I’m making a new post again, but I am bored. So, I want to hear your opinions on what needs to be illegal. I don’t want to see drug dealing or inappropriate responses (I.e. literally asking for nudes), but I’m fine with everything else. So, what should be illegal?


I'll probably get hate for this
Tobacco cigarettes. There is absolutely no health benefits, no good reason cigarettes exist. I could go on a tangent, but I'm sure we've all heard everything I could say about them.



    TikTok. Darn app stole my friends!





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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree, and I’m an American. I am so afraid to go to school anymore because I’m afraid of someone attacking our school. There was one student who brought a gun on the bus last year, but nothing happened.

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    Recording and posting every freaking thing on social media.

    There's someone dying on the road and is in need for help, but people choose to record it. There's a child getting bullied, and the other idiots in the school start recording it and sharing it all over WhatsApp, Snapchat etc. There are two people fighting on the road, you go live on Instagram. Someone goes online to find that there are photos and videos of them posted without consent.

    This should be illegal!


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    Huddo's sister
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Like that scum that videoed the five cops that were hit by a truck and dying on the side of the road! He got charged but got little by way of sentence.

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    I think that child marriage should be illegal. That, and entitled Karens.


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    Jo Hunt
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    2 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The deliberate creation of ear worm tunes. Katy Perry deserves to be punished for that menulog ad.

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    Spam phone calls. I got 22 in 3 days this week. It’s ridiculous.



    villainizing sex workers. I said it once, and ill say it again. Some of the bravest people ever.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thought that said sex offenders a d got very confused, but YES. Dealing with creeps EVERYDAY.

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    A controversial one but i think piercing baby and toddlers ears should be illegal. It's basically maiming your child for cosmetic reasons and at that age they can't decide for themselves.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yesss!!!! any irreversible cosmetic surgeries should be at least 18+, I know a girl who got a cosmetic double mastectomy when she was TWELVE, regretted it only a few years later. kids aren't old enough to consent to body & life-altering surgeries and drugs!

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    won't go into detail but a group of people started mocking and videoing a bunch of police officers who were injured yet didn't serve much jailtime because no laws had been enforced on such crime (unless you were directly involved in the incident)
    basically, it should be illegal to video others physical suffering for the purpose of comedy


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Defunding the police should be illegal. We need reform. If we defund the police, then more people don’t want to work as an officer, and prisons will get worse, and crime will go up, and our nation will become unstable. Not all police officers are evil! Not all officers are black hating whites! Many officers love their job and need the money in order to support their family! Police risk their lives! Let’s help the police reform, not get defunded!

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    Placing medical bills in to collections then suing people for said bills


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    recording giving a homeless person or person in need food or money. it’s honestly selfish to do so, you already get the good feelings when helping someone, recording is just for views and clout. also, putting animals in danger and “helping them” for videos and views


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    it's exploitive even with good intentions. Anyone in a vulnerable spot won't want to be seen and blasted on a public platform as someone in such a situation.

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    Using the word Nazi as a descriptive word of someone that's extremely particular, like "grammar Nazi". Most of us have grandparents that actually fought, killed, or were killed by literal Nazis and it feels wrong to use that word so liberally in our sentences.



    unregulated CEO remuneration

    Executive salaries should be a defined percentage of the minimum wage earner in the same company. Maybe 1/100th of the CEO's remuneration?
    That way if they get a raise the lowest paid workers do too benefit.



    Ik cyber bullying is illegal but it has to be taken care of better. A lot of such cases get passed on like nothing. Being a subject to it twice, I know the feeling.


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    hating someone cause thier religion.



    A few things I find kind of nonsensical, although these would be impossible to be made illegal, since if there are human beings existing there will be jerks and criminals.

    1. Sexism and just general nonsense. And plus, women want EQUAL treatment with men, not HIGHER treatment of men. So I disagree with feminists just as the same as thinking-women-are-inferior stupid men, even if I’m biologically female. But it’s proving impossible since the working society, bluntly, dislikes women. People, it’s just a gender. If you treat a person by their gender and not as an unique human being, you are an a******e and you deserve to have a better education.

    2. Racism. Why? Just why? As an Asian student I’ve been getting a lot of downright ridiculous stuff like delusional people saying I don’t get to exist and I should burn in hell. Tempting, but no thanks. I understand it’s YOUR country and stuff, but guess what I’m not doing anything wrong. I’m completely harmless. I’m just a freaking student who would always be the one being picked on. And people who judge people by skin color, accents and cultural differences to themselves, you STILL deserve a better education.

    3. Arrogance and general rudeness, inconsiderate speaking, tactless remarks and stuff. It’s just some stuff everyone dislikes. It’s impossible to ban but still. And also it’s so RUDE to say ‘I didn’t mean it, why are you so sensitive’ to friends/partner. If you’ve been tactless and said rude or hurtful things ONCE it’s okay, everyone makes mistakes. But THAT doesn’t mean a friends’ dignity is to be STOMPED on. I don’t know if I’m the only one who seems to be a toxic friend magnet, but if a loved one ( be it friends, BFFs or family )constantly belittles you, you need to be careful around them and don’t harm yourself further. This is long. But there’s a freaking reason I nearly got depression.


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    Chan Heng Li (Zhonghuass)
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    2 years ago

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    Richard Smith
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Gotta define it first. The word has been so overused that it's meaning has been diluted and distorted.

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    Racism. Not just when it comes to jobs or housing but any public form of racism should be punishable in some way, even if we start with just a fine and re-education for first time offenders.


