All of us do things that are annoying to others and to ourselves. Share some of your quirkiest, misunderstood things that you do, if you like. The more annoying the better!
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I'm in a war with myself. A little voice in my head is always calling me a ungrateful, attention seeking, show off. And the other little voice, me, is always trying to solve my problems but that other voice is just like: "you are so dumb and annoying, why do you even should just stop being an attention seeker and actually be grateful that you aren't homeless." It hurts so bad and it annoys the crap out of me.
I tend to over apologize for the smallest things, even if it's something that wasn't my fault to begin with. I think it's partially because I have Asperger's syndrome and partially because my father sometimes becomes extremely upset over small things and I don't want to upset him.
I have a friend who's like that but not because of Asperger's. Always apologising for everything and she's not even Canadian! :D
I like to narrate my life? I dunno, at random times in the middle of a lesson I'll mutter "Noelle (my name) rubs her knee from where she hit it on the absurdly small desks just a minute ago" and everyone will give me a weird look. I do it all the time. Have no idea why. It annoys everyone around me.
I DO THAT TOO :D i don’t find it annoying though, i love just seeing the looks on people’s faces
I bang tables and my legs as if they were a drumset without anyone agreeing to it. I know it annoys some people, but I've never actually heard someone say it personally. I don't know, I just like music.
I'm ALWAYS humming or singing, anything from disney songs to christmas in march.
yup! My co-workers call me, PANDORA bc I'm literally always singing something.
Well, I have tourette's, so you can imagine how many annoying things I do. But I'll only share 2 of them to spare you from reading all that.
Number one: I'm not sure if this is annoying or just weird to my family, but they definitely comment on it from time to time. Sometimes, when my ears are really cold, I'd rub my ears with my nails (not the tip, the part you scratch with, but with the backs of the nails, the parts you'd use nail polish on). I guess I just like the feeling of my cold, smooth ear on my nails. Most of the time, I just do it for a few seconds, and then I'm just bored of it. But other times, I do it excessively. I'd do it for minutes at a time, and I keep switching which hand touches which ear. I honestly have no idea why I do it, lol.
Number two: Sometimes I get really finicky, as I like to call it, because I do a ton of my tourette's habits at once. I don't have severe tourette's, so I don't twitch or do anything big like that. Just smaller things, like "laughing" or cracking my knuckles. The reason I put "laughing" in quotation marks is because it's not really laughing per se, but rather letting out air in a way that you would do laughing. I just go "Hhh." or grunt a little or something like that because it's like an uncontrollable urge that my throat has occasionally. If you have tourette's, you understand.
I also have mild OCD, so that really helps when I'm finicky. I'd accidentally kick something, and end up kicking it multiple times with both feet to make sure both of my legs get their sudden energy out. It's probably annoying for both me and everyone around me.
without having Tourette, the trick of the nails on the cold ears, I do, I think that comforts me (I have been deaf since childhood). otherwise I had a kind of click with the tongue which apparently is painful to others. I don't no longer realize it. I think that if we know what we are capable of, the most important things is done, we are aware of our fails !! 😝
i crack my knuckles relentlessly
I can't drink a lot of liquid since I have the bladder that is the size of a literal pea, but I still drink lots of water anyways, which sadly results in me going to the toilet every 15 minutes and not only me, but my friends find it annoying too. They never miss a chance to tease me about it.
Besides existing?
Before leaving the house, I check thoroughly all the items that I'm carrying: I think it relates to my Aspergers, because when I'm out and about I'm always checking to see if I've dropped something. Yes, it’s tiresome.
i draw all the time when i'm supposed to be doing my schoolwork and sometimes it will really annoy my mom but i don't draw like big fancy art but i do draw names,planets,ext.
This annoys my family a lot, I can never moderate my voice level. For example when I’m talking to someone who is like a couple of inches away from me I for some reason I have to yell and when I’m told to lower my voice I for some reason have a hard time to lower my voice and most likely my voice doesn’t lower.
Another annoying thing about me is that I always apologize for every little mistake even if the mistake is not even that important, like when I burnt bacon in an air fryer.
Leave the light switch on after using the Washroom. Its been 30 years and it still annoys my parents be it their house or mine.
I bite my nails and play with my hair when I'm nervous. I don't like doing it but I just can't stop
After I laugh, I close my mouth and go "hmm." I don't mean to. It drives my husband bonkers.
