

Doesn't happen very often that I have nightmares, like once every 5-6 months, but it is ALWAYS the exact same one, never anything else. Looking out the window, sky is dark orange, seeing a mushroom cloud from a nuclear explosion. And then, the 2 minutes that passes with the notion of being powerless, knowing what's coming, and still trying to scurry for protection for nothing. >< Big oof.



    Trump 2024


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Scariest nightmare that I've had is about this. The guy is incendiary and crazy AF

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    Not to be a downer, but; the idea that life is fickle and can be taken away from you in an instant periodically scares me deeply. Several people within my social circle, including my mom, have had pretty awful news recently that severely shortens their life expectancy. Some of them are way too young for cr*p like this. It's unfair. Make the most of as many days as you can, kids.


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    Thorfin Wolfsbane
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No need to cling unhealthily to life. From every single blade of grass to the biggest stars in the universe, everything will die. How can it be a bad thing?

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    I rarely remember my dreams. But the ones I do remember are horrible. I find myself doing things in my dreams that I have Never even thought about or would never consider doing in my waking life. Thankfully they have been few and far between. Only one of these nightmares had any root in my life. But the circumstances were that I had a cat that required sub cutaneous fluids. Twice daily , every day. Long term. I dreamt that I was trying to stab him with a knitting needle, ( something I don't even own). He passed away years ago, but now I'm crying again from the memory of that nightmare!
    I will say, he had kidney failure. But he ended up surviving for over 3 years after his 2nd kidney started to fail. I can tell you he felt good for most of that time and was happy. I know this because he would nip me in the morning to wake me up. Something that he started doing as a kitten. Little bugger had a sense of humor.


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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I had a nightmare where I killed my aunt and four children and erased the evidence. I felt no guilt in the dream. Reason for the murder? Just trying my new sword. Effect of listening to creepy podcasts.

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    Less of a scary answer- but I dream about tornadoes all the time. Either my family and I know that they’re coming soon, or it’s already here and we’re just trying to not die. Every once in a while, the tornado/es will pick up my cats and take them away. It’s more of an impending doom feeling than anything else. They don’t scare me much anymore, in fact, I think tornadoes are fascinating. But yeah, that’s a recurring nightmare for me.


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    Steve Barnett
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    UK here. I always wondered why Americans would want to live in an area that was susceptible to tornadoes, then I did my research. Yep, roughly ½ of the USA is prone to tornadoes. That shut me up.

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    When I read/watch about hate crimes. Some of them are so horrible.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Spiders - many a night leaping out of bed convinced it was real. Not happy until husband awake and checking. Another odd one I’ve had many times - deep water about to cut me off from safety. I’ve put that one down to times when I feel overwhelmed in life.

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    Being left behind, being abandoned.

    When I was 5ish, my older brother, who was supposed to be watching me deserted me in the middle of this town. He told me to sit on a bench and don't move. He went out drinking/getting high (getting high in those days was a 5 yrs in the county jail). He never came back. Anyway, there I sat, on a cold November afternoon with no money and 12 miles from home. I wasn't a stupid kid so finally I went into this old fashioned drug store and told the lady what happened. She called our neighbors who came to get me. But that feeling of abandonment never really went away.
    Oh, what happened to my brother? He ran away and some how joined the navy at 16. It was a good thing he did, because if my Father had got a hold of him...
    To this day, I have not spoken to him.



    Low blood sugar. Really. I recently got mine under control for the first time, then started having hypoglycemic episodes, shakes and all. Which I handled properly. Then I started waking up from horrible nightmares and on waking found I had those shakes. Sure enough hypo. After several episodes, I started to worry what if I don't wake up in time, so I did some research (yes, it was online, hush), and found this is one of the body's defense mechanisms for just this purpose. I have since reduced my insulin (very carefully, very slowly) and gotten everything back on track. Nightmares? Yep.



    Bears. I have a completely unfounded and irrational fear of bears. Ever since I was a kid, I have random nightmares of them being in the house and I can’t escape. In my 40’s now and I still have the occasional nightmare about them.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It’s not too irrational, they can be known to be a bit bitey…and some are scared of whinnie the Pooh!

