Hey Pandas, What Is Something That People Say As A Joke But Is Really Offensive To You? (Closed)
Share your offensive stories that hurt but were said as a joke.
No political arguments, please. Or religious hatred; not all religious people are the same.
No drug dealing unless it actually has something to do with the joke. The same goes for inappropriate things; if it isn’t pet of the offensive joke you hear, it’s not cool (explaining it is fine if it is Inappropriate, just ONLY for the joke.
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I don't really get offended, and this is a broad answer, but any joke or comment that starts with "No offense" usually means you are going to say something offensive.
“If you have asthma, just breathe more.” B***h (no offense to anyone who read that, just only for the person who says it), it isn’t funny when you little F*****s say that to someone having an attack or to someone who has asthma. Would you tell someone who is having a seizure to control yourself? Would you tell a suicidal person to just be happy? Would you tell an asexual person to have sex and they’ll have desire? No? Then don’t do the joke up there. Yes? You have some serious issues, telling people something like that.
I also hate when people call people being dumb as cancer patients or autistic people. That is very offensive, and the way it is used so carelessly makes my blood boil. I have autism, and I have known and lost many people, friends and family, due to cancer.
The original one was telling a suicidal person to just overdose on street drugs.
when people are like, OMG UR GAY!!!!! XD!!!! HA AH AH AHA AH like what is funny about being a normal human being
I am in only the 5th grade and kids are joking about OMG UR SO GAAAAY. LOL HAHAHHA HEY EVERYONE HES GAY SHES GAY GAY THIS GAY THAT liiike where did they learn to be rude about gay people? Then I say hey being gay is fine u know that right? Then they say yea ik and continue joking about it. I am worried about my generation. (I'm not gay just to clarify)
Rape jokes,have a nice day
YES. I hate when people joke about a traumatizing horrible thing! They don’t understand (unless they are victims themselves) how horrible it is!
One kid in my class said that I looked like I lost some weight, I don’t eat as much as I usually do, I think I’m developing an eating disorder, because if I look at myself in the mirror I see that I’m fat and ugly. My friends are lucky to have me, especially my truest friend Corinne, she has my back and when I told her that I was probably developing an eating disorder she decided to stand by me for better or worse.
I have an eating disorder; lots of my friends left me; I hope you’ll do better and I’m glad you have a good friend.
blonde jokes. They tend to be very sexist and assume I'm stupid. I wear glasses so the most common throw is that luckily I have glasses to compensate for my stupidity. Should I dye my hair and wear contact lenses? Joking about other people's appearance is the epitome of idiocy.
Sometimes kids in my school think that I’m going to grow up to be a homicidal maniac, or a serial killer, because I’m socially awkward and I prefer to be alone.
Have the kids at ur school heard of introverts?? Come here my fello introvert 🙂*hug**
Okay, so at school, I heard something that really makes my blood boil; they say it as a joke, but it isn’t cool. One was about 9/11, jokingly narrating people dying on camera. But the other is something I hear more often, and it offends me. I’ll write it in the comments.
Idk why that is a submission, it was the description.
You draw an animal and suddenly you hear: "eweww, you're a furry?"
Like bish no but if I were then what's the problem with it? As long as I'm not being inappropriate or rude then what would the problem be with being a furry. Dressing up all year round and making animal art, sign me up!
I also hate when people always try to make me feel bad for being short and flaunt their tallness. Yeah, I know your tall and I'm short af, but why tf do you have to be a jerk about my height
I'm a girl, born in Arkansas, I have a brother. I used to laugh because I didn't want to seem like I couldn't take a joke. Now I call it out. It's not a joke. It has never been a joke or funny.
Hmmm where to start.. jokes about race... jokes about autism or downsyndrom.... jokes which r meant to bully but they "pretend" its a joke... and yo mama jokes seriously why is this a thing, im glad some kids no when and when not to use these(note i said some) but we just shouldnt have any of these types of jokes.
*I have story bout a yo mama joke gone wrong just ask and ill put it in comments**
I want to hear it. Is it to a boy with two gay fathers? I agree with your statement.
Jokes about your body.
A while ago this year, on a day I planned not to go anywhere, my sister stopped by. I was very obviously not wearing a bra and she decided to spend time pointed out, to her husband no less, how saggy my breasts look. They're actually really big and I have been considering a reduction for sometime. A few weeks later on my birthday I got a card with a joke about age and sagging, complete with cartoon pictures. I was, and still am, very hurt by that. My breasts have always been a sensitive subject for me and she made them the focus in front of everyone that day.
I have more examples of being made fun of for my body, that one is just most recent.
I wanted to add, that my height has always been used to attack me. I'm over 6 feet tall, as a woman I know it isn't normal and in my younger years I hated it because my height, which I couldn't change, was used as a punchline. I love my height now, you can't hurt me with it.
Chinese American, but I don't speak Chinese. Had a coworker 'jokingly' say to me, "then what good are you?"
Also been told I look like an anime character. Lovely.