Hey Pandas, What Is Something That People Are Judged For That You Think Is Ridiculous? (Closed)
Most of us believe there is at least one thing people are judged for that is actually ridiculous.
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Personal choices. Such as not to have children, or not to marry.
This. I've been with my partner for almost 11 years. No marriage no kids (he's sterile and I never wanted kids) but oh my the judgement from other people
The colour of their skin
Racism, along with Sexism and Homophobia, are all such utter BS that I don't understand. Let people be who they are, they don't exactly have control over the melanin content of their skin.
Women wearing a bra or not. It’s that woman’s choice.
I hate bras, but after figuring out you could see ... everything.... Long story short, I only wear them when I leave the house.
Whether or not you have a college degree.
I volunteer at a Repair Cafe with a man who is dyslexic so left school as early as he could and became a mechanic. He has read very little due to his disability but knows a lot and has taught me a lot, because you need not be stupid because you have no degree.
Also, people should read more geography and get their history right.
Someone in my old class thought San Marino was the capital of Russia.
Being tired, incapasitated or in pain from a chronicle illness that is not visible.
What job they have. You gotta pay those taxes some way.
You have to feed, house and clothe your children. And when your wife refuses to work, you can't go back to college.
ANYTHING!!! We're not here to judged each other! It's above our pay grade
Having mental illnesses. I thankfully don't really run into this issue, but the fact that it is a problem at all is horrible. As someone with what is essentially the quadruple threat of mental conditions, (ADHD, Autism, Anxiety and Depression) I can confidently say that the main issues caused by mental illnesses are nuerotypicals being inconsiderate, loud, oblivious, etc. (Not all of you of course, but some) also please teach your kids to be quieter, I don't want anyone else to have as many issues with school as I did.
i also have adhd, autism, and anxiety. i call em "triple a" for no reason lol
Our society cares more about conformity than about whether your choices create actual suffering.
If you would say we shouldn't wear clothes made with modern slavery or child labour, everyone would tell you to mind your own business. But people think it's totally okay to say a 60 year old woman shouldn't wear sexy skirts meant for 30 year olds. Or that an adult can't wear a bag with fairytale princesses on it because that's meant for kids, or that a man can't wear clothes that were designed for women.
If you would say we shouldn't eat food that causes animal suffering or creates harm for the planet, people say we can eat whatever the f*ck we want. Yet it's considered completely fine to say people shouldn't eat lasagna for breakfast, or that you can't eat pineapple on pizza, or criticize people for eating really weird combinations.
Even though eating weird food or wearing clothes meant for a different age group causes no actual harm. We just care more about "being normal" than about actual consequences.
It's sad how women can wear pants, but men can't wear skirts. Not that I'm complaining about how pants are unisex now, I just wish skirts were too.
Religion, age, skin colour, gender, sexuality, culture, background etc.
Apart from religion these are all things that you have no control over, so it is ridiculous to judge people by that. I try to judge only for what they do.
Where do I start? Ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, financial status...
The decision to have an abortion or not.
Shout it from the mountaintop! You don't know the womb-bearer's situation. Also, I could go on and on and on and on about the sheer hypocrisy of the "pro-life" crusade.
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Load More Replies...I was taught that abortion is a sin. As an adult who has given birth to children my thought process has changed. Why do I care if you have an abortion? It is not my body and that is not my baby. Same thoughts on sexuality...you're not sleeping with me so why is it any of my concern?
Exactly! People value fetuses more than actual people. It's the woman's choice, not others
Men, for not being "macho" enough.
Yeah. Men are expected to fullfill their clichee roles as women do. People are... *sigh*
Needing public assistance, such as food stamps or Section 8 housing. You do what you have to to survive.
Time and again I read and hear that the majority, maybe the overwhelming majority, of people who receive public assistance have jobs. What with minimum wage hasn't increased in about 15 years, while the price of EVERYTHING has gone up and up, it's harder and harder to put meals on the table and keep up with expenses.
Not being on good terms, or at least close, with your family. Like you have some obligation to pretend to like people you have nothing in common with.
Toxic parents here. Every decade or so I reach out and make another attempt, only to discover that age has not only failed to give them any new perspective, but has in fact only made them more toxic. I just had to explain to my mom way the words "shut up and get over it" are never spoken in a loving family, but my words failed to sink in.