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    Watching scary movies before bed, a nightmare guaranteed!


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    Sadia Timmermans
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I can't watch scary movies, once I saw the trailer of the ring (original film) and I s**t you not, I didn't sleep for 2 days!!!

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    The song "another brick in the wall" by Pink Floyd.
    When I was 7 my elder asked me if I wanted to watch a film with him. It was "The wall". I don't recall much of it, but as soon as the song starts it makes me shiver, and I get a little paranoid seeing the masked kids everywhere. I really gets me all the time, even 22 years later.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    The album The Wall has pretty dark themes, and the movie does a great job visualizing that. Definitely not suited for a 7 year old.

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    Clowns! They are not cute nor are they funny. They are scary! I blame Stephen King! :)



    Birds. I absolutely hate them. Feathers disgust me, their beaks are scary, their jerky movements are monstrous. I have nightmares about gigantic birds, they don't even have to attack me, their simple presence revolts me.
    Oh and the fact that every day bring me and my loved ones clother to death.
    But mostly birds.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Thank you for you compassion. Yes they are EVERYWHERE. I can control myself most of the time but when they are close to me it's difficult. I have a few stories... And it's ridiculous, like you said, almost no one is afraid of them so some people find it laughable :( But strangely enough we are 3 persons at my work with this phobia, maybe we attract each others. I remember when I 6 that I was "attacked" by a seagull (it was probably just after my sandwich), so maybe this event is my "root". I sympathize with your fear of "ELB" they are also everywhere. One of my best friend has this phobia and it's distressing to see him in the countryside.

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    Drowning. I love swimming and I am really good at it but this is like drowning I feel powerless like I am nothing and no one


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    The 0roburos
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    My fear for years.. Almost did once but was spit back up on the shore.. with a lung full of sand.

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    What really gives me nightmares is the thought, that one day, at some point I will die. The lights will go out and it's over. My heart races by writing these lines.



    I’m a social worker and work with a lot of people from the underbelly of society. I say a lot of things they don’t like, like you should stop using drugs or how they shouldn’t slap their kids when they are angry. I have a recurring dream that one of my clients hurts my child (2 years old). Or they kidnap him and sell him. It’s awfull and I always wake up crying. Then I have to go check if my son is still sleeping in his bed and nobody took him during the night.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    thank you for doing what you do. i can’t imagine the emotional toll that being a social worker must take but it’s incredibly important

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    Snakes. I know this isn't true, but I feel like they exist because I'm afraid of them.


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    Bettie-Jean Neal
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I agree!. I have an irrational fear that they're under the sofa and under my car seat. Must keep my feet up at all times.

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    Anti-vaxers, anti-maskers and Covid deniers.



    My students.
    I've had more twisted carnage-filled panic dreams about or because of teaching than anything else in my life so far.


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    Cold Contagious
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Maybe therapy or a self defense or martial arts program would help you feel more confident about yourself and help you sleep better at night.

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    Tomato horn worms. Feared them since I was a child and our grandmom had us pick them off of her tomato plants. They have this wicked looking horn and when provoked that stand up on their rear legs (are they called legs?) and wave their upper bodies back and forth clacking their mandibles. Ugh! I'm still afraid of them!


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Oh my god! YES! They are absolutely horrendous, creepy and scary.

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    I will probably look like a wimp for saying this, but I’ve been having a recurring nightmare of being in a room, the colors of the bi flag. No, I’m not a homophone, I’m a bi girl in the closet (except on bp cuz nobody knows who I am here). I’m also a lucid dreamer (can control my dream) so I use that to get past the room. Even though Im a lucid dreamer, I’m not very good. Too weak. I’m still trying to get past all the rooms. It’s been 6 months pls help.


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    Tiffany G.W.
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I'm not an expert, but it sounds to me that your nightmares are because you're still in the closet and your subconscious is struggling with that. When you are ready to come out to your friends and family, those nightmares may go away.