All those things I do that drive my husband bonkers I like to remind him are the exact things he will miss one day when I am gone (dead). Tends to make him reconsider how annoying it really is lol
I crack just about every joint/bone in my body, randomly, and it is soooo loud!
Sometimes if i’m talking to someone, and we just run out of things to say, i’ll start whispering to myself “scarlet, say something wtf why can’t you talk” it annoys everyone around me. also, if i’m having a bad day, or just super anxious i will legit just get up and walk away from whatever i’m doing (i did this in virtual math class once) and just pace back and forth and tell myself “Scarlet calm down stop being useless you need to stop” most of the time i don’t even remember why i suddenly hate myself so much after doing this, but if i do it in a small space, my pacing gets faster because there’s not much room to pace, and then i start panicking. this doesn’t happen around people often, but it annoys me, because it just makes my anxiety and self-loathing worse. sorry for ranting, i didn’t mean to make this so long.
I'm not able to eat spicy food so when my friends and I go out we have to spend more money because we can't share plates
I have a few annoying habits that I can think of, I am sure there are more but here we go. I have a habit of leg bouncing, when I am sitting down whether it is in the car, at the table or on the couch etc. Most of the time I am not aware I am doing it until someone says the car is vibrating or the table is shaking etc. I am a serial apologist and constantly ask “are you sure”, which I get told off for lol. Apparently there is such thing as TOO polite. I also annoy myself and hubby when we are trying to sleep coz I suffer from Willis-ekbom disease AKA Restless leg syndrome, I can’t control the leg movements. I have been suffering with it since I was 15 and for the past 2 years it has gotten exceptionally worse, my restless legs now act up on car rides, bus trips, watching tv and it has even started to effect my hands. It is extremely frustrating and annoying, I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.
when my sister is inside my room i leave the door open
i keep on talking about the same thing for months even a year of the same thing,but i cant help but not change the subject,and its also annoying when im talking to friends cuz i never stop.
i have this thing where i am too restless when im sitting down and constantly change my sitting position... in class i end up hitting my friends chair with my legs atleast 10 times a day because of it and in addition to all that i tap my feet on the floor and my fingers really fast on the desk when im bored and i dont realize it... its prolly reallt annoying to alot of people because i end up shaking the desk too when we are studying...
Look into "sensory seeking", things like sitting on a wobble cushion or wrapping an elastic exercise band around the chair legs to push your feet on can really help
I'll yell when im playing video games. Like if i'm in a tense situation ill begin yelling and screaming.
I eat crackers, chips, and all kinds of other foods while sitting on my bed. No matter how careful I am there's usually at least a few crumbs in the sheets afterwards. I live alone so there's no one to complain, but it annoys me that I'm so messy. I like eating at the computer too much to stop though, so until I get a desk or couch to sit at I'll have to deal with it.
I am graphic designer and a pen clicker. I will click a pen or open and snap shut a marker and not even realize I am doing it. When I was working the office (we are work from home now), my coworkers would just show up in my doorway staring at me because I had been clicking or snapping and didn't even realize it. Luckily my dog doesn't mind.
I beatbox in the weirdest places. Sometimes its quiet, other times not so much. I can use it to annoy my friends on purpose, and other times annoy them, but not on purpose
I'm a procrastinator; I'm getting better at not being one. It has helped to put up a schedule of things that need to be done daily and it's working so far. Only been 1 week but I sleep allot better knowing I've accomplished at least 1 thing if not 5 in a day. Oh, and I stopped watching Netflix until I'm done with my to do list.
Screaming YASSSS while leaping across the room, I think it´s fun, mommy and daddy think it´s annoying.
I always make unnecessary sounds when I bump in to people at soccer and almost any other time to!
I'm always losing things. I know my son gets sick of hearing me say "It was just here a minute ago."
I start stimming when I am alone or with other people. I am on the Autism spectrum, and it's hard to keep my tics under control.
I snap my fingers when I listen to music I like. Not even to the beat just repeatedly snap my fingers.
Haha, that's my signature dance move. I call it: Snapping Around. It's where I randomly snap around (fitting name, huh?), like I move hands around in random places all the while snapping. Not even to the beat, just rapidly snapping like a crazy person. :3
I'm a drummer, so I tap on everything: the table, chair, couch, chest, head, doorways, computer, controller. Most of the time my wife can ignore it, but sometimes she'll (as polite as possible) tell me that I need to put the drums away.
