Life is already hard enough without us focusing all of what's left of our energy on the bad things in life. We shouldn't allow all the difficulties that we face to consume us. Instead, it's important to train our minds to see the beauty that surrounds us.

Even when things seem to be going sideways, there's always something positive to focus on. And since energy tends to follow our attention, I wanted to ask our Panda community to share what made them feel happy, amused, or joyful.

I hope this will bring smiles to my face, your face, and everyone who reads this post's face!


40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community A mama raccoon and her four babies are out in my yard right now. There is a barred owl calling, and I can see some fireflies outside. Nature is a constant source of wonder and happiness for me.

Richard Burlton Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community A non verbal teen tried to talk to me today. I tried my best to understand what she was trying to say, it took about five minutes of yes or no questions to figure out she wanted to pet my dog! She hugged me, and she kept coming back to pet the dog.

    Adam Griffith Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community Co-worker asked if I could lend her $5 bc she was hungry and had no money. I don’t normally carry cash with me so I said give me a couple of minutes. I pretended to go to my truck to get some cash but I actually asked my other co-workers if I could borrow some cash. I managed to borrow $8. Gave it to her. She almost cried but I turned and left bc I didn’t want to see her face. I know the feeling of going to work hungry. I’m happy she came to me for help.

    Towfiqu barbhuiya Report

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    Hagen Radcliffe
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The feeling of helping somebody out (& being quiet about it!) is just about the best. Good on you 💋

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community A picture of a bee's furry little butt sticking out of a flower. The butt was covered in pollen. Yay for bees, the most important creatures on the planet.

    Wolfgang Hasselmann Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community My cat gave me a kiss today, felt very special as he isn't one to do that.

    Humberto Arellano Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community My 15-year-old cat with zero teeth was trying to catch a rabbit. He lasted ten feet and gave up. You could see in his eyes “I’m too old for this”

    Iswanto Arif Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community I was taking a walk around my city and came by a church I didn't know yet.
    I heard music from the inside so I carefully looked through the doors bc I didn't want to interrupt an ongoing mass or something.
    Inside I saw an old man who played the trumpet.
    He greeted me and asked me to come in, then he continued playing.
    He seemed to be calm and happy and satisfied, only him and his music (nobody else was there), playing for himself or maybe as some kind of prayer.
    Brought a smile to my face.

    Chris Bair Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community My lil stripey kitten, who had been left behind runt from a feral litter, recently discovered that toys are fun. I slid my half-asleep butt downstairs this morning to find him with one of those glittery balls with the bell inside, playful kitten spiked with a puffy triangle tail and all, batting furiously at it before bounding away and charging it again with a mew. Last week this kitten was hiding and hissy. Giggles were had and sat on the stairs watching him for a while.

    Willian Justen de Vasconcellos Report

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    Shyla Clay
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    They are adorable when they play. Glad yours is enjoying his new life.

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community My cat makes a quiet "Meep!" when he is picked up and hugged.

    Karolina Grabowska Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community My dog squeaked when he yawned. It was adorable.

    charlesdeluvio Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community A little girl (maybe 2 years old) was being pushed in a shopping carriage by her dad in the store. She very loudly addressed every child that they encountered with an adorable "Hi baby!" greeting. She would repeat this until they said hi back to her. When she said this to a boy who was about 10 or 11, the father gently tried to correct her and said "Sweetie, he's not a baby. He's a big boy." She looked at her father, then looked at the boy again and obstinately said "Hi baby!" What a bundle of stubborn, friendly, adorable energy!

    Jomjakkapat Parrueng Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community I was with my friends after summer band practice today, watching some older kids play Mario Kart on the auditorium screen (there was awesome surround sound in there!). I did an announcer-like play-by-play. Afterward, one of the high schoolers said I was absolutely hilarious.
    My life has been really confusing and crappy lately, so that made my day.

    Ivan Rudoy Report

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    Hagen Radcliffe
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Honey, you’re a kid…in summer band practice. Of COURSE it’s confusing & crappy! This to (this being everything) will pass. I promise you- give it time, it’ll get better 😘

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community My baby's face is the lock screen on my phone, and I centered it so that whenever it's 08:00 it looks like he has little baby glasses. Makes me giggle every time!

