Hey Pandas, What Is Something BP Could Write About Other Than Disney And How Much The US Sucks? (Closed)
Like, there will be 10 posts filled with the same stuff.
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As a person that works here and sees a lot of posts, I can say that BP publishes what the audience wants to see, in my opinion. I think you're portraying it from one perspective. Sure, there are Disney posts, and there are posts critical to the US, but they don't come up all too often if you see all of the posts that are published. My theory is that BP doesn't only post that, it's just that you react to them the most, which is why it gives you such perception. Just my two cents.
Interesting weather phenomena. Cool pet tricks. How your own body can fool you. Fast, easy, nutritious meals. Unexpected plot twists in movies and books. Silly, unenforceable laws on the books. Inventors and their inventions that changed society. Unsolved mysteries. Artists who use recycled materials. Most beautiful places in the world. Animals that use tools. (I could literally go on all day here.)
The thing that a lot of BP members don’t know is that the people who work for BP don’t always write the articles. They can be written by anyone and once submitted BP will publish them (mostly). So anyone who doesn’t like the content then they can make their own posts to be published.
Along with US sucks, also show more "Europe sucks", "Asia sucks", "Oceania sucks". I personally don't mind Disney.....but there's just too much of it!! More factoids, games, cute animals, funny things, cartoons.
Anyone can submit in BoredPanda, but the editors need to approve it. Just submitted mine yesterday about people pointing about Big Tech hypocrisy about banning Trump for hate and misinformation, but allowing former Malaysian PM who tweeted things like "Muslims have the right to kill Millions of French people for massacres of the past" or Iran official tweeting "Israel malignant tumor that has to be removed".... or having a verified account for Flat Earth society.....or to that matter Apple removing Parler when Trump created account within a day, but refused to unlock phone of San Bernardino shooter. Hope they'll publish it!