Hey Pandas, What Is Something A Stranger Did To You To Make Your Day Brighter? (Closed)
Pandas, what is something a stranger did to you to make your day brighter? Lets us know in the comments!
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I was in a very very bad mood, one year day to day after my dad died. I was in dark clothes, no make up. A young girl around 7/8 years old came from nowhere and told me: « you are the most beautiful dark witch of the world». I remember this girls every year since. She changed the most sad day of the year to a beautiful memory.
I was 14 going to take my home coming pictures and a little girl came up to me and asked if she could take a photo with me . Later the mom came and said thank you she thought you where a princess! I will never forget that !!
I got forced into riding my first roller coaster by my father and then best friend when I was about 12 or 13. I had my first panic attack getting on it and they weren't allowed to let me ride in that state. But instead of just sending me off to sit by myself and wait for the ride to end and them to get off one of the teenage workers stood outside with me to talk to me and calm me down. He told me it was okay and told me funny stories about times he had been embarrassed so I didn't feel as bad. And he told me to always stick up for myself and to not let people push me around. He was honestly the nicest person ever and I still remember his advice and how much he helped me. I wish I could thank him agine.
A) everyone on bp has been helping me with mental health
B) the family i am currently living with took me in when i had no where else to go
So, two years ago I was out with my friends on Halloween. I'd dressed up as a Ravenclaw student and was anxious to see if anyone else had put on an HP costume as well. Towards the end of the evening, I was walking home and suddenly I noticed a Gryffindor student who looked about sixteen years of age. When we saw each other, we both burst out in squeals and ran over and hugged, exploding in questions and happiness that other potterheads were out there, jumping up and down like the floor was made of hot coals.
Still don't know what her name was.
It was a hot summer's day. I was on my way to work, wearing a white tiered maxi skirt, a red sleeveless top and red high heels. A little boy saw me and just froze. His dad asked him what was wrong, he stammered: "sleeping beauty!!" and then ran straight into my arms for a hug. Needless to say, I felt like a princess all day!
A bunch of strangers gave me tips on how to deal with anxiety on a recent ask pandas post. it's the closest i have come to crying about something on the internet.
Just said hi. Some days that is all I need to help my day be a little better.
Honestly same. even people bumping in to me and asking if I'm okay is better when I'm in a bad mood.
When my family had just moved to a new town we were having a hard time working and building our new house with three young kids a old lady at church offered to babysit me and my brothers for free, ever since then my family has always been friends with her and even after we moved away we would always visit her in the summer (we met through zoom this year) this year she celebrated her 92 birthday!
Always good to make others feel welcomed. Every time someone is moving in or out in our block I always like to help them load and un load. Even when my neighbours get home with their shopping i help them to carry it up the stairs. Many hands make light work
I remember once when I was having trouble with loving myself, I was walking around and a stranger came up to me and said, "Wow, you have such a pretty face! I remember when I was a youthful teenage girl like you..." And when I got home I looked in the mirror and said, "Wow, I am kind of pretty" and I really owe it to that woman she made my day.
gave me a dollar to pay for my stuff at walmart lmao
Me, my dad, and my little bro (3), all went to Little Ceasers to get a pizza for dinner because my mom was at work. The woman handed us our pizza, and my dad gave her his credit card. It declined twice, and my dad started to hand the pizza back, apologizing for the inconvenience. She said take it, it's on us. She was very kind :)
some old stranger came up to me and said I was beautiful, turns out, the person was my dad in a wig, and mask, and different clothes
I usually smile and wave, even if I'm feeling down, and they say have a good day and automatically I feel better.
When I was about 12 I was running late to catch my train to school. To make it worse I also tripped on the stairs to the platform and the train was alread standing there... I got up and ran like crazy, with m heavy backpack, kinda limping, so more like a hobble run... just to see the train getting in motion... I stopped... hung my head and was about to burst out in tears... then the train stopped and opened the first door to let me in.
That was one of the kindest gestures I have received in my life and still remember it every day I ride the train (am 32 now).
