Hey Pandas, What Is One Thing You Want To Do After The Pandemic Is Over? (Closed)
Can be anything.
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I just want to hug my mum! I haven’t seen her in nearly a year and it’s killing me!
Brown got added to the text by mistake! I can't figure out how to edit the post to remove it!!!
I will finally be able to go abroad.
I was gonna go to Rome, this was massive for me because most of my holidays were in my country
Go back to Australia to see children and grandchildren.
Go to the restaurant. Have a coffee. Go to the open air cinema. Go shopping to shopping mall. They are all closed now. Travel. Buy a new laptop IN the shop because I would like to test it first. Won't need to remember about taking a mask. Hug my pupils (I'm a teacher). Really, just hug people. Go to the mexico! Don't be afraid to get pregnant. And go shopping between 10 and 12 am - now in my country we have "senior hours" then and only people 60+ can buy anything then. I also would like to go anywhere and don't need to wonder is it open or not?
as an introvert look up to the sky and say IT'S A BUEATIFUL DAY...TO STAY INSIDE ALL DAY AND DRAW
I want to hang out with my friends in a public space without masks. We also want to have a sleepover, but we're not sure when we're gonna be able to do it.
I've now lost 2 Aunts since this stupid virus reared it's ugly head. Neither one can have the funerals they deserve. Both were truly amazing women. But i am hopeful come summer time we can at least do something to honour them.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve tried my best to be a good aunt to my nephew, who has two not-fully-functional brothers.
When I visit my friends, we all mask up.
It will be nice to eat at the same table again and not have to wear the masks. They are slightly older and have started their vaccines. I'm 63, but have no idea when my age group will be eligible.
I live in a state that is very restricted... I am looking forward to
-not having to wear a mask everywhere
-Hang out w friends without mask/6 ft
-go shopping normally
- 😭 go to school! I haven’t been in school since March 9. The superintendent is lazy and not trying hard enough to get us back. I doubt we’ll be back regularly in the fall... pray for me y’all
My parents said once it is over we are gonna go to water safari, six flags, Skyzone and Florida and south carolina. We were suppose t do all that stuff but the pandemic
A lot of the things people have already said, of course- vacations, restaurants, going to the movies, seeing friends and family.
One thing I reeeeally miss is going to the library. I can still check out books from there, of course, but that's not what I mean. With Corona, I'm afraid of touching things, afraid of being out in public too long without good reason, books have to sit in quarantine for a while before I get to read them.
I miss spending a bunch of time in a different building, with my head bent uncomfortably to the side browsing reading titles, avoiding people in the shelves because I'm introverted and not because I might catch a dangerous virus, struggling to carry around a stack of 10+ books (all leaning up against me touching me!), picking a book and starting to read it in the library, my mom scolding me for reading while we walk to the car, reading while we drive home and when we get home. Never knew how great all those little things were until I couldn't do them... 😢
I want to visit my grandparents when the pandemic is over. My grandfather died around the beginning of quarantine and my family wasn't able to visit them (they live in India)
Take my son to horseback riding lessons.
He's autistic and interacting with the horses was one thing that really brought him out of his shell. It made me so happy to see how much fun he was having. I'm looking forward to the day we can go back.
Get a job.
I've had to hold off on my job search until I'm vaccinated, as well. My husband and I are both high risk, and I can't work remotely. It would be great to just get a normal routine back!
I finally want to go to the movie theater!
I want to forget that once upon a time I was filled with rage on a daily basis as an NHS employee wanting to scream and shout at all the selfish morons who thought that masks, distancing, isolating and sanitising just didn’t apply to them.
I WANNA SEE MY FAMILYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stay in my room writing music, painting and playing computer games. :D
Really though, just going out for a coffee would be ideal.
Go out dancing with friends!
Continue working from home! It saves me a LOT of commuting stress, and I save up to two hours a day. More time for family, and more time for BoredPanda!
Go to a Mc Donalds and drink from every water fountain
go hug my friends. go to school. see my grandmother. pet my aunt's cat. go on vacation. go to a resturant. Heck, i'd use a gas station bathroom and still be excited
I really want to try thrift shopping. I’ve seen thrift store posts here on Bored Panda and I want to try it for myself.