    Taisiia Shestopal Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community Just like every day, my dog greets me when I come home from work.

    Richard Brutyo Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community I went to a talent night, wrote a song, and sang. While my friend played the guitar. My childhood friends were there. People were cheering. I got hugs. (The type of hugs that feel amazing and genuine and make you wanna squeal with joy). My favorite part was a ten-year-old girl giving me candy because she loved my voice so much, it was my first time singing in front of strangers. I worked a year on the song, and I was afraid it wasn’t going to be good. I loved all the compliments and hugs I got. My happiness is indescribable

    Bogomil Mihaylov Report

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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Congratulations! That sounds awesome :] Also it’s really impressive that you wrote your own song!!

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community I saw a disabled man go down a waterslide at the pool we were at. The happiest person thereafter!

    Iker Urteaga Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community I hugged my boyfriend today and it's a feeling I had never experienced until I was 21. I've never had anyone to hug and he is my first boyfriend, it's been 4 months. Even though I feel lost in life, I love him and he loves me back. Meeting him makes me happy every time.

    Igor Érico Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community Got up extra early, took a pot of coffee, down to the pier to watch and listen to the earth waking up.

    Aleksandar Andreev Report

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    Shyla Clay
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Nice. Did you offer Mother Nature a cup? She could probably use a little extra caffeine in the morning.

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community Tonight is free concert night up at the park near my house. It's a great community get-together every Wednesday evening in the summer. Sure makes me smile! I can hear the music at my house on those evenings I can't get there.

    Aranxa Esteve Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community My sleeping dog did the loudest fart I've ever heard, woke up, and leaped off the bed in terror!

    Curtis Thornton Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community On Father's Day, we had my dad over for brunch and my husband went outside our home and headed to the backyard where we happen to have a nest of birds on a downspout. As my husband starts to turn the corner, all the babies took off for what seemed to be their first flight. The mom bird almost attacked my husband. My husband came back in a little shaken up and had a funny story of what just happened outside. He sits down, grabs some of the snacks we had out, and 30-45 minutes later he gets back up to get something to drink. Out of nowhere, my dad said "Hey Mike, Did the bird s**t on your back?" I thought my husband may have had a little mark on his shirt and my dad was trying to be funny. I told my husband to turn around and I almost died! He had the biggest bird poo I have EVER seen on the back of his black shirt. We couldn't stop laughing. Even later that night just rethinking the situation I kept busting out laughing. It was hilarious.

    Ben Mullins Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community While traveling the Central Coast of California, I picked up a newspaper in the small town of Cayucos. Whoever writes the crime report has a great sense of humor. “Police documented that at 10:52 a.m. a person who was reported missing was found at Albertson’s grocery store, on the aisle of forgotten souls.”

    Roman Kraft Report


    On a morning walk I saw a wild rabbit running around a pine tree with a case of the zoomies. Just like my cat at 3AM.


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    lynne thorp
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I think that is the start of their mating's spring you know!

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community This big truck was tailgating me for several miles so I pulled over and let him pass me. He must have been gloating because a mile down the road he made a U-turn and came back - he'd missed his turn!

    Sven Brandsma Report


    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community This afternoon, my pitbull was hopping around my back deck, having a fit. I had no idea what was making her act like she was being attacked. And then when she turned towards me, there was a big beetle fluttering on her nose. I couldn't stop laughing.

    Weronika Romanowska Report

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    Shyla Clay
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If there were a big beetle fluttering around my nose, I'd be making you laugh, too.

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community I was doing food delivery and delivered to a nice older man tending his yard. I noticed he had a whole area of his yard near the path to the door filled with oyster shells instead of stones, and it was super pretty! I told him so and he seemed to appreciate it.
    I wonder if he'd just saved up all the shells from eating over the years because they're pretty and iridescent, then when he had enough did something cool with them.
    His whole yard was very creative and cool. Goals.