Once I was on the train I noticed my knee was actually cut open and bleeding like crazy... but bcs of the cold, stress and I guess shock I rly had not noticed that at all up til then XD
It was a favourite game of the school bus drivers to watch a kid running to frantically catch the bus then just as they could reach for the rail drive off. They weren’t dedicated same person bus drivers - bus and drivers supplied daily from the local bus company.
I was walking back from a rough day at school and a complete stranger walked up to me and asked if I wanted to pet his dogs (I guess he could see my disappointment and anger on my face). I said "yes, please" and I played and petted his adorable dogs for while which made me feel so happy. I kept thinking about the moment which is why I still remember it 7 years later. Btw. Pets are awesome
When I'm in a store with no make up and i'm confronted with strangers that say "You have such a lovely face! You're so pretty honey!" and they give me a hug. it really makes my day when people say something so nice to someone they don't know
I think people do look a lot better without makeup. Let the true beauty shine.
i was in a store and someone said that they liked my mask. I had a sans skeleton face mask on that I loved and it made me happy that someone else liked it too
SANS!!!!!!!!! YES! YOU SHALL BE MY BFF (if its okay with you that is)
In 3rd grade at recess I would hide underneath the play jungle because I had no friends and I saw two girls that were l.a.r.p.-ing (live action role playing) and one of them came up to me and she ended up being my best friend. I am now in 8th grade and I think that I have a crush on her... she is straiter than a line. I am %100 Lesbian.
Told me they liked my hair. It was simple but I was having a really bad day and was running away. Made me feel better and I headed home.
One time a user bought me a month pro membership to a website I use!
Off topic, but I just saw an ad that said "Elvie. We've got your back (and your boobs)." lol. Anyway, my friend's grandmother (I think it was her grandmother) told me I just kept getting prettier everyday. Didn't stop smiling for what seemed like forever.
A young homeless man let me buy him some groceries.
I was at school about to leave, and a girl (didn't know her) just came up to me and said "You're cute." I said thanks and that she was pretty too, had a small conversation and then I had to leave. Haven't talked to her since, but she made my day better :)
I know this will sound dumb but something that made my day was on roblox's adopt me game someone gave me a free rideable cerberus that's worth 500 robux i know its not a big deal but it made me really happy so i did the same thing to someone who had just started the game.
If it made you really happy then that is classed as a big deal. Good for you passing on the good deed. When I have finished reading a book on the bus I always leave it on the bus seat with a recommendation note inside for someone else to read. One time I done that and another passenger jumped off to tell me I left my book behind. I explained and lucky enough she was getting of the next stop anyway.
Someone held the door open for me. It made me smile.
Ok so I fell over in the mud at school I was covered in mud all day but I was smiling, coz when I fell over some older students were laughing and pointing (ik it's not really much but I have insecurities and at the time I felt so sad and embarrassed). Some random girl with beautiful red hair yelled 'shut up you d***s' and it made me happy to know someone stood up for me (I didn't have friends really). That girl is now my bff, and partly the reason I am alive today writing this :)
I work as an office assistant in a hospital. I was walking down the crowded hallway to the cafeteria when another employee - a stranger to me - stopped me and asked about how to get to the Emergency Room. I was kinda baffled that she would ask me when there were nurses everywhere surrounding me, but I gave her the answer. Then I asked why she asked me. She said I was the friendliest looking person in the hallway and I looked the most approachable.
That must have made you feel so wonderful. We often don't know the impact of our behavior on others, and the things others notice about us. You are doing it right. :)
I work LE and we all know how crappy the world is today. I stopped at a coffee place (not THAT coffee place eff them) and when they saw my badge (I'm plain clothes) they gave me my order for free and told me to stay safe, this was right after the pandemic started and everything was on lockdown. It definitely made me smile and gave me hope for humanity.
I was in the produce section of a Walmart one day when I saw a lady who looked a lot like my mother, who passed away years ago. I must have been looking at her like that, because as we walked by each other she said "Oh, you darling girl..."
I cried the rest of the way out of the store.
So I never really had any friends in 4th and 5th grade because no one liked me (I'm good now:). What I didn't know was this one boy actually did like me. I liked bringing papers to other rooms, and basically being the teacher's pet or assistant and so I was asked to bring some papers to another class, and then before I left, the boy stopped me and gave me a Valentine's Day gift. I could not stop smiling all day. Also, have a great day! :D
I forgot to mention that I never really got gifts from anyone.