How much you earn.
I am not sure this is not mainly American, because in Denmark we mostly don't know how much others earn. It is not polite to ask or talk about such things at least in the circles I move in.
TATTOOS. I have a few that are mostly covered just because of where I wanted them. But once someone knows, I get; "You don't look like someone who would get a tattoo(s)". (facepalm)
I have 10. 9 are easily covered. It doesn't make me a bad person or stop me from doing my job well.
Getting old and looking it. Everyone will get old, if they're lucky.
I love my grandma (dad's mom, nobody has seen my grandfather in years), and her age truly doesn't mean a difference to me or my siblings or my cousins (I have eleven cousins on my dad's side, and four younger siblings). I mean, my aunts definitely say things like she should take it easy (my dad has four sisters. I have three sisters and a brother).
Not being popular opinion, I dont mean being racist, but what I mean is you don't like a popular youtuber, people judge and hate you. You don't like a popular trend, same thing. I dont get why.
Being homeless.
Doesn't matter if you have a job, you're going to school, your 22 or 62. Doesn't matter if you previously had a full-time corporate job that paid all of your expenses and hobbies and are temporarily or permanently disabled. Doesn't matter if you're single or a family. You get lumped together with the severely mentally ill, the addicts who do not want help and the bums.
My oldest son used to be a hobo (vs. being homeless); he'd work when he needed money. Now he went back to school, finished HS, got a diploma in aero-spacial mechanic, and he's now working full-time. He was also a druggie, a dealer, and he's full of mental illness. If he can do it, so can? Nope, it all depends on the person. Don't judge someone who can't do it.
What they buy with foodstamps. It's none of your business what kind of foods someone buys. Food is food,unless you are going to start buying them groceries, keep your mouth shut.
Choosing to prioritize your own mental health and well-being over others. We do have certain obligations of respect for other people, caring four our children, and generally not being jerks. Aside from that, people should be able to set boundaries, reduce or eliminate contact with toxic people, choose their own activities and interactions. It's OK to say no to something that doesn't make you happy, even if it would make someone else feel good.
Frankly, my natural instinct is others over myself. Normally, I don't tell people 'no', unless it could hurt someone. I'm truly just a big people-pleaser.
If it doesn't affect other people negativley or outright promotes hurting them
Being overweight. You are more ostracized for being overweight than someone who is a d**g addict, a smoker, or a drinker, and yet you don't need any of those things it was a choice to start drinking, smoking or doing d***s. If you're overweight people think you are just lazy and have no self control, But you need food. It's so hard to lose weight and keep it off because you have to eat.
Weather you are thin or overweight or fat or skeletal. Your weight your issue.
True, I know plenty of healthy people who aren't stick-thin, myself included
Height, and/or success in your field of work. Mostly height, though. (obviously melanin, gender, financial status, power, etc. are more obvious answers, but nobody mentioned height, and it is a bit of thing.
Being judgmental. You don't get to do whatever you want and expect people to not judge you. A lot of the time when I hear someone complaining about being judged, it's someone being a pos and then getting mad when someone calls them out on it.
I can, and will judge people. It's part of being in society. You don't get to decide whether other people judge your actions. You just don't.
Sexual orientation. Intelligence. Anything that's not a choice but is treated as a choice.
Spelling and grammar. So many internet discussions become a who-knows-the-dictionary-better contest, rather than an exchange of views. Somehow being able to spell is worth more than actually considering each other's viewpoint.
.... I mean, I love spelling, and I do correct people's spelling automatically, but it's not ruthlessly. It's just an impulse thing. I can't remember my point...
Their preferences and taste in things like music and movies or tv-shows. Like I love k-pop and k-dramas, c-dramas and j-dramas unlike most people i know and get absolutely slammed for it!
Misjudging others by how successful, happy etc. they appear to be. These first impressions are often so wrong. Getting to know someone sometimes reveals a super interesting person / personality, though at first glance one would not expect anything from them.
yeah, ihad depression and on the outside i would be super outgoing. but you can’t judge a book by its cover
Everyone has to fall in love at some point, you must dare, you must marry, love happens to everyone. It's so tiring as an aroace person when people are like, "You must like someone, it's natural!" Not for me, it's not. I just want to eat bread and read books in my little corner of the world without being in a relationship.
