out. And we both survived this.


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Not me. My sister. She was the Suzy Homemaker in our family. She loved to clean, I hated cleaning. She scrubbed the kitchen floor and realized that there was no floor polish, so she used Pledge instead. That creamy white stuff that we used to polish the refrigerator. Our dad came home with a snoot full and went skating across the kitchen floor. I've seen a lot of funny things in my life, but I must admit, this episode still makes me laugh my f***y off!


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My dad always told me that if you pick up a guinea pig by the tail, it's eyes will fall out. I believed that bull poop for a long time.


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We was on the roof of our school watching our firend poop..for real.


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I would loudly proclaim to anyone who would listen that I had TWO sets of grandparents, not just ONE. Clearly, I did not understand the birds and the bees...


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For context, my dad usually left for work early in the morning and took his motorcycle to work. I am autistic, and don't understand things like common sense as well as most. I was in 1st grade at the time.

Anyways, my dad was on his motorcycle, about to leave for work. Me and my mom both went outside and my parents started having a quick chat. I specifically remember my dad telling me that the exhaust is hot and that I should be careful. Needless to say, I was not careful. I full-palmed my hand on the exhaust and it took me a solid 2 seconds to regret my decision immensely. I didn't need to go to the hospital, but I skipped school that day.


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𝕀 𝕡𝕚𝕤𝕤𝕖𝕕 𝕠𝕟 𝕒𝕟 𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕔𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕔 𝕗𝕖𝕟𝕔𝕖.



as a kid, i always went to a weird little plastic house. it ALLWAYS had little green catterpillers. i would stomp on them untill they were all gone. (idk how to spell, sorry. )


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I made fires, climbed over barbed wire fences and played around storm water drains (although at least I didn't go into the drain like my brother did).


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I stepped on a rabbits tail without me realizing and then it bit me:( the stupid part was I kept on feeding it and playing with it with the bite still hurting.


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I have only ever heard of this from my parents, but apparently, I almost fell into the Grand Canyon that one time.
I cannot answer any questions, as my account is disabled permanently for commenting. oof.


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I grew up very close to and not long after the Moors murders had taken place in the UK. Me and my mates would often disappear to explore old farmhouses on the moors for hours on end without telling anyone where we were going and then wondering why all the adults had freaked out when we turned back up. And yet, even before my daughter passed, I was totally the over-protective parent that if we were walking down the street when she was younger I was always the one nearest traffic, she was always holding my hand and not running ahead on her own. She just always held my hand... and it was so I knew where she was at all times at first, but then it just became our thing that we'd do well after I trusted her to cross the road on her own and knew she could look after herself as far as traffic or strangers go.



I'm a liver, I'm a lover
I'm a liver
I'm a lover
I couldn't have been any other

I felt the rain
I held my pain
I ran away when I was to blame

I made a castle
Out of sticks
And broke a few things th' I couldn't fix

We'd play kick-the-can
'Till it was dark
Red Rover come over in our backyard park

The snowballs, the snowmen
A fire on the ice
Pretty girls on my street, backwoods so nice

So much to enjoy
Why'd we always wanna be older
Be a chemist, a lawyer, a nurse, a soldier

So where is that clover
That we made as our bed
Can't you see it on the pillow - where your child lay his head

Stephen Shearer, July 27, 2005


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For a long time, I thought turn signals were an internal GPS. Whenever my parents got lost, I was so confused as to why they didn't follow the blinking arrows, and I kept telling them to keep driving until a blinking arrow showed up.


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We opened the WW2 bakalit detonator cups we found in the forest. We put the bullets we recover from the river and hold them with a tool.and beat the backside one shot thrue the wall. We played with German grandes ( potato masher) that hadn't exploded way to long.


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