I was at a football game and i was in line at starbucks and I got to the front of the line and I ordered 3 cake pops for me and my friends to share i come to the window to get y order and there are 6 cake pops and i told them i only ordered 3 and they said We know but the guy that was in front of you ordered three for you as well.
that happend to me... but it was a long line of people doing it.. 1 would buy an extra for the other the other person would do the same thing ect.
when i was 5 or 6 i went to the beach and i was looking for sea glass and this old lady came up to me and poured a handful of sea glass into my hands i was so happy. i know it isn't much but it made me happy:)
Sea glass is so beautiful. In my small coastal Northern California town there’s a beach known as Glass Beach.
When my son was young... maybe 5 years old, we would go to the river in Austin because it was beautiful and free. We went to an area we didn't usually go to and came upon a little building where they rented out canoes. I had a little money with me, so my son and I went off to a nearby tree to count how much we had - The rental was around $36 for 30 min. I think we only had about $23, so we went to ask if there was a 15 minute rate and the person behind the counter said that some man had already paid for us. I looked high and low for him. It was lovely - we had the best time. I was so grateful. Still brings tears to my eyes.
When I was 3 or 4 I played a claw game and lost. I was a little sad, but then this older man came up to me with a stuffed giraffe that he had won from the game and he gave it to me. It made my day and I still have it.
When I was little I was watching a teenager play a claw game once and he saw me and gave me the stuffed goose he won! I loved that goose.
They smiled at me and of course, I didn't want to be rude so I smiled back. That really made my day.
I was having a grumpy day at work once and it was clearly visible on my face. An old guy stopped and told me that I'd be better looking if I smiled more. His wife dragged him away, clearly embarrassed by the inappropriate comment. Honestly, though, it made my day. I was 27 at the time, working in security, and I'm a guy. That was 10 years ago and I still remember it as the only time someone outside my family has given me a random compliment. Thanks you inappropriate old jerk. :p
To clarify, his exact comment was something like, "you're a good looking guy, but you can't tell with that expression. You should smile more." Still not sure what he was going for, but I'll give the benefit of the doubt.
I was homeless living in a car with my family. A nice lady truck driver gave me a 100 bill, some canned food and cigarettes. I cried all the way back to my car. That $100 allowed me to buy gas and food for my son and husband and GSD in the car.
I have been homeless too, so I know how hard it can be. Getting that money must have meant the world to you. Even just knowing that there are still good people in the world can uplift your soul, as well as someone seeing how hard things are for you, and being kind enough to help. Hope you are doing much better. I know like me, you will never forget how being homeless felt. Thankfully, it was just me. I didn't have anyone else to worry about. But it was lonely. Take care of you. xo
I changed schools a couple of times in elementary, usually just as I started making friends (super shy as a kid). My 3rd school I got targeted by the class sociopath, which meant she spent far too much time convincing other kids I was talking crap about them. Made zero sense - I barely talked in general. One day between classes, I was getting pretty heavily bullied by my classmates, to the point I was basically balling my eyes out and wishing for my old school. A couple of older kids stopped to help, making the others leave me alone. They then walked me to my next classroom, told me to let them know if the others harassed me again. Never learned their names, but I’m thankful for what they did. Most of the kids started backing off soon after.
I changed schools alot too, and was also bullied, so I know how that feels. So happy that those older kids stood up for you. I know how much that must have meant to you. Just having someone on your side for once, must have felt wonderful. Hope it got better for you. There are some wonderful people out in the world. You just have to find them. xo
It wasn’t something I did but a little boy at one of the drive-thru McDonald’s in Huddersfield. As his mum was about to pay he asked her if she could also pay for the meal for the people in the car behind. She did and it started a chain reaction until the end of the queue.
Makes me happy to realise there are still some lovely people out there.
A total stranger held a door for me, and smiled at me. It made me feel less invisible. Which doesn’t happen often.