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    I have to pee, but all the toilets I find are backed up and full of crap, or they're out in the open in the middle of a room, or both.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Or covered with piss. And you have to wipe everything down first. And it is just so gross. Nice to know I'm not alone in having that kind of dream! Lol

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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    he seems to enjoy tormenting everyone because of one or two people

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    Aliens! I don’t know why, but the thought of them scares me so much, I can’t go outside at night! I also have to sleep with a night light on (and I am a grown woman).


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    poor thing! I understand why. just try to picture them like scp 999 (search it up its wholesome i swear)

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    I don't think you want an honest answer to this question
    Personal experiences of brutality



    Tigers. I don't know why. Insane fear of tigers, yet love reading about them.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've had more than 15 nightmares related to tigers! One time my cousin and her autistic son were playing badminton infront of our gate. A tiger ran towards them, cousin wouldn't leave her son, tiger killed her and ATE her infront of me.


    God damn mannequins. I hate them. Too human looking. They watch me... I know it!



    Dolls. Any type, any size. I have nightmares about them, hate walking past them, hate them as a child even. This is totally due to watching that movie, "Trilogy of Terror," when I was only 4 years old.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Dolls are creepy. Have a former in-law who collected porcelain dolls, she put shelves all around the living room for them-still makes me shutter to remember it.


    An obscure 1995 psychological thriller film called 'Safe'. The movie revolves around the mysterious illness plaguing a woman, never knowing whether it's medical or psychological, real or imagined, environmental or internal. None of the movie is scary, until she ends up at a wellness retreat and there's an extremely detached and isolated individual named Lester. He is only in the movie for a matter of seconds, only from a far distance, doesn't communicate, is completely covered head to toe....BUT he has the most terrifying walk. It's an uneven, lanky sort of tiptoeing motion, more insect than man. That gait haunts me.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    If you insist on seeing him... it's at 1:26:32 & again at 1:43:12

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    Umm I was playing with a ouji board online and I asked what my na!e was and it said Alex
    My name is alex


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    J. F.
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    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    It was using previously installed tracking cookies from other websites probably. The same stuff Google uses for personalized ads

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    It came from a movie in which a woman was molested, it showed the corpse. I was not a big fan of gore and it was extremely gory(parts of flesh cutted out, gutted on the head by a bat REAL brutally etc) still sends shivers down my spine



    Zombie movies. My mom's side of the family loves to watch horror movies, and occasionally when I see them I'll watch some with them. That being said, my little sister lives for zombie movies, but I cannot watch zombie movies without having nightmares. Something about the chance of zombies being real just scares me too bad, and it has for my whole life.


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    I had this nightmare one night and nearly 25 years later I still remember it clearly. I was standing in the woods with speckled daylight coming down and far in the distance was a man with hunched shoulders and glaring at me menacingly without moving. I felt the pure evilness of this being. When I woke up I still felt the evilness of this being. It was a heavy and terror inducing, heart pounding uncomfortableness. I starting praying (which I never do) and an imagine of a giant raven flapping it’s wings came to mind and the heaviness instantly disappeared. The kicker is I told my dad about having a nightmare with a terrifying entity and he described my dream to a t. He was my age when he had the same experience. It will haunt me forever.



    The only nightmare I have ever had was after the movie "Jaws" came out. I dreamed I was swimming under water, there was a huge wooden floor or deck or something over the water. I couldn't come up. I see a square of light just up ahead. I swim to it, underwater, and I reach it and pull myself up and just as I start to get out, the shark grabs me by the feet. Doesn't sound so scary now, but it did then.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I saw the original Halloween when it came out, scared the bejesus out of me.


    So basically, every time I have a nightmare, I'm going to be sick. Every time I'm sick, I know I'm going to have a nightmare. It's a vicious circle.