I bounce my right leg up and down, sometimes it happens out of stress sometimes I’m not even aware it’s happening.
I day sorry even if I don't need to. For example when I through the ball in soft ball and it misses the glove I yell "Sorry" from across the field. People tell me not to because it's just a game and I did no harm but I fell like I need to still.
Sometimes when I forget where I am going in a room or another place then I will go where I think I'm supposed to go and then I realize that I'm going some where else to i turn around. I will kind of be spinning there for a while
Going through doorways resets your brain. A trick I learned: think of what you need to do or get, make the sign language sign for the first letter of the task or item, and hold the sign in your hand until you've done it. (I.e. I need a glass of water, make the W sign, go to the kitchen. Why I am here? Check hand: it starts with a W. Oh yeah, water.)
Always always always lose the fight with imposter syndrome. Put myself down and tell people I'm not as good as they think I am, or self sabotage a project I'm working on subconsciously so that I feel justified in telling people I suck at it. And I hate it!
Self-sabotage. I always felt I have two personalities, one who is clever, talented, hard-working, makes plans for the future, dreams about successful, happy life and carrier - and the other one who stops doing these things at the last minute before I can reach those successes.
I have multiple things, but what I'm terrible about is interrupting people. I have ADHD and just get excited or think someone is done talking (but they're not done). Worse, when I interrupt, it's usually to tell a similar story that the other person has just reminded me of. It's my attempt to relate to people, but is really just annoying.
Oh, here's another one. Sometimes when I talk to people I switch out of the blue into a "story telling" mode. For example I am talking to my friend about a movie. All of a sudden I start talking as if I am repeating the conversation to someone else. Like "and then I told her...." while speaking to the same person. It's embarrassing 😳
I always get these random jerks in my arms and legs, I have no clue what they are but its just annoying and I wish it would stop.
umm... i an 14 and dont have a phone so i have to borrow peoples. i am always stealing my friends to check my insta and stuff
Whenever I'm nervous about something, I start obsessively cleaning everything I see...once I cried at my mother because the table was "such a mess" and it made me so upset.
When I can't remember something, I just sit there, staring off into the distance, bouncing up and down and snapping my fingers and saying "umm ummm umm umm....." and I have no idea why.
When i get on my knees like kinda in a squat my legs start to shake and also i have coversations with my self about my day i dn´t find it annoying but i think others do.
When ever I’m asked Somthing from a parent or anyone I self consciously play with my hair it drives my sister mom and friends BONKERS 𝚒𝚍𝚔 𝚠𝚑𝚢!?! 𝙻𝚘𝚕
I tend to fill in /complete people's sentences or thoughts.
Some don't mind or even find it great that we're on the same wavelength, but some do. Once someone even told me that they find it creepy because they feel like I am reading their mind. But hey, that's me 🤷♀️
when you are trying to pour a cup of water but the water just goes down the side of the glass😭
For me I compulsively chew and suck on things that aren't really supposed to be chewed or sucked on. Like I'll just be sitting there and without even thinking I realize I'm sucking on my necklace or I'll be doing something and then I'm chewing the corner of my phone case. Usually I chew or suck on whatever is readily available, this includes but is not limited to: Necklaces, phone cases, sleeves, collar of shirts, stuffed animal (usually just the ears), etc. I don't know why I do this but it really annoys some people
I often unfocus my eyes when im listening to someone talk, but i dont even notice until they point it out, and its not like im daydreaming, im listening to what they say but ill just be sitting there staring off into space
well i has Split Personality Disorder and i always talk to myself and then I also remember literally everything...i remember what the hospital looked like when i was born....i remember my 3rd birthday....i can't stop remembering things
For me I compulsively chew and suck on things that aren't really supposed to be chewed or sucked on. Like I'll just be sitting there and without even thinking I realize I'm sucking on my necklace or I'll be doing something and then I'm chewing the corner of my phone case. Usually I chew or suck on whatever is readily available, this includes but is not limited to: Necklaces, phone cases, sleeves, collar of shirts, stuffed animal (usually just the ears), etc. I don't know why I do this but it really annoys some people
I often unfocus my eyes when im listening to someone talk, but i dont even notice until they point it out, and its not like im daydreaming, im listening to what they say but ill just be sitting there staring off into space
well i has Split Personality Disorder and i always talk to myself and then I also remember literally everything...i remember what the hospital looked like when i was born....i remember my 3rd birthday....i can't stop remembering things