It was recently when I spoke to my soon to be college roommate. She was a stranger at that point. She said "You're really pretty" as soon at the beginning of our FaceTime. It made my year. No one has ever told me that before. I guess beauty really does lie in the eye of the beholder.
School field trip to the zoo in a group of about 6 friends and they were all buying lunch. Well money was kinda tight at the time so my mom didn't have any money for the field trip (they were giving out free lunches) but I REALLY wanted some Dippin dots and I was practically BEGGING my friend to get me some (she said no and that's okay) and after a few minutes of this this nice lady came over and asked me if she could buy me some. She gave me the best advice I've ever received; "us broke folks gotta stick together" It was literally some $5 ice cream but I'll never forget it.
My husband is permanently working from home while I am still trekking off to work each day. While I get ready in the morning he's started making my lunch for me. When I get to work I find all kinds of interesting things in my lunch bag. Binoculars, an ice cream scoop, an Obi Wan action figure, an empty beer can. Every day there's an odd item in there. I look forward to it.
Just realized the subject was a stranger. I read "someone". My husband isn't a stranger and someone putting stuff in my lunch when I didn't know them would be creepy. That would not make my day brighter....
I am a single mom of three kids one day they had a snow day and so we were all home. I decided to get everybody in their snow pants and walk them the short distance to get donuts because I was so frustrated that I wouldn’t be able to work and decided to try to enjoy the day with my kids. A woman pulled into the donut shop and was waiting in line behind us. It doesn’t work and three chocolate milks share it to me and walked out of there buying anything for herself. She told me that it look like I was such an amazing mom and wanted to treat them
Well don’t use talk text lol I meant she ordered a dozen donuts and chocolate milk
I was a dollar short at my local coffee shop, and the owner (who I know because of my constant patronage) covered it for me.
I also had an attractive Jamaican chef hit on me once. My mother and I were stocking up for a trip together and when she left to pick up some stuff, we struck up a conversation. I hate my looks, I'm like a potato with acne, I hadn't even shaved my legs, but he made me feel good. I can't carry a conversation for the life of me, but he had such great banter, and he was incredibly smart and nice, and very cute. When it was time to leave, he said that he couldn't resist stopping to talk to a pretty girl and that had me glowing for the whole weekend. Thank you mask mandate!
I am always that stranger who helps others.
I have not had such an experience so far, unfortunately.
It made me sad to read that. But mostly, that's true for me as well. But nothing, and I mean nothing, feels as wonderful as when you do something kind for someone else. Best natural "drug" in the world. Remember the impact you make in the world. That what you do for someone makes a far greater impact than you can imagine. It gives the other person hope. Best gift in the world. xo
I was having a metal break down at the time because a friend had just passed away and this little boy came up to me, hugged me, and told me I was going to be ok.
How long ago was this, and how long did it take for you to be okay?
I got a flat tire in an unfamiliar neighborhood here in the City. I got out of my car and surveyed the damage when a teenager, maybe 15, came out of a nearby house and asked if I needed help. I said that I was going to attempt to put the spare on my car and if he wanted to help, he could. He turned around and ran back to his garage and came out with a floor jack and a cordless drill with lug sockets and changed the tire for me in about 5 minutes.
I thanked him profusely and offered to pay him for the quick work. His exact words to me were, "I don't need money. I just need you to do something nice for someone else." I was so touched that I almost cried.
The next day, there was a group of construction workers in the coffee shop and I paid for their drinks.
Someone else's kindness to us is such a great example, isn't it? Then we want to share that feeling, because it feels so wonderful. Keep passing it on. The world so desperately needs it. :)
A homeless man asked me to watch his dog while he used the washroom. So I just sat there and pet the little guy for a few minutes. The guy came out with a large hot chocolate for me. He used what little he had to give me something as a thank you.