Taking pride in who you are. Your ethnicity, gender, orientation, whatever. No one should ever judge you for it.
Yes and that’s something i’m struggling with. Body image, how light my skin is, everything. finally someone gets it
Watched a 80s movie with my teen. He asked why nobody going bald shaved their head. I had to think.. it's because shaved head meant you were a bad person like prison, skin head, biker gang. Now everyone shares their head and it doesn't mean anything.
My dad shaved his head a couple of months ago because he was overdue for a haircut and didn't want to wait for his barber to get back from vacation. Frankly, I missed his hair.
LOVE IS LOVE! It’s so stupid that someone can’t pursue who they want and what they want because your religion says not to! That’s like saying “You can’t have cookies because I’m on a diet.”
Their height
I mean, I tease my mom and younger siblings all the time for being shorter than me, but that's because I'm just tall-ish. They know I'm kidding.
I had to wear a dress every time I went to church as a kid. Half of the women wore pants, so why couldn't I? I thought that maybe my parents wanted me to be more feminine, but I wasn't like that as a kid (I was a tomboy until I was 13, then I was a baddie, and still never liked wearing a dress except to impress somebody).
Women deciding to raise their children instead of hiring babysitters or child care. Some how wanting to be a mother is considered ridiculous and demeaning
Like, seriously! My mother hasn't hired a babysitter (that I know of, if you don't count my older cousin, but I don't know if he's gotten paid for it) since, like, her wedding. My sister and I were there, and I don't remember who, but we stayed with someone (probably a family member, this was before we stopped talking to Mom's side of the family) while Mom and Dad went on their honeymoon. And I know I want to be a mother. I might get a babysitter every once and a while, but not some stranger.
I have a couple:
1. Being Jewish and supporting Israel
2. Being fat
3. Liking penguins
I'm half-Jewish (Dad was raised Jewish, Mom Catholic), and I've only been to church or temple for family's stuff. Like, just about a week ago, I went to temple for my younger cousin's bar mitzvah (Jewish ceremony for when a boy reaches age thirteen. For girls it's at 12 and is a bat mitzvah). Wait, why would people be judged for liking penguins?
Atheism. I have been harassed and fired by both a Christian and Jew because of my views. BTW, I didn't offer up my views - they asked. The Christian was miffed that I didn't want her to convert me, and in another job, the boss was orthodox Jewish and was certain that I didn't like him. Firing me for not sharing their views did NOT endear me to either of their religions.
That's honestly really stupid. My mom was Catholic, and my dad a Jew. We're not religious. I'm sort of between atheism and polytheism. I don't believe in God, but I believe in the Greek gods. I'm not Greek.
Their background, whether it means their ethnicity, wealth, family dynamics, past choices, etc.
Being a furry or a therian. There's nothing wrong with us! Stop acting like there is. If anything, something's wrong with them for judging us.
Prob get the down vote fairy for this but..... yeah I guess there is nothing wrong with it but if you want to be an adult with a job and be taken seriously then I guess keep it in your own time.
Not having social media. I don't have most platforms because I'm not allowed. Neither are my younger siblings. I have no problem with it. My younger sister (12) has a Liberal best friend, and she wants social media so bad. My dad thinks Zoey (her best friend) and Zoey's family got in my sister's head unintentionally, and it's probably true.
Oh, and being open about your political viewpoints. There are so many people who believe whatever the government tells them (*cough, Liberals cough*) without looking further to see if it's true or not. I know that people don't agree with me or my family's viewpoints, but I know more people who do than don't.
I appreciate your honesty about your political stance, but I don't believe it's correct to judge other people and make generalizations based on political standpoints. You're making the claim that all Liberals blindly accept what the government tells them, and while people may agree with you, it's wrong to point fingers at a specific group of people just to make a point. I don't understand why you needed to target Liberals especially, because it goes against the entire meaning of this post, which is to fight against pointless societal judgements. I'm not downvoting or calling your opinion wrong, even if I disagree, but I feel your entire claim about people judging by social media standpoints is overshadowed by your harsh criticism and incorrect generalizations about a political idea/party.