What is something that makes you smile or makes you laugh about your significant other? Please, panda,s have fun with it. All answers are acceptable.


My husband is a burly tattooed man but whenever he sees a turtle, he squeals like a little kid and keeps telling everyone to look. It is by far one of my favorite things.



    My wife of almost 16 years can snore with three different sounds at once and I can’t sleep without it. When she hits that final gear I am just out like a light.



    Hmm, I have so many weird things about him that I love but my favourite thing is when he does the dishes or some other form of housework when I'm either in my bed or out of the house, and he'll say to me when I get up or get home "Look - the fairies have been again!", and I'll reply "Aww, those wee speccy baldy fairies are too good to me!". He is bald and wears glasses lol! He does this every single time!



    We sometimes pretend that we are other people living a different life than we actually are. And he picks up with intonation, expressions, word selection. I find it funny, adorable, and quite entertaining.



    My girlfriend carries a backpack EVERYWHERE! It's super cute.



    I know she isn't my significant other, but I love how my mum can put up with my rollercoaster of emotions.



    I live alone with my cat...so I guess she is significant. When she want to cuddle under the blanket with me she gently, slowly, and softly paws at the blanket and purrs. But if she thinks she is being ignored she will pounce on me with all her might, especially on my chest and it HURTS!!! There is no mistaking her mood or her intentions! lol



    My husband is terrified of me touching him with the dish sponge.


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    Anime SImp
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    my sisters are also terrified of that along with the swiffer duster and broom

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    How we have turned his most embarrassing moment into something we continually joke about, even a year later.

    We had only been dating a few months when we decided to go on a trip. He got violently sick in the hotel, which would normally be a bad thing. But right before he went into the bathroom to get sick, he threw the tv remote at me and said "turn on something loud." Then when he finally emerged he said "What kind of hotel doesn't have a fan?" And his face was completely red from embarrassment. As anyone can sympathize, I felt bad he was so sick. But it was how he handled it that made it the funniest thing ever. And now he can still joke about it every time he has an odd feeling in his stomach, which really just makes me love him more.



    Hmm, I love it when he gets all excited over a new video game, or a camera or his video equipment. It’s adorable :)



    Love the way he gets immersed and focused on his board games when playing with friends, especially those games that require a lot of thinking.


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    He does sly little air punches and subtle grumbles during really good fight scenes in a movie--luke he wants to get in there...


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    Whenever my boyfriend gets clingy, he hugs me real tight and say "baby? Can you cuddle me please...?''.

    it's cute because I does that to him sometimes!

    That's mostly why I hug him so often.




    When im joking I can put on a serious face. I can tell the missus anything and she will believe me. I love the reaction when i tell her im joking.



    I love that despite being bipolar, and having real tough days, he always does his best!


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    Elusive DaVixen
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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have bipolar as well.. and just so you know.. this means so much to us.. my boyfriend doesn't get mad at me.. treat me different.. stay away (unless I as for space).. or anything and I love him so much for that.. it's the little things.. so thank you for sharing this.


    Maybe not weird but she's the first person I've been with that her scent just melts me, like every time I smell her hair, her breath, her skin it just gets me.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    i love the way you described tha, but it kinda made me feel lonely tho lol

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    He puts up with my crap.

    PS Married 44 yrs so I have a lot of crap.



    No matter how hot it is, or if we're mad at each other, he'll latch onto me with his arms and legs at night, and pull me into his arms and legs, until he can wiggle his face next to mine. I really love this.



    I don't have one, but I love the way my crush just looks derpy no matter what (he's got that kinda face) and he acts it too, he's a goofball. :)



    He adores our cat more than me. Because it is his first cat.
    The cat does not care.



    That he still gets excited at conker / horse chestnut season and collects them in his pockets like a happy little child



    He made me roar with laughter. I adore to laugh.



    I love the way he comes up with excuses for getting out of chores...like the time he was suppose to be mowing the lawn.
    I heard the mower doing its thing out front..."Oh good"! I thought!
    Towards the end of the day I hurried out front to water the freshly mowed lawn! As I scooted my feet across the yard with the hose I noticed that there was no evidence of grass clippings gathering on my white sneakers.
    "How odd"! I thought. Scanning the sidewalk and driveway edges I noticed there was also no evidence of grass clippings there also.
    Turning off the water temporarily I searched out my "man" and found him horizontal on the sofa engrossed in a movie.
    "Babe" I demanded...."I heard the mower today but there us not one blade of grass that's been cut! How on earth did you accomplish this"?
    "Easy" he said. "I only blowed dried it!"



    The way he says vacation. It's always vecation.
    Him: I can't wait for our vEcation.
    Me: Our vAcation is going to be great!
    Him: Yeap, we deserve the vEcation for sure.
    Some find it annoying, but it's just his speech pattern.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    with my accent, it's more like vuhcation. more like vecation than vAcation.


