Alternatively, if you're cishet, ask queer people something that you'd be too embarrassed to ask in person! Please don't shame people for not knowing something, and if you're homophobic here I encourage you to leave me the hell alone.


I'm not gonna change my God damn mind


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That you aren't automatically attracted to your friends just because you are in general attracted to this gender (I'm not sure if this sentence really makes sense 😅. I meant that if you are a a gay boy, that doesn't mean that you are attracted to your male friends)



As an asexual, I'd just like people to know that it's a very, very wide spectrum!! Not everyone who is asexual is sex-repulsed/abstinent! I am, but not everyone. As for me, I am abstinent, meaning I avoid sexual interaction, but I also don't really care and just tune out when others talk about sexual topics. On other ends of the spectrum, though, there is Reciprosexuality, meaning that person doesn't experience sexual attraction until they know that person is sexually attracted to them first, or even people who are only sexually attracted to someone if they want to be the receiving or giving end of the interaction. Don't ask how I know this- I've researched too much about lgbtq-



I don't give a c**p if you don’t support me, your a f*****g stranger and if I’m going to hell, that’s great I got a kingdom to run.
Don’t be mean to family members or friends if their queer. It’s traumatizing to go through these experiences, and queer people go through them no matter what. Don’t try and invalidate anyone’s identity.

If you say you can change a queer person. They have the right to punch you in the face. If a man tells a lesbian he can “turn” her straight. She has the right to kick your a*s. If you tell an asexual that they are broken. They can hit you in the stomach. Leave queer people the f**k alone.
I had to overhear my own family calling people like me school shooters on thanksgiving and I’m so f*****g sick of homophobia and people who try and hide that their homophobic.



Personally, just how difficult being queer is. I'm trans and every day I actively wish I wasn't. Being queer in this day and age makes life a lot harder.



Saying ‘im not homophobic/transphobic, but…’ is the same as saying ‘im not racist but…’ it doesn’t make it any better if you put that in front of your complaining about other peoples lives that dont affect you 😬



We are born this way. We can't change. It's just like being straight, you can't change to gay and we can't change to straight.



That is it not all sunshine and rainbows and we aren't looking for attention. I don't think a lot of cishet people understand how it feels when you realize that so many people in this world would k*ll you for even existing. Thankfully most people I know are very supportive so that's good but for people who are not supported it is a dangerous world



That queer isn't a personality trait, just how straight isn't a personality trait either.



Non-Binary people are not undecided and we are trans. Non binary is a valid gender :)



My parents are very supportive but they also think having a pride flag in my room is weird, and I don't think they understand the point of pride in general. So I would like people to understand something I have come to realize myself recently, through experience:

We are marginalized and oppressed, subjected to subtle or less subtle agression, because we continuously need to assert that we are, in fact, Real People with Valid Experiences.

This is where the need for celebration and joy comes in, as pushback against all of that. Straight people have weddings to celebrate their loving union with another person. We had a little get together after three months because we finally decided to stop hiding...

And the same goes for transness, asexuality, anything. We need to celebrate and take pride in *owning* our identities. So that's what the parades are for, to feel in our bones that actually life is beautiful, love is beautiful, we are all beautiful and worthy.


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If you don't know a term, it's okay to ask, but please don't bother someone about 'so how do I use they/them (or neo) pronouns? You're gay so you can teach me what [blank]gender is?' Like look it up. Google can tell you things. There's literally a lgbtqia+ Wikipedia. If you ask me what a demiboy is or how I can be both a trans boy and genderfluid at the same time, I'd love explaining it to you since I being me know quite a bit about myself, but no, I cannot explain what catgender is. Look it up. I'm not an encyclopedia just because I'm queer



That someone can be non-binary,a demigender(as myself) or genderfluid. They’re not confused,and all are completely f*****g valid



It’s not a “lifestyle choice.” It’s personal characteristic. It may also be dynamic, such as in the case of people who are gender fluid, changing over time.


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Asexuality is NOT about whether one wants sex or not, it's about SEXUAL ATTRACTION. Asexuality is a very wide spectrum and there are so many asexual people who will want sex, while there are others who are sex repulsed (like myself). You can't change whether we want sex or are sexually attracted to you and it's not that we ""haven't met the right person"" or some stupid s**t like that. We just don't feel that way about people. Also asexuality is different from aromantic so please don't use those two to describe the same thing.



That not all of us think having same-sex attraction is right (pure experience).



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See Also on Bored Panda