You had no choice but to take it. He had already spent his money, and it probably made him proud that he could do that for you. But I bet you never forgot that. A billionaire giving away thousands or even a million dollars compares little to the man who had basically nothing, but still managed to give to someone else. I am sure his dog meant the world to him. His only and best friend, I bet. So what you did meant alot to him. :)
Some dude came up to me and he had flowers in his hand. He said they were for his girlfriend but she just broke up with him so he gave the end to me ☺️
My dad told me I'm really pretty today. (he's not a stranger, but I thought its worth sharing)
A close work colleague, friend to everyone, who I had only seen on the Tuesday, died early the next day, and as per his religious beliefs, had his funeral on the Friday. As a result, a lot of us couldn't get time off to go, so a two minute silence was arranged for the time that his funeral would start, and wherever you were working, you could stop and spend the time thinking of him. I was stood by the roadside, sobbing, when this lady and her dog came along. The dog came straight over to me (I don't think the lady had seen that I was crying at first) and I petted that dog for the whole two minutes. I'm regularly at that spot, and have never seen them again, but I'm thankful for them that day
I find it amazing that animals recognize our suffering, and offer up their love to us during it. I went thru many terrible experiences and got by on just the love from my cats. They just knew when I was feeling down or sad. One of them would literally hold my hand and look up lovingly at me. I thank God for my fur babies, especially since I can't have kids and am too ill to adopt. They get me thru so much. Glad you had that dog there for you that day. That unconditional love means so much. xo
I actually smile to strangers all the time but only about 3 have ever smiled back. Anywho, I was at a library with my mama, when this old lady with a whit hand bag, red hat to match her red shirt and shoes and white pants along with a brown coat, came over to us. She looked at me and smiled the prettiest smile I have seen to this day. She said " Your hair is so pretty! I see you are one of the rare ginger's left in the world!" Then she looked at my ma, " I see you take after your mom. I used to have ginger hair but I have never seen it that shade!" I was 6 or 7 (let's just say I am at least 3to 9 years older;)) and still remember her smile! Ever since then, I have smiled and waved at every single car/person that I pass.
I love smiling at people in stores and watching them smile back but you know covid
I had recently escaped an abusive relationship and was living with a roommate who could care less about me because I had no where else to go. I had no friends at the time either. I had to walk 2 1/2 miles to and from my job every day in the Florida heat. It was a very difficult time for me. I had gotten very sick, but couldn't afford to call in. I passed out at where I worked, a restaurant at the time, and an older couple that came there regularly, took me to the ER. Turns out I was very ill and had pneumonia. They waited with me, then on the way to taking me home, stopped and paid for my medications and bought me a meal from Boston Market. When I got home, they tucked me into bed, making sure I had whatever I needed. I could have died in my room and my roommate wouldn't have noticed, but these two kind older human beings who were strangers took care of me. My own roommate worked where I worked,
the same hours and everything, but never offered me a ride in her car. Honestly, these two kind human beings restored my faith in mankind, which I desperately needed at the time. I have never, ever forgotten that. We remained friends from that day forward. Never underestimate what an act of kindness will do for another human being.
We were in Hawaii and my cousin and I were playing football together on the beach of our resort. So my uncle came and caught the ball, when he threw it back it went too high and landed in the sea. We couldn't get it, because there were rocks and everything. A nice couple saw this and the man asked if we wanted our ball, he jumped into the water and expertly swam around the rocks, got our ball, and came back. We were speechless, we mumbled thank you and that was that. They laughed and said your welcome. I was just so surprised. There really are some good people out there. ( Btw, we figure out that they actually were staying in the room opposite of us ).
The neighbors were repairing their house because of a Black Mold infestation and had to remove it. One of the guys working on it brought his kid. same age. same grade. just different school. Instant friends.
Once I was having a really REALLY bad day. I ran away from home (just down the street a little) and I was crying and just sitting there. I was getting some strange looks (I was 10) but no one was curious enough to stop. Then a young couple pulled up in a dark blue pickup. They comforted me and gave me a tissue. A police car pulled up a little later. When I looked a little scared seeing the cops, they assured me that they did not call. They drove off soon after. I never got their names. They made me feel better that day and I will never forget it.
someone commented how they like my style and my tattoos. I felt kinda ugly that day and it made me smile because I rlly love my tattoos. They make me feel pretty and it's nice to know that someone appreciates them too. Kinda superficial, I know but it's the only time it happend
I was living in Boston, travelling the subway a lot for work and shopping and such. One day in the ladies' room another young gal asked me if I wanted my hair done like hers. (I had admired her hair, it was all in pretty corn rows). I was amazed & said "yes!" she just fixed up my ordinary hair to look amazing, and then told me it was her birthday. I loved it, didn't take it out for days. She was black, and I'm not, but it didnt matter to either of us, we were just 2 gals in the washroom who like to look pretty.
