Hey Pandas, What Is One Time You’ve Been Sexually Assaulted And Couldn’t Do Anything? (Closed)
I will explain mine...
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so this was on day at school we were getting on a bus and i always sat in the back with my ''best friend'' who was in 8th grade and keep in mind i was 8/9 but obvi i knew im was being assulted but i dont know why but i always would stand up on the bus and when i sat down his hand was there it was grabbing my butt and when i would say something he'd still have his hand there and cover my mouth.. and when i tried to go he grabbed me. but on my way home when i got off i didnt say anything to my family i wish i did... but he did this everyday until i finally built up courage to change my seat and now school is out thats why im thankful for covid just a lil bit..