Hey Pandas, What Is Something That Annoys You But It Seems Good To Others? (Closed)
So many people pointing out being toxic but being toxic! Nonetheless, please share your thoughts!
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Cars with with these new super bright LED lights - they may help you to see better but when you are behind my car I can't see a damn thing!
Mentioned in another thread, but oversharing personal stuff on social media, I honestly just don't see a point. I'm ok with occasional pictures but some people (whose job isn't social media) upload several or more times every day.
When people hate on something you like. There are some things that are 'cool' to hate. For example a certain song or a band, a hobby.
So if you like that, people just assume it's okay to laugh at it or point out how lame that is. Just wish everyone would appreciate the differences we have.
I was bashed on BP a while back for liking ketchup. Yes, I get that you find it gross. I don‘t force you to eat it, so why not let me have what I like? :(
Lately, using social media to showcase "charity". It's not charity if you have to broadcast it to the world...you're just doing that for the likes.
Give because you want to give and because you genuinely wanted to help, as my mother always said, "no one needs to know".
If someone wants to give to a charity and brag about it online, I don't have a problem with this, they are still doing good. Where it's more of a problem is when someone, say, films themselves giving food or clothing to a homeless person, putting that person's reaction online whether they want to or not.
Refusing to hear both sides of an argument/opinion. It’s great if you have opinions on things, your own beliefs, etc., but absolutely refusing to even listen to the other side or ridiculing someone who has a different opinion just makes you look like an uneducated ass. You don’t have to believe what they do, but you should listen at least.
Being offended at everything and anything.
Motorcyclists or pedestrians who mistake 'right of way' with 'immortality'.
Having to have the "correct thing" for some task. Like i have an old root beer can i'm using to water a plant in my bedroom. Get made fun of for it and told to get a real watering can. Why, exactly? How is a watering can better than what i have? if it were hard to reach and i needed the longer spout, ok, sure, but what i have works just fine, so why is it not ok?
as long as you aren't giving the plants root beer, there is not a problem
When people will call you a simp for liking something. For example, Minecraft and Minecraft youtubers.
People that think they are smarter than everybody else.
Rap music being played everywhere, all the time. Like excuse me, not everyone likes rap.
Pointless debates over things like coca cola vs. pepsi
honestly who cares.
when someone asks someone something when they are in a bad mood It feels like setting off a bomb.
Or telling you, "If you would just put where it belongs you would know where it is."
Men commenting on women’s clothes being too revealing. Like don’t look, and if you can’t help yourself then YOU have a big problem
People who start sentences off with "I'm not *insert phobia or racist* but..."
They are trying to make it sound like they are not a bigoted assh**e, Then they spout off with their racist crap
People with no manners. Listening to music full blast on their phone, no headphones. Talking on speakerphone. Ignoring someone who says hi. People who tailgate, those who refuse to use a blinker. If you’re in such a dang rush that you need to drive like a total jerk, try leaving the house earlier. Problem solved. Bottom line is have manners. Don’t be a jerk face. If you treat others the way you would want to be treated, the world would be much more enjoyable. And be patient for gosh sakes. No need to always be in an ultra hurry. It’s not good for you.
I have to agree about manners. I was taught about manners in a VERY strict environment, yet I am forever grateful to have learned them and carried them throughout my entire adult life.
Pet names....ik most people want to be called baby or babe or babygirl or princess but that just makes me want to jump off a cliff like use the name that was given to me. I’m not a child so don’t call me one..
I completely agree. I used to have a partner who called me "babe" and I was really uncomfortable with it, but I was too socially awkward to say so. They asked me to call them babe or baby or something but I couldn't without dying inside.
Small talk...like, "weather sure is nice!"
yes same, like just come up to me and tell me all your deepest traumas and why you like one parent more than the other, don't talk to me about the weather susan
loud chewing and bad table manners. also hatimg certain things, just because everyone does that
I can't stand when people insult tik tokers or tik tok in general. If you don't like people dancing or doing trends then just ignore it. Most people on it are teens that already have enough on their minds and they don't need a bunch on annoying people who have nothing to do with them put them down more. What have they done to you? Danced better than you? Looked better than you? Had fun without your consent? They aren't bothering you so back off.
I haveno idea why you are being downvoted you're just talking about u hating people hating on tiktokers it is so foolish to be hated for hating something that people hate on, im so srry i said hate ALOT.
the whole vibe of the r/i'm14andthisisdeep can't we just let kids be kids i think it's better that they express sadness through social media than being harmful to others in real life
Jeans that ends above a bare ankle but fully clothes otherwise including hat.