We were grocery shopping for my grandfather at the store we go to every week. There was this guy following us that we had never seen. When we got to the register it came to about 220 dollars. He put his credit card in before we were able to and payed for everything we got. God Bless that man.
When I was about 4 years old, my dad had to go to an eye doctor. The woman at the front desk told me I was so polite and sweet, and gave me a quarter to buy a huge gumball from an elaborate gumball machine. I still have that gum (now chewed up) to this day.
Glad to know I wasn't the only one who kept chewed-up gum! lol
During a busy day at Walmart, I noticed a lady in line in front of me that had her arms overflowing with items. I was only using a small portion of my cart, so I told her she could use the empty part. Then her mother came up (she'd been looking for another item) and her arms were full too. They took my offer and we got to talking.
Somewhere in the conversation I let her know that what I was buying was for a work party. Once it got to my turn in line, the lady in front insisted on paying for my items as well. I tried to refuse, as I could afford the items easily, but she insisted because I'd been nice and the items were for the office anyway, why should I pay for them. I accepted because I didn't want to be rude and I thought it was a very kind thing for her to do.
I had two bags in my trunk to drop off at GoodWill and went by there at my first opportunity on my time off from dialysis or dialysis training (going to start dialysis at home soon!) and found the drop-off at the back of the store closed. I did see a big sign posted showing their hours though and there were men working around the loading docks as well. I got out of my car to take a photo of the sign so could return when they were open. It was a 15 minute drive for me and I had only missed it by 10 minutes. They closed at 4PM and it was now 4:10! A guy starts talking to me and he says "What ya got?" When I told him, he took it even though it was after their hours so I wouldn't have to make another trip! What a nice thing to do!! It really made my day! That had been number one on my list of FIVE places to go!
I was on airplane pre 9-11 coming from Mexico, I had purchased as gifts 3 bottles of Kalua coffee Liquor. Upon landing and filling out the customs form I realized I was allowed only 2 bottles. So when exiting the plane I handed one bottle to the flight attendant and with a smile said: "Merry Christmas". Later, after passing through customs the hallway lead to an up escalator. At the top waiting for me... was the same flight attendant. With a smile she handed me a bottle of Kalua and said: "Merry Christmas!"
I was traveling to my hometown by bus and as I got up on the my station my wallet fell out of my purse. I already got off the bus but another passenger saw it, took it and ran after me to give it back. Having been previously in a situation when someone stole my wallet in a crowded shop and having had to endure the torture of making new documents and credit cards, I was so relieved to see there are nice people as well that won't take advantage of the situation.
My friend and I were in a place close to our town that sold pastries and little desserts, but with the money we had we could only get one. We decided to get and split a blueberry macaron. I guess the lady at the counter heard us talking, and when she gave us the bag she said "shhhhh." She had slipped in an extra :)
Once upon a time I had a fancy horse and I was in a barn of accomplished riders (not me). I was feeling sad and anxious because I wasn't as good as them. A famous veternarian was there working on the horses. When my turn came she said to me "Anne, I have to commend you on your exquisite care of your horses." Well, basically it just made my horse life to realize I was as good as everyone else.
So I was at a new school, and I’m introverted. (I’ve gotten better at being an extroverted introvert now) I usually stayed after class to wait for my sibling who got out later than me. Anyway, for a few weeks I sat alone, just waiting while doing homework. Then one week this classmate, who is popular and outgoing, sits and starts chatting with me. We spent the rest of the school year chatting after class when we weren’t swamped with homework. It was so awesome and he made my school year when it could have been very lonely.
Thank you, you've made my day! In my neighbourhood there's a young man (I have deduced after searching long and wide on the internet) who writes everywhere, in beautiful handwriting, "Look at the sky" in Romanian and French. No matter how sad I am, when I see his sign I smile and I wave.