    I just have a crush. But what I like about her is her personality. She is kind, funny, anime weeb, tsundere, and she help me with some of my problems. Also, she makes OC's.



    He always gets distracted so easily. Like we'll be talking and he'll stop mid-sentence and look somewhere, and be like " What is that thing over there?" or like, " I saw something shiny I need to know where it is!" I find it funny and cute.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do that my friend will try to have a serious conversation with me and I'll be like oh my word I need to go get that quarter across the street


    Whenever he is really focused, works on something very difficult, he puts out the tip of his tongue.
    When you tell him jokes and he laughs so hard he farts, the joke was really good.


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    We share an animal crossing Island and she knows how much I love it (I've been a fan since the beggining) and she treats my villagers so nice and if she sees one on an island or at the campground that she knows i love she invites them. Its so sweet and means a lot to me! She also pays utter and complete attention to me when we are talking or I'm playing my guitar. I'm so lucky to have someone like her in my life. :)



    I like it when my wife will be doing something and suddenly start singing about what she is doing in that moment. And sometimes she will even dance to the song she makes up.



    my boyfriend and I are daredevils and we get hurt.......a lot so every time one of us gets hurt he's all like oh ima go get some chocolate and other candies and foods and stuffs so we can cuddle again soon.


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    his big poofy hair -w- dont know how he has such nice hair its really curly, everytime i see him i have to touch his hair and hes gotten used to it so xD


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    He makes up funny little songs. He's always doing or saying something funny and makes me laugh uncontrollably. Tells me more that ten times a day that he loves me.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My cousin does that she will sing me little songs and we probably tell each other "I love you" more then 15 times a day every sentence on call one of us will go "I gotta go shut my door, I love you" and my cousins most recent song "I~~~~~~~~~ Love nachooooo cheeeeeeeeseeee it is soooo yellowwww like the suuuuuuuuuuuuun and so creamy delicousssssssss"


    How we team up when we play COD every friday night.
    Always challenging each other!



    One of his ways of showing affection is patting me on the head, like you would a puppy. I find it adorable.


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    4 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I do that to my boyfriend when he makes a really bad joke (often).

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    He jokingly whispers "Omelette Du Fromage" in my ear like in that episode of Dexter's Laboratory. I think it's hilariously cute and it never fails to make me giggle no matter how sad I am.



    I loved the way we could have entire conversations in either lolcat or only emojis. And I really miss having someone to relate to like that.



    That he loves my cats almost as much as I do.


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    We don’t have tv ( we have a tv just don’t have channels) so we listen to a lot of music. On the weekends, when my husband of 30 years comes downstairs (he works crazy hours during the week so I don’t see him much) after showering/getting dressed and starts dancing to the music....I love it! 💕💕


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    We both pretend that my 3 cabbage patch dolls are our daughters



    I'm really single right now but I do have a crush
    And I love the way he would look at me in classes he knows I hate like math and makes faces to make sure I don't fall asleep or get bored it's adorable!!!! (but I think he is just being a good friend 🥺)



    This might sound weird, but I think his butt look cute🥰 AND he puts me to sleep by using the Frozen 2 technique to put me to sleep(running his pinky down my nose).


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    I like that he puts the scissors back every time ! I always know without doubt that they will be there ;)


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    I love how his eyes get really big when he's talking about something that excites him...he has these huge clear blue eyes and he looks like a kid on Christmas


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    I love that my husband can cook like a traditional, sixty-year-old houswife.
    From homemade pizza from scratch, to mashed potatoes with Cordon Bleu and heavenly gravy - he just owns it!



    Every single conversation no matter the original topic segues into a conversation about sports. Every single one. I find it hilarious and I love my brawny jock.


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    This isn’t weird but I love that my partner wears glasses and is obsessed with Lilo and Stitch 😂


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    His blue eyes. Wherever we go, no matter how dark or bright it is, they always seem to sparkle with personality and glow. He also loves a bunch of old rock music as has 5 songs stuck in his head at all times.


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    My significant other half is weird because she actually loves me and puts up with me.


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    I do not have a significant other but my really good guy friend is protective over me and he helps me through anything I go through. He’s been in quarantine since March of 2020 since his mom is really at risk (dad died when he was little) and so him, his mom and little sister haven’t been in contact with anyone since then but I miss him a lot. It’s also a tradition that whenever we say goodnight or goodmorning we always put “:)” at the end of it and it melts my heart every time.


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    he always just looks at me with a dead seriouse and says "why are you so gorgeous i hate waking up to you then looking at myself in the mirror" it always makes me blush.



    No SO, but my crush is always super oblivious, he never gets a joke and its really cute.


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    He doesn't speak English but understands it perfectly. He sometimes pretends he doesn't. The best part is he's only 5.
