Hey Pandas, What Is Something In Your Room That Other People Find Really Weird Or Disturbing? (Closed)
Most of us have that one unusual thing just laying around in our house, so share yours!
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My Little Taxidermy Friends
Apologies for the duplicate post, I don't knownhow to delete it
This Is Hung Up In My Room That I Sleep In Made It A Few Years Back Still Love Him
I mean, my room is creepy overall, but my friends say that Yorick creeps them out the most.
My French Marie Antoinette Manga That I Bought For Exactly This Reason Lol
This Old High Frequency Apparatus. Still Works!
Custom Barbie And Ken
My Vintage Gramophone With "His Master Voice" - Dog Statue. "Why Do You Have The Weird Dog Next To It?" -Sigh-
Bone Collection And A 5 Ft Lobster Pillow 😅
Charlie. He Lives In Our Sitting Room, And Likes To Dress Up. He's Looking Forward To Halloween At The Pub
Awww, he's even got a sporran and what looks like a Tam O' Shanter
A Penis Plushie On My Couch.
Having Fursuits, I Actually Get Bullied Because Of This (This Is Saturn)
About 20% Of My Rocks And Shells
My Christmas Deer Decoration (I’m Not Taking It Down Ever!)
Human Bone (From An Antique Medical Skeleton) Instruments. The Guitar (On The Right) Actually Works.
Won The Painting At An Auction, Paid $37.50, Used To Hang It In The Guest Bedroom, Until...don't Hang It There Anymore.
All My Porcelain Dolls
There’s only 2 in this pic, but there’s at least 20 more in this room on its own, not including the trunk of them in the basement
Weird Diddy Kong Fan Art I Made In 5th Grade
Always remember when life seemed so bright and you were full of life and happiness.
Clowns From 1950’s
It's all fun and games until you walk into the room and they've moved places •~o
My Voodoo Collection. This Is Just A Small Part. The One In The Front Is Alive.
One Of The Dolls In My Doll House A.k.a. Zoe
A Gallon Bag Of Barbies I Had Collected And Never Gave Away. Don't Have A Picture So Insted There Are Penguins.
The Huge Hamster Cardboard Maze I Made For My Hamster (I Don't Have A Photo So Here's My Hamster, Junior)
Lucy, A Birthday Gift From My Fil To My Wife
The Dude With The Beard Has His Own Cable Access Show Back In The Day.
This Doll On My Book Self. One Of My Friends Asked Me How I Sleep At Night With "That" Across My Bed. A Lot Of People Think It's Creep Bit I Think She's Pretty
100% The Porcelain Doll Collection
That’s really cool! My grandma is really into porcelain dolls and miniatures, and I kinda got in to both! I have an 25-30 porcelain dolls in my room, and everybody that comes in get a little freaked out, but I like them
Listen Buddy, If You Don't Like My Masks, You Can Leave.
Me. I'm The Disturbing, Weird Thing In My Room. However I Do Not Want Disclose My Identity So Here Is Sir. Crayon
it's so cute !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
My Collection Of Rosaries In My Bedroom
I think the hoarding is what people find disturbing. I'm expecting like 20 cats to jump out of the pile here.
These Goat Horns Sorry Blurry Pic Im Short.
Bought From A Local Thrift Store. I Don't Even Like Clowns. He Sits In My Office.
A Cat Skeleton
Is that a primate Skeleton or actual Alien from Ancient Aliens? Edit: HAHAHA Funny thing I didn't read the caption before this comment!
My Parakeets. I Taught Them To Scream When Someone Comes Into The Room
Angel Of Death?
I Have Collections Of Gargoyles And Lobsters. I Am Selling My House And They Are The First Things My Realtor Told Me To Pack Away!
I have a small microwave in my bedroom. Many people find that weird, most of all my colleagues who I just happened to tell. I actually thought everyone would have one there, until I realized that no, not everyone has a microwave in their bedroom. It's super clean - no food residue. For those who are curious, my husband makes me sleeping tea when I can't fall asleep, or he'll warm up my heating pads for my injuries and place them around/on me.
Geez,what mould people make of my place ? lol COLLECT-CO...063773.jpg
I have a small microwave in my bedroom. Many people find that weird, most of all my colleagues who I just happened to tell. I actually thought everyone would have one there, until I realized that no, not everyone has a microwave in their bedroom. It's super clean - no food residue. For those who are curious, my husband makes me sleeping tea when I can't fall asleep, or he'll warm up my heating pads for my injuries and place them around/on me.
Geez,what mould people make of my place ? lol COLLECT-CO...063773.jpg