I personally, asked this because I Hate tomato soup!!! Elementary school scarred it for me and I (no offense) just DON’T want to hear everyone say “Oh have it again it won’t be that bad”! Can you relate?
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Stupid humans. Destroying the environment, killing animals, and getting in my personal space bubble.
Donuts.. family thinks I’m insane for finding them gross
Sports. I couldn't care less about 20 dudes kicking a ball around. What I hate is not sports themselves, but the fanatism that it creates around it.
So-called reality TV. It blew up during a previous writers’ strike, and it’s the most contrived, vacuous, boring tripe, yet people lap it up. I don’t understand the appeal, and will opt to read a book over watching “reality” TV every time.
bacon. my friends call me crazy all the time, but I'm sorry, I just hate it. i don't really like pork in general though, so idk.
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