Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Is So Annoying That You Want It To Not Be A Law? (Closed)
It can be any amount of annoying. Just mildly annoying, or SUPER annoying, or something so annoying that you think that is shouldn't be a law.
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That there are such things as horror movie trailers on YouTube that you cannot skip. What is a young kid was watching that, and because of that, they would probably have nightmares. I just hate it.
when your in your room alone ( as a kid ) and your mom walks in then leaves the door open
How about games where there is an ad every 2 seconds. You would just be happy, playing the game, and all of a sudden an ad for chicken nuggets pops up, with no skip button. Annoying as f**k.
How people are allowed to kill black women and men just for how they look
Racist people so F*CKING tired of them I always find them in my games
if you walk inn a room and the door was already shut then CLOSE THE FRICKEN DOOR!
In this add of this game it show this fun activity. You go download it and find out its just a matching boring game.😡😡
The law preventing sharing netflix passwords is DUMB. Like, everyone does it, how do they even enforce this law?
There's a law in Victoria, Australia that says you can't wear bright pink hot pants passed 2pm on a Sunday (no idea why), and I am so annoyed with this that I'm making it a life goal to break that rule at least once in my lifetime
Conservative "news" lie networks or just conservatives in general.
That white poeple cant be racist but color/colored people can so yzah
Eg: we cant call em a piece of s**t but they can
U know when women were victims of sexism now men are victims
No so none should be racest were all equal
Omgno oneshould be f*****g racistyou f*****g dumb pokemon loving retard not even my were all f*****g equeal no shut the hell up