Continue to set myself and hubby up financially to be able to withstand future rounds...be another pandemic, market crash, housing crisis, who knows. Feeling lucky and thankful we're getting through this alive, family whole, with our jobs.
i don't know when we will get out but i want to go to my first pride parade
This COVID19 made my life easier. I am a hermit, or to say other words, introvert. Cool.
I have a long list of things I’d like to do, but hugging and smiling without a facial covering are up there.
Get dressed and go to see ballet. Go to an opera performance. Visit a castle. Go to a pub with friends. That would be really nice.
Worlds come and go. I doubt things will ever be the same again.
I have it all planned... I'm going to have a ginormous sleepover with all of my friends. No masks, just fun. The best part (of end of the pandemic) will be when I can go to school and give my BFFs a big hug without masks and not feel like I'm killing somebody and shutting down the school. I really, REALLY am looking forward to that day!
I want to go camping with my grown kids and enjoy their company, great food, a few drinks, and singing around a camp fire!
I am very fortunate that I live in a state where life is almost normal and we have few restrictions. The things that I really want is to be able to see my sons school activities like sports day and performances etc.
I want to go to Alabama, because sadly we’re not a traveling family, and the farthest we’ve gone is Michigan so I was looking forward to going somewhere more tropical. :(
Try Florida...you can get it all—alligators, a blistering sunburn, advanced weirdness, and if it’s not actually in the tropics, it’s pretty dang close
I want to be able to go to school and wear my new shoes that aren't black, for a change
I would like to pursue a career as an actress, hang out with my best friend, go to go inside of a school, play soccer again, and get my first kiss.
i want to meet with my family. another thing i want to do is travel to a part of the u.s. that i havent traveled to before.
Have an epic sleepover with my friends.
I can't wait to go back into thrift stores! I miss treasure hunting!
I want to travel. And i will finally be able to play tennis
I am in oregonn and i am thinking of going to italy,croatia, sri lanka, and hawaii again.
See all my friends that I haven't seen in almost 2 years. And go to the movies with my friends. Also to ask my crush out on a date.
Also, go to one of my favorite singer's concerts or go to my fav band's concert.
go hug my friends. go to school. see my grandmother. pet my aunt's cat. go on vacation. go to a resturant. Heck, i'd use a gas station bathroom and still be excited
Go to Thailand. I was supposed to go last november but covid hit just I was getting my plans set.
Are you planning to travel all over or just going to BKK? Word of warning: don’t bring anything of value with you when you go to Chatuchak.
Go to camp with my friends. Normally every January we all go on our church's winter student retreat, and it is the most fun I ever have, hands down.
Obviously, we couldn't do it this year because COVID still isn't over. *Sigh*
Hug everyone who's ever meant anything to me!
Take my elderly friend to a great restaurant where she can have an amazing margarita or two plus fine Mexican dining.
I want a big, greasy double bacon cheeseburger with a side of fries and a chocolate shake.
Get my university degree, live in Asia especially South Korea or Japan, go to concerts and develop my interests.
I've got some uni mates I haven't seen in a year about an hour away. We planning on hopefully picking up a sarnie and doughnut from Greggs, meeting up by the sea, and just sitting and talking like people do by the waves.
For 2020 I was planning to do a few short trips by train to interesting spots in towns not far away from where I live. I bought a discount card for the train in February 2020 and could not even use it. I am a risk patient and the supervision in trains and buses is a bad joke. I will definitely do all this trips when this is over.
Have sex.
TRAVEL!!!! My family had actually planned to go to Utah (More specifically, a DND themed Amusement park called Evermore) Sometime in May last year.
Utah is fantastic state. It's one of the most beautiful I've ever been in. You are gonna love it!
Meeting up with my friends. Visit my family again.
Singing in "my" choir in a regular basis. Being able to go swimming again or to play Badminton.
Have a job again.
Being able to sit down in a Starbucks and just write the whole afternoon while having lots of Chai Lattes.
Getting drunk with my best friend and talking bullshit because we tried Out to many new Cocktails.
Having Sex again.
Get back to the dojo. There are you tube videos form Sensei, but without hands on, I don't know if I'm doing it right. And I miss sparring. I'm gonna spar every night.