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    I had severe anxiety and panic disorder ( still do, just not so severe ). Two things were giving me nightmares , to the point that I was aftaid to look to the sky for months:
    1. The moon crashing into the Earth. I know it's impossible, didn't stop me from having a vivid nightmare about it.
    2. A stray black hole. The most terrifying thing in the universe. Doesn't give me nightmares , but definitely keeps me on edge, knowing we are living on a tiny pebble among monsters.
    P.S. I should probably cut down on the science documentaries.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Reminds me of one of my favourite sayings: Anyone who's not thourougly confused does not really understand the situation we're in. Or like a zen master I followed for a while said: you only have to be intelligent to be afraid.


    I’m so constantly terrified of the fact that you can have an aneurism at any given time, no matter your health or age. I just constantly hope that my brain will make it through until the end of the day, with no promises until I’m there.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Don't want to trigger you, but a mate of mine in the forces stood up one day and said 'i don't feel too good'...... and then keeled over dead. The good news is though, it wasn't an aneurism...... just a virus that had reached his brain. sorry pretty flippant... but it'd have made him laugh........ and slightly off topic i'd say if you were the type of person who's focused on their own mortality under 50yrs of age..... stay away from drugs (including booze) - they can really multiply that feeling of impending doom and fragility if you're not in the right head space.

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    Birds... any bird....they scare the s**t out of me. They fly around any and everywhere. Thier feather, their beaks and OMG thier feet. Its disgusting and creepy. If our neighbors chickens are in my yard during the day, and they are a lot, well used to be, I wouldn't even pull in my driveway. I'd leave till they were back in their coops for the night. I get physically sick around birds and avoid them at all cost. I turn my TV up loud enough that I cant even hear them chirping outside. I have no trees left in my yard for them to land on. When I developed the land my home is on, I had the option of underground power lines which I also accepted so they couldn't sit on the lines. They just totally freak me out!!! Sad part is that I dont know why.


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    I have reoccuring nightmare and fear of not being able to scream. well it's not exactly reoccuring because there are different scenarios but most of the time if I have a nighgtmare, I won't be able to scream in it


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    ok but seriously, listening to true crime yt after like 5 pm, lord I couldn’t even walk in to a dark room without imagining what could be in there


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I also remember one time I dreamt of being in a mall with my mom and a cannibal killing her? I think? I was also on the ground, my vision was blurry in the nightmare, so honestly idk

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    I typically have very lucid nightmares. They're usually based on some of my worst fears and one just happens to be getting mauled. I remember being fully aware in a dream where I was teaching a young boy how to hunt for wolves (disclaimer: I don't know how to do this, it still boggles me now) and while we were looking on this fine snowy day, I was met with an ambushing pack of wolves who began to maul me to death and tear me apart. I felt everything and it truly sucked, woke up trying to get over the shock and feeling of the pain :(


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    A recurring nightmare I have. It's very stupid, but gives me a dark and heavy feeling whenever I wake up after having it. It makes more sense if I explain it in a book sort of way. If you didnt know, I have very severe Arachnophobia, Megalaphobia, and Thallasiphobia. I call this one night of phobias. Me and my childhood friend Naiyana are having a sleepover at my house. It's night and the dream starts by us hiding under a bed. With each step, the house shakes with the force of the giant spider's weight. All the sudden, the door slams open, and me and Naiyana hold each each other close. We know we're gonna die. It had already taken the dog, the cat, and my parents, and it was our turn. I grabbed a rather convenient baseball bat and inched my way out from under the bed on the other side. I jumped on the spider and started hitting it with the bat before it reached the underside of the bed just in time for Naiyana to escape. We jumped onto the top of the bed and it grabbed my foot. They say in dreams you cant feel pain, but this was pure, true, PAIN. It was like putting your foot through a meat grinder. What's the thalassophobia part? Well that's when the floor became a deep ocean, and I could feel the pain of drowning. I wake up at the exact moment every time. And every time I wake up, I'm all sweaty and hot.