    Charlotte Coneybeer Report


    My 21yo left me encouraging notes around the house before she left today because I'm bummed about finances. 3 so far and I'm grinning ear to ear



    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community We have some good friends visiting from out of state. Our daughters are best friends. They video chat and play Minecraft on Xbox every week, but we only see them in person once a year. It's been really great hearing them giggle and non-stop chatter over each other for the past week.

    Mary Taylor Report


    I showed my art to my friend and they started to compliment and praise me, I spent the next hour giving my friend drawing tips and yeeted my love at them, i was having a bad day and they instantly cheered me up. I personally love their art too and gave them a boatload of compliments


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    Shyla Clay
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It's especially nice to be appreciated by someone who has the same skills. It's more meaningful when the person really knows what he's talking about.

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    Another submission- walking Brutus Augustus early mornings because of the extremely hot temperatures so not really awake yet. Was told he was a most beautiful boy by several neighbors. His infectious grin gets them every time.



    A picture of a cat face down asleep on a shelf of bags of chips, legs akimbo and tail hanging straight down. Sleeping peacefully in the knowledge of absolute comfort and safety or that it is in total charge of its surroundings and no one is brave enough to disturb the master.


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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community I was at a friend's house yesterday (they're twins) and one of them brought out their oculus. This guy who was also there played beat saber and was really bad at it but he kept waving his hands around and laughing and was doing really badly and doing so in a hilarious way. Me and my friends got a video and pictures. Then he proceeded to aggressively eat a cupcake and get icing all over his face. I got pictures and they look so cursed. He had icing all over his hand and he kept jokingly asking people to "dab me up". I have never laughed so hard in my life.

    Uriel Soberanes Report

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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    One twin is a trans masc and the other is a lesbian and I have never taken more joy in listening to identical shrieking laughter when something funny is said or done

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    40 Things That Made People Smile, Shared By The Bored Panda Community Actually being able to wear a short-sleeved t-shirt without being too self-conscious feels great.

    Keagan Henman Report

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    This morning I cleaned out my fridge. I had 1 leftover slice of pizza and maybe 1 scoop of spaghetti in a container. I cut up the pizza and pasta and tossed them out onto my front yard to feed the birds.

    Awhile later I looked out the window and saw a Momma starling and her baby. The baby wanted to eat spaghetti, but the Momma kept wanting to feed them pizza. So while Mom was pecking off a piece of pizza, the baby would be munching the spaghetti. Then when Mom turned and shoved the pizza at the baby, the baby would look up and eat the pizza.

    Made me laugh!


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    Chintan Shah
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    1 year ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This is adorable, but as a general warning: please do not feed birds human food. It is bad for most birds. Consider a bird feeder station or feeding birds actual bird food

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    My friend dreamed he was going to meet me, but had to stop to eat waffle burgers. I just loved it, made me laugh at how random his dream was and to he honest it would be a valid excuse to be late.


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    Doing my expense report for recent business trip, and can't find receipt anywhere for a bag I checked. I'm thinking I'm going to be out the $30 because our travel folks are sticklers for receipts. Check my credit card thinking maybe, just maybe this one time if I show them it is on my card and I'm not making it up they will reimburse me. Turns out that somehow, the airline didn't charge me at all! Last Friday was a "free fee" day for flight changes because there was so much chaos that they weren't penalizing for rebooking. Didn't think that extended to luggage fees though...


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    Adam Zad
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I hit Silver Medallion on Delta SkyMiles on a flight out to the company HQ and spent fully 45 minutes looking for the receipt for my checked bag on the flight back for my expense report, before I realized Silver Medallion flyers get their first checked bag free.

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    I laughed out loud when I saw 3 chickens scurrying across my neighbor's driveway yesterday after work. We live in the suburbs of a major city so not often do you see live poultry in our neighborhood.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Driving down the original 3 block downtown. Rooster was crossing the street in a crosswalk.

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    The documentary, Good Ol’ Freda. It is heartwarming and funny and full of tidbits about the Beatles' early success while focusing on their secretary, Freda Kelly.


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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I just requested it (free) from my library. Why pay amazon prime to rent or buy it?