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    Rocket ship
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    This should be higher 👆. There is one race and that is the human race. Nobody should be discriminated for the colour of their skin, gender, religion, sexuality or disabilities.

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    This is controversial, but any law based on religion. I have nothing against religion per se, but there are too many for any one of them to be making the laws for everyone.


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    Huddo's sister
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I am a Christian but I agree. Our society is full of many cultures and religions and many people have no religion, so why should there be laws that enforce one. I think it does need to include laws about not discriminating anyone based on religion or lack there of either obviously.

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    Peeing in a bush out in public. Like please, at least try to find a public bathroom or maybe a cornered off area to to your business, but not in the bush in front of everyone.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is illegal, it just gets filed under varying crimes (disorderly conduct, indecent exposure, etc). Even so, as previous commenter said, many businesses will not let certain people in to use a restroom, especially the homeless. Not supporting public urination, but it is not a simple "make it illegal," you have to keep in mind who is doing it the most, why, and if their reason is unreasonable enough to criminalize them for it.

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    having more then twelve items in an express lane at the grocery store. should be one day of jail for every extra item.


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    Freya the Wanderer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or one day picking up trash along a road or highway. Or cleaning the poop out of kennels and litter boxes at animal shelters.

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    Working for more than four days a week! We need to re think this job situation.


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    Sunshine Daydream
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    4x10 is great, you either get a three day weekend, or take Wednesday off


    smoking/drinking during pregnancy!


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    Walking out into a street without looking both ways first, because pedestrians have the right of way. Everyone in the US who’s been killed by a car also had the right of way. Take responsibility for your own life and show some respect when crossing.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    But jaywalking is illegal, too. It’s just it isn’t strictly regulated.


    driving cars at age 16. a lot of ppl dies each year due to it.


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    Huddo's sister
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It is where I live- well actually they can drive, but only as a supervised learner. You can't get your probationary license until you are 18. The largest section of people who are involved in car accidents is still probationary drivers, but it is getting better. You have to do at least 120 hours supervised driving before you can get your license and as a p-plater (probationary, first 3-4 years of license) there are many restrictions for example 0 blood alcohol limit, number of passengers allowed, restrictions on high performance vehicles.


    How about hiding the posts and restricting the postings of down voted people? The poster asked a question, we are answering. Or do our answers have to be popular or PC? Is that it? Ask me a question but only allow me to answer a certain way? For a forum that seems to be anti fascist, there seems to be a bit or fascist tendencies being practiced.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    yesss!! I've noticed this EVERYWHERE around here and have been banned twice because I commented something the mods and BP community didn't agree with. I wish there was more tolerance for differing opinions :(

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    Fillers, botox and any kind of plastic surgery before age 21 and not until cleared by a psychiatrist.


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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    ANY non-essential surgery under 21, in my opinion. unless it's completely necessary, like breast cancer or something, NO-ONE should be getting irreversible operations at an age where they can't properly consent. same goes for life-altering drugs.

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    Central banks, pretty well everywhere, using interest rates to control their economies. Overwhelmingly, it's the poor who foot the bill for this fiscal 'management'.


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    The whole gambling industry. Massive profits (and taxes) made from exploiting the weakness of so many people. In Australia every few months it's revealed that some casino operator has been helping launder criminal money. None lose their licence, promising to self-regulate better and make cultural changes. BS!





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    Pineapple on Pizza
    Don't ask me why
    That's just illegal
    It's not about me being a half Italian anymore
    This is a serious Topic


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    Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Is it because it's a fruit? Tomatoes are a fruit too, I'm guessing you put tomato sauce on your pizza. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have to make it controversial. It's like Comic Sans!!

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    Pouring your milk before cereal!! A true crime punishable by DEATH! jkjk


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    I think it should be illegal for bicyclists to be able to do whatever they want. Where I live, they refuse to use the lovely, well kept bike trail, instead using the tiny 2 lane road that is 10 feet away, and not using the bike lane on roads that do have marked lanes. They also blast through every stop sign on the trail (it's too difficult to stop & start again, they say) and half of the time ignore other traffic laws.


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    Freya the Wanderer
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    2 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Cyclists are supposed to follow the rules of the road. I once nearly hit a bicycler because he ignored a traffic sign.


    Discriminating against people because of “your religion”


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    Influencers, outlaw them now, we don't need any more dumb people in the world, and these influencers are creating a generation of future stupid adults.


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    Creepy old people who think it’s okay to mess with young kids. Especially when they are related.


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    Most social media


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    A gym that plays loud music to motivate the members. The world has their own headphones now, we do not need the personal trainer playing “DJ” on our behalf


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    A$$holez. Being a lying, manipulative POS is not illegal. It should be.



    Scamming senior citizens


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    Voting against the legalisation of marijuana. I live in Australia..!!! .. and the government wants monies..they get monies from beer and smokes and gambling, generally f*****g each other so they can make monies and concerning themselves with the welfare of others or the planet because they are selfish f***s who don't care


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    Standing in the middle of a hallway, walkway, aisle, etc blocking it for people who are actually using it for is purpose.
    I legit cannot stand people who stop in the middle of a walkway and have a conversation ornchecking their phone....MOVE TO THE SIDE YOU SELF ENTITLED IDIOT....its my biggest pet peeve in the world


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    Communism and Marxism. More people were killed and enslaved under those ideologies than under the Rebel flag and Nazism combined.


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    Again..I didn't read it all and I'm low on data after making some progress, front or back..?


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    You remind me of my Court appointed clinician 😟



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