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    I have really vivid dreams about waking up, while actually not waking and that is followed by m


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    Couldn't post a full answer for some reason... So here is the full story:I have really vivid dreams about waking up, while actually not waking and that is followed by multiple other dreams where i think im awake, but in the middle of the dream realize i haven't woken up. These dreams are followed by extreme panic and screaming and crying. Yet i never seem to wake up on the first try... Some clues i realize im dreaming are that my hands and legs are really heavy, almost imposible to lift and a few more clues such as clicking on my phone for it to unlock, but it just never lights up, besides that i will randomly see a clock with waky time, and it is always night or extreme fog in my dreams...


    any bad sickness / truamatizing expierence, i had a traumatizing apreirence today so itl be a long night



    Whenever I try to sleep in on the weekend, I often have dreams about being late for work. Usually for a really weird reason. Not really a nightmare, but still sort of a panic kind of thing.


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    Falling. I have a recurring nightmare that I've been having ever since I was a kid. I don't have it as much anymore though. In the dream, I start out standing on the edge of a very tall building, looking down at a busy road. Then all of a sudden I'm falling. When I get near the bottom the road morphs into an ocean and then I fall in and drown. I also have nightmares about murderers killing me and my entire family, which probably comes from watching too many true crime documentaries as a kid.


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    Tiger escapes zoo ( quite near to my home) overnight, hides in our garden and attacks my mom when she opens the gate to bring newspaper.



    One reoccurring nightmare that I have quite often is that there is an emergency (the type differs) and I need to call for help but there are so many apps and functions on my phone that I never find the actual call function in time


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    I have a few:

    In movies like "Mars Attacks", "The first Avenger" or X-Men: Last Stand" when people get hit by something that turns them instantly into ash, that's something that makes uncomfortable and sometimes finds the way into my dreams.

    Driving a car and suck at it:
    Sometimes I dream of driving a vehicle but totally mess up, like completely breaking any traffic rules or destroying the car. Don't know why.

    And the classical zombie/monster dream:
    I actually like those, I'm a fan of horror games and movies.

    I usually have lucid dreams, and I can wake up on command if the dream gets too extreme. But the first two types still can be very scary. The monster stuff on the other hand often turns out great, like a personal crafted horror survival story


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    Evie Grove
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I have nightmares where my mom gets out of the car and leaves me in it alone, but the the car starts driving and I go up to the front seat to try to stop it or keep it on the road but I can’t remember how. I will always go of the road and right before I crash into a building I wake up and remember how to stop a car. I never want to learn to drive. (I’m to young to right now)

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    Anything to do with 9/11. I STILL can’t watch, hear about or read anything to do with it. I wasn’t personally affected, but it occurred on my second day back to work after my maternity leave. I think being postpartum hormonal just amplified it. I saw a picture about a year ago of a man falling from one of the buildings and had to walk away. I get severe anxiety on the anniversary of 9/11.


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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    No it's that purple thing from McDonald's and yeah that bitch is freaking scary

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    I sometimes have sleep paralysis. What that feels like is "waking up", but not really. You cannot move any part of your body except for your eyes. You feel like there is something sitting on your chest, but nothing is there. You are also surrounded by shadow people you can never really see, because when you truly turn your eye to look at them, move back to the corners of your vision. You can just feel the evil rolling off of them, suffocating you along with what ever invisible evil sitting ontop of you. All you want to do is scream, to call out for someone to help you wake up! But no matter how hard you try no sound will come. And you can feel the tears just rolling down your cheeks, as you lie there in horror not knowing why thus is happening.

    It happened once when I was in the hospital and I could see the nurse just outside my door. I needed her, but she had no idea of the terror I was experiencing. After about 5 minuets of this I watched her get up, and walk away (She was never supposed to do that because I was on suicide watch). A couple of minutes later. I fell back asleep somehow. Then REALLY woke up I don't-know-how-long to a pillow drenched in tears, and an empty chair. That's how I knew that was something different than my regularly scheduled trauma-induced nightmares.

    BTW the nurse did get relieved of her post that night.when I woke up shaking and crying looking just to be close someone. When you are on suicide watch it is precisely that, watching someone constantly so they don't commit suicide.


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    Zak Rasten
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I've had the night hag several times, enough to know it's a hypnogogic illusion and found the best way to break out and wake up is to challenge and insult it. Don't let the fear overpower you, you know it's just a dream, no matter how creepy it is or evil it seems

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    The only thing that is giving me nightmares is not ever dreaming again. Even if it’s only nightmares. I have very vivid dreams. My dreams are always about the same person. A young lady. They kept building a storyline. So I started writing her story down. It became a whole book. A novel and i am going to publish soon!