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    My husband, he makes me laugh and enjoy the world every day! 2nd marriage for both of us and we both appreciate each other and show that appreciation as much as we can (15 years and counting).



    Enjoying an early evening walk in Lamlash, Scotland, I could hear a bagpipe coming from a nearby house. A couple of teenage girls came squealing from the house, holding their ears.


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    Annie 1973
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 so like Ross on Friends playing the bagpipes?


    My little cat was trying to copy my big cat by shouting at me, unfortunately she never really learnt how to miaow properly and just squeaks. She's currently sat on my shoulder squeaking as loud as she can.


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    A dog that jumped at me and licked me! I'll never forget this....



    I'm starting to try and train my squirrels (well, not mine, per se). Found that shaking a tin of walnuts right before putting one or two on the railing seems to be effective.


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    Sue User
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Be careful. My mother spent nonths befriending a squirril only to watch it get eaten by an owl because it was not as afraid. We should just enjoy wild animals. There is a reason why they are skitish.

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    My 2 brothers, together, making a breakfast just for me. 😊 I feel so lucky ♥ ✨



    this morning my bird make an ambulance sound, first I thought there's an emergency case near my house, turns out its the bird.he wanted to tell us that he's hungry


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    Sulphur created cockatoos, the great clowns of Australian bird life. They gather in comic flocks, bickering loudly with each other all the time, goose-step when on the ground and seem incapable of staying upright when they try to perch on power-lines.



    When my nephew was about 3 years old, he was being pushed around a store in a cart by his father. Every time they passed a lady, he would say "that's a nice chickie!"


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My husband and a good friend used to recite Python routines in front of friend's 3 year old. Small town central FL town known for cowboys and Rodeo. Child and I stayed in car while at KFC. Young woman very scantily clad with bf with a rifle in his truck. Kid yells, " hey, you silly s**t." This was mid-70's. I jerked him to the floorboard and forbade MP routines in front of him. I can laugh - now.

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    My one year old has learned how to ride a scooter and she is obsessed with it. She cruises down our street with a pacifier in her mouth. Whenever we do it she gets compliments. It makes me so proud.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    A one year old, riding a scooter, by herself, down a street. I don't bye it. Either that or parents should be arrested for child endangerment!

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    Today, I was just relaxing in my bed when I felt hungry. So I decided to go get a snack. I walk out and there is someone sitting on my couch. That “someone” was my dog, sitting upright on the couch. 😂


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    Vasana Phong
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    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Me and my husband would swear that our lil senior dog Jerry would stand up and walk around when we’re not there


    The Wonkey Donkey song by Craig Smith!! I was listening through a Spotify playlist for kids looking for songs for my daughter to enjoy - yeah after you listen to the song look up the YouTube of the Scottish grandma trying to read the book! You will smile, too.


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    Adam Zad
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Look up the video of the two Scottish men in the voice-controled elevator for a laugh.

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    Some company sent me a little cardboard box. Inside was a tiny rubber duck and a note that said "Is your business a sitting duck to cyber criminals?" I don't understand how mailing me a plastic duck indicates my vulnerability to online attacks. But the little fella is cute.


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    Played guess-which-bowl-the-treat-is-under with my dog today. She didn’t guess, just pushed the bowls around until the treats came out. After getting them out, she proceeded to still look for them.


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    My aunt's friend's grandson was at my parents' house today and just seeing that little one find joy in something as ordinary as a pair of sunglasses made me smile.


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    my afternoon break at work with my best work mates. we have so much fun in each break :) i really love them :)


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    Vasana Phong
    Community Member
    1 year ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s always good to hear a work or school environment is like this, it itself might suck but at least you have good peers to be around


    We have a major squirrel problem when it comes to them stealing from the bird feeder. This morning, one managed to climb onto it and began eating the seeds. My dad was so pissed that he started throwing ice cubes at the squirrel to scare it off (he does this often, but makes sure not to hit the squirrels). I was in hysterics after the eleventh ice cube was the one that finally scared off the squirrel!


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    Sue User
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Mix red pepper flakes in with bird seed. Birds dont mind but squirrels do.