Do you mean waders or capris or pants that are intended to actually be pant length but worn incorrectly?
The Government
so you're saying you hate the people of the united states!? (if referring to the US government, which is by and for the people...supposedly)
When people whistle. I can not for the life of me figure out how to do it. People tell me how but its just confusing and I still can't do it. It just annoys me when people whistle around me because I can't do it myself.
Videos of people hurting themselves.
On like "America's funniest videos," where they jump and fall through a trampoline and you can hear it hurt. Yet the audience is laughing about it and applauding.
People watching me draw over my shoulder, slow walkers, computers always dying, and people who think that they are way better than everyone else.
Experts and people in general hating on those who use essential oil diffusers. Not everyone who uses those are under the incorrect assumption that they will cure any disease and don't deserve to be treated as stupid for using something that can be calming. Think of a scent from a fond childhood memory. That scent is likely to bring back a warm fuzzy feeling. The same goes for certain oils, some are simply relaxing and THAT is why many people use them (yes, I understand there is a whole new age homeopathic society that refuses modern medicine, I'm not including them in the 'use oil for the smell' group).
Cherry and lemon are my two favorite scents because my mother always smelled like cherry (she passed away when I was twelve) and she kept a beautiful crystal bowl filled with lemon drops on the dining room table
Having a really big friend group. Personally, I just like having one really good friend and then some acquaintances, I guess. It is just less drama and you get to spend more time with your one friend.
i have a best friend and her other friend that hangs out with us to
The phrase “do your own research.”
When it comes to air conditioners, knee surgery, or plumbing, people will only trust experts, but for some reason when it comes to astoundingly complex subjects like disease or climatology, then it’s time to cast them aside and look for the smoking gun in some dark corner of the web or on some dingbat’s YouTube channel to prove them all wrong.
Greeting customers when they enter a store.
Why would someone make it company policy for their employees to greet customers as if they genuinely cared - when they do not care and the customers are annoyed by the intrusion?
I kind of thought it was to deter stealing as in, "I see you so don't even think about it."
1. People saying “no offence” and assuming I’m not going to be offended.
2. When people sing during musicals when you’re seeing it for the first time. Like, I asked you fifty times and I just want to enjoy it!
When people tell me "no offence" i just brace myself and get ready to get offended.
Tapping can't stand the sound
As in tap-dancing or tapping a pen on a table or the tapping of feet on the floor?
People who feel the need to post constantly on social media, I get it you like to go hiking Susan, a lot. Or constantly posting thirst trap selfies.
People on speaker phones in stores... I don’t want to hear your conversations.
Cops that park illegally just to go in a store or put lights on to go through a red light & turn off after so you know they didn’t have a call.
Oscillating fans. "No, of course I don't want to be comfortable ALL the time. It's so much better to have a tiny sliver of comfort every once in a while, so the contrast makes me even more aware of the fact that the other 80% of the time I'm just as hot and miserable as if I hadn't turned on a fan in the first place!" I just don't get why this has to be the default setting on the majority of fans on the market.
It annoys me that there are only three countries on the planet that use
[ officially ] the Imperial system of measurement.
people saying you cant say your age on social media I can say my age if I want
I think this is more of a safety thing for those who are underage.
Drivers License being overplayed on K92
Thats the biggest problem with radio stations. they play the same songs over and over again. And rules are relaxed on how many stations a corporation can own. Clearchannel owns 1225 stations in 300 cities and dominates the audience share in 100 of 112 major markets.
When you're playing a game and your friends tell you that they actually want you to fail so that they can win.
Children, I can't stand them. But some people adore them.
How long, fake fingernails sound typing on a keyboard eeeeek
Tryhards in gta online they are toxic they get mad at you for no reason and they are too scared that if they don’t have the highest kd in the server they will suck at gta online (which is not how being the best player in the server works)
people buying ALL the gluten free oreos. my fam is gluten-dairy free since november 2020 and oreo just released a gluten free kind. people buy them all. i bet like 80% of them aren't even gluten free, they just want the new oreos to look cool. now, we LOVE oreos, but since we went gluten free, we haven't been able to eat them. probably same goes for every gluten free person. now there's gluten free ones, and people are buying them up for no reason other than they're the new ones. it's annoying to the people that are gluten free and wanted to enjoy oreos again and quite rude. ok this has been my rant