A huge party! Maybe a mask burning 🎉
Also I really miss being close to people, I live in a Mediterranean country and not greeting people by kissing or hugging them feels really distancing.
It would also great to take the kids on days out theme parks, museums etc
I miss going to concerts, Comic Cons and weekends in London so that’s a few things I will try to do first.
See my aunt, her husband, and her daughter. I've been able to visit most other members of the family but they always end up being exposed or having corona when we plan family meetings.
Probably go outside and exercise. I don't remember the last time I exercised. Or went outside...
See my grandparents and Great grandma. I long to hug them again. I cry because I miss them, its been almost a year. :(
Grandparents are so special. I miss mine enormously. That said, if they were still alive they’d be 111 (👵🏻) and 110 (👨🏻🦳).
Hug everyone and travel to see my grandparents 🥺
I just wanna hug my family. Specifically my cousin, she’s had it pretty rough with this pandemic, and I want to hug her tight and tell her everything will be ok. And I want to be able to see my nanny - she’s not been able to do much because she’s got some lung issues and needs an oxygen tank thingy. She should be getting her vaccine soon though, hopefully! I can’t wait to see everyone!!
When the pandemic is over I would like to see my boyfriend....
It's killing me how I can't see him...
I want to be able to cough in public without feeling I just broke the law
When people cough that's an automatic assumption that you got Corona... So I feel your pain...
See people! My fear of texting people has not helped with my mental health during the pandemic, leading me to be very depressed throughout the pandemic. I need social interaction!
Also, visiting somewhere would be nice. We have relatives out of the country that we haven't been able to see for nearly a year.
I want to finish high school normally and have a real graduation ceremony. I’d also like to be able to go to my college of choice. :)
I would love to have a couple days to myself. I haven’t been alone for more than a couple hours during the last 365+ days. I am fighting an aggressive breast cancer and have needed care, which I am deeply grateful to receive. Yet, I miss solitude.
Have friends over for dinner. I had started last year with the intent of trying new recipes, but lost my motivation after the lockdown.
I had plans to travel to Martinique and Panama Central America. I still hope to. I had plans to try new restaurants. Still hope to, if they survive.
Go to museums and arts shows. Participate in art shows. Go to art classes to meet other artists. Go to the movies in the middle of the day. Shopping for and trying on clothes.
I make my study my study again, and move my office back into the office.
I want to sew and craft again - mess around - get creative. Without having to worry about bulky office equipment.
Get rid of this awful office chair.
In short: bring my work to work and have my home to myself again. Just for me. Privatly.
Go for a gig and pub crawl with my partner, take my kids for a day out in the city and family holiday, party with my friends until dawn, go abroad. I miss it all!
Use my Texas masks and make a lil cloth collage with em, along with other cloths
Go to conventions. Last year, the science fiction and anime conventions I have volunteered at for years were both cancelled. I miss seeing all my "once a year" friends. I was going to attend a Supernatural convention (my first!) and that was also cancelled. Hoping they happen this year.
Oh baby! There's more than just one thing, and I'm sure that everybody who is posting to this have the same feelings... there's a bunch!
But mainly hug my friends and go shopping without a FREAKIN MASK!
I have a few some people here gave me ideas
1. Visit my family
2. Go to the Library
3. *gag*Go back to school
I can only choose one thing?! There are so many things I want to do, but the first thing I can think of is travel. Our family usually travels once or twice a year, and I love it. Some smaller things I'd like to do are hug people, go to birthday parties and get-togethers, and go to school regularly.
i want to go to places/events like comic con or furry con ( i just want to see it is as bad as some people says it it) and i want to go into public and go in a crowd an yell F*CK. (( mind you, i'm only a teen, not an adult))
Go to a party without worrying someone is going to get sick and not make it, and make actual friends at school because I don't have any right now because my others friends are at home and its sad and hug a lot more people
Return to the activities of the moto-club, return to teach guitar lessons, perform at public events and have a few beers with friends.
I want to back packing in Europe or maybe sky dive into the Grand Canyon
Go I missed the word go between to and backpacking
I want to hug my partner. We've been apart 11 months now and I miss him so much.
I want to hug my partner. We've been apart 11 months now and I miss him so much.