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    My old school and my mama


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    Unrestricted Capitalism when democracy is a mirage of personal billionaire and corporate greed.


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    needing to get somewhere quickly but only being able to walk extremely slowly, even as i try to sprint. it’s always a different setting, and i always end up getting lost along the way


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    I have a few things that scare me in my dreams:

    1. Asteroids hitting the earth and causing the apocalypse

    2. nukes. i always fear them. I dont know why, I doubt thats whats gonna kill me.


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    My dissertation


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    Zombies. For some reason I never have anxiety dreams and my only nightmares are ones with zombies in them


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    Falling from heights.I have acrophobia.


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    one time i had a nightmare where i got in the car and i felt something in my hand and a spider made a web keep in mind i was 7 when that happened


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    #1. I am in high school. Can't find my locker, just like the day before and every other day since school started. Students stand around me laughing.
    #2. I am an adult, driving alone thru a dark night. Fog. Fear. Am I going in the right direction? No moon. Car begins to sputter, then stops. I am too frightened to move, can only shake, head to toe.


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    My Dad still being alive.



    social life


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    Situations where I'm unsure of my footing. For example, after 35 years of other nursing roles, I'm learning how to be a dialysis nurse. I awakened from nightmares about me messing up the dialysis machine so bad that patients come to harm.
    This is despite being told yesterday (end of my third week) that I'm picking things up much faster than expected.


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    When I turned 14, I had two dreams about sexual crimes. The first one me and my mom got sexually harassed at a cafe, and he tried to follow us home. The second I watched my friend get raped by a teacher. They were both within a week, one on my birthday.


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    Im scared of the fact that when we're all dead, ill never see my parents, bf, dogs ect, i ended up having to talk to my bf about this because it literally ended up not making me be able to sleep the night before. but it still didnt really help, it kinda did though i managed to sleep that night, other than that. not much help


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    Evie Grove
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    3 years ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    I like to think that dying is going to an alternative universe where you can hang out with your dead pets and family until your assigned a new body.


    reliving the drop on splash mountain lmao, I have a Terrible feeling of falling because I hate not being in control of the situation. sooooo it gives me so much stress and anxiety thinking about it


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    Losing my mind to a neurodegenerative disease.


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    I have many many nightmares about snakes. And they're always different snakes, different time and place, but I can never get away from the snake/s and the nightmare ends just before the snake lunges at me...


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    #19 from the Land of Nope.


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    He/It absolutely terrifies me, and what especially gets me is that I think he/it is always behind me, even outside.

    The butterflies of hell. their hairiness is so chilling

    SCP 096
    The Shy Guy. A monster that will attack you if you see it. Even in a photograph or in film.

    The Bird Lady
    A monster that I have imagined who has birds and rats swarming around her at all times and will come out of your mirror if you look at a mirror and you can't see your reflection.

    A mental image of four people spreading a red blanket out in a white room. I don't know why it gives me the chills but it does.

    A mental image of me but old and dead lying on my coffin in a rainforest. Aame as before, I don't know why it gives me the chills but it does. I'm not even afraid of death.

    Partially. This fear is mainly of SCP 3008, which is a neverending IKEA store where the entrance moves so you have slim chances of escape.



    I am terrified by the thought that over one third women are sexually assaulted I some way during their life. It makes me almost to scared to leave my house sometimes, in fear I might be a victim of it too. If it does happen, chances are the assaulter will get away with it. The country I live in (America) doesn't have a good support system for much of anything. I would almost rather die than have anything of that ilk happen to me, as I know it would leave me helpless and alone.


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    J. F.
    Community Member
    3 years ago

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    A fear that got more recent in Europe as well since the last 6 years. I know I will get downvoted to hell for this, but since the refugee situation we had massive increases in sexual assaults. Especially here in Germany the criminals often get away too easy as well

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